Arnold Spielberg

American electrical engineer.
Died on Wednesday August 26th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Arnold Spielberg:

@alyosha19: Tribute to Arnold Spielberg | USC Shoah Foundation - 4 years ago

@TheJayGiles: @JeffVsTheWorld I like to believe she did...a year earlier she working with Arnold, Spielberg and a stellar cast in… - 4 years ago

@skbfilm: - 4 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This Week's Honorary Unsubscribe is quite a surprising one: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg. His story in about 2… - 4 years ago


@paulamjohns: RT @jushangininther: @AnjillofLight_ @IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump SHADOW = 70 The Shadow of the DS is matched by President Trump comin… - 4 years ago

@jushangininther: RT @jushangininther: @Brianmarie11 @familyman20181 @SantaSurfing17 @GesaraNews @VeteransAlways_ GE -> Schmitt -> Hanks -> HWood GE is Grey… - 4 years ago

@jushangininther: @Brianmarie11 @familyman20181 @SantaSurfing17 @GesaraNews @VeteransAlways_ GE -> Schmitt -> Hanks -> HWood GE is Gr… - 4 years ago

@SDBaroque: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 4 years ago

@sgustman: Remembering Arnold Spielberg - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @adamzanzie: “The more you talk about the horrors of a war, the more you are less likely to try to get involved in another one.” Rest i… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @remzelk1: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 | The Times of Israel @mic… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @FLHolocaustMus: #TheFHM mourns the loss of #ArnoldSpielberg, father of #StevenSpielberg. In the 90s, Arnold conceived a system that ena… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @AnitaNelam: #StevenSpielberg Has Lost His Father #RIP #ArnoldSpielberg - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @Showbiz_IT: #StevenSpielberg’s father #ArnoldSpielberg dies at 103 in Los Angeles - 4 years ago

@chleiros: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 4 years ago

@cp_arasu: RT @InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private Ryan,… - 4 years ago

@Gunsgalore2: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 4 years ago

@GryphonsRAWK: Bet ya didn't know this about Steven Spielberg's dad: - 4 years ago

@SportsSturm: RT @TheHardline3to7: THIS TRIFECTA IS CLOSED - August 26, 2020 Three-Bedroom Apartment is filled - Peter Green Arnold Spielberg Lou Hens… - 4 years ago

@DarksideLeader: RT @TheHardline3to7: THIS TRIFECTA IS CLOSED - August 26, 2020 Three-Bedroom Apartment is filled - Peter Green Arnold Spielberg Lou Hens… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @FLHolocaustMus: #TheFHM mourns the loss of #ArnoldSpielberg, father of #StevenSpielberg. In the 90s, Arnold conceived a system that ena… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @adamzanzie: “The more you talk about the horrors of a war, the more you are less likely to try to get involved in another one.” Rest i… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @remzelk1: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 | The Times of Israel @mic… - 4 years ago

@davidaquinley: RT @AnitaNelam: #StevenSpielberg Has Lost His Father #RIP #ArnoldSpielberg - 4 years ago

@TheHardline3to7: THIS TRIFECTA IS CLOSED - August 26, 2020 Three-Bedroom Apartment is filled - Peter Green Arnold Spielberg Lou Henson #RIP - 4 years ago

@PatriotPatKE: 🇺🇸 Veteran Arnold Spielberg dead at 103 years old 🇺🇸 R.I.P. 🙏🙏 Thank you for your service 🇺🇸 @eaw401 - 4 years ago

@pacificparks: Did you know Arnold Spielberg and Charles Propster designed the GE-225 mainframe computer in the late 1950s? And th… - 4 years ago

@sysfrank: Lived in my hometown...Cynthiana Arnold Spielberg, Computer Pioneer, Dies At 103 | Business Wire - 4 years ago

@SJSafra: @JeshuaaCastillo If you don't take the chance now, then you will never know and if that fails then wash, rinse, rep… - 4 years ago

@PCOptions: Steven Spielberg's dad was an engineer who contributed to the progamming language that helped us have personal comp… - 5 years ago

@TeresaDePelegri: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@RiziTony: - 5 years ago

@cristine_foster: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@noturbine: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@Daily_NewsLive: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@SouthSerpenty: Après Chadwick Boseman; incroyable interprète de Black Panther, Arnold Spielberg; le papa de Steven Spielberg, voic… - 5 years ago

@techtaffy: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg’s dad, dies at 103 — PBS - 5 years ago

@FrcMajeure: “Can a kid be strong, care for others, and be responsible even if he feels abandoned himself? The answer was yes...” - 5 years ago

@MIC_328: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@hempfelt: RT @jushangininther: @AnjillofLight_ @IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump SHADOW = 70 The Shadow of the DS is matched by President Trump comin… - 5 years ago

@jushangininther: RT @jushangininther: @AnjillofLight_ @IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump SHADOW = 70 The Shadow of the DS is matched by President Trump comin… - 5 years ago

@jushangininther: @AnjillofLight_ @IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump The Covid 19 shit Schmitt dig: RON spawns TOM R morphs up [2] lette… - 5 years ago

@jushangininther: @AnjillofLight_ @IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump SHADOW = 70 The Shadow of the DS is matched by President Trump co… - 5 years ago

@Chasapple: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@WillKlaver: RT @AVCupdate: RIP to WWII Veteran Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's father, who died this week at 103. Here are 5 Steven Spielberg mo… - 5 years ago

@N6ISgQ8I0krtZNn: RT @AVCupdate: RIP to WWII Veteran Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's father, who died this week at 103. Here are 5 Steven Spielberg mo… - 5 years ago

@muqsithirfan: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@AVCupdate: RIP to WWII Veteran Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's father, who died this week at 103. Here are 5 Steven Spi… - 5 years ago

@trumpocalyps17: There was a beautiful, loving obituary for Mr. Spielberg in yesterday's LA Times. 103 years, what a wonderful life.… - 5 years ago

@E_Patrick909: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@insightdottech: IN THE NEWS: Arnold Spielberg, pioneering @generalelectric computer designer and father of director Steven Spielbe… - 5 years ago

@evelyn_nopfs: RT @SchuldSelbst: @evelyn_nopfs @thor383 Klingt wie: Reichstag has fallen Regie: Steven Spielberg Darsteller: Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stall… - 5 years ago

@NancyJohnson45: RT @IBelizeit: Sadly #StevenSpielberg’s father passed away. May his memory be a blessing. #ArnoldSpielberg - 5 years ago

@SchuldSelbst: @evelyn_nopfs @thor383 Klingt wie: Reichstag has fallen Regie: Steven Spielberg Darsteller: Bruce Willis, Sylvester… - 5 years ago

@Skland1: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@jmwolfinbarger: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@IBelizeit: Sadly #StevenSpielberg’s father passed away. May his memory be a blessing. #ArnoldSpielberg - 5 years ago

