Antonia Terzi

Italian aerodynamicist
Died on Monday November 1st 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Antonia Terzi:

@Sugarhelchen: RT @editedbymel: Antonia #Terzi war eine Vorreiterin ihrer Position in der #Formel1. Ende Oktober ist die Ingenieurin von Michael #Schumach… - 3 years ago

@editedbymel: Antonia #Terzi war eine Vorreiterin ihrer Position in der #Formel1. Ende Oktober ist die Ingenieurin von Michael… - 3 years ago

@Burntdoggo1: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Lpz421: RT @elmejordelresto: Ayer lamentablemente perdió la vida, a los 50 años, la ex ingeniera de F1 Antonia Terzi. Vamos con un pequeño hilo rel… - 3 years ago


@Nerys__: Grazie a Leo Turrini per aver ricordato la bravissima Antonia Terzi, donna di talento nel motorsport. 🙏🏻🤍… - 3 years ago

@hunter94435511: RT @es_sportsnews: F1 CEO Pays Mourns the Passing of Former Ferrari & Williams Engineer Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@Profilo3Marco: RT @Gazzetta_it: Le Ferrari e le Williams firmate da Antonia Terzi #F1 - 3 years ago

@Ysplanning: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Feemy82: Former Ferrari and Williams F1 aerodynamicist Terzi dies in car crash - 3 years ago

@SJSly: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@SJSly: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@PrensaLibreJCV: RT @Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en #Will… - 3 years ago

@c8lynhamilton: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@macordero05: RT @f1ultimavuelta: Falleció Antonia Terzi la famosa aerodinamista de Williams creadora del @WilliamsRacing FW26 característico por su nar… - 3 years ago

@ImpieriFilippo: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@yosio918: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@godayvalldaura: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@mavinoaonieva: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Topotolosa: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@Molp1x: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@NoticiaSport_: Antonia Terzi: Ferrari y Williams F1 diseñados por el difunto ingeniero aerodinámico - 3 years ago

@EstebBeltramino: Le Ferrari e le Williams F1 firmate da Antonia Terzi #motori #automobilismo - 3 years ago

@EstebBeltramino: Le Ferrari e le Williams F1 firmate da Antonia Terzi #F1 #motori #formula1 - 3 years ago

@dinoadduci: Le Ferrari e le Williams F1 firmate da Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@Philippe_Caen: RT @MaguyTran: Décès d'Antonia Terzi, l'ingénieure derrière le "nez de morse" Williams - 3 years ago

@Gazzetta_it: Le Ferrari e le Williams firmate da Antonia Terzi #F1 - 3 years ago

@Herb_Watterott: - 3 years ago

@SFCfinaleemilia: Finale Emilia piange la scomparsa di Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico. Prima donna a diventare capo aerodinami… - 3 years ago

@zaini01451908: Antonia Terzi Familie #BVBAJA - 3 years ago

@fcoliranzo: RT @Richardm074: @F1Media For who doesn't know her and what happened: Antonia Terzi, the former engineer of Ferrari and Williams, was kille… - 3 years ago

@bluetwin: RT @PpandeloF: Antonia Terzi, ex ingeniera de Schumacher, fallece en un accidente - 3 years ago

@PpandeloF: Antonia Terzi, ex ingeniera de Schumacher, fallece en un accidente - 3 years ago

@mituzi: Ex-Ferrari engineer Antonia Terzi who worked with Michael Schumacher dies in car crash - 3 years ago

@TeleradioNews: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@StronachBrian: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@JulsAlGhul: El lunes estaba tan desconectado que hasta ahora me entero que falleció Antonia Terzi 😔😔 - 3 years ago

@Robherto72: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@tatuus: FORMER Ferrari and Williams technician Antonia Terzi has been killed in a horror UK car crash, aged 50. The ex-aer… - 3 years ago

@giannigosta: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@TeleradioNews: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@TeleradioNews: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@TeleradioNews: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi Lutto nel mondo della Formula  Uno, se ne… - 3 years ago

@TeleradioNews: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi - Lutto nel mondo della Formula  Uno, se ne va Antonia Terzi, ingeg… - 3 years ago

@NewsCronacaCE: Lutto nel mondo della F1, muore Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@leoniebaque: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Tmo_Wizard: Große Trauer in der Formel 1: Ehemalige Schumi-Helferin bei Unfall gestorben - 3 years ago

@DavidHockey9: Sounds like a brilliant woman, sadly gone before she could do even more amazing things in her field. Ex-Ferrari eng… - 3 years ago

@AndreaD16657203: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@IrishSunSport: Former Ferrari and Williams engineer Antonia Terzi killed in car crash aged 50 - 3 years ago

@tbgsem: RT @SunSport: Former Ferrari and Williams engineer Antonia Terzi killed in car crash aged 50 - 3 years ago

@Eduaful55: RT @SunSport: Former Ferrari and Williams engineer Antonia Terzi killed in car crash aged 50 - 3 years ago

@SarahC4552: RT @SunSport: Former Ferrari and Williams engineer Antonia Terzi killed in car crash aged 50 - 3 years ago

@SunSport: Former Ferrari and Williams engineer Antonia Terzi killed in car crash aged 50 - 3 years ago

@zaini01451908: Antonia Terzi Familie #Weltmännertag - 3 years ago

@CoolstarMalik1: Antonia Terzi Familie #Weltmännertag - 3 years ago

@SunMotorsport: Former Ferrari and Williams engineer Antonia Terzi killed in horror car crash aged 50 as F1 teams pay tribute - 3 years ago

@spuelimopet: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@anarcomico: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@manuxcristobal: RT @JavieRubioF1: Antonia Terzi, la ingeniera visionaria que pasó a la historia de la F1 por la 'Morsa' - 3 years ago

@Richardm074: @F1Media For who doesn't know her and what happened: Antonia Terzi, the former engineer of Ferrari and Williams, wa… - 3 years ago

@MMiguelAGS: RT @JavieRubioF1: Antonia Terzi, la ingeniera visionaria que pasó a la historia de la F1 por la 'Morsa' - 3 years ago

@christinepaulus: Antonia Terzi (†50): Die Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@eelua: Una mujer, ingeniera, experta en aerodinámica y visionaria, que estuvo en lo más alto de la Formula 1, Antonia Terz… - 3 years ago

@Valfonic: RT @IrishMirror: Antonia Terzi who worked alongside Michael #Schumacher in two of his world championship wins for Ferrari has died as a res… - 3 years ago

@FRENKY45597825: Antonia Terzi wir Trauern um Dich !...🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 R .I .P . - 3 years ago

@IrishMirror: Antonia Terzi who worked alongside Michael #Schumacher in two of his world championship wins for Ferrari has died a… - 3 years ago

@MirrorSportIE: Ex-Ferrari engineer Antonia Terzi who worked with Michael Schumacher dies in car crash - 3 years ago

@AutoFordAragua: Fallece Antonia Terzi, ex ingeniera de Schumacher, en un accidente - 3 years ago

@jgiggacher: RT @profElanor: I’m terribly sad to learn of the tragic accident that claimed the life of Prof Antonia Terzi, a valued colleague and member… - 3 years ago

@ZanellaRina: Muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@markus_auto: F1, Antonia Terzi morta in un incidente stradale ... - 3 years ago

@naomi_priest: RT @profElanor: I’m terribly sad to learn of the tragic accident that claimed the life of Prof Antonia Terzi, a valued colleague and member… - 3 years ago

@Silvio_ITA_: RT @elmejordelresto: Ayer lamentablemente perdió la vida, a los 50 años, la ex ingeniera de F1 Antonia Terzi. Vamos con un pequeño hilo rel… - 3 years ago

@cosmicpinot: RT @profElanor: I’m terribly sad to learn of the tragic accident that claimed the life of Prof Antonia Terzi, a valued colleague and member… - 3 years ago

@JesusFraileArda: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@profElanor: I’m terribly sad to learn of the tragic accident that claimed the life of Prof Antonia Terzi, a valued colleague an… - 3 years ago

@ScuderiaMVT: Former Ferrari and Williams F1 aerodynamicist Terzi dies in car crash - 3 years ago

@24Trends_CH: 19. Antonia Terzi - 1K+ 20. Robert Durst - 1K+ - 3 years ago

@24trendsDE: 1. Corona Baden-Württemberg - 50K+ 2. Jessica Simpson - 20K+ 3. Bushido - 20K+ 4. Wann iSt Black Friday 2021 - 20K+… - 3 years ago

@HotViralNews1: Ex-Ferrari and Williams F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi dies in car crash - 3 years ago

@Holy_key1: Ex-Ferrari and Williams F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi dies in car crash - 3 years ago

@luca_lamberti: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Fabiomf86: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@AmbientSheep: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MaximilianSaur: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@MaurizioBilli5: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Josephine006: Ex-Ingenieurin von Schumi ist tot - 3 years ago

@walterdicori: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ranc90: RT @Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en #Will… - 3 years ago

