Ardeshir Zahedi

Iranian diplomat.
Died on Thursday November 18th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ardeshir Zahedi:

@xorpex: - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studde… - 3 years ago

@TimesObits: Flamboyant, charismatic and photogenic, the Iranian ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi was known in Washington’s circles of… - 3 years ago

@feedinggroom: RT @NYTObits: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studded parties… - 3 years ago


@NYTObits: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studde… - 3 years ago

@04_1333: @IranianForum @bijann Shame on people support Ardeshir Zahedi who slpet in one bed with corrupted and thug and ter… - 3 years ago

@RadioFarda_: این یادداشت به‌اختصار به نقد نگرش غالب نسبت به وابستگی خارجی در سیاست ایران در چارچوب بررسی مواضع نوسانی زاهدی، از… - 3 years ago

@ehsankhalili14: @A_raefipur Ali Agha khoob gofty ,Khoda biyamorzad Marhoom Ardeshir Zahedi va Rohash shad. - 3 years ago

@martynpick: RT @Coup53: - 3 years ago

@seerosen_: @arash_tehran @HadasThier Your people are living under the harshest sanctions in history and you worry about hurt f… - 3 years ago

@iroonhome: Stanford Iranian Studies Program: Conference: Ardeshir Zahedi and the Zahedi Archives at Hoover - 3 years ago

@amine7224: RT @pressplus_ptv: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iranian foreign minister and ambassador to the .U.S. .during the Pahlavi regime era, died on Thu… - 3 years ago

@04_1333: @BahramMoshiri Shame on people support Ardeshir Zahedi who slept in bed with this corrupted terrorists regime in… - 3 years ago

@monkeyface__: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@pressplus_ptv: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iranian foreign minister and ambassador to the .U.S. .during the Pahlavi regime era, died o… - 3 years ago

@04_1333: @Rtaghizade Appreciate for "Alireza Meybodi – Nov 24" made it clear who was Ardeshir Zahedi. مثل فارسی است که میگن کچل مرد گفتند زلفعلی - 3 years ago

@04_1333: @Rtaghizade @JChalangi @sdehghanpour @KavehMoussavi @Peyman_Aref @Shahbanoufarah0 @ShahbanouFarah @PahlaviReza… - 3 years ago

@kimleannelliot: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@karolcummins: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@IranianWin: RT @StanfordISP: “That conference will be held now as much in his memory as in celebration of the papers." -Abbas Milani. Please join Hoove… - 3 years ago

@StanfordISP: “That conference will be held now as much in his memory as in celebration of the papers." -Abbas Milani. Please joi… - 3 years ago

@StanfordISP: "It is with sadness that we share with you the news of Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi’s passing. We were working with H… - 3 years ago

@missb62: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@howserob: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@elvislver56: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@lladkins: Ardeshir Zahedi, Irrepressible Iranian Diplomat, Dies at 93 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@lrozen: RT @JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure in his… - 3 years ago

@AAdakula: RT @NYTObits: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studded parties… - 3 years ago

@JasminRamsey: "Many in Washington were so charmed by Mr. Zahedi that they fully believed his assurances that the shah was secure… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studde… - 3 years ago

@Ayei_Eloheichem: RT @arash_tehran: You can register here: - 3 years ago

@Ayei_Eloheichem: RT @arash_tehran: Excited to be part of this panel at Hoover next month, presenting my work on Pahlavi Iran & the Israeli-Palestinian confl… - 3 years ago

@BenhamHolman: RT @ShadiBartsch: Ardeshir Zahedi just died, a relative through my aunt's marriage. Eras change and fade away. - 3 years ago

@RE29430495: @VidaSarafraz @IranianForum @VidaSarafraz @mehrefardad @FlyingPoet @Kathypak5 @fariba1121 See the details to see th… - 3 years ago

@kseelye: RT @milanimohsen: The most balanced obituary of Ardeshir Zahidi I have thus far read in the US is by @kseelye 👇. It is a must read. https… - 3 years ago

@Lemiroirpersan: Mort d’Ardeshir Zahedi, ancien conseiller du shah d’Iran - 3 years ago

@LacusSilvarum: RT @LeTemps: Mort d’Ardeshir Zahedi, ancien conseiller du shah d’Iran - 3 years ago

@xYlkTA0IJLLmm61: RT @alguneid: أردشير زاهدي كان صديق شاه إيران وزوج إبنته ووزير خارجيته وسفيره في أمريكا. وكان يقيم الحفلات الصاخبة ويقيم العلاقات مع نجمات… - 3 years ago

@SaraGomezAranci: RT @LeTemps: Mort d’Ardeshir Zahedi, ancien conseiller du shah d’Iran - 3 years ago

@Indyanna58: RT @LeTemps: Mort d’Ardeshir Zahedi, ancien conseiller du shah d’Iran - 3 years ago

@AnnCathMoretti: RT @LeTemps: Mort d’Ardeshir Zahedi, ancien conseiller du shah d’Iran - 3 years ago

