Aung Thaung

Burmese politician and businessman.
Died on Thursday July 23rd 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Aung Thaung:

@DrMerle: Dateline Irrawaddy: ‘Aung Thaung Did Not Respect Human Rights’ -

@DTNMyanmar: DTN Myanmar: Dateline Irrawaddy: ‘Aung Thaung Did Not Respect Human Rights’: On this week’s edition, Robert Sa...

@karmanomad: Few tears for #Myanmar hardliner Aung Thaung

@IrrawaddyNews: Dateline Irrawaddy: ‘Aung Thaung did not respect human rights’ #Burma/#Myanmar


@benedictrogers: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@mmblogs: [KyiMayKaung] When late U Aung Thaung was placed on US sanctons list last Nov 2014: From last Nov--why late U ...

@XueIrma: RT @plyushchinova1:

@mmblogs: [KyiMayKaung] Burmese ex-military, politician U Aung Thaung's New York Times obit: U Aung Thaung--2 minutes of...

@Modibbbo: RT @EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@cwharlow: RT @EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@ZHDar: RT @EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@RasallKhinzaw: RT @EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@OpRohingya: RT @EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@RichardSP86: RT @EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@EmanuelStoakes: Front page of Burmese anti-Muslim publication made by Ma Ba Tha weirdly declares: "we are all Aung Thaung". #Myanmar

@stacee35545: RT @plyushchinova1:

@CherieCichon: RT @plyushchinova1:

@JohnAMacDougall: Myanmar : Opposition joins farewell for MP U Aung Thaung:

@myataungsan: Opposition joins farewell for MP U Aung Thaung

@Vital_RT: RT @Chrissiewrite: #Myanmar Opposition joins farewell for MP, former military strongman U Aung Thaung

@Chrissiewrite: #Myanmar Opposition joins farewell for MP, former military strongman U Aung Thaung

@TheMyanmarTimes: #Myanmar Opposition joins farewell for MP, former military strongman U Aung Thaung |

@qiwytasevega: RT @plyushchinova1:

@ALina56141: RT @plyushchinova1:

@DemocVoiceBurma: On tonight's @democvoiceburma Bulletin: Funeral held for USDP MP Aung Thaung

@yeyint3: RT @TMclaughlin3: Interview with Aung Thaung from May on future of USDP, possibly (?) his final one:

@arturo85686: RT @plyushchinova1:

@lynn__aung: RT @TheMyanmarTimes: Notorious ruling party strongman U Aung Thaung passed away Thurs morning in Singapore |

@TheMyanmarTimes: Notorious ruling party strongman U Aung Thaung passed away Thurs morning in Singapore |

@masyraguxuza: RT @plyushchinova1:

@mdbasheerahamed: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@mdbasheerahamed: RT @drzarni: Aung Thaung, patron of #Wirathu, #Myanmar's "Buddhist" Nazi leader is dead. The public to celebrate it for 7 days!


@Chrissiewrite: RT @4beb3f9924d747e: @Chrissiewrite Hardliner Aung Thaung dies in Singapore

@4beb3f9924d747e: RT @Chrissiewrite: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-#Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties now.

@4beb3f9924d747e: @Chrissiewrite Hardliner Aung Thaung dies in Singapore

@4beb3f9924d747e: RT @DemocVoiceBurma: Hardliner Aung Thaung dies in Singapore

@Chrissiewrite: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-#Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties now.

@Chrissiewrite: RT @DemocVoiceBurma: Hardliner Aung Thaung dies in Singapore

@inmem2015: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@ABCMyanmarOrg: Aung San Suu Kyi expresses her condolence for the loss of a Burmese crony U Aung Thaung. Does she ever say that...

@_HansHulst: Telling: two minutes of silence Wirathu to honour his pal Aung Thaung.

@Vital_RT: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar: The public celebrate Aung Thaung's death, Aung San Suu Kyi ostensibly mourns! The public celebrate...

@drzarni: #Myanmar: The public celebrate Aung Thaung's death, Aung San Suu Kyi ostensibly mourns! The public celebrate...

@sesquiotic: (That's from their daily headlines email, for an obit for U Aung Thaung.)

@lynnseck: U Aung Thaung

@myotheinoo: Aung San Suu Kyi has gone to Aung Thaung funeral and encouraged his remaining family members. I deeply respect her mindset.

@MdyBoy: RT @FMyanmar: The funeral of ruling party hardliner and strategist U Aung Thaung, who was implicated in the infamous Depayin...