@subvociferans: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@wilwielgosz: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@jettzworld: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@DevJoseManuel: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@BerkeleyBrett: RT @ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for his… - 5 years ago

@ComputerHistory: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, father of film director Steven Spielberg, has died at 103. He was renowned for h… - 5 years ago

@FoothillFuneral: 'You are our home': Steven Spielberg mourns #death of his father, Arnold, at 103. #CelebrityDeath - 5 years ago

@SimonOrtiz9: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Nina888881: Arnold Spielberg died. Steven's dad and a computer pioneer, part of the development of the PERSONAL COMPUTER. Hmm.… - 5 years ago

@ajsarun: Sarun's Blog: ผู้บุกเบิกคอมพวเตอร์ Arnold Spielberg พ่อของ Steve... - 5 years ago

@LASELKI: Arnold Spielberg (père) est décédé à 103 ans - 5 years ago

@RadioamateursFr: Arnold Spielberg (père) est décédé à 103 ans - 5 years ago

@PeterPetrusma: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@klillington: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@dourresearchdrk: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago


@recradioinfo: [TWIAR] Arnold Spielberg, former amateur radio operator and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103: - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@DebFoxFinancial: #Computer #pioneer Arnold #Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 @ksatnews @ksatnews #RIPArnoldSpielberg… - 5 years ago

@Mic_wrecka11: RT @ksatnews: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ksatnews: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@MusicShipley: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@liviasoares04: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@jagan520: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@a13m: TIL: Steven Spielberg's dad was quite the engineer. RIP, Mr. Spielberg. - 5 years ago

@Ellysiumfields: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@SydSalesman: RT @alexrossmusic: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's brilliant engineer father, died on Aug. 25 at the age of 103. While serving with th… - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @TrueQanuck11: 2180) Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dead at 103. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@farfel54: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@HappyHobbit4: RT @InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private Ryan,… - 5 years ago

@Pandastamper: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@an_heathens: im mourning the dead of my brother too men this is dangerous for our democrasy you are st… - 5 years ago

@an_heathens: im so sorry bible says forgive your enemies as the sacrifice of Jesus christ forgave all o… - 5 years ago

@being_woman: Steven Spielberg Has Lost His Father | Vanity Fair - 5 years ago

@LOYALFAN1: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@AMKNIGHT007: Steven Spielberg’s dad, computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Cutekittu3: RT @InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private Ryan,… - 5 years ago

@lbadchkam: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@Pauline93057750: RT @InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private Ryan,… - 5 years ago

@Sarah97437579: RT @InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private Ryan,… - 5 years ago

@ml2mst: RT @InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private Ryan,… - 5 years ago

@InbarCohen13: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son Steven Spielberg to direct “Saving Private… - 5 years ago

@BellzWebster: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - Jewish Telegraphic Agency - 5 years ago

@MNikol89: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@jbminatra: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@MTorresPersonal: @JimmFORCE Arnold Spielberg's lifetime be like - 5 years ago

@jushangininther: @UnderThatStone1 Just saw the Grey Eagle again yesterday with Tapper going after Giuliani Thinking GREY GE R Y GE… - 5 years ago

@Rigo94212876: Thanks to Spielberg's Mom & Dad for their genius Director - 5 years ago

@AaronRFernandes: RIP Arnold - Steven Spielberg's Father Arnold Spielberg Passes Away at 103 - 5 years ago

@lalamoh: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@LaurasMiscMovie: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 | Hollywood Reporter ⁦@THR⁩ - 5 years ago

@fredes78: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@TheJeffManghera: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@RayRy2019: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@ArmyofWomack: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@nelstweet: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@TonyLiu_HN: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@RayAnthonySoto: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@reilly1_joel: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@GigiShapiroProd: RT @VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@VanityFair: Through his camera, Steven Spielberg was forever trying to see things through his father’s eyes - 5 years ago

@martha_isaac: RT @DolarToday: Fallece Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg, a los 103 años de edad #EEUU #28Agosto - 5 years ago

@Kate_Chase: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@AntonioGarrett7: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@pldLMT: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@unnopasso: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@StageCenterNow: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@bookishbelle: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@gasolineglamour: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@fafafafafafabi: RT @VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@VanityFair: On Tuesday, Arnold Spielberg, father to filmmaker Steven Spielberg, passed away at the age of 103 - 5 years ago

@IBM3081D: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@7BRIDGESROAD77: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Pioneer, Dies At 103 | Business Wire - 5 years ago

@daniellenewnham: “I tried to get him interested in engineering, but his heart was in movies. At first I was disappointed, but then I… - 5 years ago

@OCGente: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@luvindiemusic: RT @WKYT: “When I see a PlayStation, when I look at a cell phone — from the smallest calculator to an iPad — I look at my dad and I say, ‘M… - 5 years ago

@luvindiemusic: RT @13abc: Spielberg and Charles Propster designed the GE-225 mainframe computer in the late 1950s while working for General Electric. The… - 5 years ago

@luvindiemusic: RT @WBRCnews: Arnold Spielberg, father of director Steven Spielberg and a pioneering computer engineer, has died. - 5 years ago

@Deadliftgrl: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@BrianJoJo_: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@Cupocheese66: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@Jord_Division: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@chanda_ozdemir: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting co… - 5 years ago

@mandarjogi: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@EqualityVodka: Steven Spielberg's Dad, Computer Pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Dies At 103 #equalityvodka stevenspielberg #father… - 5 years ago

@amesquit: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@albertk1800: RT @Unrevealedfiles: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal… - 5 years ago

@peter_tromp: #StevenSpielberg has Lost His Father After his parents' divorce. It's a theme in all his films. Over the years, he… - 5 years ago

@PLgarrido: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@cuevaspato: RT @pipevicioso: El padre de Steven Spielberg murió esta semana. Estuvieron separados durante mucho tiempo, pero a lo largo de los años enc… - 5 years ago

@Sixherb: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@EJamshed: - 5 years ago

@UchilTushar: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@islandives: Steven Spielberg's father, Arnold Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@mustafabhav: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@chrispoole: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@LucasGeekFan: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Kahlessa: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@AyebeLamAnthony: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@siddharthm_26: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@cealonzos: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@Nick_Zen: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@The_Screendoor: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@DavidPoland: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Alzatuvoz5: RT @CineFarandula: Muere Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg - - 5 years ago

@hrituraj73: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@alwaysthebestM: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@AQUELCANALEQTLS: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@HyakushikiKoG: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@DannyNicholas_j: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@lesslorie: RT @uofcincy: Arnold Spielberg '49, father of Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg, died this week at age 103. Arnold was a Cinc… - 5 years ago

@fariamaria: RT @DolarToday: Fallece Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg, a los 103 años de edad #EEUU #28Agosto - 5 years ago