@LeTemps: Mort d’Ardeshir Zahedi, ancien conseiller du shah d’Iran - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: My article on Ardeshir Zahedi in Arabic translation. - 3 years ago

@abdlah099: RT @alguneid: أردشير زاهدي كان صديق شاه إيران وزوج إبنته ووزير خارجيته وسفيره في أمريكا. وكان يقيم الحفلات الصاخبة ويقيم العلاقات مع نجمات… - 3 years ago

@IbexPublishers: RT @TheVikasLohchab: #ArdeshirZahedi, flamboyant #Iranian ambassador who advised the #shah, dies at 93. #Zahedi was the most influential #d… - 3 years ago

@IbexPublishers: RT @RichOutzen: Long but intriguing piece on a legendary diplomat who charmed DC into misreading his country's situation on the ground. Emp… - 3 years ago

@IbexPublishers: RT @neildrewitt: The late Ardeshir Zahedi, left, with Barbra Streisand and the producer Jon Peters at a reception at the Iranian Embassy in… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studde… - 3 years ago

@MazyarPahlavi: RT @BehiGity: Platonic Love of Ardeshir Zahedi and Elizabeth Taylor - عشق افلاطونی ارد... - 3 years ago

@BaheriHassan: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و… - 3 years ago

@BaheriHassan: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: RT @mosaicmag: The life of Ardeshir Zahedi, the shah of Iran’s last ambassador to the U.S., shows how vulnerable American policy is to fore… - 3 years ago

@mosaicmag: The life of Ardeshir Zahedi, the shah of Iran’s last ambassador to the U.S., shows how vulnerable American policy i… - 3 years ago

@Ahmad_Golshan: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@RIVNIZ_99: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@AvantgardeArses: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Rabin31957077: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@parsssa: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@_beyg_: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@irandokht_20: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@HirAn_irani: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Rowshan1: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@mosaicmag: The life of Ardeshir Zahedi, the shah of Iran's last ambassador to the U.S., shows how vulnerable American policy i… - 3 years ago

@Lionel46614583: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@right2nohejab: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Amir61360540: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@shayanfa1: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@arya68398663: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Pokoyo2018: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@nedabahram: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Elahe96426162: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Chehre51: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@Hamidperser1: RT @ShahbanouFarah: با اندوه فراوان از درگذشت دولتمرد نامدار اردشیر زاهدی وزیر امور خارجه پیشین ایران وسفیر شاهنشاه فقید در انگلستان و امری… - 3 years ago

@MandaMakki: RT @Azodiac83: May Ardeshir Zahedi rest in eternal peace. - 3 years ago

@itanmizrahi: RT @EQfard: Thank You @kseelye He was a Great patriotic Man in U.S.-Iran diplomatic relotions before 1979. he loved #IRAN and the Late #… - 3 years ago

@FaghihiRohollah: RT @Martin_Indyk: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah's flamboyant ambassador in Washington has passed at 93. He was Kissinger's confidante. In Septe… - 3 years ago

@aajtakorgin: Ardeshir Zahedi, Irrepressible Iranian Diplomat, Dies at 93 :  - 3 years ago

@Lady_Nyla: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: @kseelye Fine obit. Do correct an error. The Georgian mansion was the residence, not the embassy. The extravagant e… - 3 years ago

@nytimesworld: Ardeshir Zahedi, a former Iranian ambassador to the U.S. and a renowned bon vivant, threw lavish parties, sometimes… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “There isn’t a superlative that wasn’t used to describe Ardeshir Zahedi اردشیر زاهدی: charming, elegant, extravaga… - 3 years ago

@brunomeyerfeld: “Mr. Zahedi’s parties featured bands, fresh orchids, 24-karat game prizes, caviar and Champagne, with guests like H… - 3 years ago

@lshieldslks: RT @Martin_Indyk: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah's flamboyant ambassador in Washington has passed at 93. He was Kissinger's confidante. In Septe… - 3 years ago

@ATGBrokers: New post (Ardeshir Zahedi, Irrepressible Iranian Diplomat, Dies at 93) published on - 3 years ago

@zeeshan_shah_dc: RT @nytimesworld: Ardeshir Zahedi, who as Iran’s ambassador to the United States hosted some of Washington’s most lavish, star-studded part… - 3 years ago

@aqolizadeh: RT @farnazfassihi: The life of an irrepressible Iranian diplomat, nationalist, member of the royal family who was vocally against war & san… - 3 years ago

@amirrostami_: Ardeshir Zahedi, Irrepressible Iranian Diplomat, Dies at 93 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@Spectateuropeen: RT @farnazfassihi: The life of an irrepressible Iranian diplomat, nationalist, member of the royal family who was vocally against war & san… - 3 years ago

@Fariba23581280: RT @EQfard: Thank You @kseelye He was a Great patriotic Man in U.S.-Iran diplomatic relotions before 1979. he loved #IRAN and the Late #… - 3 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @PostWorld: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@MENCardinal: RT @farnazfassihi: The life of an irrepressible Iranian diplomat, nationalist, member of the royal family who was vocally against war & san… - 3 years ago