@AlbanVog: R.I.P Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@wfvanvalkenburg: RT @tudelta: De Formule 1 en de wetenschap reageren met verdriet op het overlijden van Antonia Terzi (50), o.a. bekend van de Superbus @TUD… - 3 years ago

@HermanBrinkhor2: RT @tudelta: De Formule 1 en de wetenschap reageren met verdriet op het overlijden van Antonia Terzi (50), o.a. bekend van de Superbus @TUD… - 3 years ago

@Esam217: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@NewsDeutsch: Formel 1: Ex-Schumi-Ingenieurin Antonia Terzi ist tot: Sie arbeitete viele Jahre lang in der Formel 1, war eine.. - 3 years ago

@TSaal: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@peterkarywebde1: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@ayachan1617: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@SchwingeWerner: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@tudelta: De Formule 1 en de wetenschap reageren met verdriet op het overlijden van Antonia Terzi (50), o.a. bekend van de Su… - 3 years ago

@EmmaPeel_Knight: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ATENEAZAMBRANO2: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ilgladiatore36: #F1 , Antonia #Terzi morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@Earth1235951429: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@2am_eu: Doliu în Formula 1. Antonia Terzi a murit la vârsta de 50 de ani... - 3 years ago

@AleksiKalandar1: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@Nutizieri: La morte di Antonia Terzi, ingegnere della velocità: dalla Formula uno al Superbus elettrico… - 3 years ago

@24Trends_CH: 1. Champions League - 10K+ 2. Antonio Conte - 2K+ 3. Jessica Simpson - 2K+ 4. Jenke-Experiment - 1K+ 5. Bettina Gau… - 3 years ago

@24trendsDE: 1. Corona Baden-Württemberg - 20K+ 2. Bernard von Bredow - 20K+ 3. Jessica Simpson - 20K+ 4. Squid Game Coin - 20K+… - 3 years ago

@CeppaRacing: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@Bohnenbrecher: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@Unagami12: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Kernbichlerjose: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@Der_Realist2020: Sie arbeitete viele Jahre lang in der Formel 1, war eine Vorreiterin in ihrer Position. Nun ist Antonia Terzi gesto… - 3 years ago

@NAFEMS: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@YefimKonsta: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@23SENNA: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@frschreiner60: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@MeiCo62093614: RT @welt: Formel 1 trauert um Schumachers ehemalige Ingenieurin - 3 years ago

@racingandnewsnl: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Profilo3Marco: RT @fattoquotidiano: È morta ad appena 50 anni Antonia Terzi, ingegnere che per anni ha lavorato in Formula 1 al servizio delle principali… - 3 years ago

@DaWolf12446879: RT @krone_at: Große Trauer in der Formel 1: Die Ingenieurin Antonia Terzi starb bei einem Verkehrsunfall in Großbritannien - 3 years ago

@llittlewicked: RT @Eurosport_IT: Ci ha lasciati Antonia Terzi, è stata una delle grandi donne della Formula 1 💔 - 3 years ago

@stern_sport: Verkehrsunfall: Sie war die Ferrari-Ingenieurin von Michael Schumacher: Antonia Terzi verstorben - 3 years ago

@Sugarhelchen: RT @Flohri_an: Sie arbeitete viele Jahre lang in der #Formel1, war eine #Vorreiterin in ihrer #Position. Nun ist Antonia #Terzi gestorben.… - 3 years ago

@Flohri_an: Sie arbeitete viele Jahre lang in der #Formel1, war eine #Vorreiterin in ihrer #Position. Nun ist Antonia #Terzi ge… - 3 years ago

@solomotori: Lutto nella F1, addio all'ingegnera Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @sternde: Verkehrsunfall: Antonia Terzi: Ehemalige Ferrari-Ingenieurin von Schuhmacher verstorben - 3 years ago

@darrengunner198: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@tzmuenchen: Große Trauer in der Formel 1: Sie war an mehreren WM-Titeln von Schumi beteiligt - 3 years ago

@whateve69227288: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@news_modena: Finale, il ricordo della mamma di Antonia Terzi: «Mia figlia dopo la F1 sognava lo spazio» - 3 years ago

@ncmike213: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@PK__BR: The world of F1 in mourning. Antonia Terzi died - Antonia Terzi died in Accident #F1 #antonia #terzi 👇⛔ WATCH TER… - 3 years ago

@haok24: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: F1 in lutto, morta Antonia Terzi: la prima donna ingegnere nel mondiale - 3 years ago

@tcarlysle: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AkshayR16186315: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@GiaPettinelli: Lutto nella F1, addio all'ingegnera Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@24Trends_AT: 11. Cop26 - 1K+ 12. Bauer sucht Frau - 1K+ 13. Antonia Terzi - 1K+ 14. VÖCKLABRUCK - 1K+ 15. Jessica Simpson - 1K+ - 3 years ago

@24Trends_CH: 1. Champions League - 5K+ 2. Tottenham - 1K+ 3. Bettina Gaus - 1K+ 4. Lionel Messi - 1K+ 5. Jenke-Experiment - 1K+… - 3 years ago

@24trendsDE: 1. Squid Game Coin - 10K+ 2. Antonia Terzi - 10K+ - 3 years ago

@exxpressat: Große Trauer in der Formel 1. Laut übereinstimmenden Medienberichten ist Antonia Terzi im Alter von 50 Jahren verst… - 3 years ago

@IosonoScala: RT @Formula1Co: 🖤 RIP: ANTONIA TERZI 📰 🔗 scritto da 🖊️ @LauraLuthien86 #AntoniaTerzi #F1 #Motosport #WomenInMo… - 3 years ago

@cristinapasque: RT @fattoquotidiano: È morta ad appena 50 anni Antonia Terzi, ingegnere che per anni ha lavorato in Formula 1 al servizio delle principali… - 3 years ago

@MassimoChiaram7: RT @fattoquotidiano: È morta ad appena 50 anni Antonia Terzi, ingegnere che per anni ha lavorato in Formula 1 al servizio delle principali… - 3 years ago

@celsoocolorado: Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra - 3 years ago

@FCategories: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@tesoromiei: RT @ivanlda: During my PhD at Imperial College, I used to pass quite frequently by a 50% model scale made in aluminium of Williams' walrus… - 3 years ago

@Paesedellanima: RT @fattoquotidiano: È morta ad appena 50 anni Antonia Terzi, ingegnere che per anni ha lavorato in Formula 1 al servizio delle principali… - 3 years ago

@ZzuCicciu: RT @fattoquotidiano: È morta ad appena 50 anni Antonia Terzi, ingegnere che per anni ha lavorato in Formula 1 al servizio delle principali… - 3 years ago

@BaronRojo1969: RT @Formula1Co: 🖤 RIP: ANTONIA TERZI 📰 🔗 scritto da 🖊️ @LauraLuthien86 #AntoniaTerzi #F1 #Motosport #WomenInMo… - 3 years ago

@fattoquotidiano: È morta ad appena 50 anni Antonia Terzi, ingegnere che per anni ha lavorato in Formula 1 al servizio delle principa… - 3 years ago

@416eeca6bd0044f: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Mterryf1: RT @Formula1Co: 🖤 RIP: ANTONIA TERZI 📰 🔗 scritto da 🖊️ @LauraLuthien86 #AntoniaTerzi #F1 #Motosport #WomenInMo… - 3 years ago

@Formula1Co: 🖤 RIP: ANTONIA TERZI 📰 🔗 scritto da 🖊️ @LauraLuthien86 #AntoniaTerzi #F1 #Motosport… - 3 years ago

@Man_Of_IKEA: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@cheerupf1sgt: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@himynameisizzy: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@stern_sport: Verkehrsunfall: Antonia Terzi: Ehemalige Ferrari-Ingenieurin von Schuhmacher verstorben - 3 years ago

@RAKU_Ken: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Melenudotoday: RT @elmejordelresto: Ayer lamentablemente perdió la vida, a los 50 años, la ex ingeniera de F1 Antonia Terzi. Vamos con un pequeño hilo rel… - 3 years ago

@MrFarquar: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@javilinares1: RT @AS_Motor: 🌹 Antonia Terzi, ex ingeniera de Schumacher, fallece en un accidente ➡️ La italiana trabajó en Williams como responsable de… - 3 years ago

@singh9678: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@AS_Motor: 🌹 Antonia Terzi, ex ingeniera de Schumacher, fallece en un accidente ➡️ La italiana trabajó en Williams como respo… - 3 years ago

@Mark_Antony_3: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@DR3CL16: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@KarelKrejci_X22: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@VitadiRosso: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ZERO23_R: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@stfu05: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@itsthatmoni: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@junjokerando: RT @zoppi77: Ci lascia per colpa di un incidente stradale Antonia Terzi ingegnere modenese passata dalla Ferrari alla williams dove progett… - 3 years ago

@takumi_williams: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@NoticiaSport_: F1, muere Antonia Terzi, una de las primeras ingenieras en el Campeonato del Mundo con Ferrari y Williams - 3 years ago