@maticoman: RT @pipevicioso: El padre de Steven Spielberg murió esta semana. Estuvieron separados durante mucho tiempo, pero a lo largo de los años enc… - 5 years ago

@dylnrwn: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@TiteCalvo: RT @pipevicioso: El padre de Steven Spielberg murió esta semana. Estuvieron separados durante mucho tiempo, pero a lo largo de los años enc… - 5 years ago

@SarahKWilliam: Arnold Spielberg R.I.P. 😢 - 5 years ago

@sterlinggates: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@kbreitman27: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Hotormild: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@SFMagus: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@Aeroeliox: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@andrecole: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@darkavm: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Breznican: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@pennycakelady: Filmmaker’s dad, Arnold Spielberg Filmmaker’s dad, Arnold Spielberg - 5 years ago

@RowRowDouglas: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Khan415A: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@prcowboys: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Thelast_try: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@1ive1ove1earn: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@dokwadratu: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@ajmalsami: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@matbo2: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Pioneer, Dies At 103 | Business Wire - 5 years ago

@anadi1984: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@starwarsmodern: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@CA3AS: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@shekjam: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@RahulRPanda: @QmVirtual Steven and Arnold Spielberg - 5 years ago

@naufeelkhatri: Steven Spielberg’s father Arnold Spielberg dies at 103 in Los Angeles - 5 years ago

@FdnNkl: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Ponderfood: RT @StandWithUs: We wish Steven Spielberg and his family long life. May his father's memory be a blessing always. - 5 years ago

@ToBeSafeNSound: RT @StandWithUs: We wish Steven Spielberg and his family long life. May his father's memory be a blessing always. - 5 years ago

@TPF1138: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@TreeOfYoungLife: Here’s What Steven Spielberg Said About the Passing Of His Father, Arnold #Parent #Tips #Dad - 5 years ago

@SmaugDude: RT @Breznican: Every artist or storyteller’s upbringing shapes what he or she creates. What’s unique about Spielberg is how his search to… - 5 years ago

@SmaugDude: RT @Breznican: Just like a movie theater, they had to wait until it got dark for the show to begin. That’s when Arnold Spielberg led his… - 5 years ago

@SmaugDude: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Doctor_Hue: Rest in peace Pappa Spielberg... - 5 years ago

@sridhar1047: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@clumsystiggy: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@kltblom: That's me. "... I actually felt that everybody was insane when I was a kid. And I felt that grown-ups were the mos… - 5 years ago

@BlaBlaHollywood: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@RajmehtaUC: RT @uofcincy: Arnold Spielberg '49, father of Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg, died this week at age 103. Arnold was a Cinc… - 5 years ago

@IvanDashSmith: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@AnitaNelam: #StevenSpielberg Has Lost His Father #RIP #ArnoldSpielberg - 5 years ago

@DebraBa45242156: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@jseant: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@issamanjo: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Oneredbird1: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@FairbankOBX: Cool insight on Steven Spielberg in the wake of his father's passing, from @Breznican, who has followed the filmmak… - 5 years ago

@sbetow: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Nacsnana111: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@pixel: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@jaypatel9491: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@Renate651: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@jonwhite86: RT @Breznican: Every artist or storyteller’s upbringing shapes what he or she creates. What’s unique about Spielberg is how his search to… - 5 years ago

@Quilterkimm: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@kazimshariff: RT @mohanstatsman: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg & as an engineer whose work helped make the personal computer pos… - 5 years ago

@plaza63: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Ginsu90979280: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@renil: RT @titudeadjust: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg passed away earlier this week. May his memory be for blessing. - 5 years ago

@realsamwilliams: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@akouss12: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@MeadowLocke: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@ivisbohlen: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@trinicouz: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@Ethan_Mizzi: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@stewlo90: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@abcrawford83: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@KasoKim: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@CharlesMugo79: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@will_power3: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@nathanisthebest: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@lilsaltando: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@JunkerJr: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@OverAnalystVera: RT @Breznican: Steven Spielberg's father died this week. They were estranged for a long time, but over the years found a way back to each… - 5 years ago

@BigDealFilms: RIP Mr Arnold Meyer Spielberg. - 5 years ago

@MosheMostafa: - 5 years ago

@madhyamam: ആർനോൾഡ്​ സ്​പിൽബർഗ്​ അന്തരിച്ചു #ArnoldSpielberg - 5 years ago

@showbizexpress: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@YamirFigueroa98: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@MajorGeneralPC: Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, who was a pioneering computer engineer, passes away at 103. RIP Arnold Spielberg - 5 years ago

@miami_diario: Arnold Spielberg, padre del cineasta Steven Spielberg, murió a los 103 años de edad por causas naturales #27Ago - 5 years ago

@ShaneKe63455097: RT @AlanWCerny: So much of Steven Spielberg’s work was informed by his father, and you can see it in the arc of his career. From CLOSE ENCO… - 5 years ago

@denyrodriguez5: RT @RCR750: #Duelo Arnold Spielberg, padre del cineasta Steven Spielberg, falleció a los 103 años de edad por causas naturales. - 5 years ago

@rubesann: RT @TomatazosCom: #ArnoldSpielberg, el hombre que se encargó de plasmar curiosidad, creatividad y fuerza en su hijo➡️ - 5 years ago

@JosemiSL11: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@3D_FoVi: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg’s dad, dies at 103 | PBS NewsHour - 5 years ago

@TomatazosCom: #ArnoldSpielberg, el hombre que se encargó de plasmar curiosidad, creatividad y fuerza en su hijo➡️ - 5 years ago

@0xDEADBEEFCAFE: Arnold Spielberg (Steven's dad) passed away in 2018. I knew he was an engineer, but I didn't know he was *this* coo… - 5 years ago

@ToBeSafeNSound: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@schwarzmaler20: RIP Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg. and Mainframe designer - 5 years ago

@0xDEADBEEFCAFE: "Arnold (...) helped design the GE-225 mainframe computer that enabled researchers at Dartmouth College to develop… - 5 years ago

@NationalVMM: RT @WWIImuseum: A final salute to WWII veteran, Museum supporter, and friend Arnold Spielberg. We will never forget your lasting commitment… - 5 years ago

@DanPonce: RT @10News: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@jbhall56: Steven Spielberg's father, Arnold, dead at 103 due to natural causes - 5 years ago

@TheRetroBunny: New post from TheRetroBunny: Arnold Spielberg, Father Of Famous Director Steven Spielberg, Dies At 103 - 5 years ago

@DoktorDjizeusse: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@RobsRamblins: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, former Phoenician, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@RobsRamblins: RT @abc15: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@LuisCasRen1: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@LuisCasRen1: RT @JurassicCollect: Rest in Peace Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven - 5 years ago

