Arata Isozaki

Japanese architect (Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art
Died on Thursday December 29th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Arata Isozaki:

@kenken106: Appreciation: Architect Arata Isozaki's design for MOCA launched his global career. It almost didn't happen - 2 years ago

@Nickel82197853: RT @abkab2: Toutes nos condoléances à la grande famille des Architectes @ONA_RDC par le décédé du célèbre architecte japonais Arata Isozak… - 2 years ago

@jpn_egosurfing: [LeMonde 🇫🇷] La mort d’Arata Isozaki, architecte visionnaire et en constante évolution - 2 years ago

@SkopjeThe: RT @OgnenMarina: Farewell to Arata Isozaki, a japanese architect who was one of the key members of Kenzo Tange's team for the urban project… - 2 years ago


@7mcQJpiAOLZLLGg: RT @wallpapermag: In memoriam: Arata Isozaki (1931 – 2022) - 2 years ago

@lemondeadit: sashihijiki - 2 years ago

@sonimageX: Arata Isozaki. Re-ruined Hiroshima, project, Hiroshima, Japan (Perspective). 1968 | MoMA - 2 years ago

@Batinews: Hommage à Arata Isozaki, architecte dans l'air de tous les temps - - 2 years ago

@Kaizoku_DT: Arata Isozaki died 😢😢😢 thank you for your inspiration sir. You are my #1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 2 years ago

@analarubiaos: Arata Isozaki ha muerto. Una gran oportunidad perdida en Burgos por el enchufismo y caciq… - 2 years ago

@ArbolIdeas: RT @perogar_BIM: Arata Isozaki is a Japanese architect, teacher, and theorist who helped bring Japanese influence to some of the most prest… - 2 years ago

@abkab2: Toutes nos condoléances à la grande famille des Architectes @ONA_RDC par le décédé du célèbre architecte japonais… - 2 years ago

@fzhassan: Pritzker Prize-winning architect Arata Isozaki dies aged 91 - 2 years ago

@perogar_BIM: Arata Isozaki is a Japanese architect, teacher, and theorist who helped bring Japanese influence to some of the mos… - 2 years ago

@TerryXiaobo: 20th century architects series: Isozaki Arata, famous for his constantly changed design style, however, based on th… - 2 years ago

@AGPNandanasiri: Pritzker-winning architect Arata Isozaki passes away. - 2 years ago

@dtofuku: Arata Isozaki obituary - 2 years ago

@omarjvasquez: RT @raulvilar: Arata Isozaki. #Biblioteca Kitakyushu. Fukuoka, Japón. 1973-1975 (📸 Richard Pare) #JuevesDeArquitectura - 2 years ago

@JoseJuanBarbaG: Vista del interior del Qatar National Convention Centre 2014 por Arata Isozaki Fotografía por Hisao Suzuki - 2 years ago

@rossroli: RT @designboom: RIP, japanese post-war architect arata isozaki, who was praised for his forward-thinking approach, deep commitment to the ‘… - 2 years ago

@stepienybarno: Muere el arquitecto japonés Arata Isozaki, ganador del premio Pritzker 2019 y autor del Palau Sant Jordi Por:… - 2 years ago

@haburesuraita: Will treasure, that I met him in person once... - 2 years ago

@PaoloBricco: RT @ollywainwright: “I fooled around with a nasty bastard called PoMo.” All hail the chameleonic six-decade career of brutalist-postmodern… - 2 years ago

@BarryFreedNYC: RT @ollywainwright: “I fooled around with a nasty bastard called PoMo.” All hail the chameleonic six-decade career of brutalist-postmodern… - 2 years ago

@sandman_gr: RT @ollywainwright: “I fooled around with a nasty bastard called PoMo.” All hail the chameleonic six-decade career of brutalist-postmodern… - 2 years ago

@A_STEPIENyBARNO: Muere el arquitecto japonés Arata Isozaki, ganador del premio Pritzker 2019 y autor del Palau Sant Jordi Por:… - 2 years ago