@news_de: PromisSie verhalf Michael Schumacher zweimal zum Formel1-Sieg. Umso größer ist nun die Trauer um die Ingenieurin An… - 3 years ago

@MunozBarneo: RT @motorpuntoes: #F1 | Antonia Terzi, creadora del morro de morsa de Williams, muere a los 50 años. #AntoniaTerz… - 3 years ago

@blusewillis1: - 3 years ago

@BarryAn26169052: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Prat___13: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@VotArturo: "Antonia Terzi morta in un incidente in Gran Bretagna. Ha fatto la storia della Formula Uno" - 3 years ago

@randagi05505135: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@everyeyeauto: Addio ad Antonia Terzi: l'ingegnere F1 di Ferrari e Williams morta in un incidente d'auto - 3 years ago

@CanzioDusi: RT @LaStampa: È morta Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso “a tricheco” della Williams - 3 years ago

@zazoomblog: Morta ingegnera di Formula 1 Antonia Terzi vittima di in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@LaStampa: È morta Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso “a tricheco” della Williams - 3 years ago

@Soares1723: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@MiMiBiBi44: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@f1fangirl_: Rest in Peace Antonia Terzi Williams and Ferrari‘s aero-designer she sadly passed away in a car accident. My prayer… - 3 years ago

@LiaStefani5: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@9489Mary: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@yuki110161: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@vaughaag: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Blick_Sport: Bei Schumis Ferrari wurde sie gross, bei Williams war sie Chefin: Todesdrama um F1-Pionierin Antonia Terzi († 50) - 3 years ago

@tscholz63: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@downforcepub: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@aprizion_de: Formel 1: Unfall! Ex-Ingenieurin von Schumi, Antonia Terzi, tot - Formel 1 #AprizionDE - 3 years ago

@marks359: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AutoClubSrbija: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ivanlda: During my PhD at Imperial College, I used to pass quite frequently by a 50% model scale made in aluminium of Willia… - 3 years ago

@META_Lin: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@EightMike: RT @zoppi77: Ci lascia per colpa di un incidente stradale Antonia Terzi ingegnere modenese passata dalla Ferrari alla williams dove progett… - 3 years ago

@stoner1968: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@FredyNandes13: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@V3DDDD: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@ToujoursPareilY: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@melpissima: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@refleccccccc: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Valor69omega: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@BimmerToday: Antonia Terzi: Ehemalige BMW-Aerodynamikerin stirbt bei Unfall - 3 years ago

@GBergoli: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@FlorencioSoy: RT @Yhacbec: Murió Antonia Terzi, fue la ingeniero que trabajó en proyectos diversos en Williams y Ferrari, líder en el desarrollo y creaci… - 3 years ago

@Leslie51983897: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Enzuccia78: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@DP_ADP: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mauro_crescenzo: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mauro_crescenzo: Morta Antonia Terzi: fu l'ingegnere di Formula 1 che inventò il muso a tricheco - 3 years ago

@yurirubiolopez: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@uccio555: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@PaoloBMb70: RT @SkySportF1: Formula 1, morta l'ingegnera Antonia Terzi. Fu capo dell'aerodinamica Williams #SkyMotori #F1 #Formula1 - 3 years ago

@MaguyTran: Décès d'Antonia Terzi, l'ingénieure derrière le "nez de morse" Williams - 3 years ago

@MazzaliVanna: RT @RaiNews: Fu lei a inventare il "muso a tricheco" della FW26 #F1 - 3 years ago

@SanPatras: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@autorace_f1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@CustodioRubens: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@PaoloIvanoCucce: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MAngelRosello: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Carlino_Modena: Antonia Terzi morta in un incidente in Gran Bretagna. Ha fatto la storia della Formula Uno - 3 years ago

@Foxtrot1003: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@chikamoreira: RT @portalMSN: Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra #msnbrasil - 3 years ago

@kamromero: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Bhanoday5: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mtjamesium: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@ChristaHoelter2: Trauer um Schumi-Ingenieurin: Antonia Terzi bei Unfall verstorben - 3 years ago

@PilarCamachoG: RT @elmejordelresto: Ayer lamentablemente perdió la vida, a los 50 años, la ex ingeniera de F1 Antonia Terzi. Vamos con un pequeño hilo rel… - 3 years ago

@AnicaConstantin: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MarcoPadovani6: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@biketochigibike: We miss you Antonia Terzi. #RIP - 3 years ago

@alexdlrace: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Le_Chevalier_E: RT @Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en #Will… - 3 years ago

@bo7man20: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@gghendrickson: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@ccwbGTMbg3FrzSQ: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@SauloAntonioAlv: RT @portalMSN: Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra #msnbrasil - 3 years ago

@SacchiniGe: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@sutd003: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@fernandor159: RT @portalMSN: Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra #msnbrasil - 3 years ago

@PuddinSkippyy: RT @EmmanuelTouzot: Triste nouvelle avec le décès d'Antonia Terzi, ingénieure aero connue pour la Williams FW26 au nez de morse, que j'ador… - 3 years ago

@m_aqhsal: RT @GarisBalap: Antonia Terzi, orang yang pernah bekerja untuk Williams dan Ferrari di F1 sebagai ahli aerodinamis meninggal dunia karena k… - 3 years ago

@diegomirandae: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@AimanPersona: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@kimisanoF1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Sou_Life_Kart: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@serpienteracing: @ScuderiaFerrari @Carlossainz55 @Charles_Leclerc Non dimenticare Antonia Terzi. 🕯⚘🕇 - 3 years ago

@atilanuevecito: RT @elmejordelresto: Ayer lamentablemente perdió la vida, a los 50 años, la ex ingeniera de F1 Antonia Terzi. Vamos con un pequeño hilo rel… - 3 years ago

@Lywz3581: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Sou_Life_Kart: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Sou_Life_Kart: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@haykalfahim: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@AngelBa62948645: RT @F1US: Saddened to learn of the news of Antonia Terzi’s passing, aged 50. Her trailblazing with Ferrari and later at Williams as chief a… - 3 years ago

@likitisha: RT @elmejordelresto: Ayer lamentablemente perdió la vida, a los 50 años, la ex ingeniera de F1 Antonia Terzi. Vamos con un pequeño hilo rel… - 3 years ago

@peenwii: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@hexsocketdriver: RT @GarisBalap: Antonia Terzi, orang yang pernah bekerja untuk Williams dan Ferrari di F1 sebagai ahli aerodinamis meninggal dunia karena k… - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: F1 / FW26: Antonia Terzi e il muso a tricheco - 3 years ago

@SoyJuanDuenas: RT @SoyMotor: Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams 'morro de morsa', ha fallecido a los 50 años #F1 - 3 years ago

@Amedeo_Giordano: @Corriere Condoglianze alla famiglia e a tutti i suoi cari! W Antonia Terzi! - 3 years ago

@ingegnerina1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@oxmos_o: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Jose_AlfredoGC: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@teamogshark: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@LFR_Kimi: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@MulherAmazonica: DEU NO 'PORTAL MULHER AMAZÔNICA' SIGA NOSSO INSTAGRAM @mulheramazonica_am Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, An… - 3 years ago

@vnnstlns: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@swtyoonxx: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@ugkdee: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@JeSuisLuisDeDC: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@takadaichan: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Maxo_turugi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@jarl00: RT @Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en #Will… - 3 years ago

@Fernan12357: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@candealvarezzz_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@gabrielpasje: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@pollmarcelo: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@rokuichi_ryo: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Motorsport_SPY: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@GuiguiDehiwa: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Pablete_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@serioNY: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Ornella314: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@RodolfoJoseDelg: RT @Astoraka3: #F1 Fallece Antonia Terzi tras sufrir un accidente en UK a los 50 años. Fue la aerodinámista que diseñó la famosa 'nariz de… - 3 years ago

@conte_di_salem: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@FormulaPPP: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@GattRos: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@SerreFrei: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@SerreFrei: RT @motorpuntoes: #F1 | Antonia Terzi, creadora del morro de morsa de Williams, muere a los 50 años. #AntoniaTerz… - 3 years ago

@FreieWeltEu: ➦ Formel 1: Ex-Schumi-Ingenieurin Antonia Terzi ist tot - t-online » Formel 1: Ex-Schumi-Ingenieurin Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@SerreFrei: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@tt_no_1_max: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@RandumbDude98: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@HsiHernandez: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@HsiHernandez: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@hisa_bianchi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MisterHimura: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Ducacontemanu: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MaximeP1719: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@KellettEthan: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@96_peslier: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@YerBoiSuderp: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Alamabue: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Pargo_Rojo: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Valentrina_Mor: Hoy falleció la antigua jefa de aerodinámica de Williams, Antonia Terzi. Mis condolencias a sus seres queridos. - 3 years ago

