Aron Atabek

Kazakh writer
Died on Wednesday November 24th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Aron Atabek:

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 6/7 Aron ATABEK, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was innocently sentenced for 18 years for his political… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 5/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee: ➖ The #NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Ar… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 4/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron #ATABEK: ➖ An international investigati… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Veritas_kz: 6/7 Aron ATABEK, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was innocently sentenced for 18 years for his political vi… - 3 years ago


@zhunussovserik: RT @Veritas_kz: 5/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee: ➖ The #NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Aron… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Veritas_kz: 4/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron #ATABEK: ➖ An international investigation… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aidosabdraman: 6/7 Aron ATABEK, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was innocently sentenced for 18 years for his political… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aidosabdraman: 5/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee: ➖ The NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Aro… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aidosabdraman: 4/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron ATABEK: ➖ An international investigatio… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@YsOTD4bkZXxryDj: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 6/7 Aron ATABEK, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was innocently sentenced for 18 years for his poli… - 3 years ago

@kagank011: RT @yuceltanay53: Cezaevlerinde zulüm, hak yoksunluğu ve işkence #Kazakistan Bunun çarpıcı bir örneği, Aron'un #Atabek fotoğrafları ve son… - 3 years ago

@MarkQuarter: RT @BremondMatthieu: Kazakh poet and dissident Aron Atabek, leader of the Alash National Freedom Party, who was imprisoned for fifteen year… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 5/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee: ➖ The #NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and disside… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 4/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron #ATABEK: ➖ An international invest… - 3 years ago

@TurkistanEnes: RT @yuceltanay53: Cezaevlerinde zulüm, hak yoksunluğu ve işkence #Kazakistan Bunun çarpıcı bir örneği, Aron'un #Atabek fotoğrafları ve son… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@Veritas_kz: 6/7 Aron ATABEK, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was innocently sentenced for 18 years for his poli… - 3 years ago

@Veritas_kz: 5/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee: ➖ The #NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and disside… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@RoziRushan: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@KurmetovK: RT @musaeva_roza: 4/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron ATABEK: ➖ An international investigation… - 3 years ago

@Laura23944024: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @FreeKazakhs: We Demand an international #investigation into the #death of dissident poet and political #prisoner Aron Atabek.#Freekazak… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@Professor_Foote: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@RZsxev72keMYT2p: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@RZsxev72keMYT2p: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@RZsxev72keMYT2p: RT @Danazhanay: Kazakhstani regime killed another one political prisoner & poet Aron #Atabek who has been set free with restrictions after… - 3 years ago

@RZsxev72keMYT2p: RT @article14hrm: 1/3 Another political assassination. #Almaty. On the evening of 24 November, Aron #Atabek, poet, oppositionist and prison… - 3 years ago

@musaeva_roza: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is the… - 3 years ago

@otske2: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: 1/3 Cruelty, lack of rights and torture in prisons #Kazakhstan do not require proof. A striking example of this is… - 3 years ago

@FreeKazakhs: We Demand an international #investigation into the #death of dissident poet and political #prisoner Aron Atabek.… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @musaeva_roza: 6/7 Aron ATABEK, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was innocently sentenced for 18 years for his political… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @musaeva_roza: 5/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee: ➖ The NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Aron… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: @KenRoth The victim of the Nazarbayev system, poet, dissident Aron Atabek, who spent 15 years in prison on November 24,… - 3 years ago

@SMocuze: RT @FreeKazakhs: Activists of Kazakhstan:"Death of Aron Atabek lies entirely on the shoulders of Kazakh authorities.They passed an illegal… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 7/7 ✅ The #EU Delegation to Kazakhstan expressed condolences to the family of Kazakhstani dissident Aron ATABEK, despite… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 6/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee:➖ The NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Aron… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 5/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron #ATABEK:➖ An international investigatio… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 4/7 ✅ @JoannaLillis/ Joanna Lillis on the death of Aron ATABEK: #TimetoDeliver #EU2021PT - 3 years ago

