Annie Shekhar

Indian politician
Died on Sunday October 2nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Annie Shekhar:

@narne_kumar06: @shekhar_shanal @Veteran__007 @INCIndia Sorry ...A.O .Hume started congress Annie Besant… - 2 years ago

@sanjivkumarINC: RT @milinddeora: Earlier this afternoon, I paid homage to Mrs Annie Shekhar, former @INCIndia MLA, Colaba & condoled with her family on the… - 2 years ago

@MRCCSouth: RT @milinddeora: Earlier this afternoon, I paid homage to Mrs Annie Shekhar, former @INCIndia MLA, Colaba & condoled with her family on the… - 2 years ago

@pawar_indu: RT @rajanipatil_in: My heartfelt condolences to Senior Leader from Mumbai Congress, former MLA from Colaba Constituency, Prominsnant woman… - 2 years ago


@PoonamS11269077: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@damle_shekhar: RT @NobelPrize: French writer Annie Ernaux – awarded the 2022 #NobelPrize in Literature – was born in 1940 and grew up in the small town of… - 2 years ago

@damle_shekhar: RT @AFP: #BREAKING French author Annie Ernaux wins Nobel Literature Prize - 2 years ago

@damle_shekhar: RT @PTI_News: Nobel Prize for literature awarded to French writer Annie Ernaux, reports AP - 2 years ago

@sumanta1968: RT @rajanipatil_in: My heartfelt condolences to Senior Leader from Mumbai Congress, former MLA from Colaba Constituency, Prominsnant woman… - 2 years ago

@RamuBMeshram2: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@MurielJASMIN: RT @MurielJASMIN: @LaREMParis11 @annie_bodendahl @Renaissance #atelier @Renaissance @olivierveran @VeroniqueJASMIN @EmmanuelMacron @CroixRo… - 2 years ago

@MurielJASMIN: @LaREMParis11 @annie_bodendahl @Renaissance #atelier @Renaissance @olivierveran @VeroniqueJASMIN @EmmanuelMacron… - 2 years ago

@prashantdesh333: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@MohsinLulaniya: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@MayaTha30755305: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Pain07001762: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@VighneAba: RT @rajanipatil_in: My heartfelt condolences to Senior Leader from Mumbai Congress, former MLA from Colaba Constituency, Prominsnant woman… - 2 years ago

@Sunil336J: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@niranjanbhosale: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@PariharShubha: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Senior Mumbai Congress leader Annie Shekhar passes away at 84 - 2 years ago

@endole_sanjay: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@gautambawa380: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@VincentCasteli6: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@AnishaBagul: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@NDPoman: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@RaneSubhash1: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Ashraff_001: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@TattooJt: RT @milinddeora: Earlier this afternoon, I paid homage to Mrs Annie Shekhar, former @INCIndia MLA, Colaba & condoled with her family on the… - 2 years ago

@ppsmaratha: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@YogeshsurveNCP: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@saraf53101562: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@swarnimachaudh3: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Urmilakarwa4: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@pbshinde9: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@VandanaShegokar: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@HemantWani18: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@FaisalMoizuddin: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@DsouzaAnthony: RT @vjshekhar: @PawarSpeaks Thank you @PawarSpeaks. My family really appreciates your condolence. My mother Annie Shekhar worked really har… - 2 years ago

@VDhongre: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@NishatUrdu: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@yasser_ch_jk: RT @rajanipatil_in: My heartfelt condolences to Senior Leader from Mumbai Congress, former MLA from Colaba Constituency, Prominsnant woman… - 2 years ago

@ArunSthapakCong: RT @milinddeora: Earlier this afternoon, I paid homage to Mrs Annie Shekhar, former @INCIndia MLA, Colaba & condoled with her family on the… - 2 years ago

@AnzarSK10: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@vjshekhar: @GauravSavad Thank you @GauravSavad for your condolence for my mother Mrs Annie Shekhar - 2 years ago

@MasoodChaudha17: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@vjshekhar: @Chandore_INC Thank you @Chandore_INC for your condolence. On behalf of the Shekhar family i would like to thank yo… - 2 years ago

@vjshekhar: @ParvezAShaikh5 Thank you so much for your kind words for my mother Mrs Annie Shekhar - 2 years ago

@vjshekhar: @AslamShaikh_MLA Thank you @AslamShaikh_MLA for your condolence. On behalf of the Shekhar family i really appreciat… - 2 years ago

