Aubrey Burl

British archaeologist.
Died on Thursday April 23rd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Aubrey Burl:

@Isabelchurcher: RT @pittsmike: Sadly Aubrey Burl has left us to dance in the circle in the sky. He was 93. Here are some of his books (I count 24 in all, p… - 5 years ago

@Isabelchurcher: Aubrey Burl was inspirational. My love of stone circles and my degree dissertation on stone circles are testament.… - 5 years ago

@stef18881: RT @megportal: @aliatraces @urbanprehisto Speaking of Aubrey Burl I have scanned Issue 30 of 3rd Stone magazine from 1995 as a tribute to t… - 5 years ago

@urbanprehisto: RT @megportal: @aliatraces @urbanprehisto Speaking of Aubrey Burl I have scanned Issue 30 of 3rd Stone magazine from 1995 as a tribute to t… - 5 years ago


@hawthonn: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @chrisroguerobot @BlackAcornUK @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @pittsmike @folk… - 5 years ago

@megportal: @aliatraces @urbanprehisto Speaking of Aubrey Burl I have scanned Issue 30 of 3rd Stone magazine from 1995 as a tri… - 5 years ago

@apollolaan: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @chrisroguerobot @BlackAcornUK @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @pittsmike @folk… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @chrisroguerobot @BlackAcornUK @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @pittsmike @folk… - 5 years ago

@megportal: @JohnMcArts @chrisroguerobot @BlackAcornUK @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth… - 5 years ago

@OjiSan40088037: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@daveparkes: Rings Of Stone: Excavating The Legacies of Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@RedbrickedSlums: RT @theQuietus: Mark Pilkington frames Burl’s approach beautifully, saying he “always trod carefully, listening to the stones, their histor… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: Mark Pilkington frames Burl’s approach beautifully, saying he “always trod carefully, listening to the stones, thei… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @theQuietus: 'John Billingsley, Editor of Northern Earth, remembers Burl’s ‘gazeteer books on the UK and Brittany as essential guidebook… - 5 years ago

@HorsebackNoise: RT @theQuietus: 'John Billingsley, Editor of Northern Earth, remembers Burl’s ‘gazeteer books on the UK and Brittany as essential guidebook… - 5 years ago

@katelaity: RT @theQuietus: 'John Billingsley, Editor of Northern Earth, remembers Burl’s ‘gazeteer books on the UK and Brittany as essential guidebook… - 5 years ago

@reversediorama: RT @theQuietus: 'John Billingsley, Editor of Northern Earth, remembers Burl’s ‘gazeteer books on the UK and Brittany as essential guidebook… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: 'John Billingsley, Editor of Northern Earth, remembers Burl’s ‘gazeteer books on the UK and Brittany as essential g… - 5 years ago

@shirleyeCollins: RT @vexcavator: Sunken Nightfall by #ShirleyCollins #MatthewShaw #BrianCatling is given some context through the works of Julian Cope and t… - 5 years ago

@apollolaan: RT @vexcavator: Sunken Nightfall by #ShirleyCollins #MatthewShaw #BrianCatling is given some context through the works of Julian Cope and t… - 5 years ago

@WendyParry5: RT @vexcavator: Sunken Nightfall by #ShirleyCollins #MatthewShaw #BrianCatling is given some context through the works of Julian Cope and t… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @vexcavator: Sunken Nightfall by #ShirleyCollins #MatthewShaw #BrianCatling is given some context through the works of Julian Cope and t… - 5 years ago

@vexcavator: Sunken Nightfall by #ShirleyCollins #MatthewShaw #BrianCatling is given some context through the works of Julian Co… - 5 years ago

@RedbrickedSlums: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@waymarksblog: In Memoriam : Aubrey Burl, 1926-2020 - 5 years ago

@Lulihar99: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@DrDoDoDoDoDont: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no b… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @abrightfar: aubrey burl chatting nicely about stone circles, and their inherent oddness . also, wet boots . - 5 years ago