@grantcopywriter: #ArdeshirZahedi, Irrepressible Iranian Diplomat, Dies at 93. RIP. - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@FereydounSadri: RT @farnazfassihi: The life of an irrepressible Iranian diplomat, nationalist, member of the royal family who was vocally against war & san… - 3 years ago

@FereydounSadri: RT @hmousavian: The late Ardeshir Zahedi's letter to me! - 3 years ago

@amosavian: RT @hmousavian: The late Ardeshir Zahedi's letter to me! - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: Abbas Milani: “Ardeshir Zahedi’s performance was a work of art…. To some ladies, he offered a nod; others got a han… - 3 years ago

@mehrdadmhm: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@Tino_Zahedi: - 3 years ago

@JoelRMelamedMD: #AmbassadorArdeshirZahedi , Imperial Iranian ambassador of blessed memory who advised the #shah , will have his mem… - 3 years ago

@Emen43054466: @alimostofi @PahlaviReza چون زاهدی ، یک دروغگوی کثیف خائن بود که سر پیری شرافت را فروخت. Because Ardeshir Zahedi w… - 3 years ago

@MazisOpinioncom: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@asadabukhalil: Official Washington still misses the Shah’s “glamorous” diplomats: “He typically addressed the shah as “the Shadow… - 3 years ago

@Forever_Green15: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@Mauriello_R: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@soheildowlat: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@PS641600: Flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@Azadar04: RT @PressTV: On death of ex-Shah envoy who became uncanny admirer of revolutionary Iran - 3 years ago

@jallawati: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@Bagherzadeh: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@sootsolh: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@BestHindiTech1: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@seerosen_: @EldarMamedov4 @Azodiac83 @PahlaviReza Ardeshir Zahedi would not care about that jobless traitor house Iranian Prin… - 3 years ago

@BestHindiTech1: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@HelloNiceWorld2: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@fabricedelamort: RT @mdp4202: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who fucked the pig (Elizabeth Taylor), ate with the pig (Henry Kissinger), and… - 3 years ago

@mdp4202: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who fucked the pig (Elizabeth Taylor), ate with the pig (Henry Kissi… - 3 years ago

@mike57882268: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Ardeshir Zahedi, flamboyant Iranian ambassador who advised the shah, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@drdivine: Ardeshir Zahedi: legend and lesson – Martin Kramer on the Middle East - 3 years ago

@kenaviba: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@h0d3r_fa: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@RezRezart: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@AronviJones: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi persuaded Americans that the richer Iran became, the more stable it became, and that selling it arms on… - 3 years ago

@Ayei_Eloheichem: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi persuaded Americans that the richer Iran became, the more stable it became, and that selling it arms on… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi persuaded Americans that the richer Iran became, the more stable it became, and that selling it ar… - 3 years ago

@TheShadowComp: RT @Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to commemorate hi… - 3 years ago

@Azodiac83: It’s been two days since H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away. @PahlaviReza hasn’t issued a mere statement to comme… - 3 years ago

@DoomedPlanetPOD: Pimp to the Shah, R.I.P. “Always there were music and feasts. Sometimes there were belly dancers, hashish and porno… - 3 years ago

@silverrj99: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi set out to break the Embassy Row mold of the discreet ambassador and the buttoned-down diplomatic recep… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi set out to break the Embassy Row mold of the discreet ambassador and the buttoned-down diplomatic… - 3 years ago

@NYCNavid: RT @AliVaez: 12|12 He will remain a controversial figure in Iranian history. In the words of Alexis de Tocqueville, "History is a gallery o… - 3 years ago

@Marymoudi: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@rnamdari: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@kombiz: RT @JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read the… - 3 years ago

@Zehra_Zaidi: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@SolmazAzhdari: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@h0d3r_fa: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “The United States is often accused of interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries. As Ardeshir Zahedi’s… - 3 years ago

@CaukaS: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@RBidjamov: - 3 years ago

@noiranwarorg: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@NazaninSadati: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: RT @Chinichian: Interesting profile (and perspective) by @WashInstitute fellow @Martin_Kramer on #Iran's last Ambassador to the United Stat… - 3 years ago

@MehdiJami: «هیچ کدام از سفرای آمریکا نمی توانستند ایران را آنقدر بشناسند که زاهدی آمریکا را می شناخت.» -نگاهی به زاهدی سفیر. - 3 years ago

@Amir23316595: RT @Radioirava: اردشیر زاهدی، داماد شاه و آخرین سفیرش در آمریکا در ۹۳ سالگی، به ژنرال محبوبش قاسم بچه کُش(قاسم سلیمانی) پیوست. #نه_شاه_نه_ش… - 3 years ago

@MuammerGokcin: RT @WashInstitute: "Pahlavi Iran’s last ambassador to the United States, Ardeshir Zahedi, who died on Thursday at the age of 93, was nothin… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: RT @WashInstitute: "Pahlavi Iran’s last ambassador to the United States, Ardeshir Zahedi, who died on Thursday at the age of 93, was nothin… - 3 years ago

