Augustine Lopez

American politician
Died on Thursday April 18th 2013

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Augustine Lopez:

@DesantiagoEfren: @lopez_augustine shut yo I lift and gain no muscle looking ass

@DesantiagoEfren: @lopez_augustine gang gang

@lopez_augustine: @DesantiagoEfren lmao your so gayyy

@DesantiagoEfren: @lopez_augustine don't worry it's not my first time either so we even 😉😘


@lopez_augustine: @DesantiagoEfren ain't no juans around here boii, but you can get these twos

@lopez_augustine: It ain't my first time but baby girl we can pretend 🎶

@DesantiagoEfren: @lopez_augustine shut yo gay ass up nigga before I go over and catch them juans ahh

@lopez_augustine: @DesantiagoEfren because you only sit in them not roll lol

@DesantiagoEfren: @lopez_augustine we don't roll like that gang gang

@lopez_augustine: Efren act like he needs dick in his ass

@lopez_augustine: Ppl think they are slick but really i can hear you when my fucking doors opens 😡😑 so next time you wanna steal my alarm clock just ask .

@lopez_augustine: Im a conceited asshole with a hint of Kanye 💯😏

@lopez_augustine: RT @WorIdStarComedy: I am dying 😂

@lopez_augustine: @DesantiagoEfren pshttt i wishh lol

@DesantiagoEfren: @lopez_augustine target ?

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