@kevinconasu: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ingeniero_aero: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@nyaa_moon: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Marck47: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@thr37ven: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@sahh_1992: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Jagui_SM22: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Scandal_Belosa: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@amaggiesil: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@amaggiesil: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@genovesergio76: RT @ilgiornale: Antonia Terzi, stimatissimo ingegnere della Formula Uno, è morta all'età di 50 anni in un incidente stradale. Aveva inventa… - 3 years ago

@amaggiesil: RT @SkySportF1: Formula 1, morta l'ingegnera Antonia Terzi. Fu capo dell'aerodinamica Williams #SkyMotori #F1 #Formula1 - 3 years ago

@genovesergio76: RT @Eurosport_IT: Ci ha lasciati Antonia Terzi, è stata una delle grandi donne della Formula 1 💔 - 3 years ago

@steventang_514: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Piergiulio58: Morta Antonia Terzi: fu l'ingegnere di Formula 1 che inventò il muso a tricheco. - 3 years ago

@net_kwaad: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Jagui_SM22: RT @es_Motorsport: #F1 | Antonia Terzi tenía 50 años y actualmente estaba alejada de la @F1 - 3 years ago

@KevvyC62: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@takkar2685: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Manueldelaooo: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@pisa6595: RT @Eurosport_IT: Ci ha lasciati Antonia Terzi, è stata una delle grandi donne della Formula 1 💔 - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Chi era Antonia Terzi, ingegnere F1 che inventò il muso di tricheco. Morta in un incidente - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Morta Antonia Terzi: fu l'ingegnere di Formula 1 che inventò il muso a tricheco - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Lutto nella Formula Uno: morta in un incidente stradale l'ingegnere Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Formula 1 - Addio ad Antonia Terzi, prima ingegnere donna in Ferrari - 3 years ago

@alexdlrace: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@XtianDomingo_: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@_DeinSchatten_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@ssssabellla: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@gataraya: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@HitenSarvaiya5: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@BeechdeanAH: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Mrs_AeroLec: Triest nieuws, oud ⁦@AETUDelft⁩ collega Antonia Terzi overleden. Rust zacht! - 3 years ago

@freddyzaquinaul: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@HGK_F1: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@maryhil: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@XtianDomingo_: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@nectarsuarez: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@zazoomblog: Lutto nella Formula 1 deceduta l’ingegnera Antonia Terzi - #Lutto #nella #Formula #deceduta - 3 years ago

@m_sakai_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@DebbieGCTours: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@josuedfritz: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Ian_H_007: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Fenrir92JR: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@DelPicto: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@AntoTs16: RT @Eurosport_IT: Ci ha lasciati Antonia Terzi, è stata una delle grandi donne della Formula 1 💔 - 3 years ago

@picarmen6: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@FRANFDIAZ: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@69wahome: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MakASTR: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@robertina19899: RT @Eurosport_IT: Ci ha lasciati Antonia Terzi, è stata una delle grandi donne della Formula 1 💔 - 3 years ago

@PasqualeVerazzo: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@MG19SV5: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@cheerupf1sgt: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Mills_______: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Nanabfra: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Eurosport_IT: Ci ha lasciati Antonia Terzi, è stata una delle grandi donne della Formula 1 💔 - 3 years ago

@pichecapaolo: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AntoTs16: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@pichecapaolo: Rai News: Addio a Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnera della Formula 1. tramite @GoogleNews - 3 years ago

@lyrioregis: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ngel17049641: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@J1969Johnny: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ValkartRacing: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ilgiornale: Antonia Terzi, stimatissimo ingegnere della Formula Uno, è morta all'età di 50 anni in un incidente stradale. Aveva… - 3 years ago

@ninda1952: RT @RaiNews: Fu lei a inventare il "muso a tricheco" della FW26 #F1 - 3 years ago

@Rickogift25617: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Antonio02539258: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@hope_gaffey: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@gena0109: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@pixel_di: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@CharloisPatrice: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Jude_Mugabi: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@LeContemporanee: Grande dispiacere per la perdita di una grande ingegnera italiana. - 3 years ago

@Jude_Mugabi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@67PJ: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@AndrRam66196047: RT @Motorsport_br: F1: Ex-engenheira de Williams e Ferrari, Antonia Terzi morre aos 50 anos após acidente #F1noMotorsport - 3 years ago

@EltondeVries: RT @grandprixradio: Antonia Terzi, de voormalig engineer van onder andere Ferrari en Williams, is zondag omgekomen bij een auto-ongeluk in… - 3 years ago

@_HelenaHicks: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@MolGm: RT @repubblica: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams ht… - 3 years ago

@Sajdak1970: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@Sajdak1970: RT @wearetherace: Williams has sadly confirmed the reports coming out from Italy that its former chief of aero Antonia Terzi, also formerly… - 3 years ago

@dimasivanov98: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Sajdak1970: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@BeneschTanja: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MingBlueTeaCup: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@FredoGKnopfler: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@F1_backseat: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@solonapoli11: RT @fanpage: Ingegnere aerodinamico cresciuto in Ferrari, Antonia Terzi è morta a 50 anni in un incidente stradale avvenuto in Inghilterra.… - 3 years ago

@masa1225ren: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Tobi_Ebner_90: RT @MST_AlleNews: Antonia Terzi: Erfinderin der "Hammerhai"-Nase bei Unfall verstorben #F1 - 3 years ago

@Iblur_blur_blur: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Diegoracing66: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@AshleighJayde_: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@hal64738: RT @SkySportF1: Formula 1, morta l'ingegnera Antonia Terzi. Fu capo dell'aerodinamica Williams #SkyMotori #F1 #Formula1 - 3 years ago

@GmanickyNicky: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@cristiana_pace: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Pasqual81256670: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@CDL450TVR: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@cafifal: - 3 years ago

@HSouthwellFE: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@SoniaMa82630720: Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra - 3 years ago

@mcapu100: RT @HolaF1Podcast: #NoticiaHolaF1 Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams FW26 'nariz de morsa' ha fallecido tras un accidente de tránsito… - 3 years ago

@Stemaior: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Richard99G: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: F1: è morta Antonia Terzi, ideatrice del muso a tricheco della Williams - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Motorsport in lutto - Addio ad Antonia Terzi, fu ingegnere di Ferrari e Williams - - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Addio a Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnera della Formula 1 - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Formula 1, morta l'ingegnera Antonia Terzi. Fu capo dell'aerodinamica Williams - 3 years ago

@alexcastriotta: Antonia Terzi verrà ricordata per sempre per quella originalissima soluzione, innovativa e coraggiosa. Che però, va… - 3 years ago

@tonline_news: Formel 1: Ex-Schumi-Ingenieurin Antonia Terzi ist tot - 3 years ago

@baianocomunista: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@JLFcs: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@D_Troncho: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@starinMongzza: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@rallypl: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@KarelKrejci_X22: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@berme85: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@RichardPopperw1: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@KtoUmarl: Antonia Terzi (50) - b. inżynierka i projektantka zespołu Williamsa i Ferrari w Formule 1, szefowa ds. aerodynamiki… - 3 years ago

@Fernando5k: RT @Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en #Will… - 3 years ago

@ALFMOTOGPSFCF1: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@ryanherbert3105: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@PatrickMontorsi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@dinoadduci: Motorsport in lutto - Addio ad Antonia Terzi, fu ingegnere di Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@argeny25: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi, regina modenese della F1. VIDEO - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Incidente stradale in Gran Bretagna, muore l'ingegnere modenese Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Morta Antonia Terzi: ingegnere in F1 con Ferrari e Williams, inventò il muso di tricheco - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: F1, è morta Antonia Terzi: aprì la strada alle donne nel Mondiale - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@IgnacioDans: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AlleenF1: Oud-engineer Antonia Terzi overleden #AntonioGiovinazzi #Ferrari #ForceIndia #Williams - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Antonia Terzi morta in un incidente stradale: progettò il muso a tricheco della Williams - 3 years ago

@GordonV12V10: RT @Astoraka3: #F1 Fallece Antonia Terzi tras sufrir un accidente en UK a los 50 años. Fue la aerodinámista que diseñó la famosa 'nariz de… - 3 years ago

@KnightErranty80: RT @RaiNews: Fu lei a inventare il "muso a tricheco" della FW26 #F1 - 3 years ago

@Willyeforever: Tristísima noticia. 🕯 DEP, Antonia Terzi. 🙏 - 3 years ago

@dSantos1795: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@SpotOnJonny: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@roccocesetti: RT @fanpage: Ingegnere aerodinamico cresciuto in Ferrari, Antonia Terzi è morta a 50 anni in un incidente stradale avvenuto in Inghilterra.… - 3 years ago

@Ciccofr1: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@grandprixradio: Antonia Terzi, de voormalig engineer van onder andere Ferrari en Williams, is zondag omgekomen bij een auto-ongeluk… - 3 years ago

@TSR_Tomsoft: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@LuisDaniel28: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@EmandrossEmma: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@DarklordsNft: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@v3ntrell4: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@caroletta71: RT @fanpage: Ingegnere aerodinamico cresciuto in Ferrari, Antonia Terzi è morta a 50 anni in un incidente stradale avvenuto in Inghilterra.… - 3 years ago