@WashInstitute: "Pahlavi Iran’s last ambassador to the United States, Ardeshir Zahedi, who died on Thursday at the age of 93, was n… - 3 years ago

@Chinichian: Interesting profile (and perspective) by @WashInstitute fellow @Martin_Kramer on #Iran's last Ambassador to the Uni… - 3 years ago

@fispahani: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi knew that in America, foreign policy depended on domestic support. Iran had no natural domestic co… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi’s life demonstrates the vulnerability of American policy to foreign manipulation. The United State… - 3 years ago

@MIbrahimrashid: "Zahedi had learned a lesson he would apply later: in Washington, a foreign ambassador doesn’t tangle with the pres… - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: Ardeshir Zahedi: legend and lesson | @AliVaez @NegarMortazavi @farnazfassihi @JohnGhazvinian @hdagres - 3 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: “Ardeshir Zahedi so charmed and mesmerized America that it failed to see the weaknesses of his master, Mohammed Rez… - 3 years ago

@Banafsheh_IR: RT @AliVaez: 12|12 He will remain a controversial figure in Iranian history. In the words of Alexis de Tocqueville, "History is a gallery o… - 3 years ago

@Banafsheh_IR: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@MehdiJami: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@BahmanKalbasi: RT @AliVaez: I was highly privileged to be close to Ardeshir Zahedi, who passed away yesterday at age 93. As we wrote in a 2019 oped, we ca… - 3 years ago

@FJShirazi: Ardeshir Zahedi was above all a great patriot. Although close to many former US presidents he dismissed Trump’s max… - 3 years ago

@IbexPublishers: Ardeshir Zahedi 1928-2021 Rest in Peace. Will be missed. - 3 years ago

@FJShirazi: Ardeshir Zahedi who died yesterday was one of the most remarkable & colourful characters in Iranian politics. He &… - 3 years ago

@AlexVatanka: I will miss Ardeshir Zahedi. A wonderful, warm and generous man. He wrote for @MiddleEastInst in 2020 on why Iran… - 3 years ago

@hmj19: Rest in peace Ardeshir Zahedi. - 3 years ago

@AronviJones: Ardeshir Zahedi, new found hero of #IranLobby and certain #NYtimes reporter in an interview with BBC Persian procla… - 3 years ago

@Araz00796976: Ardeshir Zahedi ; former the minister of Foreign matters of late of Shah passed away 93 in Swiss ; he was born in 1307 ; . . - 3 years ago

@RezaPars: #FLASH RIP Ardeshir Zahedi (Former #Iran Foreign Minister and Amassador to the US and UK under the halcyon days of… - 3 years ago

@geesa_1: RT @farnazfassihi: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington during the monarchy, died. He was outspoken… - 3 years ago

@PersiaPhotos: Former ambassador to US & UK in the 60s & 70s, Ardeshir Zahedi has passed away at 93. At some point he was married… - 3 years ago

@CAIIAB_: RT @JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read the… - 3 years ago

@eurojournalENG: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s flamboyant ambassador to the U.S. who charmed Hollywood, dies - 3 years ago

@ShakirAnsari123: RT @sasanianshah: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s ambassador to the US & the UK & former FM. At one point, a son-in-law to Mohammadreza Shah, h… - 3 years ago

@PHNTOMCAT: RT @farhangghavimi: اردشیر زاهدی: اگر از بیماری شاه خبر داشتم به مردم می‌گفتم - 3 years ago

@hdagres: According to Ardeshir Zahedi's obit, he had 4,000 bottles of Scotch, champagne, and other alcohol at the Iranian em… - 3 years ago

@hdagres: "Whether seen with Henry Kissinger or entertaining Barbra Streisand, Zahedi cut such a memorable presence across DC… - 3 years ago

@farhangghavimi: اردشیر زاهدی: اگر از بیماری شاه خبر داشتم به مردم می‌گفتم - 3 years ago

@fsmoghadam: RT @KenWhiteUSU: Wishing Ardeshir Zahedi a happy 90th birthday at his Switzerland home with his daughter Mahnaz. Ardeshir is a dear and nob… - 3 years ago

@redstar55555: @Pashmak_moy اون احتمالا برای باباشه سپهبد فضل الله زاهدی - 3 years ago

@ppkzd: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@BanafshKeynoush: Since going into exile after Iran's revolution, Ardeshir Zahedi quietly financially helped numerous Iranian foreign… - 3 years ago

@Renois: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@BanooYass: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@NewsNBW_: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s flamboyant ambassador to the U.S. who charmed Hollywood, dies - 3 years ago

@drninaansary: RT @KayhanLife: Repost at: ZAHEDI. 1000 Years of Iranian History & Culture “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Exce… - 3 years ago

@kargadan: RT @BanafshKeynoush: Iran's former FM Ardeshir Zahedi, contemporary of my grandfather at the ministry, passes away. He spoke graciously of… - 3 years ago