@vjshekhar: @AdvYashomatiINC @INCMumbai @INCMaharashtra Thank you @AdvYashomatiINC ji for your condolence. On behalf of the She… - 2 years ago

@mathura_iyc: RT @milinddeora: Earlier this afternoon, I paid homage to Mrs Annie Shekhar, former @INCIndia MLA, Colaba & condoled with her family on the… - 2 years ago

@ImtisalShaikh2: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@vjshekhar: @satyajeettambe Thank you @satyajeettambe ji. On behalf of the Shekhar family your condolence for my mother Mrs Ann… - 2 years ago

@OmkarJadhao8999: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Universe191919: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@SULTANS85994998: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Sandesh800psan: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service… - 2 years ago

@Rajeshkaware2: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@SevadalGON: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@Santosh85053116: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@pspkcreative: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@VishalT12832792: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@SevadalMB: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@ManishK54195758: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Shakeel73395220: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@PoojaGupta2730: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@ajumis: RT @INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh. @Charanssapra pa… - 2 years ago

@INCMumbai: Mumbai Congress President Sh. @BhaiJagtap1 alongwith former Union minister Sh. @milinddeora and MRCC WP Sh.… - 2 years ago

@Yogesh30448896: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Hafeez04767379: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Arudesh85: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Sam99950524498: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Annie Shekhar, former Congress MLA from Colaba, passes away - 2 years ago

@vijaynikam001: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@vvaidyaoffical: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Jitendr30522444: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@KantariaPatel: RT @VarshaEGaikwad: It is difficult to come to terms with the loss of my esteemed senior colleague, guide & former MLA Annie Shekhar. Her w… - 2 years ago

@Gomsy85: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@Shakeel73395220: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@talasilavsagar: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@AjitPrakash879: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@MANISHK83648118: RT @PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service and was… - 2 years ago

@PawarSpeaks: Saddened by the demise of senior Congress Leader Smt Annie Shekhar ji. She spent her entire life in public service… - 2 years ago

@prakashdabhi651: *Annie Shekhar, Congress Ex MLA, Colaba Constituency, Passed Away Today* Regret to Announce that Annie Shekhar, E… - 2 years ago

@KantariaPatel: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@MANISHK83648118: RT @praful_patel: Pained to know about the demise of Veteran Congress leader and two-term Maharashtra Legislative Assembly member from Cola… - 2 years ago

@ParvezAShaikh5: RT @ParvezAShaikh5: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar… - 2 years ago

@prafulsir17: RT @praful_patel: Pained to know about the demise of Veteran Congress leader and two-term Maharashtra Legislative Assembly member from Cola… - 2 years ago

@praful_patel: Pained to know about the demise of Veteran Congress leader and two-term Maharashtra Legislative Assembly member fro… - 2 years ago

@ParvezAShaikh5: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the She… - 2 years ago

@aditya152001: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Colaba former MLA Annie Shekhar dies aged 84 - 2 years ago

@Shakeel73395220: RT @VarshaEGaikwad: It is difficult to come to terms with the loss of my esteemed senior colleague, guide & former MLA Annie Shekhar. Her w… - 2 years ago

@SureshMogula: RT @VarshaEGaikwad: It is difficult to come to terms with the loss of my esteemed senior colleague, guide & former MLA Annie Shekhar. Her w… - 2 years ago

@kaifkhan786092: RT @VarshaEGaikwad: It is difficult to come to terms with the loss of my esteemed senior colleague, guide & former MLA Annie Shekhar. Her w… - 2 years ago

@NewsroomOdisha: Mumbai Congress leader, ‘Mummy’ of Colaba, Annie Shekhar passes away @NewsroomOdisha - 2 years ago

@Mohamme64138272: RT @VarshaEGaikwad: It is difficult to come to terms with the loss of my esteemed senior colleague, guide & former MLA Annie Shekhar. Her w… - 2 years ago

@VarshaEGaikwad: It is difficult to come to terms with the loss of my esteemed senior colleague, guide & former MLA Annie Shekhar. H… - 2 years ago

@b3c9f06ffbdc4b9: RT @Chandore_INC: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekha… - 2 years ago

@htmarathi: कुलाब्याची ‘मम्मी’ हरपली; काँग्रेसच्या माजी आमदार ॲनी शेखर यांचं निधन - 2 years ago

@MumbaiLiveNews: 84 वर्षीय शेखर दक्षिण मुंबई के कोलाबा क्षेत्र से दो बार पार्षद और विधायक रही है #Mumbai #AnnieShekhar - 2 years ago

