Archer Maclean

British video game programmer.
Died on Monday December 26th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Archer Maclean:

@bbdiversinfo: Archer MacLean, le créateur de Dropzone, est décédé à l’âge de 60 ans - 2 years ago

@emscharf: #RIP, #ArcherMaclean - 2 years ago

@LV54Spacemonkey: Just saw the news that Archer MacLean has died. One of the first names in game dev I knew. Made Dropzone, Jimmy Whi… - 2 years ago

@VirtualJames: @CommodoreBlog RIP Archer Maclean who created this and passed away recently - 2 years ago


@GIBiz: While Maclean left development around 2010, he continued to play an active role in the retro games community - 2 years ago

@Liammch12: RT @pcgamer: Archer MacLean's classic titles included International Karate and Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker. - 2 years ago

@EatSleepGames: RT @RetroGamer_Mag: Terribly sad news about the recent passing of Archer Maclean. He made some truly sensational games, from IK+ to Archer… - 2 years ago

@SlopesGameRoom: It's time for the 1st #SLOPESCAST of the year! chatting about 🔫Duke Nukem Leaks 🌧️Risk of Rain remaster 🦔Sonic Lego… - 2 years ago

@Evilcookiezdoes: Dropzone and IK developer Archer Maclean dies aged 60 - 2 years ago

@fnord2323: *presses T to drop trousers in respect* - 2 years ago

@ArsenalTrader78: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@MassHolesGaming: Dropzone creator Archer MacLean dies aged 60 - 2 years ago

@James_Batchelor: RT @GIBiz: "Archer had a gift... We will miss him. We must remember him." - Shahid Ahmad - 2 years ago

@JayGameweb: RT @GIBiz: "Archer had a gift... We will miss him. We must remember him." - Shahid Ahmad - 2 years ago

@pteittinen: RT @GIBiz: "Archer had a gift... We will miss him. We must remember him." - Shahid Ahmad - 2 years ago

@GIBiz: "Archer had a gift... We will miss him. We must remember him." - Shahid Ahmad - 2 years ago

@pcgamer: Archer MacLean's classic titles included International Karate and Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker. - 2 years ago

@Evilcookiezdoes: Dropzone creator Archer MacLean dies aged 60 - 2 years ago

@Pixel__Byte: Dropzone creator Archer MacLean dies aged 60 - 2 years ago

@David83823494: Dropzone and IK developer Archer Maclean dies aged 60 Industry veterans and retro community pay tribute to influen… - 2 years ago

@chriska9498: RT @shed_retro: RIP Mr Archer MacLean. Many happy hours playing IK+ and Jimmy Whites on my Amiga. You brought us some great gaming memories… - 2 years ago

@sillytuna: RT @shed_retro: RIP Mr Archer MacLean. Many happy hours playing IK+ and Jimmy Whites on my Amiga. You brought us some great gaming memories… - 2 years ago

@sillytuna: RT @mdf200: Archer Maclean was only 60, and made some astounding games for us all to remember him by Thoughts go out to his family... http… - 2 years ago

@abt_live: Archer Maclean has passed away, aged 60 - 2 years ago

@pyxl_8: @Mitch_UK RIP Archer Maclean - 2 years ago

@Il_Paradroide: Per l'ultimo appuntamento del 2022 con IGN Retro ricordiamo le botte di International Karate+ e il suo autore, Arch… - 2 years ago

@IGNitalia: Tre esperti di arti marziali se le danno di santa ragione in questa pietra miliare dei giochi di combattimento. Nel… - 2 years ago

@X3Klown: RT @Arcade_Archive: R.I.P Archer Maclean 😞 I had the pleasure to meet him a couple of times and play Nintendo Sheriff with him. Prolific ar… - 2 years ago

@level106: @daph2theb They should’ve put Archer Maclean’s name there more prominently. I would have bought it in a second had… - 2 years ago

@owen_b2: RT @JazRignall: Shocked and saddened to hear that legendary C64 programmer Archer Maclean passed away yesterday. He produced some of the ma… - 2 years ago

@Retro_Dickie: RT @daph2theb: An Archer Maclean wii racing game....and like most wii games got reviewed poorly but in truth it isn't that bad and for a co… - 2 years ago

@__ItzJason: RT @daph2theb: An Archer Maclean wii racing game....and like most wii games got reviewed poorly but in truth it isn't that bad and for a co… - 2 years ago

@daph2theb: An Archer Maclean wii racing game....and like most wii games got reviewed poorly but in truth it isn't that bad and… - 2 years ago

@gamesconnection: Blog: Archer Maclean: The Pioneer #ArcherMaclean #amiga #commodore - 2 years ago

@faxm0dem: RT @assomo5: Le créateur d'International Karate vient de décéder à seulement 60 ans… #RIP 😢 - 2 years ago

@richardjbellamy: RT @JazRignall: Shocked and saddened to hear that legendary C64 programmer Archer Maclean passed away yesterday. He produced some of the ma… - 2 years ago

@iramey: RT @gigaloff: We sure lost a lot of interesting people this week. Pele, Vivienne Westwood, Archer Maclean, Ruggero Deodato.. - 2 years ago