@conpaper: 프리츠커상에 빛나는 일 건축가 '아라타 이소자키' 타계 VIDEO: Pritzker Prize-winning architect Arata Isozaki dies aged 91… - 2 years ago

@Stepienybarno_L: Muere el arquitecto japonés Arata Isozaki, ganador del premio Pritzker 2019 y autor del Palau Sant Jordi Por:… - 2 years ago

@rabbitstar: RT @tanajun009: ロスの新聞だけに、ロサンゼルス現代美術館の建設経緯や現状について詳しく、もとのデザインのポイントも的確に指摘されている。NYTの記事が詳しいもののやや筆者の立場の偏向を感じさせただけにこちらは好印象。 - 2 years ago

@giuseppemella: Arata Isozaki obituary - 2 years ago

@miquelpzlatre: RT @arxiunacional: 😪 Fa uns dies ens va deixar l’arquitecte Arata Isozaki (1931-2022) 🚁 El recordem a través dels reportatges aeris del pr… - 2 years ago

@HidalgoBlazquez: RT @gomezdetejada: Muere el arquitecto japonés Arata Isozaki, ganador del premio Pritzker 2019 y autor del Palau Sant Jordi - 2 years ago

@arxiunacional: 😪 Fa uns dies ens va deixar l’arquitecte Arata Isozaki (1931-2022) 🚁 El recordem a través dels reportatges aeris d… - 2 years ago

@totaalvoet1: ”From… brutalism in the 1960s, to pieces of playful postmodernism in the 1980s, and curious organic-tech structures… - 2 years ago

@eltecolotesf: RT @mayavada: RIP to Arata Isozaki, who designed the very postmodern MOCA building in Downtown LA. Probably the most influential building… - 2 years ago

@KotliarSophia: Arata Isozaki obituary - 2 years ago

@star9kp: RT @PLinTokyo: Arata Isozaki designed the famous #Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in 🇵🇱Poland. Thank you. May you rest in pea… - 2 years ago

@JoseAloiseBahia: RT @JoseAloiseBahia: Arata Isozaki, ganhador do prêmio Pritzker, morre aos 91 anos - 2 years ago

@seimim0905: Arata Isozaki obituary - 2 years ago

@SIAF_HACK: quarterly <critical space> Extra edition hardcore modernism : perspective of contemporary art critique collabor… - 2 years ago

@JoseAloiseBahia: Arata Isozaki, ganhador do prêmio Pritzker, morre aos 91 anos - 2 years ago

@koichi011: Pritzker Prize Laureate Arata Isozaki Passes Away at the Age of 91 - 2 years ago

@vtowowowo: RT @NTTICC: 映像アーカイヴ HIVE ICC インタヴュー・シリーズ 磯崎新 (1996年度 収録) [インタヴュー構成] 01:55- 創作活動におけるコンセプトについて 19:44- 10年ごとに方法を変えてきた理由 21:55- 建築におけるアナログと… - 2 years ago

@makawakami: RT @NTTICC: 映像アーカイヴ HIVE ICC インタヴュー・シリーズ 磯崎新 (1996年度 収録) [インタヴュー構成] 01:55- 創作活動におけるコンセプトについて 19:44- 10年ごとに方法を変えてきた理由 21:55- 建築におけるアナログと… - 2 years ago

@maryamhome: One of the greatest Architect of all times, such great aethetics and philosophy behind his works. Arata Isozaki. RI… - 2 years ago

@jpn_egosurfing: [the guardian 🇬🇧] Arata Isozaki obituary - 2 years ago

@Daniel_A_Walser: - 2 years ago

@Ubershake: Prolific Pritzker Prize-winning architect Arata Isozaki dies, aged 91 - 2 years ago

@mitsucoshi: RT @NTTICC: 映像アーカイヴ HIVE ICC インタヴュー・シリーズ 磯崎新 (1996年度 収録) [インタヴュー構成] 01:55- 創作活動におけるコンセプトについて 19:44- 10年ごとに方法を変えてきた理由 21:55- 建築におけるアナログと… - 2 years ago