@AutiSwaraj: RT @JaiMaharashtraN: #BIGNEWS MLA Annie Shekhar काँग्रेसच्या माजी आमदार अ‍ॅनी शेखर यांचे निधन #Jaimaharashtranews #Marathinews #Maharasht… - 2 years ago

@AslamfortKHAN: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@AmishaAKhan224: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@gallinews: Sad Demise #Congress Ex MLA from #Colaba Annie Shekhar Passed Away Funeral Mass today 3:30 PM At Holy Name Cathedra… - 2 years ago

@JaiMaharashtraN: #BIGNEWS MLA Annie Shekhar काँग्रेसच्या माजी आमदार अ‍ॅनी शेखर यांचे निधन #Jaimaharashtranews #Marathinews… - 2 years ago

@DhivakarGorky: Senior Mumbai Congress leader Annie Shekhar passes away at 84 - 2 years ago

@badnamlawyer: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Colaba former MLA Annie Shekhar dies aged 84 - 2 years ago

@EThulase: Senior Congress Leader: Salutations to Shri Annie Shekhar - 2 years ago

@timeskeralanews: - 2 years ago

@vijaynikam001: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Colaba former MLA Annie Shekhar dies aged 84 - 2 years ago

@MumbaiNewsRT: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Colaba former MLA Annie Shekhar dies aged 84 - 2 years ago

@mathura_iyc: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@amol_nirhali: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@hemantogale: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@MediaMlNews: മലയാളിയും മുംബൈയിലെ ജനപ്രീയ കോണ്‍ഗ്രസ് നേതാവുമായ ആനി ശേഖര്‍ അന്തരിച്ചു - 2 years ago

@VeerFaggaji: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@amantiwari1616: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@Keralaonlinenew: - 2 years ago

@NewsDeshbandhu: मुंबई कांग्रेस नेता, कोलाबा की मम्मी..एनी शेखर का निधन - 2 years ago

@INCVinayPandey: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@DrMirza9: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@anna_jagdish: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@RajuMaraboina13: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@incsayedzeeshan: काँग्रेसच्या ज्येष्ठ नेत्या आणि कुलाबा (मुंबई) येथील माजी आमदार एनी शेखर (८४) यांच्या दुःखद निधनाची बातमी कळली.… - 2 years ago

@24onlive: മുംബൈയിലെ മുതിര്‍ന്ന കോണ്‍ഗ്രസ് നേതാവ് ആനി ശേഖര്‍ അന്തരിച്ചു - 2 years ago

@telugustop: Mumbai Congress leader, ‘Mummy’ of Colaba, Annie Shekhar passes away - 2 years ago

@saurabhsatav14: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@KunwerTariq: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@ashishjoshi79: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@telugustop: Mumbai Congress leader, Mummy of Colaba, Annie Shekhar passes away - 2 years ago

@NSUIMumbai: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@Testrisha: test3 Mumbai: Annie Shekhar, ex- Congress MLA, passes away - 2 years ago

@dailyinfo14196: Annie Shekhar, the senior member of the Indian National Congress died at the age of 84. Here, in this article, let’… - 2 years ago

@swapnilthakre: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@VikramBudhelia: RT @INCMumbai: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie Shekhar.… - 2 years ago

@Chandore_INC: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie… - 2 years ago

@RishiSh27706153: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of senior Congress leader and former MLA of Colaba (Mumbai), Smt. Annie… - 2 years ago

@ReporterTv_News: മുംബൈയിലെ മുതിർന്ന കോൺഗ്രസ് നേതാവും മലയാളിയുമായ ആനി ശേഖർ അന്തരിച്ചു #AnnieShekhar #CONGRESS #Mumbai - 2 years ago

@reporter_tv: മുംബൈയിലെ മുതിർന്ന കോൺഗ്രസ് നേതാവും മലയാളിയുമായ ആനി ശേഖർ അന്തരിച്ചു #AnnieShekhar #CONGRESS #Mumbai - 2 years ago

@Deeppy7: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@ankushjain_23: RT @satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in peac… - 2 years ago

@satyajeettambe: Former MLA and Senior Congress leader from Colaba ( Mumbai) Annie shekhar (84) passed away. May her soul rest in… - 2 years ago

@news_directly: Mumbai Congress leader, ‘Mummy’ of Colaba, Annie Shekhar passes away - 2 years ago

@saamTVnews: माजी आमदार अनी शेखर यांचे निधन #LatestNews #SaamTV #SaamDigital #SaamMarathiNews - 2 years ago

