Arman Kirakossian

Armenian diplomat
Died on Saturday July 6th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Arman Kirakossian:

@SHovhannisyan: RT @eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb Arman… - 6 years ago

@KMRD45: RT @ArmenS_Papikyan: I thank wholeheartedly all my #OSCE colleagues and especially our distinguished Chair @RadomirBohac for solemn ceremon… - 6 years ago

@zoolli: RT @ArmenS_Papikyan: I thank wholeheartedly all my #OSCE colleagues and especially our distinguished Chair @RadomirBohac for solemn ceremon… - 6 years ago

@FredHayrapet: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago


@TheodorosGotsis: RT @eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb Arman… - 6 years ago

@NEWSam_English: #Armenia PM, President attend Requiem Service for Arman #Kirakossian - 6 years ago

@armembuk: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago

@armembuk: RT @eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb Arman… - 6 years ago

@PetroNicolaides: RT @eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb Arman… - 6 years ago

@NEWSam_English: Alan #Duncan visits #Armenian Embassy, leaves note following death of Arman #Kirakossian - 6 years ago

@Blank5165: RT @eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb Arman… - 6 years ago

@RehakLubomir: RT @eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb Arman… - 6 years ago

@eevriviades: Signed w the heaviest of hearts the condolence book @armembuk on tragic demise of a brother & dearest colleague Amb… - 6 years ago

@KGlafkos: RT @armembuk: Dear Friends & Compatriots, The Book of Condolences will open in memory of our beloved Amb. Arman Kirakossian at the Embassy… - 6 years ago

@eevriviades: RT @armembuk: Dear Friends & Compatriots, The Book of Condolences will open in memory of our beloved Amb. Arman Kirakossian at the Embassy… - 6 years ago

@miklebabayan: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago

@BrianColeman251: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago

@BejanyanSerob: RT @tbalayan: So touched by this Noble gesture of support to all those, who mourn the loss of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian. Thanks @OSCE Pe… - 6 years ago

@missealing: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago

@maluqman: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: RT @AlanDuncanMP: I attended the Armenian Embassy today to sign their book of condolence following the sad death of Armenian Ambassador to… - 6 years ago

@Sophiasimonyan: RT @ArmenS_Papikyan: I thank wholeheartedly all my #OSCE colleagues and especially our distinguished Chair @RadomirBohac for solemn ceremon… - 6 years ago

@TMkrtchyan: RT @ArmenS_Papikyan: I thank wholeheartedly all my #OSCE colleagues and especially our distinguished Chair @RadomirBohac for solemn ceremon… - 6 years ago

@tbalayan: So touched by this Noble gesture of support to all those, who mourn the loss of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian. Thank… - 6 years ago

@ArmenS_Papikyan: I thank wholeheartedly all my #OSCE colleagues and especially our distinguished Chair @RadomirBohac for solemn cere… - 6 years ago

@harryhagopian: Saddened to return to base and learn that Ambassador Arman Kirakossian had passed away - a veteran diplomat, a vers… - 6 years ago

@ArmeniaOnline: Latest ... Veteran Diplomat Arman Kirakossian Passes Away - 6 years ago

@ARAMAC_CA: RT @ARAMAC_DC: Armenian Assembly of America Mourns the Passing of One of Armenia's Preeminent Diplomats and Longtime Scholar, Hon. Arman Ki… - 6 years ago

@armembuk: Dear Friends & Compatriots, The Book of Condolences will open in memory of our beloved Amb. Arman Kirakossian at th… - 6 years ago

@ArmenianCaucus: RT @ARAMAC_DC: Armenian Assembly of America Mourns the Passing of One of Armenia's Preeminent Diplomats and Longtime Scholar, Hon. Arman Ki… - 6 years ago

@cesummary: Deaths / Obituaries : Arman Kirakossian, Armenian Ambassador to UK Passed Away - 6 years ago

@TirzahYerusalem: RT @ARAMAC_DC: Armenian Assembly of America Mourns the Passing of One of Armenia's Preeminent Diplomats and Longtime Scholar, Hon. Arman Ki… - 6 years ago

@devilxbrain: RT @ARAMAC_DC: Armenian Assembly of America Mourns the Passing of One of Armenia's Preeminent Diplomats and Longtime Scholar, Hon. Arman Ki… - 6 years ago

@ARAMAC_DC: Armenian Assembly of America Mourns the Passing of One of Armenia's Preeminent Diplomats and Longtime Scholar, Hon.… - 6 years ago

@JeanLucOesch: The death of H. E. Dr. Arman Kirakossian is very sad for diplomacy. As the Permanent Representative of Armenia to O… - 6 years ago

@AdamcovaMarkta1: R.I.P. Dr. Arman Kirakossian Bylo mi ctí se s Vámi setkat 10.12.2018 Terezín - 6 years ago

@armenews_NAM: Décès d'Arman Kirakossian - 6 years ago

@armenews_NAM: Décès d'Arman Kirakossian - 6 years ago

@NEWSam_English: Second #Armenia President expresses condolences to Arman #Kirakossian's family - 6 years ago

@Come2Artsakh: RT @naghdalyan: Sir @AlanDuncanMP, #UK Minister for #Europe & #America"s: "I was saddened to learn of the death on Saturday 6 July of H.E.… - 6 years ago

@Come2Armenia: RT @naghdalyan: Sir @AlanDuncanMP, #UK Minister for #Europe & #America"s: "I was saddened to learn of the death on Saturday 6 July of H.E.… - 6 years ago