@Alma_Karimgan: RT @Veritas_kz: 1/6 🔴We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@TalgatAktanov: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 7/7 ✅ The #EU Delegation to Kazakhstan expressed condolences to the family of Kazakhstani dissident Aron ATABEK, despite… - 3 years ago

@TalgatAktanov: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 6/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee:➖ The NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Aron… - 3 years ago

@TalgatAktanov: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 5/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron #ATABEK:➖ An international investigatio… - 3 years ago

@TalgatAktanov: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 4/7 ✅ @JoannaLillis/ Joanna Lillis on the death of Aron ATABEK: #TimetoDeliver #EU2021PT - 3 years ago

@futurerisks: RT @Diplomat_APAC: Kazakhstan’s Poet, Political Dissident Aron Atabek Dies - 3 years ago

@zilterzout: RT @MB2BORNOT2B: Aron Atabek,a poet&dissident from the times of USSR,died in #Kazachstan.For 15years he was tortured in solitary confinemen… - 3 years ago

@PaoloBottleneck: RT @Diplomat_APAC: Just weeks after his release from prison, Kazakh poet and dissident Aron Atabek died of complications following a COVID-… - 3 years ago

@Diplomat_APAC: Kazakhstan’s Poet, Political Dissident Aron Atabek Dies - 3 years ago

@kabievashynzada: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 6/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee:➖ The NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident Aron… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 7/7 ✅ The #EU Delegation to Kazakhstan expressed condolences to the family of Kazakhstani dissident Aron ATABEK, de… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 6/7 ✅ Norwegian Helsinki Committee:➖ The NHC is shocked and saddened at the news of the death of poet and dissident… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 5/7 ✅ Former U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan William Courtney on the death of Aron #ATABEK:➖ An international investi… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 4/7 ✅ @JoannaLillis/ Joanna Lillis on the death of Aron ATABEK: #TimetoDeliver #EU2021PT - 3 years ago

@Aitzhan50666901: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@AdamovaAnel: RT @Veritas_kz: 1/6 🔴We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @jimbaev: @EUinKazakhstan Aron Atabek was not the first human rights activist to die, why did you ignore the other victims, last year th… - 3 years ago

@Mira_Hasa: RT @jimbaev: @EUinKazakhstan Aron Atabek was not the first human rights activist to die, why did you ignore the other victims, last year th… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 1/6 🟥We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @nhc_no: The international community, including Norwegian Helsinki Committee, react to #Kazakhstan poet and dissident Aron Atabek's deat… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@rymarkkM: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@sarperaliyavas: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@missKarima17: RT @karlygashturman: @EUinKazakhstan @musaeva_roza You must admit that this is not just the death of the poet and fighter Aron Atabek, this… - 3 years ago

@aytar_nail: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@moldirnuranova: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @ChrisRickleton: A bright, clear, cold day for the memorial of long-serving Kazakh political prisoner Aron Atabek, who passed away this… - 3 years ago

@Maciek72506648: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @nhc_no: Protesters in Almaty, #Kazakhstan are reading poems by Aron Atabek (1953-2021). The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has said autho… - 3 years ago

@Boena12170343: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@VAkinfeyev: RT @ChrisRickleton: A bright, clear, cold day for the memorial of long-serving Kazakh political prisoner Aron Atabek, who passed away this… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @EUinKazakhstan: On behalf of the European Union in Kazakhstan, we express our condolences to the family and friends of the Kazakh poet… - 3 years ago

@missKarima17: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @karlygashturman: @EUinKazakhstan @musaeva_roza You must admit that this is not just the death of the poet and fighter Aron Atabek, this… - 3 years ago

@FreeKazakhs: Activists of Kazakhstan:"Death of Aron Atabek lies entirely on the shoulders of Kazakh authorities. They passed an… - 3 years ago

@FreeKazakhs: #Activists #protested and blamed the #Kazakh #authorities for the #death of Aron Atabek!#freekazakhs… - 3 years ago

@Mrukiu: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@unsc1325: RT @ChrisRickleton: A bright, clear, cold day for the memorial of long-serving Kazakh political prisoner Aron Atabek, who passed away this… - 3 years ago