@Imbolc22: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@abrightfar: aubrey burl chatting nicely about stone circles, and their inherent oddness . also, wet boots . - 5 years ago

@David_Jenkins_7: AUBREY BURL 1926-2020 | A short appreciation - 5 years ago

@Herbieherbert10: RT @johnnythin: It seems appropriate to quote Aubrey Burl’s description of the approach: ‘walking up the slope from the farm towards the gr… - 5 years ago

@Herbieherbert10: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@IainArchaeolog: @profdanhicks @_mharvey Thanks, @profdanhicks . It was fascinating. When I was a student it would never have occurr… - 5 years ago

@Philolithia: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@PeterReavill: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@muninnherself: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@profdanhicks: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@profdanhicks: RT @johnnythin: It seems appropriate to quote Aubrey Burl’s description of the approach: ‘walking up the slope from the farm towards the gr… - 5 years ago

@abrightfar: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@xenogothic: I was sad to hear Aubrey Burl died earlier this week. No home is complete without a Burl book. - 5 years ago

@jjdebenedictis: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@Chrisull: @ESDale77 Great blog, Fernacre is probably my favourite Bodmin moor circle. And yet another reminder of the influen… - 5 years ago

@abrightfar: aubrey burl’s writing on prehistoric stone circles is probably the most memorable, because it is wry, and physical,… - 5 years ago

@citizencaz: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@johnnythin: It seems appropriate to quote Aubrey Burl’s description of the approach: ‘walking up the slope from the farm toward… - 5 years ago

@tiff_higgins: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@KimIannucci: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@evilgnome21: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@Bodhihodi: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@AnnieBrassey: RT @megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings of a… - 5 years ago

@megalithophile: This is Pobull Fhinn, the circle on North Uist that the great Aubrey Burl wrote had 'one of the loveliest settings… - 5 years ago

@ruemondo: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@danielleboothe: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@PrehistoryGuys: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@muninnherself: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpe… - 5 years ago

@MarcStirrup: @Some_landscapes @Rebecca52731232 And the recently departed Aubrey Burl rated this ‘the loveliest of the circles’. - 5 years ago

@GrecianGirly: RT @pittsmike: Sadly Aubrey Burl has left us to dance in the circle in the sky. He was 93. Here are some of his books (I count 24 in all, p… - 5 years ago

@arienmaia: - 5 years ago

@meineLetters: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@StirLaughRepeat: Check out The Stonehenge People by Aubrey Burl (1987, Book, Illustrated) history - 5 years ago

@magister418: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@rogermilton: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@HilaryRSparkes: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@VarylT: I hadn't realised Aubrey Burl had died. Great tribute here featuring Spaceship Mark, Neil Mortimer, Mark Pilkington… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@Imbolc22: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@GrantMcPheeFilm: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@PluralMonolith: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no b… - 5 years ago

@RobGMacfarlane: @JohnMcArts @BritUnofficial @BenMyers1 @amy_may @BrianCatling @HooklandGuide @mindandlanguage @urbanprehisto… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: @Isabelchurcher (Here it is, just in case you haven't seen it: - 5 years ago

@ProfOntography: RT @JohnMcArts: @WillowWinsham @jeremydeller @JamesrHolcombe @JacobOsullivan Many thanks again all (plus @HooklandGuide @AnnebellaPollen @l… - 5 years ago

@folk_horror: RT @JohnMcArts: @WillowWinsham @jeremydeller @JamesrHolcombe @JacobOsullivan Many thanks again all (plus @HooklandGuide @AnnebellaPollen @l… - 5 years ago

@Isabelchurcher: @JohnMcArts @jeremydeller @AnnaFCSmith @amycutler1985 @BritUnofficial @megportal @WillowWinsham @folk_horror… - 5 years ago

@stonenews: RT @JohnMcArts: "...Poetry is every bit as important to the prehistorian as physics..." Aptly for #FolkloreThursday, @spaceshipmark & I ha… - 5 years ago

