Arthur Ryan

Irish businessman
Died on Monday July 8th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Arthur Ryan:

@ArthurLeeLand: Yo Hood River!! Tonight at Double Mountain Brewery & Cidery Arthur Lee Land TRIO show w/ some Twang Is Dead tunes!!… - 6 years ago

@bangorfc: Torrential rain in Killyleagh. Ryan Arthur goes close from a Cooling free kick - 6 years ago

@extradutysolved: Retired Deputy Chief, Arthur Ryan, discusses how he got his start in law enforcement and how he advises fellow offi… - 6 years ago

@RTEBrainstorm: RT @thatdanishgirl: Penneys has come a long way since the late Arthur Ryan founded the retailer in 1969, but it faces unprecedented challen… - 6 years ago


@nicamhlaoibh: RT @thatdanishgirl: Penneys has come a long way since the late Arthur Ryan founded the retailer in 1969, but it faces unprecedented challen… - 6 years ago

@thatdanishgirl: Penneys has come a long way since the late Arthur Ryan founded the retailer in 1969, but it faces unprecedented cha… - 6 years ago

@Arthur_WHU: What a player Ryan Fredericks is. If he improves his crossing he’ll get double figure assists next season - 6 years ago

@BLeaderNews: “Arthur Ryan’s legacy is not just a #clothing chain with an annual turnover of over £7bn but solid confirmation of… - 6 years ago

@byjimcarroll: How the rise of Penneys changed the way we shop. The clothing retailer which the late Arthur Ryan founded in 1969 h… - 6 years ago

@RTEBrainstorm: How the rise of Penneys changed the way we shop. The clothing retailer which the late Arthur Ryan founded in 1969 h… - 6 years ago

@online_egroup: Primark founder Arthur Ryan dies - 6 years ago

@SteMcL: Penneys staff form guard of honour for founder Ryan - 6 years ago

@Arthur_WHU: @Jack_Ryan_123 I hope the announcement is before the game cba to be thinking about it during it - 6 years ago

@arthur_poex: RT @El_Universal_Mx: #Video 📹 Lizbeth Rodríguez, conductora de "Exponiendo Infieles", al revisar el celular de Ryan Show balconeó a Luisito… - 6 years ago

@arthur_zam: RT @C18Cinthia: Lizbeth cuando quería exponer a Ryan y termino exponiendo a Luisito el pillo - 6 years ago

@MontrezI: @Ifcjoe Arthur who would lose a lactate test too Ryan Shawcross and Frenkie is shocking - 6 years ago

@emocionymoda: Arthur Ryan, fundador de Primark, fallece a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@THETIMEISMEOW3: @LMS_Arthur @MaxMonty1516 The Ryan that made cool beans railway 2. People dm him and say how many retweets for a ce… - 6 years ago

@marvazdo: RT @abcdesevilla: Muere a los 83 años Arthur Ryan fundador de Primark, el Amancio Ortega de Irlanda - 6 years ago

@jikoolovez: @lanaridex Enzo, Davi, Arthur, Miguel, Ryan, Ronan pqp mts - 6 years ago

@hortensiaforbi6: RT @Cadena_Dial: El fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, falleció este pasado 8 de julio. En @atrevetedial , @patriciaimaz nos ha contado el p… - 6 years ago

@Karayoung8: People actually making jokes about not being able to exchange Arthur Ryan without their receipt. Grow up you disgusting twats - 6 years ago

@DummyBM: Arthur Ryan obituary: Legendary retailer and Penneys founder - 6 years ago

@DummyBM: - 6 years ago

@HGordon1922: @dock_tank I like all three because Arthur is a cool boi, I can relate to Murdoch, and Ryan is charming. - 6 years ago

@eric_oaks: RT @CenturyLinkGov: Tomorrow @USDISA Ops Center Director, David Bennett, @usairforce Assoc. Dep. CIO, Arthur G. Hatcher Jr., & @usarmy Netw… - 6 years ago

@extradutysolved: Retired Deputy Chief, Arthur Ryan, discusses how he got his start in law enforcement and how he advises fellow offi… - 6 years ago

@PartyDropZone: Old School Summer Available Worldwide 7/23/19 on most your favorite music platforms Brandon Hans Andy Andy J John C… - 6 years ago

@ubctbirds: RT @ubcmsoc: Tonight’s starting 11 vs Oxford . The lads pull out a gutsy 2-1 victory . Some great performances . Goals by Ryan Arthur and C… - 6 years ago