@BabaAgba_: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@SocialMediaSoul: It’s always fascinating to discover connections you weren’t aware of. - 5 years ago

@abc15: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@falcapo_35: RT @ParisMatch: Steven Spielberg en deuil, son père Arnold est mort à 103 ans - 5 years ago

@deoyesalem: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@DebarringtonH: - 5 years ago

@OttawaFilmmaker: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@EdoTokaido: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 🙋  - 5 years ago

@GoldsteinsRRS: Arnold Spielberg, an innovative computer engineer, and father of director Steven Spielberg passed away at the age o… - 5 years ago

@BlokAshleigh: RT @BlokAshleigh: Exceptional man. R.I.P 🙏❤️🌹 - 5 years ago

@ElJoseGonzalezF: Fallece a los 103 años el padre de Steven Spielberg, Arnold, cuya relación entre padre e hijo se refleja en films c… - 5 years ago

@_FloRs: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@Jarad_Cline: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@MarinkoKordic: RT @FurorRises: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103. 👀 - 5 years ago

@Firebuckeye: RT @25NewsKXXV: Arnold Spielberg, father of director Steven Spielberg and a pioneering computer engineer, has died. - 5 years ago

@RasheedsWorld: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ThatOtherBoi: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@BoomBizzle: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@CharlotteDBNN: RT @CharlotteDBNN: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@MagyarNemzetOn: Elhunyt Steven Spielberg Oscar-díjas filmrendező édesapja Arnold Spielberg természetes okok… - 5 years ago

@mazgres: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@WKYT: “When I see a PlayStation, when I look at a cell phone — from the smallest calculator to an iPad — I look at my dad… - 5 years ago

@naoshio_jp: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@JHLillevik: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@CathyYoung63: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@CharlotteDBNN: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@ErlingPlaethe: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@smartebux: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@VimEnzo: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@MediumGrace: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@iampriscybanks: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@StarlegeLG: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Super20As: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@remzelk1: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 | The Times of Israel… - 5 years ago

@mohammadkadhim1: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@NanaPatty: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@PrinsLiam: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@remzelk1: RT @TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: Arnold Spielberg, who helped son Steven make his first movie, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Kevinderkoutlo1: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@WiPOLiKE: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@KSNBLocal4: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@doptedsuperhero: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@Chris_E_M: RT @SpielbergChron: RIP Arnold Spielberg. Father of Steven Spielberg Dies at 103 – Variety - 5 years ago

@ShieldFan12: RT @ComicBook: Aaron Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103. - 5 years ago

@Talix: RT @APWestRegion: Arnold Spielberg, an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer possible, has died at 103. The fath… - 5 years ago

@AmitDS17: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Jenri2284: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@MarkWinstanley: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@JurassicCollect: Rest in Peace Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven - 5 years ago

@Kane007: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@ningunoes: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@IndiaTodayFLASH: RT @Showbiz_IT: #StevenSpielberg’s father #ArnoldSpielberg dies at 103 in Los Angeles - 5 years ago

@IndiaToday: RT @Showbiz_IT: #StevenSpielberg’s father #ArnoldSpielberg dies at 103 in Los Angeles - 5 years ago

@TimilehinEO: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@KathleeneEdwar1: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@Exuc: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@kurtz_vlc: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@diegosalcido: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@c1n3s3r13s: RT @decine21: Muere a los 103 años Arnold Spielberg, padre de #Stevenspielberg e influencia decisiva en su carrera DEP - 5 years ago

@JaneKoe: RT @YahooSG: Spielberg died of natural causes while surrounded by his family in Los Angeles on Tuesday. - 5 years ago

@LMCooper: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@canochesire1998: RT @JurassicWorld_4: Fallece "Arnold Spielberg" Padre de "Steven Spielberg" a los 103 Años. Muchos ánimos en estos duros momentos para el g… - 5 years ago

@Aurelie_ml79: RT @BFMTV_People: Arnold Spielberg, pionnier de l'informatique et père de Steven Spielberg, meurt à l'âge de 103 ans - 5 years ago

@cmmrlr76: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Ocatillokm: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@dxtknb: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Eloise92i: #News : Steven Spielberg en deuil : son père, Arnold, est mort à l'âge de 103 ans - 5 years ago

@kelvinbagwell02: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@cejoaquina: RT @la_patilla: El padre de Steven Spielberg, muere a los 103 años - 5 years ago

@HotHonduran: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@TThato_M: RT @Channel24: Pioneering computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, Arnold Spielberg, 103, dies - 5 years ago

@142Countries: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@GbenroAdegbola: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@BlueKoreanTiger: RT @USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural caus… - 5 years ago

@TheDarkNi8: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@USATODAYmoney: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, died Tuesday at 103 of natural… - 5 years ago

@Free_Spirit2972: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Arnold Spielberg, 103. His kids Steven, Anne, Sue and Nancy said their dad "taught them to love to research, to expan… - 5 years ago

@charIottebronn: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@WNDU: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the person… - 5 years ago

@amajuritse: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@gioradg: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@ps9714: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Innocent_Menzi: RT @Channel24: Pioneering computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, Arnold Spielberg, 103, dies - 5 years ago

@alidelici: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@sonaliranade: RT @komonews: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ADudeFromNowere: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@JesusFu07426537: RT @cleveland19news: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal… - 5 years ago

@komonews: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ANDIBLAIR1492: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@latasrinivasan: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Yahoo_MY: Spielberg died of natural causes while surrounded by his family in Los Angeles on Tuesday. - 5 years ago

@GardenerMellors: RT @APWestRegion: Arnold Spielberg, an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer possible, has died at 103. The fath… - 5 years ago

@3737yo: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@tigrajulia: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@GREENESJ333: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@sokopulse: "Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103" - 5 years ago

@CronoCX: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@YuliyaInopinaPR: RT @showbizexpress: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@lordnazh: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@PL14: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@hollyoutbreak: RT @showbizexpress: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@showbizexpress: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ryanthewriter: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@MatsuokaChikako: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@Risto_Matti: RT @APWestRegion: Arnold Spielberg, an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer possible, has died at 103. The fath… - 5 years ago

@kfvsnews: “When I see a PlayStation, when I look at a cell phone — from the smallest calculator to an iPad — I look at my dad… - 5 years ago

@PatriotTrump77: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@exomalaysia_: @null Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 Spielberg and Charl - 5 years ago

@ebscbwi: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@VeronicaTalbot9: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Arnold Spielberg, whose experiences during World War II inspired his son #StevenSpielberg to direct “Saving Private Rya… - 5 years ago

@yoohooair: RT @APWestRegion: Arnold Spielberg, an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer possible, has died at 103. The fath… - 5 years ago

@m_merli_bss: RT @USATODAY: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@WMCActionNews5: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Mlnoticias1: El padre de Steven Spielberg, muere a los 103 años - 5 years ago

