Arthur Mitchell

American dancer and choreographer.
Died on Wednesday September 19th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Arthur Mitchell:

@Orgetorix: Last Word - Chas Hodges, MJ Long, Arthur Mitchell, Rick Turner, Rachid Taha - @bbcradio4 - 6 years ago

@Dance_Magazine: It was within his humanness that the complexity and contradiction of Arthur Mitchell was found. A black man born an… - 6 years ago

@radiotagbot: .@autoplay4 28/09/2018 - Chas Hodges, MJ Long, Arthur Mitchell, Ric... - 6 years ago

@Marcilynn_Burke: RT @batonfoundation: R.I.P. Dance Legend Arthur Mitchell, 84, Founder of the Dance Theater of Harlem - 6 years ago


@usa_physicians: In case you missed the September Med School Café, Dr. Arthur Frankel, chief of medical oncology & the Arlene and Ma… - 6 years ago

@Gildy55: RT @Bannmatt: Back on Last Word today with Chas Hodges (of Chas and Dave), British Library architect M.J.Long, Dance Theater of Harlem foun… - 6 years ago

@Bannmatt: Back on Last Word today with Chas Hodges (of Chas and Dave), British Library architect M.J.Long, Dance Theater of H… - 6 years ago

@Maryfrou2: RT @Inafr_officiel: 1971 - Rencontre avec Arthur Mitchell, premier danseur étoile noir américain, disparu mercredi dernier ⭐ - 6 years ago

@ErycTaylorDance: RT @Dance_Magazine: Arthur Mitchell's international acclaim wasn't limited to the stage: Mitchell and @dthballet were featured in a special… - 6 years ago

@Linstruit28: RT @ajplusfrancais: Bien que son corps d'homme noir était considéré comme “inapte” au ballet dans les années 50, Arthur Mitchell a changé l… - 6 years ago

@Marknonpc: @paulkelly1980 @RemainerNow @LeaveEUOfficial It's a capitalist club! Run for the benefit of big business! Freedom o… - 6 years ago

@mrnchs_: RT @ajplusfrancais: Bien que son corps d'homme noir était considéré comme “inapte” au ballet dans les années 50, Arthur Mitchell a changé l… - 6 years ago

@Saul_bey: RT @ajplusfrancais: Bien que son corps d'homme noir était considéré comme “inapte” au ballet dans les années 50, Arthur Mitchell a changé l… - 6 years ago

@Dex_SliceofLife: 091. Stan Beaudry 092. Arthur Mitchell - 6 years ago

@badbritch: RT @ajplusfrancais: Bien que son corps d'homme noir était considéré comme “inapte” au ballet dans les années 50, Arthur Mitchell a changé l… - 6 years ago

@Arthur_Mitchell: @aynaniita 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 - 6 years ago

@Kreeaatief: Arthur Mitchell, Pioneering Black Ballet Dancer, Dead at 84 - 6 years ago

@LibbyWarner100: RT @msdebbieallen: The world has lost another visionary, @DTHballet Founding Artistic Director, Arthur Mitchell. Arthur Mitchell claimed Ba… - 6 years ago

@FleuryJoy: RT @Inafr_officiel: 1971 - Rencontre avec Arthur Mitchell, premier danseur étoile noir américain, disparu mercredi dernier ⭐ - 6 years ago

@balletincity: RT @nytimesarts: The ballerina Allegra Kent writes about dancing the pas de deux in Balanchine's "Agon" with Arthur Mitchell in Moscow in 1… - 6 years ago

@__Arthur_Dent__: @DavidCornDC "Arpaio Disciple Mitchell . . ." - 6 years ago

@ARQUETOPIA: Arthur Mitchell, who paved the way for other minority dancers by becoming one of the first black dancers to join a… - 6 years ago

@Dance_Teacher: Give, Take, Show: Remembering Arthur Mitchell - 6 years ago

@Redcloud_Arthur: RT @ndnsports: #24 Lynnae Mitchell and #30 Cheyenne Begay; Both Navajo, Lynnae and Cheyenne are returning sophomores at Mesa Community Coll… - 6 years ago

@DRobertsIMG: @bruce_arthur Buddy Holly was terrified of flying. By the transitive property of Mitchell’s examination, Buddy Holly is still alive. - 6 years ago

@ITooArts: Arthur Mitchell was such an indelible part of not only the Dance community, but the #Harlem community. His influenc… - 6 years ago

@ScarlettttWitch: RT @ajplusfrancais: Bien que son corps d'homme noir était considéré comme “inapte” au ballet dans les années 50, Arthur Mitchell a changé l… - 6 years ago

@afronews: Ballet: Tribute to Arthur Mitchell - 6 years ago

@bobbydredwing: @HallieJackson @Morning_Joe @maddow @SRuhle @NicolleDWallace Any chance that Rebecca Mitchell could have an Arthur… - 6 years ago