@calodesimone: RT @RaiNews: Fu lei a inventare il "muso a tricheco" della FW26 #F1 - 3 years ago

@Pally84: RT @RaiNews: Fu lei a inventare il "muso a tricheco" della FW26 #F1 - 3 years ago

@AndrLui05591700: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mahfudzsuaidi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@zazoomblog: Addio a Antonia Terzi lingegnera della Formula 1 - #Addio #Antonia #Terzi #lingegnera - 3 years ago

@RaiNews: Fu lei a inventare il "muso a tricheco" della FW26 #F1 - 3 years ago

@AgapitoLP: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@alisaul28: RT @f1ultimavuelta: Falleció Antonia Terzi la famosa aerodinamista de Williams creadora del @WilliamsRacing FW26 característico por su nar… - 3 years ago

@Tinco_: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@TheF1Witch: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@iNieK422: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Pezzadazienda: Una mente brillante, spiace davvero, ancora giovane. - 3 years ago

@gabrielecatania: RT @gabrielecatania: Morta Antonia Terzi, genio dell'ingegneria. Sono (anche) donne e uomini come lei, tecnici sconosciuti ai più e poco ce… - 3 years ago

@AlejoTorres911: RT @Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en #Will… - 3 years ago

@Paul20436144: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Barbera_n4: RT @SportmphMark: RIP Antonia Terzi, former Williams chief aerodynamicist. - 3 years ago

@JesusA_CN: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@news_mondo_h24: Formula 1 in lutto, è morta Antonia Terzi: l’ingegnera di Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@andreastoolbox: Formula 1, morta l'ingegnera Antonia Terzi. Fu capo dell'aerodinamica Williams | Sky Sport - 3 years ago

@Nikita_Mazapan: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@FormulaPassion: #F1 | La memoria di Antonia Terzi verrà sempre associata all'iconico e innovativo anteriore della Williams per la s… - 3 years ago

@JBV79: Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams 'morro de morsa', ha fallecido a los 50 años | - 3 years ago

@FabioOffreda: RT @RaiSport: 🏁 Addio ad Antonia #Terzi Scomparsa in un incidente stradale. Dalla #Ferrari alla #Williams: inventò il muso a "tricheco" 👇… - 3 years ago

@Robersoat: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@TheNewsCaravan: F1 / FW26: Antonia Terzi and the walrus face | - 3 years ago

@machadofnd: Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra - 3 years ago

@FrancescaMarig6: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@FabioOffreda: RT @fanpage: Ingegnere aerodinamico cresciuto in Ferrari, Antonia Terzi è morta a 50 anni in un incidente stradale avvenuto in Inghilterra.… - 3 years ago

@EdUarDaSilvaA25: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@gmart70: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@EUVACSPACE: RT @PitLane_F1: #F1 | Fallece Antonia Terzi, la ex ingeniera de Williams creadora del "morro de morsa" - 3 years ago

@sportli26181512: Formula 1, morta l'ingegnera Antonia Terzi. Fu capo dell'aerodinamica Williams: In un incidente stradale in Inghilt… - 3 years ago

@bberzunza: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@sulsitodisimone: RT @Miti_Vigliero: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams… - 3 years ago

@journalofkaat: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@PaoloBMb70: RT @RaiSport: 🏁 Addio ad Antonia #Terzi Scomparsa in un incidente stradale. Dalla #Ferrari alla #Williams: inventò il muso a "tricheco" 👇… - 3 years ago

@999goof: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Paco_Jones33: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@v_alexiadis: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@LucianaCiolfi: RT @Miti_Vigliero: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams… - 3 years ago

@Marilenapas: RT @fanpage: Ingegnere aerodinamico cresciuto in Ferrari, Antonia Terzi è morta a 50 anni in un incidente stradale avvenuto in Inghilterra.… - 3 years ago

@alfredooscarf1: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@LadyyWollff: RIP Antonia Terzi. P.S. Specializētam medijam jau nu būtu kauns nezināt Terci kundzes dzimumu.… - 3 years ago

@N_Cobucci: RT @fuoripistanet: Addio ad Antonia Terzi, mamma del “muso a tricheco” della Williams FW26 - 3 years ago

@AlmaDeMar06: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@DinamicASPsa: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@RaiSport: 🏁 Addio ad Antonia #Terzi Scomparsa in un incidente stradale. Dalla #Ferrari alla #Williams: inventò il muso a "tri… - 3 years ago

@Miti_Vigliero: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Wil… - 3 years ago

@DonKamTche: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@java_at_home: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@TorstenSiegel: Lese-Tipp: Antonia Terzi: Erfinderin der "Hammerhai"-Nase bei Unfall verstorben - 3 years ago

@Max_Deidda: RT @repubblica: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams ht… - 3 years ago

@doug_andracki87: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@carlperico: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@fanpage: Ingegnere aerodinamico cresciuto in Ferrari, Antonia Terzi è morta a 50 anni in un incidente stradale avvenuto in I… - 3 years ago

@quattroruote: #Motorsport in lutto per la tragica scomparsa di Antonia Terzi, ex ingegnere di Ferrari e Williams in #F1 -->… - 3 years ago

@Marilenapas: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@MrsKimmieC: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@fuoripistanet: Addio ad Antonia Terzi, mamma del “muso a tricheco” della Williams FW26 - 3 years ago

@MotorsportRt: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@stevnrodriguez: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AxelsFoley: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@f1wonderland: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@tKYDlaDX35zoojV: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ErnestNuwagaba: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@LopezSsj1: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Briandandip: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@FirstLap1: [#Formule1] 🔴 Antonia Terzi est décédée hier à l’âge de 50 ans. Aérodynamicienne en chef chez Williams entre 2002… - 3 years ago

@Be_Velocity: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@RadioTadino: RT @SkyTG24: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@Romilshah98: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@F1eNaBand: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@sergio_f1_1989: RT @PitLane_F1: #F1 | Fallece Antonia Terzi, la ex ingeniera de Williams creadora del "morro de morsa" - 3 years ago

@sie_rra__: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@JulesDiskutiere: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@dodgethepower: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Sport_Fair: Addio ad Antonia Terzi Morta l'ex ingegnere di #Ferrari e #Williams - 3 years ago

@javicr87: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@yobrunasoares: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@RiccyNorrisF1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@LM__: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Pratheek_2341: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@PitLane_F1: #F1 | Fallece Antonia Terzi, la ex ingeniera de Williams creadora del "morro de morsa" - 3 years ago

@Lalabskim28: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@jesus_puertas: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@aamechanic: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@cofran78: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@F1isP1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Adriana11100542: RT @Drops_F1: Antonia Terzi, ex- engenheira da Ferrari e Williams falece após acidente de carro no Reino Unido - 3 years ago

@wgiovanni13: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ChicasRacing: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Lux_InChains: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@whoschia: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@Findecanonen: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@anna_annie12: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@JAB_Col_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@zazoomblog: F1: è morta Antonia Terzi ideatrice del muso a tricheco della Williams - #morta #Antonia #Terzi #ideatrice… - 3 years ago

@HetzBib: RT @SkyTG24: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@jpmontoya: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@statodelsud: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@Pino__Merola: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@KaStutz: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@meroni_patrizia: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@ItsOnly_59: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@chefonflas: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Speeder76: Soube hoje da morte de Antonia Terzi, a chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams entre 2002 e 2004, vitima de um acidente… - 3 years ago

@sunset_mauve: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@SkyTG24: La Formula 1 piange Antonia Terzi, morta in un incidente stradale - 3 years ago

@liviofiorillo: RT @repubblica: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams ht… - 3 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @repubblica: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams ht… - 3 years ago

@Vlostissimo: RT @repubblica: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Williams ht… - 3 years ago

@Josmane5: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@repubblica: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' della Wil… - 3 years ago

@SOLOFROMGB: @TheBishF1 RIP Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@DWavedYellows: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@bangjombi: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@LostInTheCourt: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Brian89307403: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Ian_H_007: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@BalesdentCarole: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@marangi_francis: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AOV2020: A F1 de Luto a Ex Engenheira da Williams e Ferrari morre em acidente R.I.P 1971-2021 Antonia Terzi 🙏🙏😔😔😔 - 3 years ago

@scuderiavalen: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@IbrahemAlbanawi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@jdilladaddy3: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@raulgalan8: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@DeniseSMoreta: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@HTrainz: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@grandepremioES: Antonia Terzi, exingeniera de la #F1, falleció este domingo en un accidente de tránsito en Inglaterra a los 50 años… - 3 years ago

@paolochiariello: #Juorno #Formula1 #muore in un #incidente #AntoniaTerzi - 3 years ago