@kargadan: آدم باید روی اصول باشد تا قدرت هم داشته باشد. اما آدم تقاضایش حد دارد. اعلی‌حضرت بیمار بود. این‌ها همه دانه دانه و… - 3 years ago

@bdrboi: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi in recent years talking about Iranian opposition groups abroad who he says “receive money from foreigners a… - 3 years ago

@OpenmindAvenue: RT @JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read the… - 3 years ago

@kargadan: اردشیر زاهدی متولد مهرماه ۱۳۰۷ در تهران بود. از دو خاندان سیاسی نسب می‌برد. پدرش سپهبد فضل‌الله زاهدی، نخست‌وزیر و… - 3 years ago

@kargadan: RT @Tim_Doner: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's FM and US ambassador in the 60s and 70s, has just passed away. One of the last living links to the S… - 3 years ago

@johnwood20191: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@es_noroozi: RT @Radioirava: اردشیر زاهدی، داماد شاه و آخرین سفیرش در آمریکا در ۹۳ سالگی، به ژنرال محبوبش قاسم بچه کُش(قاسم سلیمانی) پیوست. #نه_شاه_نه_ش… - 3 years ago

@johnwood20191: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi in recent years talking about Iranian opposition groups abroad who he says “receive money from foreigners a… - 3 years ago

@johnwood20191: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@daylam_: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@johnwood20191: RT @BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts including l… - 3 years ago

@h0d3r_fa: RT @JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read the… - 3 years ago

@hdagres: When I think of the late Ardeshir Zahedi, this ad he placed in the New York Times in 2018 comes to mind... "Cats… - 3 years ago

@ssmoghadam: “My grandma always used to tell me with God you win. Put your trust in a higher power and not in man. ‘Cause when y… - 3 years ago

@oxfordgirl: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi, I thought you would live forever. - 3 years ago

@mowzdef: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi, a true Iranian patriot. - 3 years ago

@oxfordgirl: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi. - 3 years ago

@NonReview: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@SMDREspanol: Ardeshir Zahedi; el ex ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Irán; murió a la edad de 93 años. Zahedi fue ministro… - 3 years ago

@SMDRSvenska: Irans förre utrikesminister Ardeshir Zahedi är död vid 93 års ålder. Zahedi var iransk utrikesminister innan den i… - 3 years ago

@SMDRNews: Iran's former foreign minister Ardeshir Zahedi has died at the age of 93. Zahedi was the foreign minister of Iran… - 3 years ago

@rubycooper007: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@Radioirava: اردشیر زاهدی، داماد شاه و آخرین سفیرش در آمریکا در ۹۳ سالگی، به ژنرال محبوبش قاسم بچه کُش(قاسم سلیمانی) پیوست.… - 3 years ago

@YounesM99: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi in recent years talking about Iranian opposition groups abroad who he says “receive money from foreigners a… - 3 years ago

@KushKhomeini: @KarmelMelamed, noted idiot, has decided that Ardeshir Zahedi, ambassador to the USA under the Pahlavi monarchy (an… - 3 years ago

@hardbop34: RT @The_NewArab: Iran's state-run news agency attributed Ardeshir Zahedi's death to "old age," without elaborating. Other semiofficial news… - 3 years ago

@Azodiac83: RT @JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read the… - 3 years ago

@The_NewArab: Iran's state-run news agency attributed Ardeshir Zahedi's death to "old age," without elaborating. Other semioffici… - 3 years ago

@Arash_Akbarii: RT @Azodiac83: Ardeshir Zahedi and Henry Kissinger, both well known in Washington for their extravagant parties and extra curricular activ… - 3 years ago

@GhoreishiG: RT @farnazfassihi: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington during the monarchy, died. He was outspoken… - 3 years ago

@TammerR81: RT @ArtaMoeini: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iran Foreign Minister under the Shah has sadly passed. He will be missed. His legacy will be an ins… - 3 years ago

@SKZand95: RT @SafaviMajus: It should have been Ardeshir Shah of the Zahedi Dynasty ruling Iran instead of Pahlavi. - 3 years ago

@Alexkennedy30: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. - 3 years ago

@Tino_Zahedi: It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Excellency Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi His Excellency pass… - 3 years ago

@TheShadowComp: RT @JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read the… - 3 years ago

@selflibrarian: RT @FaridVahiid: Ardeshir Zahedi, diplomate iranien, ministre des Affaires étrangers du Chah et dernier ambassadeur d’#Iran aux États-Unis… - 3 years ago

@PeltierStephan2: RT @CaukaS: Les hommages à Ardeshir Zahedi qui viennent d'Iraniens aux opinions très différentes montrent que malgré la politique, les évén… - 3 years ago

@JohnGhazvinian: Eight months before he died, I was floored to receive this message from Ardeshir Zahedi. I’m not he’d actually read… - 3 years ago

@ardavank: Ardeshir #Zahedi, former foreign minister of #Iran, former ambassador to the #US and the #UK, and a close confidant… - 3 years ago