@cdi_dance: RT @MoBBallet: My latest for Dance Magazine in in Remembrance Arthur Mitchell ..It is hard to do him and his legacy justice - 6 years ago

@wperrondancemag: Another side of #ArthurMitchell, written by the astute, always-bold @mybodymyimage @Dance_Magazine :… - 6 years ago

@RHSDancinFeat: RT @Dance_Magazine: “Mr. Mitchell's acute awareness of his pulchritude and charm, and the adroit manner in which he wielded them, have alwa… - 6 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: RT @ACrutchfield14: My Surprising Duet With Arthur Mitchell in Cold War Moscow via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@PaolaPinedaC: @Arthur_Mitchell Qué te pasó? - 6 years ago

@MomiMbuze: Dans les années 50, les corps des Noir·e·s étaient considérés comme “inaptes” au ballet. Mais Arthur Mitchell a bou… - 6 years ago

@gderosa14: RT @NYGovCuomo: We mourn the loss of one of the greats, today. Arthur Mitchell was a trailblazer and an inspiration for generations of blac… - 6 years ago

@PastorSCDixon: RT @thedayafter16: Arthur Adams Mitchell Jr. was born in New York March 27, 1934. He ran a paper route as a boy to help his family make end… - 6 years ago

@thedayafter16: RT @thedayafter16: Arthur Adams Mitchell Jr. was born in New York March 27, 1934. He ran a paper route as a boy to help his family make end… - 6 years ago

@ThaHipHopDoc: RT @thedayafter16: Arthur Adams Mitchell Jr. was born in New York March 27, 1934. He ran a paper route as a boy to help his family make end… - 6 years ago

@thedayafter16: Arthur Adams Mitchell Jr. was born in New York March 27, 1934. He ran a paper route as a boy to help his family mak… - 6 years ago

@culturegay1: Mort du danseur et chorégraphe américain Arthur Mitchell - 6 years ago

@BobinDavid: RT @AppelsActu: 🇺🇸@durpaire raconte comment Arthur Mitchell récemment décédé, 1er danseur étoile noir ayant grandi à Harlem est arrivé à in… - 6 years ago

@RFI: RT @AppelsActu: 🇺🇸@durpaire raconte comment Arthur Mitchell récemment décédé, 1er danseur étoile noir ayant grandi à Harlem est arrivé à in… - 6 years ago

@Franatic1: @kenradio Arthur Mitchell (John Lithgow) trinity killer’ from Dexter. Or Top Dollar (Michael Wincott) in The Crow..… - 6 years ago

@AppelsActu: 🇺🇸@durpaire raconte comment Arthur Mitchell récemment décédé, 1er danseur étoile noir ayant grandi à Harlem est arr… - 6 years ago

@Antonio10061963: Arthur Mitchell, ‘Jackie Robinson’ of the ballet profession, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@leona_kleynhans: RT @dailymaverick: Arthur Mitchell, 1934 – 2018 : Requiem for an African-American Dream come true - 6 years ago

@ballethnic: RIP Arthur taught us well! #BlackArtsMatter #BlackClassicalArts - 6 years ago

@Ike1986: He was a very talented and great American! Condolences to his family and friends.. Rest in peace, Arthur Mitchell... - 6 years ago

@dailymaverick: Arthur Mitchell, 1934 – 2018 : Requiem for an African-American Dream come true - 6 years ago

@steph_griff: Arthur Mitchell, the visionary founder of The Dance Theater of Harlem, who dared believe that African Americans cou… - 6 years ago

@winddancerr: Dance Theatre of Harlem: 40 Years of Firsts - 6 years ago

@xclusiveafrica1: Arthur Mitchell, 1934 – 2018 : Requiem for an African-American Dream come true - 6 years ago

@MaryMillben: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late trailblazing ballet icon Arthur Mitchell. - 6 years ago

@helenbgeln: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late trailblazing ballet icon Arthur Mitchell. - 6 years ago

@bigbabygravycab: RT @NMAAHC: “Beyond any particular style, he brought that aspiration and that certitude that black people could do ballet." Our Deputy Dire… - 6 years ago

@xluluo: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late trailblazing ballet icon Arthur Mitchell. - 6 years ago

@insectsentience: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late trailblazing ballet icon Arthur Mitchell. - 6 years ago

@madisonshopgirl: RT @WillieGeist: ICYMI on #SundayTODAY: Our tribute to the late trailblazing ballet icon Arthur Mitchell. - 6 years ago

@FleeksusWeaksus: RT @3xchair: R.I.P. dance master Arthur Mitchell, Dance Theater of Harlem founder & Balanchinian. I first saw Mitchell & troupe at my high… - 6 years ago

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