@x1x2x3_black: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@mio_sakura0322: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@Renitamarks4: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@ricardonotes: RT @TND: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@parnsap_y: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, filmmaker Steven's father, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@news5wcyb: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the person… - 5 years ago

@wsNDSbI8uTHqNnJ: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@Thenight11: RT @cleveland19news: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal… - 5 years ago

@bzyjfSIdmNruyRz: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@charlie20000522: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@sadiquedesir: RT @voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@YouthDarpan: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@cleveland19news: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the person… - 5 years ago

@voguejp: スティーブン・スピルバーグの父、アーノルド・ スピルバーグが103歳で死去。 - 5 years ago

@GulfCoastGranny: RT @FurorRises: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103. 👀 - 5 years ago

@TObluejays11: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@princesshoped: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@WigginsJulian: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@IamLourdzM1: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@barrys3760: RT @WashTimes: Steven Spielberg's dad dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@barbduffy52: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@clowchan: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@Whitetiger7901: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 #SmartNews - 5 years ago

@WashTimes: Steven Spielberg's dad dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@AEPishere: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@dardar1126: RT @NewsHour: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal compute… - 5 years ago

@moviematthew: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@dangochao: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@EdVenture9: RT @FurorRises: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103. 👀 - 5 years ago

@HousatonicITS: RT @FurorRises: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103. 👀 - 5 years ago

@massao_mork: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, filmmaker Steven's father, dies at 103 S.スピルバーグ監督の父アーノルド氏、103歳で死去、パソコン実現に貢献 - 5 years ago

@ThingsiHaveMade: RT @NewsHour: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal compute… - 5 years ago

@ObservantServa1: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@13abc: Spielberg and Charles Propster designed the GE-225 mainframe computer in the late 1950s while working for General E… - 5 years ago

@samuelodusami: RT @PageOne_NG: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@HttpStatus402: RT @WISH_TV: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer… - 5 years ago

@Beingmeonlyme07: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 (from @AP) - 5 years ago

@KaiChoh: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, filmmaker Steven's father, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@psybrspcsuprstr: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@WISH_TV: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the person… - 5 years ago

@innowatcher: #Innovate: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@THEWILDSTUD: “You are our hearth. You are our home,” director said about his father on the night of his passing - 5 years ago

@PageOne_NG: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@fatherless_sons: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@MadeleineBara: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@ba_anderson: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@miami_diario: Fallece Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg, a los 103 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@flipcritic: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@cb765: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@blondiemeeko: RT @APWestRegion: Arnold Spielberg, an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer possible, has died at 103. The fath… - 5 years ago

@laurenjsimon: @THR RIP Arnold Spielberg. He gave the world an amazing filmmaker. My heart goes out to Steven Spielberg and family. My deepest condolences. - 5 years ago

@Manxzdude_: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@SHOOTonline: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielber… - 5 years ago

@manolob36: RT @people: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dead at 103​ - 5 years ago

@jhon1172002: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven's dad, dies at 103 (from @AP) - 5 years ago

@william_willia2: RT @NewsHour: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal compute… - 5 years ago

@jjrbs: @ecartelera Descanse en paz,señor Arnold Meyer Spielberg. - 5 years ago

@Mrs_Hysmith: RT @KBTXNews: “When I see a PlayStation, when I look at a cell phone — from the smallest calculator to an iPad — I look at my dad and I say… - 5 years ago

@KigginsTheatre: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@alejandra02321: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died at… - 5 years ago

@MitchellJDavid: RT @NewsHour: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal compute… - 5 years ago

@MariJusino: RT @NewsHour: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal compute… - 5 years ago

@SousLeRadar: RT @CBS7News: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@VictorQuotek: RT @APWestRegion: Arnold Spielberg, an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal computer possible, has died at 103. The fath… - 5 years ago

@CBS7News: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, Steven’s dad, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Computer pioneer Arnold Spielberg, filmmaker Steven's father, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@mimokoro: RT @NewsHour: Arnold Spielberg, father of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and an innovating engineer whose work helped make the personal compute… - 5 years ago

@RadioBI: Muere el padre del director Steven Spielberg a los 103 años - 5 years ago

@megaman_fan: RT @JimmFORCE: R.I.P. Arnold Spielberg a computer design and father of Steven Spielberg. - 5 years ago

@ZonaFrancaMX: Arnold Spielberg, pionero de la informática y padre del cineasta Steven, muere a los 103 años de edad - 5 years ago

@LoveUSA223344: Based on the crappy way the media treated @realDonaldTrump about his brother, Spielberg can’t say “RIP, miss you”,… - 5 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @thedailyjaws: Our condolences to Steven Spielberg and his family on the death of his father, Arnold Spielberg, who passed away yesterda… - 5 years ago

@MJ4EvRe: RT @ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@bufocalvin: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #ArnoldSpielberg (1917–2020) — World War II veteran and father of director #StevenSpielberg.… - 5 years ago

@bosslady5254: RT @ETCanada: #StevenSpielberg is mourning the death of his father Arnold at 103 - 5 years ago

@DWLundberg: RIP Arnold Spielberg, who inspired so much of his son's creative output. 103 is a GREAT run, though. - 5 years ago

@BethGuardia30: RT @peru21noticias: Murió Arnold Spielberg, padre del cineasta Steven Spielberg, a los 103 años - 5 years ago

@netdog713: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dead at 103 - 5 years ago

@15minutosUSA: #Entretenimiento: Conoce la causa de muerte de Arnold Spielberg, padre del cineasta Steven Spielberg - 5 years ago

@Marginal_Notes: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@msirismg: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@alidabbs: 2006 recipient of IEEE's Computer Pioneer Award dies at the age of 103. (Oh, and I think his son went into the ente… - 5 years ago

@MTorresPersonal: RT @JimmFORCE: R.I.P. Arnold Spielberg a computer design and father of Steven Spielberg. - 5 years ago

@whoneedsdoomguy: RT @JimmFORCE: R.I.P. Arnold Spielberg a computer design and father of Steven Spielberg. - 5 years ago

@RunnTDC: RT @USATODAY: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@TheRMcQ1986: RT @thedailyjaws: Our condolences to Steven Spielberg and his family on the death of his father, Arnold Spielberg, who passed away yesterda… - 5 years ago

@SooGirl4: RT @ETCanada: #StevenSpielberg is mourning the death of his father Arnold at 103 - 5 years ago

@ImJayRodriguez6: RT @ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@WingsofCrystal: 🙏🏻 Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dead at 103 - 5 years ago

@JayDeMoir: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@efim_ilinykh: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@hanksbrasil: Arnold Spielberg, pai de Steven Spielberg faleceu nesta terça-feira (25) por causas naturais. Como sabemos, Steve… - 5 years ago