@AnnebellaPollen: Inspiring reading and listening - on the passing of Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@stonepages: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@stonepages: RT @JohnMcArts: "...Poetry is every bit as important to the prehistorian as physics..." Aptly for #FolkloreThursday, @spaceshipmark & I ha… - 5 years ago

@grailseeker: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@GratefulWolf: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@GratefulWolf: RT @JohnMcArts: "...Poetry is every bit as important to the prehistorian as physics..." Aptly for #FolkloreThursday, @spaceshipmark & I ha… - 5 years ago

@stonepages: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @JohnMcArts: @WillowWinsham @jeremydeller @JamesrHolcombe @JacobOsullivan Many thanks again all (plus @HooklandGuide @AnnebellaPollen @l… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: @WillowWinsham @jeremydeller @JamesrHolcombe @JacobOsullivan Many thanks again all (plus @HooklandGuide… - 5 years ago

@urbanprehisto: RT @JohnMcArts: @BritUnofficial @RobGMacfarlane @BenMyers1 @amy_may @BrianCatling @HooklandGuide @mindandlanguage @urbanprehisto Thanks aga… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: @BritUnofficial @RobGMacfarlane @BenMyers1 @amy_may @BrianCatling @HooklandGuide @mindandlanguage @urbanprehisto Th… - 5 years ago

@Chrisull: Thoughtful and illuminating tribute to the immaculate Aubery Burl: - 5 years ago

@MalpasChaps: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@pittsmike: Here’s another interesting man, Keith Critchlow who died on April 8. He was nearer in spirit to John Michell than A… - 5 years ago

@iamclintmansell: - 5 years ago

@ekbarbarossa: RT @ccohanlon: Rings of stone: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and that poetry… - 5 years ago

@CarlinParry: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@folk_horror: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@SputnikEditor: @filthywobbler @typejunky Haha - very similar phenomenon happening here. I watched a YouTube talk by Aubrey Burl last night... - 5 years ago

@miameow86: RT @megportal: RIP Dr Aubrey Burl, we have an Exclusive Video Talk Premier from 2000 7pm Thurs As you may have hea… - 5 years ago

@megportal: Forum Stones: Aubrey Burl, 94, dies - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @smellofwater: Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @megportal: I should give this a #DailyMegalith - Aubrey Burl video now ready to watch anytime - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @theQuietus: John McMahon & Mark Williamson reflect upon the life and career of the archaeologist and antiquary Aubrey Burl (1926-2020),… - 5 years ago

@TheOneImage: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@dblaha42: RT @theQuietus: John McMahon & Mark Williamson reflect upon the life and career of the archaeologist and antiquary Aubrey Burl (1926-2020),… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@honeylands: Rings Of Stone: Excavating The Legacies of Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@RedbrickedSlums: RT @theQuietus: John McMahon & Mark Williamson reflect upon the life and career of the archaeologist and antiquary Aubrey Burl (1926-2020),… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: John McMahon & Mark Williamson reflect upon the life and career of the archaeologist and antiquary Aubrey Burl (192… - 5 years ago

@paddlepunk: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@witchpunx: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@Lulihar99: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@robmallo: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@riverheart79: RT @thepilgrimworld: A great article, Aubrey Burl, a visionary who will me greatly missed - 5 years ago

@Slipshodspeller: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@JasonBehan3: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @PrehistoryGuys @pittsmike @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @folk_horror @BrianC… - 5 years ago

@JasonBehan3: RT @megportal: RIP Dr Aubrey Burl, we have an Exclusive Video Talk Premier from 2000 7pm Thurs As you may have hea… - 5 years ago

@JasonBehan3: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@JasonBehan3: RT @JaneSunflower: RIP Aubrey Burl - Megalith-Finder-in-Chief. His books have been a constant companion in my stone-hunting travels. I met… - 5 years ago

@profdanhicks: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@JasonBKyle2: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@paulnewmanart: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl video talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded year 2000 in Long Compton near the #Rollright Stones. See thread a… - 5 years ago

