Arnold Wesker

British playwright.
Died on Tuesday April 12th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Arnold Wesker:

@BobGreenwade: @MrCThomson Can you actually do ventriloquism, though? (You'd make a fine Arnold Wesker, if you can manage the New Jersey accent.) - 9 years ago

@djdave_west: So sir arnold wesker passed awy lst wk:( (side note 2006 = knighthood given) and victoria wood 2day Jesus flipping christ get yer coat 2016 - 9 years ago

@bristoljohn: RT @NATEfeed: Drama in the canteen: Ros Asquith invokes the late Arnold Wesker to link 'The Kitchen' to lack of theatre trips - 9 years ago

@YoubidderD: British Dramatist / Playwright Sir Arnold Wesker Hand Signed Card 1995 - 9 years ago


@wesker_89: RT @Schwarzenegger: Easy: - 9 years ago

@Vikki2806943: RT @ACherilyn473: Leading British playwright Sir Arnold Wesker, who came to prominence in the late 1950s for his gritty, working class dram… - 9 years ago

@Christian2178: @EricaAnnDeakin Terry Wogan, Paul Daniels, Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Ronnie Corbett, Arnold Wesker & now Victoria Wood what a terrible year - 9 years ago

@ChrisJonesTrib: RT @nestruck: Susannah Clapp's appreciation of playwright Arnold Wesker, 1932-2016: - 9 years ago

@nestruck: Susannah Clapp's appreciation of playwright Arnold Wesker, 1932-2016: - 9 years ago

@Diacritik_Mag: RT @JacquesEmileMir: Arnold Wesker (1932-2016), le dernier des enragés - 9 years ago

@SantiMtv: RT @yungleann: rip to my grandpa. He wrote beautiful plays and also was in jail when he was young RIP Arnold Wesker <3 - 9 years ago

@JacquesEmileMir: Arnold Wesker (1932-2016), le dernier des enragés - 9 years ago

@rosario56366: RT @ACherilyn473: Leading British playwright Sir Arnold Wesker, who came to prominence in the late 1950s for his gritty, working class dram… - 9 years ago

@babciapat: RT @MrMichaelShaw: The late playwright Arnold Wesker occasionally wrote for @tes. Here's one of his book reviews from 1975. - 9 years ago

@tes: RT @MrMichaelShaw: The late playwright Arnold Wesker occasionally wrote for @tes. Here's one of his book reviews from 1975. - 9 years ago

@MrMichaelShaw: The late playwright Arnold Wesker occasionally wrote for @tes. Here's one of his book reviews from 1975. - 9 years ago

@OberonBooks: A great retrospective of Arnold Wesker's work from @jdforward: - 9 years ago

@blogofdeath: British playwright Arnold Wesker, 83, who produced more than 40 plays, died - 9 years ago

@obituarywriters: British playwright Arnold Wesker, 83, who produced more than 40 plays, died - 9 years ago

@CanbrTimesFeed: Obituary: Playwright Sir Arnold Wesker introduced audiences to struggles of working class - 9 years ago

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