@TheTorontoSun: Steven Spielberg's father Arnold dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@NatReyes96: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@castillotrumpet: RT @JuedischeOnline: Trauer um Computerpionier Arnold Spielberg. Der Vater von Steven Spielberg starb im Alter von 103 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@juanrojasman: RT @ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@gggeeemmmaaa888: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Ha fallecido Arnold Spielberg a los 103 años. Ingeniero eléctrico, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y padre de Steve… - 5 years ago

@Witchy_99: RT @Filmsteria: El día de ayer falleció, a los 103 años de edad, Arnold Spielberg, el padre de Steven Spielberg. Cuando Steven tenía 13 añ… - 5 years ago

@sibamedia: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@beaceravolo: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@dreamtrydogood: RT @people: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dead at 103​ - 5 years ago

@IQuoteFalse: RT @ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@landoreyes: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@EliasuADean: RT @ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@EHomeTheaterS: Arnold Spielberg, Father Of Steven Spielberg, Is Dead At 103 - 5 years ago

@Tilbo14: Arnold Spielberg, Father Of Steven Spielberg, Is Dead At 103 - 5 years ago

@DWGrifit: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@ErhardStackl: RT @JuedischeOnline: Trauer um Computerpionier Arnold Spielberg. Der Vater von Steven Spielberg starb im Alter von 103 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@lauraorojur: RT @seestrena: Muere Arnold Spielberg, el padre de Steven Spielberg, a los 103 años. Así ha sido la preciosa despedida de sus hijos. https… - 5 years ago

@BajoPalabraGro: Arnold Spielberg nació el 6 de febrero de 1917 en Cincinnati, Ohio, y pronto desarrolló una pasión por el aprendiza… - 5 years ago

@TheHumbleJosh: RT @JuedischeOnline: Trauer um Computerpionier Arnold Spielberg. Der Vater von Steven Spielberg starb im Alter von 103 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@Kayisa: RT @BFMTV: Arnold Spielberg, pionnier de l'informatique et père de Steven Spielberg, meurt à l'âge de 103 ans - 5 years ago

@PHSalt: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Stingray_travel: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@MasterStarWars: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@H3ctorHernand3z: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El cineasta dijo que su padre, Arnold Spielberg, le enseñó a "amar la investigación, expandir su mente, mantener los p… - 5 years ago

@benbohling: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@oliverdasgupta: RT @JuedischeOnline: Trauer um Computerpionier Arnold Spielberg. Der Vater von Steven Spielberg starb im Alter von 103 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@reed650: RT @people: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dead at 103​ - 5 years ago

@VoxPopuliNoti: Fallece #ArnoldSpielberg, padre de #StevenSpielberg, a los 103 años #Espectaculos #Internacional - 5 years ago

@JuedischeOnline: Trauer um Computerpionier Arnold Spielberg. Der Vater von Steven Spielberg starb im Alter von 103 Jahren.… - 5 years ago

@Dark_Atmosphere: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@kvg333: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Steven Spielberg's father and creator of 'point of sale' cash register, Arnold, dead at 103 due to natural causes https… - 5 years ago

@GeekShow: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@andyorin: RT @Sir__Duque: Rest well to Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven and a man of impressive talents in his own right - 5 years ago

@FeliciaConnects: RT @USATODAY: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@bayoucitygeeks: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@KTonarella: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@camilo_caravela: O pai de Steven Spielberg e criador da caixa registradora de 'ponto de venda', Arnold, morreu aos 103 anos devido a… - 5 years ago

@Abad81: Nunca estaba en casa y sólo aparecía por teléfono: así fue como el padre de Steven Spielberg influyó en su carrera… - 5 years ago

@diegocinefilo: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@BrightlyAgain: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dead at 103 - 5 years ago

@nickstefan: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@GrubbsChristine: RT @people: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dead at 103​ - 5 years ago

@LaGaceta_me: #Entérate Muere Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg, a los 103 años - 5 years ago

@new_3: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@srPEPE0: RT @elconfidencial: Arnold Spielberg, ingeniero eléctrico y padre del director estadounidense Steven Spielberg, ha muerto a los 103 años de… - 5 years ago

@Nick4EverRaw: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@thelivingtribu2: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@alfbennymedia: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Steven Spielberg's father and creator of 'point of sale' cash register, Arnold, dead at 103 due to natural causes https… - 5 years ago

@Timothy421C: RT @TODAYshow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@mpl1506: RT @BFMTV_People: Arnold Spielberg, pionnier de l'informatique et père de Steven Spielberg, meurt à l'âge de 103 ans - 5 years ago

@gafava: RT @SinEmbargoMX: Arnold Spielberg, pionero de la informática y padre del cineasta Steven, muere a los 103 años de edad - 5 years ago

@ThatSiamGuy1988: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@cfoxthesound: RT @EW: Steven Spielberg's father, Arnold Spielberg, has died at the age of 103. - 5 years ago

@EternalEnglish: Steven Spielberg's father and creator of 'point of sale' cash register, Arnold, dead at 103 due to natural causes… - 5 years ago

@MpisZoto: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El cineasta dijo que su padre, Arnold Spielberg, le enseñó a "amar la investigación, expandir su mente, mantener los p… - 5 years ago

@Jim_666_Satan: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Arnold Spielberg, pai do cineasta Steven Spielberg, morre aos 103 anos > - 5 years ago

@NBCNewsEnt: RT @3rdHourTODAY: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@RabbiLawyer: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@mdiscosqamigos: Arnold Spielberg, pai do cineasta Steven Spielberg, morre aos 103 anos > - 5 years ago

@Texanna_Rose: RT @EW: Steven Spielberg's father, Arnold Spielberg, has died at the age of 103. - 5 years ago

@RobertJones2432: RT @NYDailyNews: The father of iconic filmmaker Steven Spielberg has died at age 103. Arnold Spielberg died of natural causes, his son's f… - 5 years ago

@Brullnilda2: RT @Rosariotres: A los 103 años, murió el padre de Steven Spielberg: Arnold Spielberg trabajó durante década en General Electric y, una vez… - 5 years ago

@EstebanVidal: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@elimparcialcom: Fallece a los 103 años Arnold Spielberg, padre del director Steven Spielberg - 5 years ago

@Rosariotres: A los 103 años, murió el padre de Steven Spielberg: Arnold Spielberg trabajó durante década en General Electric y,… - 5 years ago

@pisces1235: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@3rdHourTODAY: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Steven Spielberg's father and creator of 'point of sale' cash register, Arnold, dead at 103 due to natural causes https… - 5 years ago

@poramoralcinemx: Arnold Spielberg, el padre de Steven Spielberg, falleció a los 103 años: Su padre era ingeniero en General Electri… - 5 years ago