@juornoit: #Juorno #Formula1 #muore in un #incidente #AntoniaTerzi - 3 years ago

@Kauamil7: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@santigar913: RT @Yhacbec: Murió Antonia Terzi, fue la ingeniero que trabajó en proyectos diversos en Williams y Ferrari, líder en el desarrollo y creaci… - 3 years ago

@TheHardCompound: Some sad @F1 news today, particularly concerning @ScuderiaFerrari & @WilliamsRacing - their former Aerodynamicist A… - 3 years ago

@goldvnm: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mcrisever: Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams 'morro de morsa', ha fallecido a los 50 años | - 3 years ago

@Speeder76: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@artiF1ed: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@armitasp: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@PietroRasoni: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@pickgalli: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@WhenF1Was: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@TheFormulaF1: Antonia Terzi, a former aerodynamicist for the Williams and Ferrari Formula 1 teams, has passed away following a ca… - 3 years ago

@viperstc: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@ThisIsAlvaro: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Panda0082374194: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@pc_paulinho10: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@haaaiku: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@HugoAlexisLloyd: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@MartinCabrol_: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@MarcosCasado18: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@matthewbcafc: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@motorF1directo: #F1 | Antonia Terzi, creadora del morro de morsa de Williams, muere a los 50 años. - 3 years ago

@monica_vecchi: Dramma in F1, morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi: addio all'ingegnera dietro alla guerra tra Ferrari e William - 3 years ago

@paridegambarara: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Mr_Leone45: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@LOGANQR_PDLR: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MMiguelAGS: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@StandF1com: L'Actu #F1 du Lundi 01 novembre 2021 "Antonia Terzi, ancienne ingénieure aéro en F1, est décédée". A voir égalemen… - 3 years ago

@Motorsport_Ed: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@Cisfrxn: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@rosmoc: Smitna wiadomość… Wczoraj w wypadku drogowym zginęła Antonia Terzi, która w Ferrari pracowała pod skrzydłami Rory’e… - 3 years ago

@Formula1WM: Dramma in F1: morta #Antonia #Terzi, l’ingegnera contesa da #Ferrari e #Williams - 3 years ago

@PieroLadisa: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@allosiscem: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@CoraMcNabb: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@PinaOscar7: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@SrFare: RT @WilliamsF1arg: Hoy falleció la antigua jefa de aerodinámica de Williams Antonia Terzi. Nuestras condolencias a sus seres queridos. htt… - 3 years ago

@elliotaldstan: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@_andre_falcao_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MrsKimmieC: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@frankowl43: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@AntonioAletni: RT @rafa_rubio_19: Antonia Terzi ha fallecido a los 50 años en un accidente de tráfico en Inglaterra. Era aerodinamicista, trabajó en Fer… - 3 years ago

@paolucci84: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@paolucci84: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@JUANABDONPRADO: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@19_rosaria_84: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@1Nedicr56: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@TonyMan21221627: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@1Nedicr56: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@lorenzobilotta: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@tommocalamity: descanse em paz antonia terzi :( - 3 years ago

@ChiNagata28: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@crossdrilled: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Willmsmith25: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Ella_Kassie: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@sintoista: RT @Astoraka3: #F1 Fallece Antonia Terzi tras sufrir un accidente en UK a los 50 años. Fue la aerodinámista que diseñó la famosa 'nariz de… - 3 years ago

@alexstanger1993: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@its456mama: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@thisismeYNDB: RT @ThailandF1: F1 Thailand ขอแสดงความเสียใจกับครอบครัวของ Antonia Terzi อดีต Chief Aerodynamicist ของทีมอัศวินม้าขาววิลเลียมส์ วิศวกรผู้เค… - 3 years ago

@micheleiacobuc1: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@GmanickyNicky: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@bergtwin_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@riccsgirl: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@mikenikbeerme: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@actequalreact: RT @ThailandF1: F1 Thailand ขอแสดงความเสียใจกับครอบครัวของ Antonia Terzi อดีต Chief Aerodynamicist ของทีมอัศวินม้าขาววิลเลียมส์ วิศวกรผู้เค… - 3 years ago

@ThailandF1: F1 Thailand ขอแสดงความเสียใจกับครอบครัวของ Antonia Terzi อดีต Chief Aerodynamicist ของทีมอัศวินม้าขาววิลเลียมส์ วิศ… - 3 years ago

@Yara_N_Oneissy: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@beafaves: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@dinoadduci: Addio Antonia Terzi: tra i primi ingegneri donna nel Mondiale di F1 - 3 years ago

@diznoboletimque: Antonia Terzi, ex- engenheira da Ferrari e Williams falece após acidente de carro no Reino Unido - 3 years ago

@rubensGPnetto: Antonia Terzi, ex- engenheira da Ferrari e Williams falece após acidente de carro no Reino Unido - 3 years ago

@fsnex_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@AguilaMTG: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@martos_navas: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@f1technical: RT @joesaward: Sad news. Former chief aero at Team Willy, Antonia Terzi, who has died in a road accident. - 3 years ago

@scommesse_it: Addio Antonia Terzi: tra i primi ingegneri donna nel Mondiale di F1 - 3 years ago

@LAmiltao: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@joesaward: Sad news. Former chief aero at Team Willy, Antonia Terzi, who has died in a road accident. - 3 years ago

@FalboR63: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Sarzzzuu2: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@JuanSnchzF1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@xargrp: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@finngiaz: RT @Gazzetta_it: F1, addio Antonia Terzi, primo ingegnere donna nel Mondiale con Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@Sirnaxo74: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@sintoista: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Ilarya94: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@sean_cardo: Former Williams and Ferrari Formula 1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died following a car crash in the United Kin… - 3 years ago

@VivinoEsposito: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@YanuarioTapia: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@WilliamsF1arg: Hoy falleció la antigua jefa de aerodinámica de Williams Antonia Terzi. Nuestras condolencias a sus seres queridos. - 3 years ago

@dancerslogic: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@Fare_mattina: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@tony_felanitx: RT @SoyMotor: Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams 'morro de morsa', ha fallecido a los 50 años #F1 - 3 years ago

@gena0109: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@pprodriguezm: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@cosmospalace: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mifismayil: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@edwimendoza: RT @HolaF1Podcast: #NoticiaHolaF1 Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams FW26 'nariz de morsa' ha fallecido tras un accidente de tránsito… - 3 years ago

@Gazzetta_it: F1, addio Antonia Terzi, primo ingegnere donna nel Mondiale con Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@lapidovk: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@OttaviaDiCorsi: RT @es_Motorsport: #F1 | Antonia Terzi tenía 50 años y actualmente estaba alejada de la @F1 - 3 years ago

@lilieLouve: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ConsueloFabbris: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@GreeningTherapy: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@RamonSyllva29: RT @itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu espaço pa… - 3 years ago

@MassimoCosta6: RT @sabbatini: Triste notizie: è morta in un incidente stradale in Gran Bretagna Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico della F1 nei primi a… - 3 years ago

@Impacracing1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@1605Jad: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@gabrielecatania: Morta Antonia Terzi, genio dell'ingegneria. Sono (anche) donne e uomini come lei, tecnici sconosciuti ai più e poco… - 3 years ago

@pgfanbaseupd: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Glow_1Direction: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@COCCO1M: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Lost_Sols: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@aashish585: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mauropernarella: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@reidemai: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@fiifu11: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@AAvallones: RT @zoppi77: Ci lascia per colpa di un incidente stradale Antonia Terzi ingegnere modenese passata dalla Ferrari alla williams dove progett… - 3 years ago

@Josevaazquez9: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@mufcfanbabe: Antonia Terzi infamous for creating t'Ugly Walrus Nosecone ont'Willams FW26 #F1 automobile from 2004 were sadly kil… - 3 years ago

@rafa_rubio_19: Antonia Terzi ha fallecido a los 50 años en un accidente de tráfico en Inglaterra. Era aerodinamicista, trabajó e… - 3 years ago

@LatinaHora: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@FabioMarzo1: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@quaranta_vito: RT @zoppi77: Ci lascia per colpa di un incidente stradale Antonia Terzi ingegnere modenese passata dalla Ferrari alla williams dove progett… - 3 years ago

@JosLuis70091010: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@rochhkobayashi: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@FabioMarzo1: RT @AndreaEttori: la FW26 del 2004 con il muso "a tricheco" (bellissima aggiungo) progettato dalla mirandolese Antonia Terzi #F1 #Williams… - 3 years ago

@OTBC_14: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@JoeFW12: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MariagraziaANG3: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@nichy04: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@VicDreampass: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@WellSpokenBloke: Antonia Terzi infamous for creating the Ugly Walrus Nosecone on the Willams FW26 F1 car from 2004 was sadly killed… - 3 years ago

@SidneyPFilho: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@grid_force: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@david_robledo96: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@_Cloverleaves_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@VicentePugliaAr: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@adrianfm94: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@SulPanaro: “Un lutto che colpisce la nostra comunità”: il cordoglio del sindaco di Finale Emilia per Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@AlexandreSoko: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@allishxw: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@LordHesketh2711: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@DZuicida: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@kolkopiou: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@PolarEra26: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Isabelip59: RT @Astoraka3: #F1 Fallece Antonia Terzi tras sufrir un accidente en UK a los 50 años. Fue la aerodinámista que diseñó la famosa 'nariz de… - 3 years ago