@HakanTr_: RT @FaridVahiid: Ardeshir Zahedi, diplomate iranien, ministre des Affaires étrangers du Chah et dernier ambassadeur d’#Iran aux États-Unis… - 3 years ago

@RezRezart: RT @sasanianshah: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s ambassador to the US & the UK & former FM. At one point, a son-in-law to Mohammadreza Shah, h… - 3 years ago

@Ahmad_Golshan: RT @KayhanLife: Repost at: ZAHEDI. 1000 Years of Iranian History & Culture “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Exce… - 3 years ago

@Stavnger: RT @FaridVahiid: Ardeshir Zahedi, diplomate iranien, ministre des Affaires étrangers du Chah et dernier ambassadeur d’#Iran aux États-Unis… - 3 years ago

@Hindhynde: RT @FaridVahiid: Ardeshir Zahedi, diplomate iranien, ministre des Affaires étrangers du Chah et dernier ambassadeur d’#Iran aux États-Unis… - 3 years ago

@irishnianx: RT @SafaviMajus: It should have been Ardeshir Shah of the Zahedi Dynasty ruling Iran instead of Pahlavi. - 3 years ago

@ArtaMoeini: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iran Foreign Minister under the Shah has sadly passed. He will be missed. His legacy will b… - 3 years ago

@Spectateuropeen: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@SafaviMajus: RT @SafaviMajus: It should have been Ardeshir Shah of the Zahedi Dynasty ruling Iran instead of Pahlavi. - 3 years ago

@SafaviMajus: It should have been Ardeshir Shah of the Zahedi Dynasty ruling Iran instead of Pahlavi. - 3 years ago

@ProSyria2: RT @farnazfassihi: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington during the monarchy, died. He was outspoken… - 3 years ago

@JeffreyMeursing: RT @Bijan63: Ardeshir Zahedi, de Iraanse minister van BuZa en ambassadeur in de VS onder de Iraanse koning Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah), is… - 3 years ago

@SeanDurns: RT @KyleWOrton: Ardeshir Zahedi has died, aged 93. The son of the General who saved the #Shah's throne from the mutinous Mossadeq in 1953,… - 3 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s ambassador to the United States during the rule of the shah who charmed both Hollywood star… - 3 years ago

@OneTrueAggie: Saddened to learn of the passing today of my great friend, former Iranian Ambassador to the US Ardeshir Zahedi. I… - 3 years ago

@hdagres: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@Frankisalegend1: RT @KyleWOrton: Ardeshir Zahedi has died, aged 93. The son of the General who saved the #Shah's throne from the mutinous Mossadeq in 1953,… - 3 years ago

@Graphenes1: "Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iranian foreign minister, ambassador to Washington during the monarchy and son-in-law of t… - 3 years ago

@Ayei_Eloheichem: RT @KyleWOrton: Ardeshir Zahedi has died, aged 93. The son of the General who saved the #Shah's throne from the mutinous Mossadeq in 1953,… - 3 years ago

@Farshid__13: RT @sasanianshah: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s ambassador to the US & the UK & former FM. At one point, a son-in-law to Mohammadreza Shah, h… - 3 years ago

@ladybirdbiglove: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@KDWilliams7: RT @gbrew24: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Ambassador from #Iran to the USA, died today at the age of 93. A diplomat with close ties to the shah,… - 3 years ago

@FaridVahiid: Ardeshir Zahedi, diplomate iranien, ministre des Affaires étrangers du Chah et dernier ambassadeur d’#Iran aux État… - 3 years ago

@AnneMuntean: RT @gbrew24: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Ambassador from #Iran to the USA, died today at the age of 93. A diplomat with close ties to the shah,… - 3 years ago

@Mm78577388: RT @Azodiac83: Ardeshir Zahedi and Henry Kissinger, both well known in Washington for their extravagant parties and extra curricular activ… - 3 years ago

@sasanianshah: RIP Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran’s ambassador to the US & the UK & former FM. At one point, a son-in-law to Mohammadreza S… - 3 years ago

@NihcmdEBA4RvaHy: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@RobRakove: RT @gbrew24: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Ambassador from #Iran to the USA, died today at the age of 93. A diplomat with close ties to the shah,… - 3 years ago

@amirex111: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi in recent years talking about Iranian opposition groups abroad who he says “receive money from foreigners a… - 3 years ago

@kynakwado: RT @KyleWOrton: Ardeshir Zahedi has died, aged 93. The son of the General who saved the #Shah's throne from the mutinous Mossadeq in 1953,… - 3 years ago

@saphiehashtiany: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@AbridgedEdition: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@angelesespinosa: RT @Ali_A_Falahi: Ardeshir Zahedi, el último embajador de #Irán en EEUU y el yerno del último Sah de Irán murió en Suiza a los 93 años. htt… - 3 years ago

@mostafashoghi: RT @ZahediTino: It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Excellency Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi His Excellency passed away… - 3 years ago

@FereydounSadri: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@yassaminem: A relative and a very close friend of my father , Ardeshir Zahedi died today. For most of my adult life I hated him… - 3 years ago

