Arsen Pavlov

Russian soldier and participant in the War in Donbass
Died on Monday October 17th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Arsen Pavlov:

@IlikeRussia1: RT @NinaByzantina: New street art commemorating Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) in Metallostroy outside St. Petersburg, #Russia. #Donbass #street… - 8 years ago

@nofarhorizons: Now, I guess I know who Arsen Pavlov aka Motorola is, for the moment at least. Never say that social media can't teach you anything, huh ? - 8 years ago

@haloefekti: RT @NinaByzantina: New street art commemorating Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) in Metallostroy outside St. Petersburg, #Russia. #Donbass #street… - 8 years ago

@valeryhww: @NoviTemplier @fhollande The funeral ceremony for local hero Arsen Pavlov in Donetsk. Is there similar for "moderat… - 8 years ago


@Buffalo_Bolchev: RT @NinaByzantina: "Russian occupant": Donbass says "goodbye" to Arsen Pavlov (Motorola). Life news est. 30,000 people, some chanting, "We… - 8 years ago

@lascialfari: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@StafBettridge: RT @NinaByzantina: Banner commemorating Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) in Penza, #Russia. #Donbass - 8 years ago

@sheushin15: RT @NinaByzantina: New street art commemorating Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) in Metallostroy outside St. Petersburg, #Russia. #Donbass #street… - 8 years ago

@loogunda: @PeterRiebeek1 @pavlushkaserh No, it's a new one, previous one, Arsen 'Motorola' Pavlov died at 33. - 8 years ago

@lavra_lavina: Retweeted LANA STRING (@svetaring): @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent... - 8 years ago

@P_na_cova: RT @NinaByzantina: New street art commemorating Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) in Metallostroy outside St. Petersburg, #Russia. #Donbass #street… - 8 years ago

@AdekVatnik: RT @OceanEchoes: Памяти комбата Арсена Павлова. In memory of Battalion Commander Arsen Pavlov. @OrbSparta - 8 years ago

@OceanEchoes: Памяти комбата Арсена Павлова. In memory of Battalion Commander Arsen Pavlov. @OrbSparta - 8 years ago

@Alekzzzzz: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu @salty_1970 Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel - 8 years ago

@akcess211: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu @salty_1970 Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel - 8 years ago

@alenalane27: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel warlord - 8 years ago

@gavriilarhangel: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel warlord - 8 years ago

@55alex57: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel warlord - 8 years ago

@MashenkaM2015: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel warlord - 8 years ago

@_belka_strelka: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel warlord - 8 years ago

@bolshevik1953: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu @salty_1970 Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel - 8 years ago

@russ_ego: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu @salty_1970 Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel - 8 years ago

@nargizagafurova: RT @svetaring: @EchoMskRu Guardian назвала Моторолу выдающимся военачальником-Prominent rebel warlord - 8 years ago

@nathalie234567: RT @NinaByzantina: New street art commemorating Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) in Metallostroy outside St. Petersburg, #Russia. #Donbass #street… - 8 years ago

@liriuss: RT @manfromatlan: Funeral of Arsen Pavlov, Sparta Battalion commander #Motorola - 8 years ago

@PipK9: RT @jaclostermann: Arsen Pavlov, dit Motorola, commandant les forces patriotes russes au Donbas, a été assassiné par les Ukrainien . https:… - 8 years ago

@MickaelSAILOR: RT @jaclostermann: Arsen Pavlov, dit Motorola, commandant les forces patriotes russes au Donbas, a été assassiné par les Ukrainien . https:… - 8 years ago

@Patriote03: RT @jaclostermann: Arsen Pavlov, dit Motorola, commandant les forces patriotes russes au Donbas, a été assassiné par les Ukrainien . https:… - 8 years ago

@MikaelRoennlund: Arsen "Motorola" Pavlov hyllades som Putins supersoldat - Nu är han Rysslands nya martyr #säkpol #Ukrainakriget - 8 years ago

@liebenarbeiten: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@wavetossed: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@BUGMIR: Donetsk: l'ultimo saluto a eroe Arsen Pavlov "Motorola" Prima prendiamo Kiev, poi prendiamo l'viv - 8 years ago

@jaclostermann: Arsen Pavlov, dit Motorola, commandant les forces patriotes russes au Donbas, a été assassiné par les Ukrainien . - 8 years ago

@Yabrudy: RT @pechosboys: Miles de personas asisten al funeral del combatiente Arsen Pavlov, "Motorola", en #Donetsk - 8 years ago

@PanTauuu: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@dougsmith1946: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@svetasedinova: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@LubimayaRussiya: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@varyagi: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@maamba: Hero of the Donetsk People's Republic - 8 years ago

@yuriiev: RT @petejohn10: Farewell to the commander of the special unit DNI Arsen Pavlov (call sign "Motorola") - 8 years ago

@AharonGold1: Bomb Kills Pro-Russian Rebel Commander in Eastern Ukraine - 8 years ago

@AharonGold1: Bomb Kills Pro-Russian in Eastern Ukraine - 8 years ago

@RandiM20: RT @haloefekti: R.I.P the iconic freedomfighter of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Commander of the Sparta Battalion Arsen Pavlov (Motorola)… - 8 years ago

@EllimSluouf: RT @haloefekti: R.I.P the iconic freedomfighter of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Commander of the Sparta Battalion Arsen Pavlov (Motorola)… - 8 years ago

@haloefekti: R.I.P the iconic freedomfighter of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Commander of the Sparta Battalion Arsen Pavlov (M… - 8 years ago

@petejohn10: Surkov has promised to support the families of the victims, Arsen and Eugene Pavlov Gadlo - 8 years ago

@mediafinancial: A Donetsk l’ultimo saluto ad Arsen Pavlov, il comandante dei ribelli filorussi ucciso domenica da una bomba... - 8 years ago

@aPost_Soviet: RT @NinaByzantina: Look at this sea of people, Kiev. They're saying "goodbye" to their hero, Arsen Pavlov. This is why you'll never conquer… - 8 years ago

@MoonAngelWings: "Social networks’ users launch hashtag campaign #ukraineterrorists in memory of DPR Hero Arsen Pavlov | ( - 8 years ago

@agneseami: RT @CCKKI: La morte di Arsen Pavlov "#Motorola", ucciso da un #ordigno nell'ascensore di casa. riapre la guerra in #Donbass? - 8 years ago

@KoldoMB: RT @pechosboys: Miles de personas asisten al funeral del combatiente Arsen Pavlov, "Motorola", en #Donetsk - 8 years ago

@rojoeconomista: RT @pechosboys: Miles de personas asisten al funeral del combatiente Arsen Pavlov, "Motorola", en #Donetsk - 8 years ago

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