@megportal: I should give this a #DailyMegalith - Aubrey Burl video now ready to watch anytime - 5 years ago

@JasonBehan3: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@megportal: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@stevebagley: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@thepilgrimworld: A great article, Aubrey Burl, a visionary who will me greatly missed - 5 years ago

@stonepages: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@doofgeek4011: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@Archaeology_tea: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@nascar_oz: Stone Circles Grow Up - Talk and Q&A by Dr Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@incendiarymag: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@natchjourneyman: @combrayfinches @Roger_Moorhouse @beakheads @reversediorama @DalrympleWill @EricVuillard @EllieDarkins When I get m… - 5 years ago

@zawngoddess: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@247huma: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl video talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded year 2000 in Long Compton near the #Rollright Stones. See thread a… - 5 years ago

@JSkyscapeArch: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl: Stone Circles Grow Up Video Premiere Dr Burl covers many topics with his characteristic wit, including stone ci… - 5 years ago

@Philolithia: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl video talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded year 2000 in Long Compton near the #Rollright Stones. See thread a… - 5 years ago

@gladwinemmanuel: RT @ccohanlon: Rings of stone: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and that poetry… - 5 years ago

@urbanprehisto: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded in year 2000, Long Compton near the Rollrights. @archaeologyuk @theAliceR… - 5 years ago

@jane_schon: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@SocAntiquaries: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded in year 2000, Long Compton near the Rollrights. @archaeologyuk @theAliceR… - 5 years ago

@Durotrigesdig: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@hackneymarshman: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@remotevoices: RT @ccohanlon: Rings of stone: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and that poetry… - 5 years ago

@mkimdorman: RT @ccohanlon: Rings of stone: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and that poetry… - 5 years ago

@peterpcullen: RT @ccohanlon: Rings of stone: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and that poetry… - 5 years ago

@ccohanlon: Rings of stone: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and tha… - 5 years ago

@SelineSigil9: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @PrehistoryGuys @pittsmike @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @folk_horror @BrianC… - 5 years ago

@muninnherself: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl video talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded year 2000 in Long Compton near the #Rollright Stones. See thread a… - 5 years ago

@megportal: Aubrey Burl video talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded year 2000 in Long Compton near the #Rollright Stones. See… - 5 years ago

@PrehistoryGuys: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @PrehistoryGuys @pittsmike @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @folk_horror @BrianC… - 5 years ago

@paperdollhouses: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @megportal: @JohnMcArts @PrehistoryGuys @pittsmike @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth @folk_horror @BrianC… - 5 years ago

@megportal: @JohnMcArts @PrehistoryGuys @pittsmike @spaceshipmark @theQuietus @hawthonn @apollolaan @Northern_Earth… - 5 years ago

@CrossStreetArts: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@MyzLilith: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@katelaity: RT @amyhale93: Lovely piece on the legacy of master of the stones Aubrey Burl. - 5 years ago

@amyhale93: Lovely piece on the legacy of master of the stones Aubrey Burl. - 5 years ago

@harehunterfield: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@pmosullivan67: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@jtwolfenden: RT @theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no books on… - 5 years ago

@theQuietus: Aubrey Burl was a former sailor and Latin teacher doing research into piracy when he realised that there were no b… - 5 years ago

@ccohanlon: “I believe, heretically, that archaeology is not a science, but a branch of the humanities, and that poetry is ever… - 5 years ago

@BritUnofficial: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@SocAntiquaries: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@Rebecca52731232: RT @pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@simonthedentist: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@teleplasmiste: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@jaywbabcock: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @PrehistoryGuys: AUBREY BURL 1926-2020 | A short appreciation. We were saddened to learn of the passing of the great archaeologist. For… - 5 years ago

@markopilkington: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@Misterimhotep: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@Misterimhotep: RT @hawthonn: The Quietus and friends pay tribute to the great Aubrey Burl. - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @JohnMcArts: "...Poetry is every bit as important to the prehistorian as physics..." Aptly for #FolkloreThursday, @spaceshipmark & I ha… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: "...Poetry is every bit as important to the prehistorian as physics..." Aptly for #FolkloreThursday,… - 5 years ago