@HughAWilliamson: RT @ChrisRickleton: Political prisoner and poet Aron Atabek's daughter Aidana speaking at her father's memorial in central Almaty under the… - 3 years ago

@ahmed40874911: RT @Danazhanay: Kazakhstani regime killed another one political prisoner & poet Aron #Atabek who has been set free with restrictions after… - 3 years ago

@ahmed40874911: RT @SayaKurmanGali: 1/2 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABE… - 3 years ago

@ahmed40874911: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@OskenbaiAmzeev: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@OskenbaiAmzeev: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Mira_Hasa: 2/2 Marat #MUSABAYEV by police officers, without explanation, without providing documents. The arbitrary detention, as it ha… - 3 years ago

@hawasamagan: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@MihraRittmann: RT @ChrisRickleton: A bright, clear, cold day for the memorial of long-serving Kazakh political prisoner Aron Atabek, who passed away this… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @yuceltanay53: Politikacı Zhasaral Kuanyshalin, Aron Atabek'in mezarı başında şunları söyledi: “Modern tarihimizde hiç kimse ilkelerini… - 3 years ago

@Alon19o7: @gth3pp Rest in peace Aron Atabek - 3 years ago

@beatano99420062: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@MaijaBriedis: RT @ChrisRickleton: Political prisoner and poet Aron Atabek's daughter Aidana speaking at her father's memorial in central Almaty under the… - 3 years ago

@uljankalibekova: RT @EUinKazakhstan: On behalf of the European Union in Kazakhstan, we express our condolences to the family and friends of the Kazakh poet… - 3 years ago

@uljankalibekova: RT @yuceltanay53: Politikacı Zhasaral Kuanyshalin, Aron Atabek'in mezarı başında şunları söyledi: “Modern tarihimizde hiç kimse ilkelerini… - 3 years ago

@arsamakovka: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@TurkistanEnes: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@hamitturan: RT @yuceltanay53: Politikacı Zhasaral Kuanyshalin, Aron Atabek'in mezarı başında şunları söyledi: “Modern tarihimizde hiç kimse ilkelerini… - 3 years ago

@Turgayguneri113: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@airRuhlu16: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@AmeleDevleti: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@adali202020: RT @yuceltanay53: Politikacı Zhasaral Kuanyshalin, Aron Atabek'in mezarı başında şunları söyledi: “Modern tarihimizde hiç kimse ilkelerini… - 3 years ago

@silsal6290: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@kurtalp46: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@tulpargibi: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@Meryem092: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@ahin75373986: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@zurnaci22846517: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@kagank011: RT @seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık m… - 3 years ago

@yeneraltinsoy: RT @babussokutan: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsızlık mü… - 3 years ago

@Aklima71: RT @AiaKaz: On the day of the funeral of #Nazarbayev's prisoner Aron #Atabek #Tokayev will once again whitewash Nazarbayev's #CORRUPTION re… - 3 years ago

@BalliMarzec: PEN Club - międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie pisarzy, prowadził kampanię, aby uwolnić z izolatki poetę Aron Atabek ale… - 3 years ago

@Aklima71: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@Aklima71: RT @Mira_Hasa: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on hi… - 3 years ago

@seyittumturk7: Aron Atabek kimdir ? Eğilmeyen dik duran muhalif Kazakh vatansever,şair yazar halk kahramanı Kazakhstan’ın bağımsız… - 3 years ago

@Aklima71: RT @Gulsara63: @eucopresident @TokayevKZ Today they detained the activists in the capital again. They wanted to read a prayer according to… - 3 years ago

@Jdcoachlife: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@gminneWiesci: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@OsowskiGrzegorz: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@boguslawa21: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@OloFilipino: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@albonicjusz: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@Aidyn_katpushev: RT @Aidyn_katpushev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is… - 3 years ago

@EELaWQRzb8tPywB: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@w_bukowski: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@lewymaroCW: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@musaeva_roza: 2/2 Marat #MUSABAYEV by police officers, without explanation, without providing documents. The arbitrary detention,… - 3 years ago

@evaosvat: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @FreeKazakhs: "For 15 years Aron Atabek was in #solitary confinement. Many people write that it was five years No, he spent 15 years in… - 3 years ago