@mara_muratore: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Finale e San Felice, muore in un incidente in Inghilterra, addio all’ingegnere di F1, Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Incidente stradale in Inghilterra, muore l'ingegnera di San Felice Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco Williams - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Muore a 50 l'ingegnere di San Felice Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@Jawyer_: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: La F1 piange Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Dramma in F1, morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi: addio all'ingegnera dietro alla guerra tra Ferrari e William - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: E' morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l'ingegnere cresciuta in Ferrari che inventò il muso 'a tricheco' del… - 3 years ago

@infoitsport: Morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l’ingegnera della Formula 1 «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@LOGANQR_PDLR: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@JOSEGOMEZ1977: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Rossello53: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@RedCyanPhotos: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@chentegarcia_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@BSJ2008: @WilliamsRacing deeply saddened by the death of Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@lWemIrzRvQoODfx: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@_xhannahjayne_x: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@SimoneDallaRov1: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@Lucas_r972: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@accitano: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@CR7PES7: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@lancenet: TRAGÉDIA! 🏁🙏🏼 Ex-engenheira de Ferrari e Williams, Antonia Terzi morre após acidente na Inglaterra #lancenet… - 3 years ago

@JPBarraganH: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@MartinMG_9: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@arik2103: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@RAFAOFERNANDESO: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@surred44: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@KorewaFui: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Zhecloud: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@kaiofelipe19951: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@eggry: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@LaVidali29: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@NextgenAuto: Antonia Terzi, ancienne ingénieure aéro en F1, est décédée - 3 years ago

@georgyfelix: RT @wearetherace: Williams has sadly confirmed the reports coming out from Italy that its former chief of aero Antonia Terzi, also formerly… - 3 years ago

@SportbyRTL: Die Formel-1-Welt trauert um Antonia Terzi. Die Italienerin starb am Sonntag bei einem Verkehrsunfall in Großbritan… - 3 years ago

@chefonflas: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@Deuspy_Libra: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@yoobi42: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@FREDBACK92: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@RwsrlLatifi: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Adriana11100542: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@HolaF1Podcast: #NoticiaHolaF1 Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams FW26 'nariz de morsa' ha fallecido tras un accidente de trán… - 3 years ago

@L05Mandorino: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@gbonillah: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@minisg97: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@javiermartinrol: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@WTWCOff: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@TobyNotOnline: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@matif00: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@funkywitch1982: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@LucaSalvarani11: RT @AndreaEttori: la FW26 del 2004 con il muso "a tricheco" (bellissima aggiungo) progettato dalla mirandolese Antonia Terzi #F1 #Williams… - 3 years ago

@racingpixonline: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@franco76gr20: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@SteveStevens47: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MichiT3103: RT @MaiksF1Channel: Ehemalige #F1-Aerodynamikingenieurin Antonia Terzi ist im Alter von 50 Jahren nach einem Verkehrsunfall in Großbritanni… - 3 years ago

@DanieleFassina: RT @AndreaEttori: la FW26 del 2004 con il muso "a tricheco" (bellissima aggiungo) progettato dalla mirandolese Antonia Terzi #F1 #Williams… - 3 years ago

@Autoextragti: Falleció en un accidente de tránsito Antonia Terzi. Ella era la jefe de aerodinámica en las épocas de @jpmontoya en… - 3 years ago

@AminZulkarnain: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AlexDF99: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Camanif: RT @NetoDemetriou: Antonia Terzi. #williams #RIP - 3 years ago

@prongelttv: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@nipionimu: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@EmmanuelTouzot: Triste nouvelle avec le décès d'Antonia Terzi, ingénieure aero connue pour la Williams FW26 au nez de morse, que j'… - 3 years ago

@Sam_PUFC: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@4rodas1volante: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@ppppppaulaa: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@DanyLance10: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@GasperRoy1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ivannesanting: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Trance588: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ZephyrSting: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@SaschaLoLDerF1: RT @SoyMotor: Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams 'morro de morsa', ha fallecido a los 50 años #F1 - 3 years ago

@SaschaLoLDerF1: RT @MaiksF1Channel: Ehemalige #F1-Aerodynamikingenieurin Antonia Terzi ist im Alter von 50 Jahren nach einem Verkehrsunfall in Großbritanni… - 3 years ago

@francisco_1194: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@C_M_Extra52: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Ciciuta: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@MaiksF1Channel: Ehemalige #F1-Aerodynamikingenieurin Antonia Terzi ist im Alter von 50 Jahren nach einem Verkehrsunfall in Großbrit… - 3 years ago

@Bettina9898: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@sakuya_hsk: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Gamer6Santi: RT @SoyMotor: Antonia Terzi, la 'madre' del Williams 'morro de morsa', ha fallecido a los 50 años #F1 - 3 years ago

@GomezFojo_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@MotorsportcomNL: Antonia Terzi was het brein achter de 'walrusneus' van de Williams FW26. Zondag kwam ze op 50-jarige leeftijd om he… - 3 years ago

@MarcosFCB_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@PipeMurcia06: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@inigo_sim: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@nachin_mndz: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@itsmecaia: Antonia Terzi, ex-chefe de aerodinâmica da Williams, morreu aos 50 anos em um acidente de carro. Com certeza abriu… - 3 years ago

@defenitelynotaj: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@enversjo: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@JeremyNLowe62: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@JennyRoels: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@FabioSulpizio: Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco Williams - 3 years ago

@flemmaxo16: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@juanmalkov: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@CeppaRacing: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@MaurizioMer: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ShinGabi: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Mannivu: RT @FemalesinMSport: We’re so sad to hear that former F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has passed away. As the inspiration behind the famou… - 3 years ago

@MarionetasMvz: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Ron_deWit: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@borja_97_: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@staystrongdirec: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@acheson1996: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@valent_nico: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@landosshooey: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Zatiro1: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@DavidMaties: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@VeronicaSoler18: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@AldoGebbia: Morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l’ingegnera della Formula 1 «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams @corriere - 3 years ago

@alvaritoteam4: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@NOR4RIC3: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@mais_f1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@cuper_2: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@raztaf1: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@ChopCharlotte: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Keggers_grDR3: RT @WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Our th… - 3 years ago

@Dark_Knight90_: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@WilliamsRacing: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former colleague and chief aerodynamicist, Antonia Terzi. Ou… - 3 years ago

@victorabadf1: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@Mylene_V_: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@SportmphMark: RIP Antonia Terzi, former Williams chief aerodynamicist. - 3 years ago

@El_Beco: RT @Motorsport_LAT: Antonia Terzi, ex aerodinamista de Williams y Ferrari en la Fórmula 1, ha fallecido a los 50 años tras un accidente de… - 3 years ago

@El_Beco: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@insider_motori: Purtroppo, Antonia Terzi noto ingegnere aerodinamico nel mondo del Motorsport (inventrice del muso a tricheco della… - 3 years ago

@emilyformula1: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@sergiorf97: Sad to know that Antonia Terzi has passed away. The 2004 FW26 nose, an “enginering masterpiece” was conciebed by her. Rest in peace! - 3 years ago

@gena0109: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@candelaleclerc: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@millanprezp: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@dmoon: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@rosaj_57: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@twiitar: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@ATGBrokers: New post (Antonia Terzi bei Unfall verstorben) published on - 3 years ago

@zucocamejo: RT @autosycarreras_: Ha fallecido en un accidente de tránsito, Antonia Terzi, la mente tras el diseño de morsa del Williams del 2004. https… - 3 years ago

@srdanielmr: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@BaronRojo1969: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@alexandreveloz: RT @grandepremio: Luto na #F1 Antonia Terzi, aerodinamicista com passagens pela Ferrari e Williams, morreu aos 50 anos, vítima de acidente… - 3 years ago

@Albertolin17_96: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@GerardoManiF1: RT @Motorsport_LAT: Antonia Terzi, ex aerodinamista de Williams y Ferrari en la Fórmula 1, ha fallecido a los 50 años tras un accidente de… - 3 years ago

@SetyawatIka: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@MiguelBellod: RT @Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En su autoría… - 3 years ago

@SalvaterraBrais: RT @es_Motorsport: #F1 | Antonia Terzi tenía 50 años y actualmente estaba alejada de la @F1 - 3 years ago

@es_Motorsport: #F1 | Antonia Terzi tenía 50 años y actualmente estaba alejada de la @F1 - 3 years ago

@armitasp: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Josemivn: Ha fallecido Antonia Terzi, en un accidente de tráfico, a los 50 años. Fue aerodinamista de Ferrari y Williams. En… - 3 years ago