@btaghivand: اردشیر زاهدی: اگر از بیماری شاه خبر داشتم به مردم می‌گفتم - 3 years ago

@InspiringIranis: RT @KayhanLife: Repost at: ZAHEDI. 1000 Years of Iranian History & Culture “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Exce… - 3 years ago

@dastan_project: RT @KayhanLife: Repost at: ZAHEDI. 1000 Years of Iranian History & Culture “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Exce… - 3 years ago

@Fred_Parvaneh: RT @KayhanLife: Repost at: ZAHEDI. 1000 Years of Iranian History & Culture “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of His Exce… - 3 years ago

@saluspopuliorg: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@kjsturr: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@KayhanLife: Repost at: ZAHEDI. 1000 Years of Iranian History & Culture “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of… - 3 years ago

@farhangghavimi: دو سال پیش وقتی در مورد اظهار نظر آقای زاهدی در باره قاسم سلیمانی از او پرسیدم ضمن دفاع از نظرش گفت، آدم نمی تواند… - 3 years ago

@itsaizadhafiz: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@oanazimkhan89: RT @NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1960-… - 3 years ago

@buyazed288: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@NegarMortazavi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s once son-in-law and Iran’s former foreign minister (1966-1971), ambassador to the US (1… - 3 years ago

@egyptenguiden: RT @Phaleristic: Irans tidigare utrikesminister Ardeshir Zahedi avled idag i en ålder av 93 år. Han var, utöver kung Carl XVI Gustaf, den s… - 3 years ago

@black_ice1980: RT @VOAIran: 🔺#اردشیر_زاهدی، وزیر امور خارجه ایران در دوران #پهلوی، درگذشت ▪️اردشیر زاهدی در سال ۱۳۰۷ متولد شد. تحصیلات خود را در رشته مهن… - 3 years ago

@missb62: RT @BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts including l… - 3 years ago

@furiren: RT @Phaleristic: Irans tidigare utrikesminister Ardeshir Zahedi avled idag i en ålder av 93 år. Han var, utöver kung Carl XVI Gustaf, den s… - 3 years ago

@missb62: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@BukshEvelyn: RT @farnazfassihi: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington during the monarchy, died. He was outspoken… - 3 years ago

@WoeToChorazin: RT @Tim_Doner: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's FM and US ambassador in the 60s and 70s, has just passed away. One of the last living links to the S… - 3 years ago

@Plagiste4you: RT @CaukaS: « J'ai toujours été et serai toujours fier de Qassem Soleimani ; c'est lui qui a sacrifié sa vie pour son pays contrairement à… - 3 years ago

@saadsalman719: RT @Phaleristic: Irans tidigare utrikesminister Ardeshir Zahedi avled idag i en ålder av 93 år. Han var, utöver kung Carl XVI Gustaf, den s… - 3 years ago

@Tim_Doner: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's FM and US ambassador in the 60s and 70s, has just passed away. One of the last living links… - 3 years ago

@CaukaS: « J'ai toujours été et serai toujours fier de Qassem Soleimani ; c'est lui qui a sacrifié sa vie pour son pays cont… - 3 years ago

@GraigFarid: RT @farnazfassihi: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington during the monarchy, died. He was outspoken… - 3 years ago

@farnazfassihi: Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington during the monarchy, died. He was outs… - 3 years ago

@Phaleristic: Irans tidigare utrikesminister Ardeshir Zahedi avled idag i en ålder av 93 år. Han var, utöver kung Carl XVI Gustaf… - 3 years ago

@AronviJones: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah of Irans son in law & fmr Iran ambassador to 🇺🇸 has passed away aged 93 He was accused b… - 3 years ago

@gbrew24: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Ambassador from #Iran to the USA, died today at the age of 93. A diplomat with close ties t… - 3 years ago

@WinslowIsabelle: RT @IranIntl_En: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iranian foreign minister, ambassador to Washington during the monarchy and son-in-law of the Shah,… - 3 years ago

@BanafshKeynoush: Iran's former FM Ardeshir Zahedi, contemporary of my grandfather at the ministry, passes away. He spoke graciously… - 3 years ago

@revolutioncap: RIP, Ardeshir Zahedi - 3 years ago

@SMaisamWahidi: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@IranNewsNow: RT @BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts including l… - 3 years ago

@euronews_pe: اردشیر زاهدی، وزیر خارجه دوران محمدرضا شاه پهلوی در ۹۳ سالگی درگذشت بیشتر بخوانید🔽 - 3 years ago

@D_Sarbaz: اردشیر زاهدی، وزیر خارجه پیشین ایران، درگذشت - 3 years ago

@FlyingPoet: #اردشیر_زاهدی، #وزیر_خارجه_پیشین_ایران، درگذشت - 3 years ago

@AfsheenMoosavi: RT @BBCHamedani: Ardeshir Zahedi, the last Iranian ambassador to the US died age 93 in Switzerland. He was one of closest friends of the la… - 3 years ago