@oldweirdalbion: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@shirtposting: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@LatimerNell: RT @WitchOfLeeds: Beautiful tribute from @JohnMcArts and @spaceshipmark in the @theQuietus to the late great Aubrey Burl - a continuing sou… - 5 years ago

@pipelinenews: Salon, the newsletter of the Society of Antiquaries, is also available on-line and open access for the rest of us-… - 5 years ago

@Rebecca52731232: RT @dreamflesh: An excellent tribute to Aubrey Burl, by way of his widespread influence on megalithomaniac musicians. - 5 years ago

@dreamflesh: An excellent tribute to Aubrey Burl, by way of his widespread influence on megalithomaniac musicians. - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @WitchOfLeeds: Beautiful tribute from @JohnMcArts and @spaceshipmark in the @theQuietus to the late great Aubrey Burl - a continuing sou… - 5 years ago

@perseus1977: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@JSkyscapeArch: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@deanmcphee: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@PacificBeliefs: Marked as to-read: A Guide to the Stone Circles of Brita... by Aubrey Burl - 5 years ago

@VerySleepyRiver: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@hauntonaut: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@MoogBadger: - 5 years ago

@Utherben: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@SpaceshipsOver: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@PrehistoryGuys: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@PrehistoryGuys: RT @megportal: Aubrey Burl talk premiers tonight at 7pm. Recorded in year 2000, Long Compton near the Rollrights. @archaeologyuk @theAliceR… - 5 years ago

@afwilson_derby: RT @WitchOfLeeds: Beautiful tribute from @JohnMcArts and @spaceshipmark in the @theQuietus to the late great Aubrey Burl - a continuing sou… - 5 years ago

@WillowWinsham: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Aubrey Burl @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #AubreyBurl add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@awtf21: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@Northern_Earth: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@larkfall: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@realalbanomad: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Aubrey Burl has passed away - #AubreyBurl #Aubrey #Burl #rip - 5 years ago

@Phil_James: - 5 years ago

@JahDuran: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@MikeRPlaisance: RT @hawthonn: The Quietus and friends pay tribute to the great Aubrey Burl. - 5 years ago

@DaniellePezza: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@NixxyandtheCats: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@JohnMcArts: RT @apollolaan: Aubrey Burl played a huge part in influencing all of us included in this article, thousands more as well and will continue… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @apollolaan: Aubrey Burl played a huge part in influencing all of us included in this article, thousands more as well and will continue… - 5 years ago

@BlackAcornUK: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@BlackAcornUK: RT @spaceshipmark: An honour to work with @JohnMcArts on this obituary of the extraordinary and inspiration Aubrey Burl for The Quietus. - 5 years ago

@BlackAcornUK: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@apollolaan: Aubrey Burl played a huge part in influencing all of us included in this article, thousands more as well and will c… - 5 years ago

@sadomania777: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @hawthonn: The Quietus and friends pay tribute to the great Aubrey Burl. - 5 years ago

@AnnaFCSmith: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@pittsmike: An obituary for Aubrey Burl in the new Salon @SocAntiquaries - 5 years ago

@hawthonn: The Quietus and friends pay tribute to the great Aubrey Burl. - 5 years ago

@thesweetcheat: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @theQuietus: Rings Of Stone Reflecting upon the life of archaeologist & antiquary Aubrey Burl who died recently, and his unexpected inf… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @JohnMcArts: MUSIC OF THE STONES: @spaceshipmark & I have penned a 'musical obituary' of Aubrey Burl for @theQuietus; Includes reflecti… - 5 years ago

@spaceshipmark: RT @WitchOfLeeds: Beautiful tribute from @JohnMcArts and @spaceshipmark in the @theQuietus to the late great Aubrey Burl - a continuing sou… - 5 years ago

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