@RanaKabbani54: RT @PritzkerPrize: Arata Isozaki is the 2019 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize - 2 years ago

@atuhlieur: RT @DianaBudds: RIP arata isozaki (1931-2022) wish i could have visited the palladium, which he designed in 1985 - 2 years ago

@BiancaJagger: RT @BavadhariniKs: 'Buildings that defy categorisation' – Arata Isozaki. He built inflatable concert hall, underground stadium and so much… - 2 years ago

@BiancaJagger: RT @PritzkerPrize: Arata Isozaki is the 2019 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize - 2 years ago

@GondaiMusic: Architectural Peregrinatio 45 Nagi Museum of Comtemporary Art (1994) Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@xxidergisi: Pritzker Ödüllü Arata Isozaki Hayatını Kaybetti #katar #barselona #japonya #los angeles… - 2 years ago

@artasiapacific: Architect, urban planner, and theorist Arata Isozaki, named “the emperor of Japanese architecture,” died of natural… - 2 years ago

@shiitake1234567: RT @DOCOMOMOjapan: New Year 2023 DOCOMOMO Japan 082 大分県立中央図書館/磯崎新 1966年 082 Oita Prefectural Oita Library (Currently/ Art Plaza Oita City)… - 2 years ago

@hasimaltan: Eleven key projects by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@white_owly: RT @DrRayLucas: RIP Isozaki Arata; his is always one of the first books I recommend to any students interested in Japanese architecture. ht… - 2 years ago

@Boogieknight: RT @mayavada: RIP to Arata Isozaki, who designed the very postmodern MOCA building in Downtown LA. Probably the most influential building… - 2 years ago

@loud_socialist: RT @mayavada: RIP to Arata Isozaki, who designed the very postmodern MOCA building in Downtown LA. Probably the most influential building… - 2 years ago

@mayavada: - 2 years ago

@mayavada: RIP to Arata Isozaki, who designed the very postmodern MOCA building in Downtown LA. Probably the most influential… - 2 years ago

@faberriom: Arata Isozaki (1931–2022) - 2 years ago

@minamimusashi: RT @DOCOMOMOjapan: New Year 2023 DOCOMOMO Japan 082 大分県立中央図書館/磯崎新 1966年 082 Oita Prefectural Oita Library (Currently/ Art Plaza Oita City)… - 2 years ago

@hajakingh1: RT @stelsiofficial: 📝STELSI Architecture Quotes #011 "Architecture is a Machine for the production of Meaning." ― Arata Isozaki📖 ▶️https:… - 2 years ago

@moth_ish: RT @DianaBudds: RIP arata isozaki (1931-2022) wish i could have visited the palladium, which he designed in 1985 - 2 years ago

@sebasdeliga: RT @JoseJuanBarbaG: Palau San Jordi en construcción, 1989 por Arata Isozaki. Fotografía por Hisao Suzuki - 2 years ago

@andrlarrinaga: RT @lopedetoledo: Ayer nos dejó Arata Isozaki. Un arquitecto japonés que pasó del brutalismo al posmodernismo y diseñó ciudades utópicas.… - 2 years ago

@Pato_tective: RT @elbarroquista: Ha fallecido Arata Isozaki, el último de los ocho arquitectos japoneses en ganar el Premio Pritzker (2019). Isozaki rea… - 2 years ago

@f3rnandoza: RT @LeonChavez: Y no confundan a Arata Isozaki con Arath de la Torre, manas! 💁‍♀️ #missdejoteria - 2 years ago

@cmondragon70: RT @JoseJuanBarbaG: Palau San Jordi en construcción, 1989 por Arata Isozaki. Fotografía por Hisao Suzuki - 2 years ago

@sreddi_515: RT @DianaBudds: RIP arata isozaki (1931-2022) wish i could have visited the palladium, which he designed in 1985 - 2 years ago