@Puszinx: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@gil96022742: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@dwatchnews_eur: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: RT @SayaKurmanGali: 1/2 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABE… - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@Tony___Stark1: RT @SayaKurmanGali: 1/2 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABE… - 3 years ago

@jaci_so: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@ints_goze: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@Krasnal18: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@Greg970517390: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@smbarja: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@janina583208231: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @djanzakova_Sh: 4/6 Today there are 16 political prisoners in Kazakhstan, the health of each of them is irreparably destroyed and endang… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @djanzakova_Sh: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK o… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 4/6 Today there are 16 political prisoners in #Kazakhstan, the health of each of them is irreparably destroyed and endan… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @Gulsara63: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on hi… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @Ardakmergenbai: 4/6 And they do all this at the hands of the police. Tokayev-Nazarbayev managed to shut the mouth of another political… - 3 years ago

@z_bynek: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 1/6 🟥We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@ToWioletta: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@MB2BORNOT2B: Aron Atabek,a poet&dissident from the times of USSR,died in #Kazachstan.For 15years he was tortured in solitary con… - 3 years ago

@DSeitzhn: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@NSRBDZ: RT @philippe_dam: #Kazakhstan: Dissident & poet Aron Atabek died yesterday, weeks after his release. 14 years of prison left him extremely… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @djanzakova_Sh: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK o… - 3 years ago

@ChainsawMelee: RT @BalliMarzec: W #Kazachstan zmarł poeta i dysydent z czasów ZSSR Aron Atabek. Przez 15 lat był torturowany w izolatce, złamano mu krtań,… - 3 years ago

@djanzakova_Sh: 4/6 Today there are 16 political prisoners in Kazakhstan, the health of each of them is irreparably destroyed and e… - 3 years ago

@djanzakova_Sh: 2/6 for 15 years; he was tortured and his health condition deteriorated. The Kazakhstani authorities were forced t… - 3 years ago

@newsorb360: Kazakh dissident Aron Atabek dies weeks after release from prison - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aidosabdraman: 4/6 Today there are 16 political prisoners in Kazakhstan, the health of each of them is irreparably destroyed and endang… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aidosabdraman: 2/6 he was tortured and his health condition deteriorated.  The Kazakhstani authorities were forced to release Aron ATA… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aidosabdraman: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK o… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 1/6 🟥We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @nhc_no: The international community, including Norwegian Helsinki Committee, react to #Kazakhstan poet and dissident Aron Atabek's deat… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: 4/6 And they do all this at the hands of the police. Tokayev-Nazarbayev managed to shut the mouth of another politi… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @article14hrm: 1/3 Another political assassination. #Almaty. On the evening of 24 November, Aron #Atabek, poet, oppositionist and prison… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @VirtuteFemina: 4/6 Today there are 16 political prisoners in Kazakhstan, the health of each of them is irreparably destroyed and endang… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @VirtuteFemina: 2/6 he was tortured and his health condition deteriorated.  The Kazakhstani authorities were forced to release Aron ATAB… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @VirtuteFemina: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #Atabek… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Danazhanay: Kazakhstani regime killed another one political prisoner & poet Aron #Atabek who has been set free with restrictions after… - 3 years ago

@ShinnChan43: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@G_Shadiyarbek: RT @mendygaziyev: I express my deepest condolences to the family of poet and former political prisoner Aron Atabek on his death.This is a g… - 3 years ago

@lucy_pawle: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@_7244933160352: RT @SvobodaRadio: Казахский диссидент Арон Атабек умер после 15 лет заключения - 3 years ago

@YerbolKostanai: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 1/6 🟥We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@Niyazbe61474604: RT @Danazhanay: Kazakhstani regime killed another one political prisoner & poet Aron #Atabek who has been set free with restrictions after… - 3 years ago

@Niyazbe61474604: RT @AsiyaAhmet: Tokayev in Brussels for another lie? Ask him about political prisoner Aron Atabek and thousands of political persecutors in… - 3 years ago

