Arun Jaitley

Indian politician.
Died on Saturday August 24th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Arun Jaitley:

@rangadhri: RT @sdeo76: Ghansham Safai Karmchari found Tablet in Vande Bharat Express at New Delhi Railway Station on 23.08.2019 and brought it to the… - 6 years ago

@kavita_tewari: @sirKrishnTiwari @Swamy39 He is a hater of Atalji n Arun Jaitley. - 6 years ago

@abhi150: RT @ieopinion: #ExpressOpinion | Arun Jaitley hoped to transform agri-markets, subsidy structures. Implementing these ideas would be a fitt… - 6 years ago

@LalitSh63151954: RT @DasShaktikanta: Was privileged to work with Shri Arun Jaitley on major reforms like GST,IBC,Monetary Policy framework,FDI liberalisatio… - 6 years ago


@prativind2: RT @sdeo76: Ghansham Safai Karmchari found Tablet in Vande Bharat Express at New Delhi Railway Station on 23.08.2019 and brought it to the… - 6 years ago

@jkd18: RT @sdeo76: Ghansham Safai Karmchari found Tablet in Vande Bharat Express at New Delhi Railway Station on 23.08.2019 and brought it to the… - 6 years ago

@NitinMakkar3: RT @ieopinion: #ExpressOpinion | Arun Jaitley hoped to transform agri-markets, subsidy structures. Implementing these ideas would be a fitt… - 6 years ago

@kunjanpankaj: RT @sdeo76: Ghansham Safai Karmchari found Tablet in Vande Bharat Express at New Delhi Railway Station on 23.08.2019 and brought it to the… - 6 years ago

@vishalnautamlal: @vijay_rajan @RenukaJain6 @sgurumurthy @DrGPradhan @Swamy39 @nsitharaman @Ish_Bhandari @iRahulSahu @narendramodi… - 6 years ago

@ShubhamChouga10: RT @sdeo76: Ghansham Safai Karmchari found Tablet in Vande Bharat Express at New Delhi Railway Station on 23.08.2019 and brought it to the… - 6 years ago

@Vignesh_C7: RT @IndianPrism: Arun 'Demonetization' Jaitley and Nirmala 'bahikhata' Sitharaman were bad enough. Seems the next FM is a wannabe 'Rajesh K… - 6 years ago

@sdeo76: Ghansham Safai Karmchari found Tablet in Vande Bharat Express at New Delhi Railway Station on 23.08.2019 and brough… - 6 years ago

@NewwIndiaa: RT @nandhu_hack: Arun Jaitley: A man who played many roles - 6 years ago

@ramasriniv: Petty and vindictive is all he has been all these years. From his loyal supporters (Arun Jaitley) to his fiercest c… - 6 years ago

@nandhu_hack: Arun Jaitley: A man who played many roles - 6 years ago

@IndianExpress: RT @ieopinion: #ExpressOpinion | Arun Jaitley hoped to transform agri-markets, subsidy structures. Implementing these ideas would be a fitt… - 6 years ago

@ieopinion: #ExpressOpinion | Arun Jaitley hoped to transform agri-markets, subsidy structures. Implementing these ideas would… - 6 years ago

@nandhu_hack: Arun Jaitley (1952-2019) - 6 years ago

@im_ved: RT @imVkohli: Shocked & saddened to hear about the passing away of Shri Arun Jaitley ji. He was genuinely a good person, always willing to… - 6 years ago

@vishusrivasta: RT @theskindoctor13: After naming 99 educational institutions, 26 sports trophies, 17 stadiums, 9 airports/ports, 41 awards, 37 hospitals,… - 6 years ago

@anilbpurva: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@monicanitin: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@Thiruvithankoor: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@Shekhar59172056: Very sad to know abt the demise of Arun jaitley... One of the greatest minister nd a helping hand to this country ☺… - 6 years ago

@singhash: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@lokeshomkarvats: RT @News18India: नीतीश कुमार ने यह भी घोषणा की है कि अरुण जेटली के जन्मतिथि (28 दिसंबर) को हर साल राजकीय समारोह के तौर पर मनाया जाएगा. http… - 6 years ago

@Namo_Bhakt108: RT @dhaval241086: @narendramodi Not only blanked out Arun Jaitley's PC but also blanked out this part of Interview of PM Modi. Only because… - 6 years ago

@InnovativeHindu: RT @surjitbhalla: Above all, Jaitley was a man in love with ideas, particularly as they related to public policy - - 6 years ago

@Namo_Bhakt108: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@R58037: RT @aajtak: बिहार में लगाई जाएगी पूर्व वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली की मूर्ति - 6 years ago

@Rajeev63Rk: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@RaamendraSharm3: RT @News18India: नीतीश कुमार ने यह भी घोषणा की है कि अरुण जेटली के जन्मतिथि (28 दिसंबर) को हर साल राजकीय समारोह के तौर पर मनाया जाएगा. http… - 6 years ago

@SushilGhiya: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@ANKUSH_A2: @DrMohanBhagwat @narendramodi @arunjaitley @girirajsinghbjp @rsprasad @NitishKumar @AmitShah @PChidambaram_IN How A… - 6 years ago

@sureshindia1: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@rathi_ajay: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@Gurjarsuresh12: RT @IndianExpress: Bihar plans Jaitley statue, state function on birth anniversary - 6 years ago

@At_Mumbai: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@olaprexa: RT @dhaval241086: Remembering Arun Jaitley Ji when PM @narendramodi blasted ABP news for blanking out his press conference. Legendary Frien… - 6 years ago

@ANKUSH_A2: @DrMohanBhagwat @narendramodi @arunjaitley @girirajsinghbjp @rsprasad @NitishKumar @AmitShah Arun Jaitley &… - 6 years ago

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