@catalogue99: RT @latimes: Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, whose eclectic buildings bear a world of influences, died at his home in Okinawa on Wednesda… - 2 years ago

@DrowningHipster: RT @latimes: Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, whose eclectic buildings bear a world of influences, died at his home in Okinawa on Wednesda… - 2 years ago

@latimes: Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, whose eclectic buildings bear a world of influences, died at his home in Okinawa… - 2 years ago

@archkhanah: وفاة المعماري الياباني الشهير Arata Isozaki ..احد اشهر المعماريين اليابانين المعاصرين عن عمر 91 عام ... حصل ع… - 2 years ago

@ADASpota: RT @LKpaddy: Shadow 4, 1999 • Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@frede_sib: RT @DianaBudds: RIP arata isozaki (1931-2022) wish i could have visited the palladium, which he designed in 1985 - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From NPR Obituaries - Pritzker-winning architect Arata Isozaki dies at 91 - 2 years ago

@kaploded: - 2 years ago

@grosales75: RT @elbarroquista: Ha fallecido Arata Isozaki, el último de los ocho arquitectos japoneses en ganar el Premio Pritzker (2019). Isozaki rea… - 2 years ago

@digital__junkie: RT @discofiles: The amazing Palladium. Dancing in a space designed by japanese architect Arata Isozaki beneath a Keith Haring mural. #disco… - 2 years ago

@mufftabby: RT @nytimesarts: Arata Isozaki, the Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect who designed scores of major structures in a dozen countries,… - 2 years ago

@jm_buru: RT @Speedmaster72: Casa Hayashi ( Sasaoka Chūō, Fukuoka, Japón. 1976-77). En este último #100x100masterhouses de 2022 rindo homenaje, tras… - 2 years ago

@Swifty46521535: RT @LKpaddy: Shadow 4, 1999 • Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@letztesoleil: Shomei Tomatsu, Arata Isozaki, Architect, 1967. 東松照明, 建築家 磯崎新. - 2 years ago

@doledram: RT @pippociorra: Iso/1 melancholy & sorrow for the passing of Arata Isozaki, kind man, sophisticated intellectual, Pritzker winner (too lat… - 2 years ago

@sch2laap: RT @designboom: arata isozaki, the japanese architect who was the laureate of 46th pritzker prize, passed away at the age of 91 on 29th dec… - 2 years ago

@hellplex: RT @dinisss: Adiós maestro! Arata #isozaki 1931-2022. #Coruña te recordará siempre por esta maravilla: Domus-Casa del Hombre (1993/95) #arq… - 2 years ago

@MyDearAngie: RT @nytimes: Arata Isozaki, a Japanese architect and urban planner who received a Pritzker Architecture Prize, died on Wednesday at the age… - 2 years ago

@aeri_tamara: RT @pippociorra: il 30 dicembre è morto Arata Isozaki (91), uomo gentile intellettuale raffinato architetto Pritzker Prize nel 2021. molto… - 2 years ago

@mrfidalgo: RT @Speedmaster72: Casa Hayashi ( Sasaoka Chūō, Fukuoka, Japón. 1976-77). En este último #100x100masterhouses de 2022 rindo homenaje, tras… - 2 years ago

@gab_cherubin: RT @amarchitettura: E' morto Arata Isozaki, l'architetto che modernizzò il Giappone. #amatelarchitettura #architecture #architectural #arc… - 2 years ago

@rollingArt43: RT @rollingArt43: ∎ Entrance to the Palladium nightclub in New York City. 1985 The Palladium represented architect Japonese Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@ChristineAfo7: RT @guardianworld: Japanese architect and ‘postmodern giant’ Arata Isozaki dies aged 91 - 2 years ago

@vinals_comas: RT @agenersurrell: Hoy es un día triste. Muere Arata Isozaki. Qué texto tan bello el de ⁦@anatxuz⁩ recordando su obra y su figura. Vía ⁦@… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Arata Isozaki, the Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect who designed scores of major structures in a dozen cou… - 2 years ago