@infocom_am: Sir Alan #Duncan, #Minister of State of #UK 4 Europe and the Americas at the @foreignoffice, offered his… - 6 years ago

@NEWSam_English: Bako #Sahakyan: Arman #Kirakossian was one of the best #Armenian diplomats - 6 years ago

@Zh_Ananyan: RT @naghdalyan: Sir @AlanDuncanMP, #UK Minister for #Europe & #America"s: "I was saddened to learn of the death on Saturday 6 July of H.E.… - 6 years ago

@NEWSam_English: #Russian envoy to #UK offers condolences on demise of Ambassador Arman #Kirakossian - 6 years ago

@AliogluSulduzlu: با تاسف و تاثر فراوان خبر فوت معاون وزیر خارجه ارمنستان را شنیدیم. فقط مشغول‌‌زومبه‌اید اگه اسم مرحوم‌رو تحریف کنی… - 6 years ago

@naghdalyan: Sir @AlanDuncanMP, #UK Minister for #Europe & #America"s: "I was saddened to learn of the death on Saturday 6 July… - 6 years ago

@gremingerosce: Saddened to learn about the passing of my dear friend and colleague Ambassador Arman Kirakossian from Armenia.  Wil… - 6 years ago

@Jonharding77: RT @Amb_Yakovenko: Deeply saddened by the news on passing of Arman Kirakossian, Armenia's Ambassador to UK. A distinguished colleague who h… - 6 years ago

@arm_news: RT @394Histoires: #New 6 Juillet 2019 (Samedi dernier): Nous apprenons la disparition à 62 ans de Arman Kirakossian diplomate Arménien, Min… - 6 years ago

@394NuanceDeSev: RT @394Histoires: #New 6 Juillet 2019 (Samedi dernier): Nous apprenons la disparition à 62 ans de Arman Kirakossian diplomate Arménien, Min… - 6 years ago

@AregKochinyan: RT @TMkrtchyan: We are mourning the death of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian, a top professional, diplomat, scholar, an amazing person& a seni… - 6 years ago

@394Histoires: #New 6 Juillet 2019 (Samedi dernier): Nous apprenons la disparition à 62 ans de Arman Kirakossian diplomate Arménie… - 6 years ago

@TweeterTalin: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@CirthLiu: RT @Amb_Yakovenko: Deeply saddened by the news on passing of Arman Kirakossian, Armenia's Ambassador to UK. A distinguished colleague who h… - 6 years ago

@TinkerbellTat: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@TheodorosGotsis: RT @RehakLubomir: Heartbreaking news - The Ambassador of #Armenia to the Court of St.James's Arman Kirakossian passed away yesterday. Outst… - 6 years ago

@mwgbanks: RT @Amb_Yakovenko: Deeply saddened by the news on passing of Arman Kirakossian, Armenia's Ambassador to UK. A distinguished colleague who h… - 6 years ago

@Alkionides: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@TheodorosGotsis: RT @eevriviades: @TMkrtchyan @ZMnatsakanyan @MFAofArmenia @tbalayan @armembuk @EU_Armenia @LondnDIPLOMAT @EmbassyMagazine @armenia @armgov… - 6 years ago

@TheodorosGotsis: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@rostomzavarian: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@Srapents: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@HCGreenslade: RT @RehakLubomir: Heartbreaking news - The Ambassador of #Armenia to the Court of St.James's Arman Kirakossian passed away yesterday. Outst… - 6 years ago

@HCGreenslade: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@miklebabayan: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@hakobyanmargar4: RT @TMkrtchyan: We are mourning the death of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian, a top professional, diplomat, scholar, an amazing person& a seni… - 6 years ago

@LondnDIPLOMAT: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@RehakLubomir: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@eevriviades: @TMkrtchyan @ZMnatsakanyan @MFAofArmenia @tbalayan @armembuk @EU_Armenia @LondnDIPLOMAT @EmbassyMagazine @armenia… - 6 years ago

@RehakLubomir: Heartbreaking news - The Ambassador of #Armenia to the Court of St.James's Arman Kirakossian passed away yesterday.… - 6 years ago

@TMkrtchyan: RT @eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia. Was the… - 6 years ago

@eevriviades: Shattered beyond description on the sudden demise of a dearest friend & colleague H.E. Arman Kirakossian #Armenia.… - 6 years ago

@caroluscoppola: - 6 years ago

@hrandnazariantz: - 6 years ago

@armemblit: RT @TMkrtchyan: We are mourning the death of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian, a top professional, diplomat, scholar, an amazing person& a seni… - 6 years ago

@idvck: RT @TMkrtchyan: We are mourning the death of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian, a top professional, diplomat, scholar, an amazing person& a seni… - 6 years ago

@TMkrtchyan: We are mourning the death of Ambassador Arman Kirakossian, a top professional, diplomat, scholar, an amazing person… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Arman Kirakossian (62) Armenian diplomat - 6 years ago

@NEWSam_English: #Armenian Ambassador to #UK Arman #Kirakossian dies - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Arman Kirakossian - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Arman Kirakossian has passed away - #ArmanKirakossian #Arman #Kirakossian #rip… - 6 years ago

@hnikogh: In less than one month, #Armenian corps diplomatique lost two good acting Ambassadors. Both died in office. Arman K… - 6 years ago

@caroluscoppola: È improvvisamente scomparso l'ambasciatore armeno in Inghilterra Arman Kirakossian. A breve un ricordo sul sito del… - 6 years ago

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