@Niyazbe61474604: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@EELaWQRzb8tPywB: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 1/6 🟥We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 1/6 🟥We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron #ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @nhc_no: The international community, including Norwegian Helsinki Committee, react to #Kazakhstan poet and dissident Aron Atabek's deat… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@TurdiyevaU: RT @nhc_no: The international community, including Norwegian Helsinki Committee, react to #Kazakhstan poet and dissident Aron Atabek's deat… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @Janbaevavenera: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK… - 3 years ago

@Ilonaw8: RT @tvn24: Poeta i dysydent Aron Atabek zmarł w szpitalu w Ałmaty - poinformowali obrońcy praw człowieka. - 3 years ago

@faktyoswiecie: RT @tvn24: Poeta i dysydent Aron Atabek zmarł w szpitalu w Ałmaty - poinformowali obrońcy praw człowieka. - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: @KenRoth The victim of the Nazarbayev system, poet, dissident Aron Atabek, who spent 15 years in prison on November 24,… - 3 years ago

@tvn24: Poeta i dysydent Aron Atabek zmarł w szpitalu w Ałmaty - poinformowali obrońcy praw człowieka. - 3 years ago

@PolishNews1: Kazakhstan. Aron Atabek is dead - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @musaeva_roza: 3/3 Aron Atabek was unjustly sentenced to 18 years. He served 15 years in prison and was released on 1.10.2021. to die at… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@tomaszewskim: Dwa miesiące temu wyszedł na wolność po 15 latach. Nie żyje kazachstański poeta i dysydent Aron Atabek - 3 years ago

@Beyazmuhafazak1: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@ladylike136: RT @Klara_sultan: 1/6 We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of a poet and a former political prisoner Aron ATABEK on… - 3 years ago

@filipino_muslim: RT @yuceltanay53: #AronAtabek Son dakika! Kazakistan’ın kahraman evladı şair,yazar,muhalif siyasi lideri ;Aron Atabek az önce vefat etti Tü… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Ardakmergenbai: Our Kazakh samurai, Aron Atabek, passed away today. After sitting in a Nazarbayev concentration camp for 15 years. Naza… - 3 years ago

@MihraRittmann: RT @USembassyKAZ: We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of poet and activist Aron Atabek, Kazakhstan’s longest servi… - 3 years ago

@zapalo4: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@loadsa_dosh: RT @USembassyKAZ: We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of poet and activist Aron Atabek, Kazakhstan’s longest servi… - 3 years ago

@aygeryma: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@NSRBDZ: RT @USembassyKAZ: We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of poet and activist Aron Atabek, Kazakhstan’s longest servi… - 3 years ago

@PaolaGaffurini: RT @USembassyKAZ: We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of poet and activist Aron Atabek, Kazakhstan’s longest servi… - 3 years ago

@USCGAlmaty: RT @USembassyKAZ: We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of poet and activist Aron Atabek, Kazakhstan’s longest servi… - 3 years ago

@IvarDale: Kasakhstan har eget reklamebilag i @dagbladet i dag. Resten av verden er mer opptatt av poet og dissident Aron Atab… - 3 years ago

@steveswerdlow: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@T931R: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@steveswerdlow: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@ChrisRickleton: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@myashlyamfu: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @Ardakmergenbai: Our Kazakh samurai, Aron Atabek, passed away today. After sitting in a Nazarbayev concentration camp for 15 years. Naza… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@davidisaksen: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@SayaKurmanGali: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@jack_nova_: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@DakaInsolent: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@Zhajain: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: @KenRoth The victim of the Nazarbayev system, poet, dissident Aron Atabek, who spent 15 years in prison on November 24,… - 3 years ago

@Zhajain: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@Mira_Hasa: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@zamandogru: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@musaeva_roza: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@KMirzamakhmud: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@GM2021GM: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@SImBw9bh1kmX80n: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@YerdauletovaA: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@YerdauletovaA: @AiaKaz @CommissionerHR @EamonGilmore @OSCE_RFoM @MihraRittmann @TerhiHakala @nhc_no @EU_Commission @VeniceComm… - 3 years ago