@carinreinders: RT @volkskrant: Arata Isozaki (1931-2022) behoorde tot het selecte gezelschap dat overal ter wereld gezichtsbepalende architectuur neerzett… - 2 years ago

@BianchiLella: RT @pippociorra: il 30 dicembre è morto Arata Isozaki (91), uomo gentile intellettuale raffinato architetto Pritzker Prize nel 2021. molto… - 2 years ago

@Museo_MAXXI: RT @pippociorra: il 30 dicembre è morto Arata Isozaki (91), uomo gentile intellettuale raffinato architetto Pritzker Prize nel 2021. molto… - 2 years ago

@AsiyaMiya: RT @LKpaddy: Shadow 4, 1999 • Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@PIERPAO67864611: RT @LKpaddy: Shadow 4, 1999 • Arata Isozaki - 2 years ago

@volkskrant: Arata Isozaki (1931-2022) behoorde tot het selecte gezelschap dat overal ter wereld gezichtsbepalende architectuur… - 2 years ago

@MoormanMark: Arata Isozaki (1931-2022) behoorde tot het selecte gezelschap dat overal ter wereld gezichtsbepalende architectuur… - 2 years ago

@prietoshka: RT @eliasoro: 𝗔  𝗥  𝗾  𝘂  𝗶  𝗧  𝗘  𝗰  𝘁  𝘂  𝗿  𝗮  . Un homenaje a un gran arquitecto: Arata Isozaki 1931-2022. 磯崎新. #UnArquitectoAlDia… - 2 years ago

@prietoshka: RT @eliasoro: Ha muerto Arata Isozaki a los 91 años. Ganador del Pritzker en 2019. Día triste para la arquitectura. "Sin un estilo me sien… - 2 years ago

@bocciamick: RT @pippociorra: il 30 dicembre è morto Arata Isozaki (91), uomo gentile intellettuale raffinato architetto Pritzker Prize nel 2021. molto… - 2 years ago

@TovarishM5S: RT @pippociorra: Iso/1 melancholy & sorrow for the passing of Arata Isozaki, kind man, sophisticated intellectual, Pritzker winner (too lat… - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Arata Isozaki, 'l'imperatore' dell'architettura è morto a 91 anni - 2 years ago

@konmarihj: RT @cnni: Pritzker-prize winning architect Arata Isozaki has died at the age of 91 - 2 years ago

@BenPeisch: RT @PhilipKennicott: A fine obit of Arata Isozaki, architect who melded styles of Japan and West... from @BrianFMurphy - 2 years ago

@PhilipKennicott: A fine obit of Arata Isozaki, architect who melded styles of Japan and West... from @BrianFMurphy - 2 years ago

@KayaBenBih: RT @nytimes: Arata Isozaki, a Japanese architect and urban planner who received a Pritzker Architecture Prize, died on Wednesday at the age… - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@Oladonney: RT @designboom: RIP, japanese post-war architect arata isozaki, who was praised for his forward-thinking approach, deep commitment to the ‘… - 2 years ago

@Periquito_azul: RT @elbarroquista: Ha fallecido Arata Isozaki, el último de los ocho arquitectos japoneses en ganar el Premio Pritzker (2019). Isozaki rea… - 2 years ago

@pecoraro_fr: RT @pippociorra: il 30 dicembre è morto Arata Isozaki (91), uomo gentile intellettuale raffinato architetto Pritzker Prize nel 2021. molto… - 2 years ago

@tewmgd: - 2 years ago

@mar_tacadena: Rest in Peace Arata Isozaki. - 2 years ago

@jjjudyjones99: RT @Michael_Eisner: A master architect that joined other A+ architects to make Disney excellent! RIP Arata Isozaki. - 2 years ago

@ArqutectosLeon: Pritzker Prize Laureate Arata Isozaki Passes Away at the Age of 91 - 2 years ago