@s_rewritten: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #ArnoldSpielberg (1917–2020) — World War II veteran and father of director #StevenSpielberg.… - 5 years ago

@nomukik: Steven Spielberg's father, Arnold, dead at 103 due to natural causes - 5 years ago

@Mzmango2S: RT @NYDailyNews: The father of iconic filmmaker Steven Spielberg has died at age 103. Arnold Spielberg died of natural causes, his son's f… - 5 years ago

@GinaLawriw: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@TheBachem: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@camtait: RT @theprovince: Steven Spielberg's father Arnold dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@TvInternet2: Arnold Spielberg, Father Of Steven Spielberg, Is Dead At 103 - 5 years ago

@MrJejal: RT @ComicBook: Aaron Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103. - 5 years ago

@GoodvibrasCom: ☟ Arnold Spielberg, Steven's Spielberg's father, dies at 103 #BreakingNews #foxnews #Retweet ➽➽➽… - 5 years ago

@theprovince: Steven Spielberg's father Arnold dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@castlekitten47: RT @EW: Steven Spielberg's father, Arnold Spielberg, has died at the age of 103. - 5 years ago

@DynamoCooligan: RT @ComicBook: Aaron Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103. - 5 years ago

@TooomyC: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@micoc76: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@fissura_geeks: RT @ComicBook: Aaron Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103. - 5 years ago

@mosene_: Arnold Spielberg, father of television and film director Steven Spielberg, dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ComicBook: Aaron Spielberg, computer designer and father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103. - 5 years ago

@thebeardedtrio: Steven Spielberg's Father, Arnold Spielberg Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: AARON SPIELBERG, Pioneering Computer Designer and Father of STEVEN SPIELBERG, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@joseph_bonczyk: RIP. God rest his soul. ‘You are our home?’ Wow! That’s really deep there. - 5 years ago

@mfca20: RT @TomatazosCom: Es un día triste para #StevenSpielberg, quien ha perdido a su padre #ArnoldSpielberg, el hombre que se encargó de plasmar… - 5 years ago

@lionnick24: RT @USATODAY: Film director Steven Spielberg's father Arnold, a pioneer in the world of computers, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@ElKennySabeNada: RT @Filmsteria: El día de ayer falleció, a los 103 años de edad, Arnold Spielberg, el padre de Steven Spielberg. Cuando Steven tenía 13 añ… - 5 years ago

@Godschosen1A: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Rozz_Hardy: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@bianca_caimi: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 11:31] - 5 years ago

@nerds4lifee: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@frankp316: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@milanonoko: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 11:07] - 5 years ago

@puskintio: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@BekahBerger: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@CampesiJose: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Ha fallecido Arnold Spielberg a los 103 años. Ingeniero eléctrico, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y padre de Steve… - 5 years ago

@GHERARDIMAURO1: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 11:31] - 5 years ago

@repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 11:31] - 5 years ago

@tsurutanaomi: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 11:07] - 5 years ago

@NJD316: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@1873Sakuya: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Steven Spielberg's dad Arnold Spielberg dies aged 103 as filmmaker pays tribute - 5 years ago

@lexscriptaesq: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dead at 103 - 5 years ago

@zgnmx11: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@show1900: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@repubblica: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 11:20] - 5 years ago

@JPhilippeRoger: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@decine21: Muere a los 103 años Arnold Spielberg, padre de #Stevenspielberg e influencia decisiva en su carrera DEP… - 5 years ago

@julespotterr: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@KidTak: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@kazoo11738197: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@marxbros2001: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Ha fallecido Arnold Spielberg a los 103 años. Ingeniero eléctrico, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y padre de Steve… - 5 years ago

@bigboatpodcast: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@taka_vader501: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Coco2Corentin: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@1066Live: #RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103… - 5 years ago

@1066Live: #RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@blackend1106: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Granger7Danger: RT @JustJared: Steven Spielberg's dad Arnold has died at the age of 103: - 5 years ago

@madmanmarz: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@saintrozzy: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@PaginaNuova: la REPUBBLICA - È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni - 5 years ago

@Jansen_1995: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@ReherJr: - 5 years ago

@HalpernEnsohn: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Arnold Spielberg, 103. His kids Steven, Anne, Sue and Nancy said their dad "taught them to love to research, to expan… - 5 years ago

@Satisfied_Eye: #RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103… - 5 years ago

@Satisfied_Eye: #RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@one_abud: RT @JustJared: Steven Spielberg's dad Arnold has died at the age of 103: - 5 years ago

@Bagarotzo: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 09:02] - 5 years ago

@marcnascimento1: RT @SpielbergChron: RIP Arnold Spielberg. Father of Steven Spielberg Dies at 103 – Variety - 5 years ago

@wisbey_barbara: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@ricardoha_: RT @NME: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dies at the age of 103. - 5 years ago

@thechangeiscast: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Gillygirl74: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@martinoquique: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@VivoAlbert: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni - 5 years ago

@WAGUMA_DAYO: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Steven Spielberg's dad Arnold Spielberg dies aged 103 as filmmaker pays tribute - 5 years ago

@FearlessHepcat: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@JesusFu07426537: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@GHERARDIMAURO1: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 09:02] - 5 years ago

@clanapis: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 09:02] - 5 years ago

@HollywoodSBlog: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@StarBreaksNews: Steven Spielberg heartbreak as father dies aged 103 as family release statement - 5 years ago

@repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni [aggiornamento delle 09:02] - 5 years ago

@dailystar: BREAKING Steven Spielberg heartbreak as father dies aged 103 as family release statement - 5 years ago

@CineFarandula: Muere Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg - - 5 years ago

@tenchanman777: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@vsanchidrian: RT @20m: Muere Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg - 5 years ago

@IndianaJones_ch: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@somosfokus: Muere Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg - 5 years ago

@rtsurico: RT @RepSpettacoli: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni - 5 years ago

@ErramunSebal: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Ha fallecido Arnold Spielberg a los 103 años. Ingeniero eléctrico, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y padre de Steve… - 5 years ago

@20m: Muere Arnold Spielberg, padre de Steven Spielberg - 5 years ago

@daiugz: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@angiuoniluigi: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni - 5 years ago

@Franchelsior: RT @SpielbergChron: RIP Arnold Spielberg. Father of Steven Spielberg Dies at 103 – Variety - 5 years ago

@GPiziarte: RT @repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni - 5 years ago

@JuanAlmarcha: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Ha fallecido Arnold Spielberg a los 103 años. Ingeniero eléctrico, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y padre de Steve… - 5 years ago

@sambecks31: Heartbroken. So proud to have been a part of your extraordinary life. I will miss you every single day. ♥️♥️ - 5 years ago

@camormira: RT @CINEMANIA_ES: Ha fallecido Arnold Spielberg a los 103 años. Ingeniero eléctrico, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y padre de Steve… - 5 years ago