@masamediakz: Редакциясы марқұмның отбасына көңіл айтады. - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @Ardakmergenbai: Our Kazakh samurai, Aron Atabek, passed away today. After sitting in a Nazarbayev concentration camp for 15 years. Naza… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @zhibekkaz: Prisoner of conscience and honor 🇰🇿 Aron Atabek died, killed by the regime of #Nazarbayeva, Let the killers of the people 🇰🇿… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@seppukkudeath: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@AdamovaAnel: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@gf_sucks: RT @aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@missKarima17: RT @FreeKazakhs: Aron Atabek #PoliticlPrisoner in #Kazakhstan, who was recently released after 15 years’ prison in disturbing physical co… - 3 years ago

@Gauhar_Boranova: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@Mira_Hasa: RT @musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for peopl… - 3 years ago

@musaeva_roza: 3/3 Aron Atabek was unjustly sentenced to 18 years. He served 15 years in prison and was released on 1.10.2021. to… - 3 years ago

@musaeva_roza: 1/3 On December 24, 2021, poet and dissident Aron #Atabek died. The only person who was not afraid to stand up for… - 3 years ago

@DinaraOM: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@KzTitans: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@dwatchnews_mena: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@TristanLeonid: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@JEKluczkowski: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@imErinsyler: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@futurerisks: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@IsgalciyeHayir: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@LIaJGEOmNOgNsnw: RT @Ardakmergenbai: Our Kazakh samurai, Aron Atabek, passed away today. After sitting in a Nazarbayev concentration camp for 15 years. Naza… - 3 years ago

@baturbeykoray: Aron ATABEK'in LORELEI adlı şiiri * Şiirin Türkçe’ye çevirisi Askar Aidarkhan’ın İngilizce’ye çevirisi esas alına… - 3 years ago

@baturbeykoray: Kazak şair Aron Atabek'in kendisi için başlatılan bir kampanyaya binaen yazdığı mektup : Kişi ruhunda, ulusunun min… - 3 years ago

@l7PfusfpgG1giOv: RT @kaztag_kz: Умер Арон Атабек Подробнее: - 3 years ago

@dwatchnews_eur: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@dwatchnews: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@Bubbelonia: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@arianneripmees: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@HuubBellemakers: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@MarjoleinCK: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@geliyomaha: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@RabigaKaz: @INTERPOL_HQ,  @BBCTech, @EamonGilmore, @rozathun 🔴❗LO MATARON A ARON ATABEK❗🔴 Video⤵️ 🔴❗D… - 3 years ago

@KaswarHussain2: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@alekseixazov: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@dswslc: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@geceyiaydinlat: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@VladDavidzon: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@geceyiaydinlat: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@AdamHug: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@Yurt034: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@SmidRoland: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@ser_ou_parecer: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@dwatchnews_eur: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@dwatchnews: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@RabigaKaz: RT @RabigaKaz: @INTERPOL_HQ,  @BBCTech, @EamonGilmore, @rozathun En este video(video) uno de los activistas de Kazajistán decia:"KGB quiere… - 3 years ago

@RabigaKaz: @INTERPOL_HQ,  @BBCTech, @EamonGilmore, @rozathun En este video(video) uno de los activistas de Kazajistán decia:"K… - 3 years ago

@Meow_Meau: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Meow_Meau: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@meclarke114: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@Nathan_Visser: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@Nathan_Visser: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@akifshikeste: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@Meow_Meau: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@Aysarr44: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@aski_memnu: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@CletusUkpong: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@nurangelisli: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@NS_Tvrkmenistan: RT @cavidaga: Türkiyede milliyetçilerin adeta taptıkları, "Türk dünyasının aksakalı" Nazarbayevin hapsettiği Alaş Partisi lideri Aron Atabe… - 3 years ago

@baursafi: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@SiaAkermark: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@aleidsteenman: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@venada_negra: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Mustafa_Meshur: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@ozleminadi: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@umit_k: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@9uler: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@aigul_pavel: The Nazarbayev regime alone is to blame for Aron Atabek's death! My condolences to the relatives 😪😭. - 3 years ago

@IFEX: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@Ozandenizerdogn: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@PjotrSauer: RT @martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel overleef… - 3 years ago