@alekasmendez: RT @lopedetoledo: Ayer nos dejó Arata Isozaki. Un arquitecto japonés que pasó del brutalismo al posmodernismo y diseñó ciudades utópicas.… - 2 years ago

@CharlesHope1: RT @SustainableTall: It was never built, but I always liked this design for the DC twin towers in Vienna by Arata Isozaki, from 1993   #ara… - 2 years ago

@MrHighArt: RT @AnthonyBila: Arata Isozaki. - 2 years ago

@KimHanbinnieeee: RT @ArchDaily: Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, a 2019 Pritzker Prize laureate, passed away this Thursday, December 29, at the age of 91,… - 2 years ago

@60far60pay: RT @NikkeiAsia: Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect Arata Isozaki dies at 91 - 2 years ago

@Jadeputris: RT @ArchDaily: Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, a 2019 Pritzker Prize laureate, passed away this Thursday, December 29, at the age of 91,… - 2 years ago

@trignum: RT @elbarroquista: Ha fallecido Arata Isozaki, el último de los ocho arquitectos japoneses en ganar el Premio Pritzker (2019). Isozaki rea… - 2 years ago

@El_Bam_Rl: RT @eliasoro: Ha muerto Arata Isozaki a los 91 años. Ganador del Pritzker en 2019. Día triste para la arquitectura. "Sin un estilo me sien… - 2 years ago

@By_immeasurable: Arata Isozaki talk with Akira Asada [Japanese language only] - - 2 years ago

@kanjinagay: RT @minamimusashi: バルセロナのLa Vanguardia他に続き、ArchDailyでも磯崎さんの訃報。日本マスコミでは未だ記事化されず… - 2 years ago

@AjyuAmatsukaze: RT @ryuji_fujimura: 磯崎新さんの訃報。にわかに信じがたいが、心よりご冥福をお祈り致します。>>>パラオ・サン・ジョルディの著者である建築家磯崎新が死去 - 2 years ago

@BeiNina: the end of a Era #cosmo Arata Isozaki / Pelè / Vivienne Westwood #energie #view - 2 years ago

@990208_: RT @DrRayLucas: RIP Isozaki Arata; his is always one of the first books I recommend to any students interested in Japanese architecture. ht… - 2 years ago

@990208_: RT @DianaBudds: RIP arata isozaki (1931-2022) wish i could have visited the palladium, which he designed in 1985 - 2 years ago

@makkonosuke: RT @hashimoto_tokyo: こちらが最後の個展に。 MISA SHIN GALLEY「磯崎新 Arata Isozaki: Form and Spirit」 - 2 years ago

@kanjinagay: RT @ABcruasan: 磯崎新さんの訃報。イグナシ・デ・ソラ=モラレスなどとの親交から、バルセロナのパラウ・サン・ジョルディ、ア・コルーニャの人間科学館などを手掛けスペインでは抜群の知名度。El Pais紙もLa Vanguardia紙も大々的に報じています。 https… - 2 years ago

@TheLexSociety: RT @dezeen: Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, who won the Pritzker Prize and RIBA Gold Medal, has passed away aged 91: - 2 years ago

@Kaew_S: RT @DrRayLucas: RIP Isozaki Arata; his is always one of the first books I recommend to any students interested in Japanese architecture. ht… - 2 years ago

@Narniaexpert: RT @laughing_place: Arata Isozaki, the designer of the Team Disney building in Orlando, has passed away at the age of 91. - 2 years ago

@italkthewind: RT @ConcelloCoruna: ⚫️ O Concello da Coruña amosa o seu fondo pesar polo pasamento do arquitecto Arata Isozaki, quen deseñou a Domus. Unha… - 2 years ago

@Juan_Bardon: - 2 years ago

@By_immeasurable: Arata Isozaki, Prolific Japanese Architect, Dies at 91 - The New York Times - 2 years ago

@ttyymmtt: RT @fashionsnap: 【訃報】建築界の巨匠 磯崎新が死去、2019年プリツカー賞受賞 - 2 years ago

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