@AutoTradition: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@666rjrv: RT @Motorsport_LAT: Antonia Terzi, ex aerodinamista de Williams y Ferrari en la Fórmula 1, ha fallecido a los 50 años tras un accidente de… - 3 years ago

@Rosalba37132176: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@ribachio: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@anovelouca: RT @EvilManBalestre: Falecimento de Antônia Terzi, engenharia aerodinâmica de Williams e Ferrari, entre o pessoal responsável pela última W… - 3 years ago

@MemoriaF1: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@Italia_Notizie: Morta in un incidente Antonia Terzi, l’ingegnera della Formula 1 «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@TeixidoMarc: RT @Motorsport_IT: #F1 | Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco #Williams - 3 years ago

@zambellimusica: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@TammyAller: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@pettyfan4398: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@Manuel97__: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@ConnyRACING: Fallecie la ex aerodinámica de Williams, Antonia Terzi, inventora de la legendaria nariz "martillo". - 3 years ago

@danieledv79: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@GetLostInThEcho: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@GuiguiDehiwa: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@Glenn0103: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@rada_maja: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@crash71100: RT @leblogauto: Antonia Terzi (1971-2011) : célèbre à cause d'un morse - - 3 years ago

@Mterryf1: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e Williams - 3 years ago

@F1Daviderusso: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@gaulsaulsimiyu: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@LiveGPit: #F1 Addio ad Antonia Terzi, pioniera tra le donne in ruoli tecnici ✍️ @IamLucaColombo - 3 years ago

@JN_Gavark: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@nicothz16: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@leblogauto: Antonia Terzi (1971-2011) : célèbre à cause d'un morse - - 3 years ago

@MotorResults: RT @KareemfanWSR: Décès d'Antonia Terzi, créatrice du nez de morse sur la Williams FW26 à l'age de 50 ans. - 3 years ago

@LeighOGorman: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Carmela_oltre: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@wbuxtonofficial: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@msbunibun: RT @MST_Formel1: Antonia Terzi: Erfinderin der "Hammerhai"-Nase bei Unfall verstorben #F1 - 3 years ago

@violazz1: RT @Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@AeritaT: RT @Rturcato83: What a sad news Rip antonia @MotoriNoLimits @WilliamsRacing - 3 years ago

@negativecamber_: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@msbunibun: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@JLTricot: Antonia Terzi à inventée le nez "morse" de la FW26 de 2004. L'idée était bonne sur le papier mais un casse tête pou… - 3 years ago

@elephino_: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@FormulaPassion: La #F1 piange Antonia #Terzi, celebre aerodinamica dal cui ingegno è nato il musetto a 'tricheco' della #Williams n… - 3 years ago

@Tyrex51: RT @Motorsport_IT: #F1 | Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco #Williams - 3 years ago

@SteveStevens47: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@SteveStevens47: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@4TroxoiGreece: H Ιταλίδα Antonia Terzi, πρώην επικεφαλής αεροδυναμικής της Williams #F1 (με προϋπηρεσία στη Ferrari), έχασε της ζω… - 3 years ago

@SteveStevens47: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@akmalghfri_14: RT @RepublikF1: #F1: Dr. Antonia Terzi, insinyur aero yang terkenal dengan desain hidung walrus di mobil Williams FW26 (2004) telah berpula… - 3 years ago

@FabrizioLazakis: H Ιταλίδα Antonia Terzi, πρώην επικεφαλής αεροδυναμικής της Williams #F1 (με προϋπηρεσία στη Ferrari), έχασε της ζω… - 3 years ago

@TheNewsCaravan: F1 mourns Antonia Terzi | - 3 years ago

@SarahSahadinCBB: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@misshka: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@Corriere: Formula 1, muore in un incidente Antonia Terzi: era l’ingegnera «contesa» da Ferrari e ... - 3 years ago

@rudy_34mhsc: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@CrystalRacing: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@K7al_L3afta: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@kelixman: RT @RepublikF1: #F1: Dr. Antonia Terzi, insinyur aero yang terkenal dengan desain hidung walrus di mobil Williams FW26 (2004) telah berpula… - 3 years ago

@deadpoolishguy: Rest in Peace antonia terzi #ripantoniaterzi #f1 #aerodynamicist - 3 years ago

@MnJpsf1uk: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@GarisBalap: Antonia Terzi, orang yang pernah bekerja untuk Williams dan Ferrari di F1 sebagai ahli aerodinamis meninggal dunia… - 3 years ago

@JakeSanson: Devastated to learn of the death of Antonia Terzi. Genius aerodynamicist, and one of the first true trailblazers fo… - 3 years ago

@ReganTarriot: RT @Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est principa… - 3 years ago

@Motorsport_FR: ⚫️ Ancienne aérodynamicienne pour Ferrari et Williams, Antonia Terzi est décédée ce dimanche à 50 ans Elle est pri… - 3 years ago

@Delorean_Car: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@Emma_xox_Louise: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@RepublikF1: #F1: Dr. Antonia Terzi, insinyur aero yang terkenal dengan desain hidung walrus di mobil Williams FW26 (2004) telah… - 3 years ago

@f1pills: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@GerardoManiF1: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@Astoraka3: #F1 Fallece Antonia Terzi tras sufrir un accidente en UK a los 50 años. Fue la aerodinámista que diseñó la famosa '… - 3 years ago

@moncet: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@SozzledRaisin: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@Formulalex3112: Antonia Terzi, the former Williams aerodynamicist who came up with the ‘walrus nose’ concept, has died in a car cra… - 3 years ago

@001kuda: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@JOC__1991: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@AndyGPF1: RT @NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004, passes awa… - 3 years ago

@MST_Formel1: Antonia Terzi: Erfinderin der "Hammerhai"-Nase bei Unfall verstorben #F1 - 3 years ago

@MST_AlleNews: Antonia Terzi: Erfinderin der "Hammerhai"-Nase bei Unfall verstorben #F1 - 3 years ago

@formel1_DE: Antonia Terzi: Erfinderin der "Hammerhai"-Nase bei Unfall verstorben #F1 - 3 years ago

@AstonScuderia: RT @Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus nose' i… - 3 years ago

@NobleF1: Sad news as former #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, who helped design the famous Williams 'walrus nose' from 2004,… - 3 years ago

@Motorsport: Former Williams #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi, best known for having been the inspiration for the famous 'walrus… - 3 years ago

@golic_2004: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Arjunsv2: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Welshracer: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Fra55oni: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@candelaleclerc: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@say_row_gun_toy: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@north_p_: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@Bear_F1: RT @autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom. She was… - 3 years ago

@autosport: Former Williams and Ferrari #F1 aerodynamicist Antonia Terzi has died, following a car crash in the United Kingdom.… - 3 years ago

@realsimonsays: @Rturcato83 @F1 @MotoriNoLimits @WilliamsRacing What?! Antonia Terzi is dead? - 3 years ago

@ER_Notizie: Finale e San Felice, muore in un incidente in Inghilterra, addio all’ingegnere di F1, Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@SfcTrento: - 3 years ago

@DiaboloKesta: RT @Motorsport_IT: #F1 | Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco #Williams - 3 years ago

@eloy_eg: RT @Motorsport_IT: #F1 | Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco #Williams - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Antonia Terzi dies - #AntoniaTerzi #Antonia #Terzi #rip - 3 years ago

@FrancescoDondi: Una delle menti mondiali più illuminate dell'ingegneria aerodinamica della #Formula1 e di quella aerospaziale. Addi… - 3 years ago

@KareemfanWSR: Décès d'Antonia Terzi, créatrice du nez de morse sur la Williams FW26 à l'age de 50 ans. - 3 years ago

@AlessandroSala1: Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco Williams - 3 years ago

@Motorsport_IT: #F1 | Morta Antonia Terzi, l'ideatrice del muso a tricheco #Williams - 3 years ago

@AleDagDalGas: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@DiaboloKesta: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@SulPanaro: Incidente stradale in Inghilterra, muore l’ingegnera di San Felice Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@MotorChicche: Una #notizia veramente triste dall'Inghilterra: è morta in un incidente stradale Antonia Terzi, 50 anni, Specialist… - 3 years ago

@PowerFlower93: RT @CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la firma ne… - 3 years ago

@qnazionale: Addio ad Antonia Terzi, la donna che cambio la F1 - 3 years ago

@CeppaRacing: Antonia Terzi, ingegnere aerodinamico che lavoro' in Williams e Ferrari. Due le "sue" creature che hanno messo la f… - 3 years ago

@Lo_squinternato: RT @Rturcato83: What a sad news Rip antonia @MotoriNoLimits @WilliamsRacing - 3 years ago

@gazzettamodena: Finale e San Felice, muore in un incidente in Inghilterra, addio all’ingegnere di F1, Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

@Rturcato83: What a sad news Rip antonia @MotoriNoLimits @WilliamsRacing - 3 years ago

@masman007: - 3 years ago

@news_modena: Finale e San Felice, muore in un incidente in Inghilterra, addio all’ingegnere di F1, Antonia Terzi - 3 years ago

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