@ItaliaStartUp_: Archer MacLean e la sua morte silenziosa in un'industria senza memoria - - 2 years ago

@TheBizNiz82: Bit late to the party with this one as only just found out, very sad to hear about the passing of Archer Maclean. P… - 2 years ago

@timprue: RT @JazRignall: Shocked and saddened to hear that legendary C64 programmer Archer Maclean passed away yesterday. He produced some of the ma… - 2 years ago

@InderjitGill: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@sonickydon: RT @slashdot: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@wilsonware: RT @RetroGamer_Mag: Terribly sad news about the recent passing of Archer Maclean. He made some truly sensational games, from IK+ to Archer… - 2 years ago

@SteveDoomanoid: RT @C64Reloaded: R.I.P. Archer MacLean Thank you for all the joy, wonder, and excitement that you gave us. - 2 years ago

@BrianTRice: RT @C64Reloaded: R.I.P. Archer MacLean Thank you for all the joy, wonder, and excitement that you gave us. - 2 years ago

@rebooting: RT @JazRignall: Shocked and saddened to hear that legendary C64 programmer Archer Maclean passed away yesterday. He produced some of the ma… - 2 years ago

@appform_llc: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@WizkidCoder: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@oscar_mata: RT @SlashdotMedia: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@ToAllPointsWest: RT @slashdot: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@vanuatutech: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@SlashdotMedia: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@mikeboucher21: RT @slashdot: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@sNerf: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60: - 2 years ago

@Jimbo0o0: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60: - 2 years ago

@cherilyntx: RT @slashdot: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@slashdot: Archer Maclean, Commodore 64 Developer, Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@8bit_era: RT @C64Reloaded: R.I.P. Archer MacLean Thank you for all the joy, wonder, and excitement that you gave us. - 2 years ago

@bogomil23: RT @C64Reloaded: R.I.P. Archer MacLean Thank you for all the joy, wonder, and excitement that you gave us. - 2 years ago

@Shadowsubmarine: RT @C64Reloaded: R.I.P. Archer MacLean Thank you for all the joy, wonder, and excitement that you gave us. - 2 years ago

@exceptionsplays: RT @C64Reloaded: R.I.P. Archer MacLean Thank you for all the joy, wonder, and excitement that you gave us. - 2 years ago

@Armaron1: RT @gamesyouloved: Playing International Karate in honor of Archer Maclean who recently passed away - 2 years ago

@Benzaie_tgwtg: RIP Archer MacLean, légende du micro, mon humble test débile à l'époque rendait déjà hommage à son génie et à la to… - 2 years ago

@4vrw7r4z: RT @NorwichAmigaGrp: Sad to hear of legendary game developer Archer Maclean's passing on Christmas Eve at the age of just 60. Many #Amiga o… - 2 years ago

@AnOrdinaryNoob2: RT @BananaBytesBr: Celebrating his life playing one of his masterpieces. RIP Archer Maclean, your legacy will live on with your work that… - 2 years ago

@NewsKnowledge4: How Did Archer Maclean Die? Dropzone And IK+ Creator Archer Maclean Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@chrishesteruk: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@amiwrightversus: RT @rpwbrowne: Absolutely devastated to hear of Archer MacLean’s passing. Spent a great deal of time with Arch on this game and setting th… - 2 years ago

@ComplaymentdO: RT @rpwbrowne: Absolutely devastated to hear of Archer MacLean’s passing. Spent a great deal of time with Arch on this game and setting th… - 2 years ago

@boiatif: How Did Archer Maclean Die? Dropzone And IK+ Creator Archer Maclean Dies At 60 - 2 years ago

@DOshlack: 5 Archer Maclean Games - 2 years ago

@rockyguy1984: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@rockyguy1984: RT @RetroGamer_Mag: Terribly sad news about the recent passing of Archer Maclean. He made some truly sensational games, from IK+ to Archer… - 2 years ago

@goekmavi_: RT @NorwichAmigaGrp: Sad to hear of legendary game developer Archer Maclean's passing on Christmas Eve at the age of just 60. Many #Amiga o… - 2 years ago

@dancloutier: RT @CommodoreBlog: Very sad News. Rest in peace, Archer Maclean. - 2 years ago

@etschneider: RT @Gamrok: I just learned that Archer MacLean passed away at the age of 60 on December 24. He had developed many great games including #I… - 2 years ago

@BongoThePongo: I can't believe Archer Maclean has gone. Bloody hell always the good ones. An absolute gent of the 1st water. 😭😭 - 2 years ago

@Juanitoswitch: RT @leither_mark: R.I.P. games legend ARCHER MACLEAN, Game over on this mortal plane and onto the next 🙏 God bless ❤️ - 2 years ago

@BigHairyMarty: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@Nonjuror_Beats: RT @dantemendes: JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND SNOOKER on #AMIGA500 (1991) Smooth snooker game, not the first to simulate snooker in 3D but used… - 2 years ago

@e3man01: RT @Arcade_Archive: R.I.P Archer Maclean 😞 I had the pleasure to meet him a couple of times and play Nintendo Sheriff with him. Prolific ar… - 2 years ago

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