Anthony de Jasay

Hungarian economist and philosopher.
Died on Tuesday January 29th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Anthony de Jasay:

@idrian_: Teoría de Juegos, guerra y comercio y la justificación del Estado de Hobbes por Anthony de Jasay. - 6 years ago

@NickIannello64: RT @istbrunoleoni: @amingardi sul Wall Street Journal racconta "“The State" dell'economista Anthony de Jasay. - 6 years ago

@senesedoc79: RT @istbrunoleoni: @amingardi sul Wall Street Journal racconta "“The State" dell'economista Anthony de Jasay. - 6 years ago

@ngaetano79: RT @istbrunoleoni: @amingardi sul Wall Street Journal racconta "“The State" dell'economista Anthony de Jasay. - 6 years ago


@istbrunoleoni: @amingardi sul Wall Street Journal racconta "“The State" dell'economista Anthony de Jasay. - 6 years ago

@HrtlandLibrary: Remembering independent philosopher and economist Anthony de Jasay, who died on January 23rd. A classical liberal s… - 6 years ago

@Lvandenhauwe: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi… - 6 years ago

@MarcelGascon: Gracias al Ingeniero Noya @MarioNoyaM y al Profesor Rodríguez Braun @rodriguezbraun por descubrirme al Licenciado… - 6 years ago

@FriedrichHayek: RT @ccoyne1: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@amingardi: RT @WSJopinion: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@SpCombustion: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@Sue_Bee06: RT @WSJopinion: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@WSJopinion: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi… - 6 years ago

@MarioHLopez: RT @VasquezIan: "Today, right-wing nativists and left-wing multiculturalists both court a stronger role for government." @amingardi remembe… - 6 years ago

@5serestar: RT @VasquezIan: "Today, right-wing nativists and left-wing multiculturalists both court a stronger role for government." @amingardi remembe… - 6 years ago

@gabricalderon: RT @VasquezIan: "Today, right-wing nativists and left-wing multiculturalists both court a stronger role for government." @amingardi remembe… - 6 years ago

@HayekProgram: RT @ccoyne1: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@AlexNowrasteh: RT @VasquezIan: "Today, right-wing nativists and left-wing multiculturalists both court a stronger role for government." @amingardi remembe… - 6 years ago

@VasquezIan: "Today, right-wing nativists and left-wing multiculturalists both court a stronger role for government." @amingardi… - 6 years ago

@JamesHu41086899: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi… - 6 years ago

@josephwrio: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi… - 6 years ago

@ccoyne1: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@Bothered_Blonde: RT @mattcaldwell_fl: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@mattcaldwell_fl: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@PPonsetto: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@_Sound_Around_: What Feeds Big Government Isn't Only Ideology Anthony de Jasay had a ‘flint-hard’ understanding of the structural f… - 6 years ago

@bellantone1978: RT @amingardi: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@NickIannello64: RT @amingardi: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@Curini: RT @amingardi: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@GiuseppePortos: RT @amingardi: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@Gianni_Elia: RT @amingardi: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi - 6 years ago

@amingardi: Anthony de Jasay argued that all governments seek to maximize their discretionary power, writes @amingardi… - 6 years ago

@carlosddsanz: RT @MarioNoyaM: El otro día hablé con el maestro @rodriguezbraun a cuenta del fallecimiento de Anthony de Jasay, autor liberal muy influyen… - 6 years ago

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