@dock_tank: RT @dock_tank: I never understood why characters like Arthur, Murdoch, and Ryan are so popular. Arthur is a just a nice engine who had a sp… - 6 years ago

@retailwire: Penneys-Primark founder Arthur Ryan ‘fun, fantastic and loyal’, funeral told - 6 years ago

@dock_tank: I never understood why characters like Arthur, Murdoch, and Ryan are so popular. Arthur is a just a nice engine who… - 6 years ago

@EmergTechEthics: RT @conca: Penneys/Primark has come a long way in its retail evolution. All down to the pioneering exploits of its execs. Arthur Ryan & Co.… - 6 years ago

@CenturyLinkGov: Tomorrow @USDISA Ops Center Director, David Bennett, @usairforce Assoc. Dep. CIO, Arthur G. Hatcher Jr., & @usarmy… - 6 years ago

@conca: Penneys/Primark has come a long way in its retail evolution. All down to the pioneering exploits of its execs. Arth… - 6 years ago

@ubcmsoc: Tonight’s starting 11 vs Oxford . The lads pull out a gutsy 2-1 victory . Some great performances . Goals by Ryan A… - 6 years ago

@fido_95: RT @libre_mercado: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@Ryan_G_Grey: RT @rharris334: Pastor Doug Nicholls writes to Ben Chifley, Robert Menzies and Arthur Fadden on July 1949 requesting a “voice” for his peop… - 6 years ago

@Ignacio_Echave: RT @libre_mercado: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@ArroyoTell: RT @libre_mercado: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@Glezlourdesg: RT @libre_mercado: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@libertaddigital: RT @libre_mercado: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@libre_mercado: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@Getrealirishtou: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@newsplusirl: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@Besttoursindub: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@IrishLuxForYou: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@528Dublin: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@Getrealirishmus: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@iatedublin: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@TopIrishNews: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@Getrealgaa: RT thebestofirl "Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@thebestofirl: Penneys staff form guard of honour outside first store for late founder Arthur Ryan - 6 years ago

@GaresaConstruye: RT @SoyEntrepreneur: #HistoriasEntrepreneur: Arthur Ryan: El migrante que comenzó sin nada, perdió a su hijo en el mar y se convirtió en el… - 6 years ago

@PadraicToolan: RT @sundaybusiness: He referred to himself as a ‘hired hand’, but Arthur Ryan, the founder of Penneys, who died last week, was a master of… - 6 years ago

@Peli_costalero: RT @laSextaTV: Muere el fundador de Primark, Arthur Ryan, a los 83 años - 6 years ago

@Rick_24K: RT @todayinscifi: The science fiction thriller movie Future World was released in the US on this day in 1976 Starring: Peter Fonda, Blythe… - 6 years ago

@sundaybusiness: He referred to himself as a ‘hired hand’, but Arthur Ryan, the founder of Penneys, who died last week, was a master… - 6 years ago

@GarySherwin: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@todayinscifi: The science fiction thriller movie Future World was released in the US on this day in 1976 Starring: Peter Fonda,… - 6 years ago

@georginavahey: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@macfehnert: RT @ryan_padraic: An obituary of Arthur Ryan in today's Wall Street Journal. - 6 years ago

@vitaminsludge: Fucking Twink front and centre AGAIN. - 6 years ago

@PeterNolan4: @AdamMaguire Hello Adam, Did Weston hire Authur Ryan because he saw him as a retail expert in clothing who coul… - 6 years ago

@arthur_talmadge: RT @RealKyleMorris: Trump Unleashed: Paul Ryan ‘Weak, Ineffective & Stupid,’ ‘Almost Killed’ Republican Party - 6 years ago

@ThisIsRetail: RT @FT: Arthur Ryan, 1935-2019, retailer - 6 years ago

@newsjsie: Crowds gather outside Penneys' first store as Arthur Ryan's funeral procession passes - 6 years ago

@susmitchellSBP: RT @sundaybusiness: 'I still feel he is all around us', Breege O'Donoghue remembers Penney's founder Arthur Ryan. - 6 years ago

@broadstone68: RT @Independent_ie: 'I hope his country realises how much he did for it' - Penneys founder Arthur Ryan passes by store for final time htt… - 6 years ago

@IrishMirror: Penneys staff form guard of honour for founder Arthur Ryan as funeral cortege passes his first store in Dublin - 6 years ago

@garryneale2: RT @johncreedon: Was wondering why the flag was flying at half-mast over Penneys on Patrick st. Cork. Then I remembered. Arthur Ryan r.i.p.… - 6 years ago

