Arun Nehru

Indian politician.
Died on Thursday July 25th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Arun Nehru:

@smsivanesan: RT @MANOJKRTRIVEDI: @digvijaya_28 Where is Bofors Money? Ask Sonia & Arun Nehru first before asking for NM,FM&SS

@MANOJKRTRIVEDI: @digvijaya_28 Where is Bofors Money? Ask Sonia & Arun Nehru first before asking for NM,FM&SS

@dwivedi_arun: Bush 3.0? Jeb enters 2016 US presidential race: The dynastic political lineage is more Nehru than Kennedy. A t...

@arun_advocate: @Ram_Guha 's thinking falls in category of mentally&intellectually blind man's thinking. cnt see beynd Nehru @KanchanGupta @coolfunnytshir


@ksmkkbookscom: @kirtisaxena999 @smritiirani How many people remember Rajiv Gandhi & Arun Nehru came out with the idea of no IITs but ITIs ?

@PeeyushJain100: @aroonpurie Sir the Aruns of your times are powerful personalities- @Arunjaitely @ArunShourieFans , Arun Singh, Arun Nehru, Arun Lal

@latamahadevan: The original #suitbootkisarkar peronalities were Arun Singh and Arun Nehru the lieutenants of @OfficeOfRG 's father.

@ksp2000: @DrJwalaG @Arun_ET what he meant was PRESS woman the way nehru pressed edwina, ....

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