@GodzameraAgain: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@JAVIERCINSOYYO: RT @JustJared: Steven Spielberg's dad Arnold has died at the age of 103: - 5 years ago

@repubblica: È morto Arnold Spielberg, il papà del regista. Aveva 103 anni - 5 years ago

@BrownChompSoup: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@RedOnWhiteFilms: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@ph8yF8CmDsU6GPH: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@NiamhIdealai: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ALifeofLDMC: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@1HEgObANSHfG3BO: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@TarekAbderrahim: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Horlo99: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@thetimepast: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@gordbailey: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@GCMONEY420: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@truebleu75: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@RikkiWilde: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@JosexZuniga: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@YourSecret_xoxo: Arnold Spielberg, Computer Designer and Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@marsanthecat121: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Enstone: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@SonofSunday: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@edmolina70: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Chica_Chubb: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@ebrown2112: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@KouMEG219246: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Variety: Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven Spielberg, has died of natural causes. He was 103 - 5 years ago

@BrettGursky: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@yueki09: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@clement_dth: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@BrettGursky: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@BrettGursky: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@yoshibo_4419: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Arrivederci23: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@srcr96: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@TomJob_: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@hi_iro_yui: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@matrix0414: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@Woodstock12349: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@AI_DD06_ACD02: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@RikkiWilde: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@Frp4k71: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@blind_headbag: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@JaimmeMondragon: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@ortaram: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@ZabdielPP: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@KondohYasuaki: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@MSym2: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@jomagora5: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@9oo9le: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@unamuhiduki: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@tarentino22: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@bdbh8zume: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@OD_G_fan_2003: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@KurtDexterRodz: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@gunnyheartman: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@yomecox: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@buruatan: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@adamzanzie: “The more you talk about the horrors of a war, the more you are less likely to try to get involved in another one.”… - 5 years ago

@aifan: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@tdfgracelove: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@gZKA6KE0snDvYJb: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@RebeccaHahn: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@FFFFigaguri: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Dies_lrae: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@kimiF2: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@ClockworkReona: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@ichiroenokido: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@synw1120: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@elena_minot: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Quara2Sexy: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@RuchitaBose: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Goddamnsunnyday: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@clairchiiko: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@motoatsu1980: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@ryuta7514: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@MoJamesApted: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@jbr_o: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@gm1911a1s70: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@X7xpqkGXeizFeo4: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@satoshidisny: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@io03o: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@HallucigeniaOO: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@hal_e: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@hapizarusenpai: RT @eigahiho: スティーヴン・スピルバーグの父親、アーノルド・スピルバーグが103歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@deanminer70: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@KathyDeitch: RT @DEADLINE: Arnold Spielberg Dies: Father Of Steven Spielberg Was 103 - 5 years ago

@FlorencioSoy: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@MamaRoshell: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@mudron: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@TheRealAJ_: @etnow Sad to hear about Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg. Sending prayers to the Spielberg family. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@SpielbergChron: RIP Arnold Spielberg. Father of Steven Spielberg Dies at 103 – Variety - 5 years ago

@Daydreambear16: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@veronava78: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@lambakpulik: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@Paulbogo: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@Pauletta57: RT @etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@AnimeExBurst: RT @TheWrap: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's father, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@ceowin: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@positivjunelbug: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@etnow: Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, has died. He was 103. - 5 years ago

@VaderJaws: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@AparnapMT: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@Barnett_College: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@Targ_Aryan: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@itsRyanUnicomb: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@hanoverpictures: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@zaterszs: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@BrettGursky: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@BrettGursky: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@DaffyWoody: @amblin What an inspiring father to his family especially for giving so much love and motivation he has done for hi… - 5 years ago

@BMAnimation315: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@mjgal: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@VinCine42: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Rat_it_Be: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@OlgaMarquezCHC: RT @Davidfunny971: - 5 years ago

@adamzanzie: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@JesseCoffey15: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Red_Hood_23: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@otakobouya: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@Yuzuppon__: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Crisnaevan: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@CINEJERRY: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@crestsofwaves: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@TinseltownPR: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@CarloCoratelli: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@BrownSquirrel: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - - 5 years ago

@Leblogtvnews: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@FDGotelli: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Tuckerpete: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@Davidfunny971: - 5 years ago

@WillHarahan: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@Ka_Fuji: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@cizgiman: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Paul_Berney: RT @TheWrap: Arnold Spielberg, Steven Spielberg's father, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@darkkoubi: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@bogeyluvs: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@aksarbent: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@nekonet1: RT @unpluggednewsmx: #UltimoMomento Se confirma la muerte de Arnold Spielberg, padre del director #StevenSpielberg y reconocido ingeniero e… - 5 years ago

@TroyStillPlays: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@cinegeekmx: RT @unpluggednewsmx: #UltimoMomento Se confirma la muerte de Arnold Spielberg, padre del director #StevenSpielberg y reconocido ingeniero e… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Arnold Spielberg has passed away - #ArnoldSpielberg #Arnold #Spielberg #rip - 5 years ago

@unpluggednewsmx: #UltimoMomento Se confirma la muerte de Arnold Spielberg, padre del director #StevenSpielberg y reconocido ingenier… - 5 years ago

@SebastienCaine: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@ScoobyLady27: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Barricade_Pax: RT @movieposterguy: Condolences to the #Spielberg family. Without Arnold we may have never had Jurassic Park (The Film) ❤️ - 5 years ago

@MsKateRodger: Wow - what an incredible age to reach: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@The_Screendoor: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@SmaugDude: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@WiseWordsofTC: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@WiseWordsofTC: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Arnold Spielberg, 103. His kids Steven, Anne, Sue and Nancy said their dad "taught them to love to research, to expan… - 5 years ago

@AlmadaRobert_: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@susiedox: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@jake_fredd: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@zappy4001: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@EricCameronFilm: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@EricCameronFilm: Extending my sympathy to the entire Spielberg family this evening. Arnold and Steven’s late mother Leah Adler were… - 5 years ago

@ingmarbergmanz: RT @Variety: Arnold Spielberg, Father of Steven Spielberg, Dies at 103 - 5 years ago

@klia00: RT @THR: Arnold Spielberg, a pioneering computer designer who encouraged his only son, Steven Spielberg, to become a filmmaker, has died ht… - 5 years ago

@Tai_Chi_Ish: RT @tsuruhara: アーノルド・スピルバーグ、亡くなる。スティーヴンの父。103歳。 - 5 years ago

@LilJerseyDevil: RT @amblin: After more than a century of contributions and commitment to his family, friends, and career, Arnold Meyer Spielberg, father of… - 5 years ago

@hultmark_mark: “You are our hearth. You are our home,” director said about his father on the night of his passing - 5 years ago

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