@FriendsBCL: RT @GeorgeMacD: Sad news. Primark founder and retail legend Arthur Ryan has died, aged 83. This is the painting of him that hangs in Primar… - 6 years ago

@Boldtown1: RT @Independent_ie: 'I hope his country realises how much he did for it' - Penneys founder Arthur Ryan passes by store for final time htt… - 6 years ago

@johncreedon: RT @johncreedon: Was wondering why the flag was flying at half-mast over Penneys on Patrick st. Cork. Then I remembered. Arthur Ryan r.i.p.… - 6 years ago

@AndrewParkerUK: Shop staff line the streets as Primark founder Arthur Ryan who brought 'cheap chic' to Britain and turned Dublin sh… - 6 years ago

@BownDiggyRiggy: @rachelgrubb @arthur_affect thus my previous tweet about Ryan . she is a guaranteed gamble / the favourite horse in… - 6 years ago

@arthur_talmadge: RT @realDonaldTrump: ....Paul Ryan almost killed the Republican Party. Weak, ineffective & stupid are not exactly the qualities that Republ… - 6 years ago

@arthur_talmadge: RT @realDonaldTrump: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is a far superior leader than was Lame Duck Speaker Paul Ryan. Tougher, smarter a… - 6 years ago

@BownDiggyRiggy: @rachelgrubb @arthur_affect if you throw a party,£5 entry and want lots of people to come who are you going to say… - 6 years ago

@DaraghOM: 'I hope his country realises how much he did for it' - Penneys founder Arthur Ryan passes by store for final time - 6 years ago

@DaraghOM: Penneys staff form guard of honour for founder Ryan - 6 years ago

@arthur_oslund: RT @rixmal_smith: Romney Opposes Trump Yet Again, Goes to Bat for Paul Ryan Losers, both of them. - 6 years ago

@arthur_ngatimo: RT @SIChrisMannix: This week's @TheCrossover Pods, from Vegas: @ArashMarkazi on Lakers/Clippers iTunes: Stitcher… - 6 years ago

@SeanMartinFF1: RT @johncreedon: Was wondering why the flag was flying at half-mast over Penneys on Patrick st. Cork. Then I remembered. Arthur Ryan r.i.p.… - 6 years ago

@Jenzer85: RT @Independent_ie: 'I hope his country realises how much he did for it' - Penneys founder Arthur Ryan passes by store for final time https… - 6 years ago

@ForTruth54: @Independent_ie May he| rest in peace Why is Penneys still blocked from opening in Tullamore Menarys was a wonderfu… - 6 years ago

@Independent_ie: 'I hope his country realises how much he did for it' - Penneys founder Arthur Ryan passes by store for final time… - 6 years ago

@injtokyo: RT @rtenews: "A final farewell to a spectacular man": Staff formed a guard of honour for #Penneys founder Arthur Ryan as his funeral corteg… - 6 years ago

@injtokyo: RT @johncreedon: Was wondering why the flag was flying at half-mast over Penneys on Patrick st. Cork. Then I remembered. Arthur Ryan r.i.p.… - 6 years ago

@TonyOConnellEir: RT @johncreedon: Was wondering why the flag was flying at half-mast over Penneys on Patrick st. Cork. Then I remembered. Arthur Ryan r.i.p.… - 6 years ago

@downgerd: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@McHaleCaroline: RT @rtenews: "A final farewell to a spectacular man": Staff formed a guard of honour for #Penneys founder Arthur Ryan as his funeral corteg… - 6 years ago

@ErisLovesMovies: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@thatjamesboy: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@kingswood12: RT @IrishTimes: Penneys-Primark founder Arthur Ryan ‘fun, fantastic and loyal’, funeral told - 6 years ago

@IrishTimes: Penneys-Primark founder Arthur Ryan ‘fun, fantastic and loyal’, funeral told - 6 years ago

@MarcasPadraig: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@EkmFinancial: RT @rtenews: "A final farewell to a spectacular man": Staff formed a guard of honour for #Penneys founder Arthur Ryan as his funeral corteg… - 6 years ago

@BigSighMedia: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@lnieaO10: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@orlamcdermott: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@globalintv: RT @LauraHoganTV: The funeral procession of Penneys/Primark founder Arthur Ryan passes by the retailers first store on Dublin’s Mary Street… - 6 years ago

@SharonAnnO: RT @Independent_ie: 'I hope his country realises how much he did for it' - Penneys founder Arthur Ryan passes by store for final time http… - 6 years ago

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