Audrey Long

American film actress (Tall in the Saddle).
Died on Friday September 19th 2014

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Audrey Long:

@BeaconHill09: RT @MileLongBookS: Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella on @bloglovin

@audrey_bourassa: @SamyahZia my hair is too short for a pony and too long for a bob. I cry.

@brookienobes: @caseyhegadorn you're honestly the only reason Audrey has stayed alive this long

@audrey_holcomb: RT @yoifeellike: the long pause after Dora asks a question


@MileLongBookS: Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella on @bloglovin

@Bro_Its_Audrey: It's been a long day ✌️

@mcjordan37: Audrey I'll start how long have you been writing? #MVP @Audilougib

@ItsmeZolxmarie: @audrey_krishna bes, kamusta ka na? Long time no talk. :( imissyou mwa ;*

@audrey_healey: RT @SoReIatable: if you see a guy with long hair, he’s either gorgeous or fucking weird and the answer lays in what type of shoe he’s weari…

@ayee_audrey_: I've been honestly so stressed for a long time I don't even remember what chill feels like lol

@Audrey_Ftr: RT @DomitilleDuyck: Roh la la c'est long....

@audrey_gonzalez: "After a long day, you just want to go home and shove the closest edible thing into your mouth and..."

@thetvsound: RT @fingertats: how have I lived so long without Audrey's selfies

@esabo92: God only knows what I was saying last night in that 10 minute long face time at 1:30 this morning 😮 @audrey_fleming

@audrey_oehlke: RT @diaryforteens: the only reason girls take so long when getting ready is because we’re trying to get the other side of our stupid eyelin…

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