@jfarchy: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@JohannBihr: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@martijnsmiers: Twee maanden na z’n vrijlating is Aron Atabek overleden. Alsnog, want de Kazachse dissident had net 15 jaar cel ove… - 3 years ago

@PjotrSauer: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@5mutmeg: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Alperen80120738: RT @yuceltanay53: #AronAtabek Son dakika! Kazakistan’ın kahraman evladı şair,yazar,muhalif siyasi lideri ;Aron Atabek az önce vefat etti Tü… - 3 years ago

@who_am_I_2021: RT @MihraRittmann: Devastated to learn of #Kazakhstan dissident Aron Atabek’s death. He was recently released from prison after serving 15… - 3 years ago

@mcmadal: RT @Vlastkz: Умер поэт-диссидент Арон Атабек. Ему было 68 лет: - 3 years ago

@mcmadal: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@salataism: RT @bibliophiliste: Türkiye’de milliyetçiler Nursultan Nazarbayev denen Rusya ve Çin aşığı beyefendiye tapadururken kendisinin muhalif oldu… - 3 years ago

@skewikc: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@NasyonalFemSJW: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@erkesolton: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@ayyildizmoca: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@bjornberger: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@FreeKazakhs: The Kazakh authorities killed Aron Atabek!Stop Persecution,Killing and Torture of Civil Rights Activists in Kazakhs… - 3 years ago

@mccallum_n: RT @joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already blighted… - 3 years ago

@kursatata: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@SelhanKrat: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@malrejimi: RT @TamgaTurk: Kazakistan Türkiye'de çok sevilen diktatörü Nursultan Nazarbayev'in yasaklattığı Alaş Partisi'nin kurucusu Aron Atabek bugün… - 3 years ago

@ErnestZhanaev: RT @gth3pp: My beloved father Aron Atabek passed away. People who fight authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan always end up like this. - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@joannalillis: The death of poet and until recently political prisoner Aron Atabek is a terrible stain on #Kazakhstan's already bl… - 3 years ago

@by_bayraktar: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@kcorabmal: RT @bibliophiliste: Türkiye’de milliyetçiler Nursultan Nazarbayev denen Rusya ve Çin aşığı beyefendiye tapadururken kendisinin muhalif oldu… - 3 years ago

@__Karabela__: RT @bibliophiliste: Türkiye’de milliyetçiler Nursultan Nazarbayev denen Rusya ve Çin aşığı beyefendiye tapadururken kendisinin muhalif oldu… - 3 years ago

@erkanguntore: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@voidbringer_: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@varolantehlike: RT @emiragurbuz: Aron Atabek Sovyet döneminden beri Kazakistan'da Türkçü muhalefetin başını çekiyordu. Genel Başkanı olduğu Turancı Alaş Pa… - 3 years ago

@demiryabgu: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@bibliophiliste: Türkiye’de milliyetçiler Nursultan Nazarbayev denen Rusya ve Çin aşığı beyefendiye tapadururken kendisinin muhalif… - 3 years ago

@BilgeWannabe: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@hariseldon_sv: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@emiragurbuz: Aron Atabek Sovyet döneminden beri Kazakistan'da Türkçü muhalefetin başını çekiyordu. Genel Başkanı olduğu Turancı… - 3 years ago

@Dogukan1609: RT @emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden tahliy… - 3 years ago

@VirtuteFemina: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@emiragurbuz: Türk Keneşi hakkında yazdığım yazıda bahsettiğim Kazakistanlı Türkçü aktivist Aron Atabek bu şartlarda hapishaneden… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@karabatak64: RT @cavidaga: Aron Atabek bu gün vefat etti. - 3 years ago

@olu_kus: RT @cavidaga: Türkiyede milliyetçilerin adeta taptıkları, "Türk dünyasının aksakalı" Nazarbayevin hapsettiği Alaş Partisi lideri Aron Atabe… - 3 years ago

@YedigeBaitemir: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@Tahirson: RT @cavidaga: Türkiyede milliyetçilerin adeta taptıkları, "Türk dünyasının aksakalı" Nazarbayevin hapsettiği Alaş Partisi lideri Aron Atabe… - 3 years ago