@Nekrologium: Aung Thaung, myanmarischer Politiker, am 23.07.2015 im Alter von 74 Jahren -

@FMyanmar: The funeral of ruling party hardliner and strategist U Aung Thaung, who was implicated in the infamous Depayin...

@ahsan_jehangir: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@ahsan_jehangir: RT @drzarni: Aung Thaung, patron of #Wirathu, #Myanmar's "Buddhist" Nazi leader is dead. The public to celebrate it for 7 days!

@mtygn: RT @sstrangio: Aung Thaung, a notorious ruling party heavy in #Myanmar, has 'removed' himself from the US sanctions list.

@SysoonMemorial: Aung Thaung (1940 - 2015), died at age 74 years: was a Burmese…

@AlAfriki: RT @drzarni: Aung Thaung, patron of #Wirathu, #Myanmar's "Buddhist" Nazi leader is dead. The public to celebrate it for 7 days!

@CheaterBradesco: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@OurVoiceMatterz: RT @drzarni: Aung Thaung, patron of #Wirathu, #Myanmar's "Buddhist" Nazi leader is dead. The public to celebrate it for 7 days!

@OurVoiceMatterz: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@GloblWatch: #UAungThaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@sstrangio: Aung Thaung, a notorious ruling party heavy in #Myanmar, has 'removed' himself from the US sanctions list.

@colleenwong: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@IndiainMyanmar: RT @Burmesetales: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74 - By Wai Moe and Austin Ramzy, The New York Times

@SherpaHossainy: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74 -

@japanmyanmar: Hardliner Aung Thaung dies in Singapore

@itsmenanice: RT @CoconutsYangon: BREAKING: #Myanmar local media reporting that ruling party lawmaker Aung Thaung has died in Singapore. His body will be…

@yasminisyasmin: RT @CoconutsYangon: BREAKING: #Myanmar local media reporting that ruling party lawmaker Aung Thaung has died in Singapore. His body will be…

@MyAutoBlogging: Take a look at our new article - U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@adolfwitzeling: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74


@Nekrologium: U Aung Thaung, myanmarischer Politiker, am 23.07.2015 im Alter von 74 Jahren -

@EmanuelStoakes: RT @DSMathiesonHRW: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@deadpeoplecom: Aung Thaung, you will be missed - #AungThaung #Aung #Thaung #dead #rip

@Pat19eighty4: RT @CoconutsYangon: BREAKING: #Myanmar local media reporting that ruling party lawmaker Aung Thaung has died in Singapore. His body will be…

@DSMathiesonHRW: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74

@alhassanimohd: RT @nytimesworld: U Aung Thaung, Burmese politician accused of abuses, dies at 74

@Burmesetales: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74 - By Wai Moe and Austin Ramzy, The New York Times

@minkanijhuis: Nou nou, Aung Thaungs dood haalt zelfs The New York Times #Birma #Myanmar

@burmazone: Hardliner Aung Thaung dies in Singapore: Aung Thaung died on Thursday morning in Singapore, where he had been ...

@BabybooYmp: R.I.P Phoe Phoe Aung Thaung 🙇

@50k4r: RT @RichardSP86: Aung Thaung, former military strongman, dies in Singapore: reports

@N61113: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@N61113: RT @drzarni: Aung Thaung, patron of #Wirathu, #Myanmar's "Buddhist" Nazi leader is dead. The public to celebrate it for 7 days!

@bmw325ia: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@IslandFreedonia: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Junta Leader, Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74 -

@no_more_tax: RT @RichardSP86: Aung Thaung, former military strongman, dies in Singapore: reports

@CovertAnonymous: RT RichardSP86: Aung Thaung, former military strongman, dies in Singapore: reports

@DrF_Ali: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@YourAnonCentral: RT @RichardSP86: Aung Thaung, former military strongman, dies in Singapore: reports

@Aungaungsittwe: RT @drzarni: #Myanmar's "#Buddhist" Nazi leader behind anti-Muslim mass violence, Aung Thaung - is dead. Street parties to ensue.

@Aungaungsittwe: RT @drzarni: Aung Thaung, patron of #Wirathu, #Myanmar's "Buddhist" Nazi leader is dead. The public to celebrate it for 7 days!

@CelebObituaries: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74: He was the industry minister from 1997 to 201...

@twitobits: U Aung Thaung, Burmese Politician Accused of Abuses, Dies at 74: He was the industry minister from 1997 to 201...

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