@IranIntl_En: Ardeshir Zahedi, former Iranian foreign minister, ambassador to Washington during the monarchy and son-in-law of th… - 3 years ago

@Seamus_Malek: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@BanafshKeynoush: Former FM Ardeshir Zahedi & my grandfather's contemporary at ministry passes away. Zahedi graciously spoke of my gr… - 3 years ago

@anema_da: RT @VOAIran: 🔺#اردشیر_زاهدی، وزیر امور خارجه ایران در دوران #پهلوی، درگذشت ▪️اردشیر زاهدی در سال ۱۳۰۷ متولد شد. تحصیلات خود را در رشته مهن… - 3 years ago

@MedeSpook: I posted this yesterday.. Ardeshir Zahedi passed away today at age 93. RIP - 3 years ago

@SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi in recent years talking about Iranian opposition groups abroad who he says “receive money from fore… - 3 years ago

@TehranDC: #Iran’s former ambassador to the US and former FM Ardeshir Zahedi, and American singer Barbara Streisand. Zahedi di… - 3 years ago

@Lemiroirpersan: On vient d’apprendre le décès d’Ardeshir Zahedi - 3 years ago

@Plagiste4you: RT @CaukaS: Les hommages à Ardeshir Zahedi qui viennent d'Iraniens aux opinions très différentes montrent que malgré la politique, les évén… - 3 years ago

@AzizRzazadeh: RT @Azodiac83: Ardeshir Zahedi and Henry Kissinger, both well known in Washington for their extravagant parties and extra curricular activ… - 3 years ago

@VOAIran: 🔺#اردشیر_زاهدی، وزیر امور خارجه ایران در دوران #پهلوی، درگذشت ▪️اردشیر زاهدی در سال ۱۳۰۷ متولد شد. تحصیلات خود را… - 3 years ago

@CaukaS: Les hommages à Ardeshir Zahedi qui viennent d'Iraniens aux opinions très différentes montrent que malgré la politiq… - 3 years ago

@jettzworld: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@barbaraslavin1: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@SuzanneinLGB: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@lrozen: RT @SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza Pahlavi,… - 3 years ago

@SinaToossi: Ardeshir Zahedi, the Shah’s legendary ambassador to the US & once son-in-law, has passed away at 93. Unlike Reza P… - 3 years ago

@Azodiac83: Ardeshir Zahedi and Henry Kissinger, both well known in Washington for their extravagant parties and extra curricu… - 3 years ago

@Bryn32050638: RT @BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts including l… - 3 years ago

@deiustitiaadrem: RT @NYCNavid: RIP Amb. Ardeshir Zahedi (1928 - 2021). - 3 years ago

@001penguin1: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Ardeshir Zahedi - #ArdeshirZahedi #Ardeshir #Zahedi #rip - 3 years ago

@Aman_IDF: ماله کش جاکش جمهوری اسلامی به فنا رفت، حتماً ضحاک الدنک ۳ روز غذای عمومی اعلام میکند #آبان_خونین اردشیر زاهدی، وزیر… - 3 years ago

@alesfe92: RT @BBCHamedani: Ardeshir Zahedi, the last Iranian ambassador to the US died age 93 in Switzerland. He was one of closest friends of the la… - 3 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @GEsfandiari: Ardeshir Zahedi who served as Iran's FM and its ambassador to the U.S. under the Shah has died in Switzerland. He was 93.… - 3 years ago

@kamipartovi: RT @BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts including l… - 3 years ago

@FrittiranF: - 3 years ago

@KyleWOrton: Ardeshir Zahedi has died, aged 93. The son of the General who saved the #Shah's throne from the mutinous Mossadeq i… - 3 years ago

@lrozen: RT @BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts including l… - 3 years ago

@OoszUrae: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@abuhneen1979: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@c_varent: RT @IranIntl_En: Ardeshir Zahedi, the former foreign minister of Iran and the last Iranian ambassador to the US, has died in the Swiss city… - 3 years ago

@klonokid: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@kranDemirkollu2: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@mohalsulami: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@FeinbergUSA: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@no_itsmyturn: RT @JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. http… - 3 years ago

@JasonMBrodsky: #BREAKING: #Iran's former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US and the UK Ardeshir Zahedi has died at age 93. - 3 years ago

@RadioFarda_: اردشیر زاهدی، وزیر خارجه دوران پهلوی، سفیر پیشین ایران در بریتانیا و آمریکا و همچنین داماد سابق محمدرضاشاه پهلوی رو… - 3 years ago

@BahmanKalbasi: Ardeshir Zahedi passed at 93. He was in the inner circle of the last Shah of Iran. With top diplomatic posts includ… - 3 years ago

@arash_tehran: So much more needs to be done to study the life and times of Ardeshir Zahedi, a unique Iranian diplomat. Condolen… - 3 years ago

@ayatr0llah: Damn, Ardeshir Zahedi - former foreign minister and the last Iranian Ambassador to the US - died. Hope he’s buried… - 3 years ago

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