@MOS6582: RT @cavidaga: Türkiyede milliyetçilerin adeta taptıkları, "Türk dünyasının aksakalı" Nazarbayevin hapsettiği Alaş Partisi lideri Aron Atabe… - 3 years ago

@dknewskz: В Алматы скончался Арон Атабек (Едигеев) - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@Nurzhan_Sembaev: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@TQahiri: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@AkishevaAijan: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@StacyMatson333: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Hae_Gar: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @yuceltanay53: #AronAtabek Son dakika! Kazakistan’ın kahraman evladı şair,yazar,muhalif siyasi lideri ;Aron Atabek az önce vefat etti Tü… - 3 years ago

@TurdiyevaU: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@bex_1109: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of conscience… - 3 years ago

@06JAnk: RT @cavidaga: Aron Atabek bu gün vefat etti. - 3 years ago

@Veritas_kz: 🔴MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF MY BELOVED KAZAKHS DO NOT FORGET ME.... Poet, publicist, political prisoner, prisoner of co… - 3 years ago

@atillakeykavus: RT @cavidaga: Aron Atabek bu gün vefat etti. - 3 years ago

@CmSkyline: RT @cavidaga: Aron Atabek bu gün vefat etti. - 3 years ago

@cavidaga: Aron Atabek bu gün vefat etti. - 3 years ago

@TurkistanEnes: RT @yuceltanay53: #AronAtabek Son dakika! Kazakistan’ın kahraman evladı şair,yazar,muhalif siyasi lideri ;Aron Atabek az önce vefat etti Tü… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@ActivistAtyrau: RT @AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment. This is an… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @MihraRittmann: Devastated to learn of #Kazakhstan dissident Aron Atabek’s death. He was recently released from prison after serving 15… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@YedigeBaitemir: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on November 2… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanction… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: 🔴Famous poet, dissident Aron #Atabek, who spent 15 years in the Nazarbayev concentration camp, passed away on Novem… - 3 years ago

@Ardakmergenbai: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Aron Atabek dies - #AronAtabek #Aron #Atabek #rip - 3 years ago

@FinestKind115: RT @MihraRittmann: Devastated to learn of #Kazakhstan dissident Aron Atabek’s death. He was recently released from prison after serving 15… - 3 years ago

@MuammerGokcin: Poet and dissident Aron Atabek died at the age of 68 in a hospital in Almaty. This information to the Kazakh servic… - 3 years ago

@sher_khashimov: RT @MihraRittmann: Devastated to learn of #Kazakhstan dissident Aron Atabek’s death. He was recently released from prison after serving 15… - 3 years ago

@zhunussovserik: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@MuammerGokcin: Kazakh poet and dissident Aron Atabek dies...Aron Edigeev better known as Aron Atabek is a prominent Kazakh writer,… - 3 years ago

@AiaKaz: 🇰🇿 civil society is experiencing another loss. Today political prisoner Aron #Atabek died after a long imprisonment… - 3 years ago

@lucy_pawle: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@Milatrud11: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@mutalabala: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@equisetum71: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Torokul: RT @MihraRittmann: Devastated to learn of #Kazakhstan dissident Aron Atabek’s death. He was recently released from prison after serving 15… - 3 years ago

@e4txO4NWLpn5GJu: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Makasyaba: RT @Vlastkz: Умер поэт-диссидент Арон Атабек. Ему было 68 лет: - 3 years ago

@karlygashturman: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanct… - 3 years ago

@Aidosabdraman: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@Menzada2: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

@JomartAbdigapar: Knowing that the person's health deteriorated after torture and inhuman conditions in order to avoid personal sanct… - 3 years ago

@EuCaspian: RT @joannalillis: Aron Atabek, who was #Kazakhstan's longest serving political prisoner ever until his recent release because of his terrib… - 3 years ago

@Aigul_Nurpeis: RT @nhc_no: The NHC is shocked and saddened at news of the death of poet and dissident Aron Atabek in #Kazakhstan, where he was recently re… - 3 years ago

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