@mcatchers01: Mumbai Congress leader, ‘Mummy’ of Colaba, Annie Shekhar passes away – Mumbai News - 2 years ago

@KapadiaRehana2: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@Anand_P_Lal: RT @Rsundaram05: Deepest condolences to @vjshekhar, Shobha and his family on the passing of his mother and much loved two term Colaba MLA A… - 2 years ago

@SushilkumarVSh1: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@Rsundaram05: RT @Malininair25: Annie Shekhar, Ex MLA, South Mumbai, Constituency, passed away on 2nd October 2022. Mother of Late Vinod Shekhar, Ex Muni… - 2 years ago

@Rsundaram05: RT @Malininair25: Rest In Peace Annie Shekhar Mam, two time MLA, Congress leader and a woman of substance who actively worked on women’s ri… - 2 years ago

@Rsundaram05: RT @Malininair25: Rest In Peace Annie Shekhar Mam, a woman of substance, two time MLA (Colaba constituency), Congress Leader and a crusader… - 2 years ago

@Malininair25: Annie Shekhar, Ex MLA, South Mumbai, Constituency, passed away on 2nd October 2022. Mother of Late Vinod Shekhar, E… - 2 years ago

@Malininair25: Rest In Peace Annie Shekhar Mam, two time MLA, Congress leader and a woman of substance who actively worked on wome… - 2 years ago

@ians_india: Veteran Congress leader and two-term #Maharashtra Legislative Assembly member from the prestigious Colaba seat, Ann… - 2 years ago

@Malininair25: Rest In Peace Annie Shekhar Mam, a woman of substance, two time MLA (Colaba constituency), Congress Leader and a cr… - 2 years ago

@Deccan_Cable: Mumbai: Senior Mumbai Congress leader Annie Shekhar passed away on Sunday after prolonged illness. Shekhar, who rep… - 2 years ago

@newsforsocial: Annie Shekhar: कोलाबा की पूर्व कांग्रेस विधायक एनी शेखर का निधन, सोमवार को होगा अंतिम संस्कार - 2 years ago

@MumbaiNewsRT: RT @mid_day: #MiddayNews | Senior #Mumbai #Congress leader #AnnieShekhar passes away at 84 - 2 years ago

@mid_day: #MiddayNews | Senior #Mumbai #Congress leader #AnnieShekhar passes away at 84 - 2 years ago

@OpenCrime: RT @moneycontrolcom: Senior Mumbai Congress leader Annie Shekhar passed away on Sunday after prolonged illness. Read here 👇 - 2 years ago

@poonamkanojia2: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@moneycontrolcom: Senior Mumbai Congress leader Annie Shekhar passed away on Sunday after prolonged illness. Read here 👇… - 2 years ago

@newsgroupmedia: RT @newsgroupmedia: Regret to Announce that Annie Shekhar,Ex MLA,#Colaba Constituency,Passed Away today 2nd October 2022.Mother of Late Vin… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Annie Shekhar, you will be missed - #AnnieShekhar #Annie #Shekhar #rip - 2 years ago

@newsgroupmedia: Regret to Announce that Annie Shekhar,Ex MLA,#Colaba Constituency,Passed Away today 2nd October 2022.Mother of Late… - 2 years ago

@anopolitical: RT @GauravSavad: Annie Shekhar was malyalali, she was elected twice to Maharashtra assembly from Colaba constituency (2004-2014) and was BM… - 2 years ago

@GauravSavad: Annie Shekhar was malyalali, she was elected twice to Maharashtra assembly from Colaba constituency (2004-2014) and… - 2 years ago

@Anujalankar9: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Annie Shekhar, former Congress MLA from Colaba, passes away - 2 years ago

@karunasanghvi: RT @TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Annie Shekhar, former Congress MLA from Colaba, passes away - 2 years ago

@TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Annie Shekhar, former Congress MLA from Colaba, passes away - 2 years ago

@TOIMumbai: Mumbai: Annie Shekhar, former Congress MLA from Colaba, passes away - 2 years ago

@Rsundaram05: Deepest condolences to @vjshekhar, Shobha and his family on the passing of his mother and much loved two term Colab… - 2 years ago

@HARSH75: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@vinaysi28394263: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@sango20: @milinddeora Sad to hear this. Deepest condolences to the Shekhar family. May Annie RIP…🙏🌺 - 2 years ago

@drvishalyelle: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@DilipSakariya2: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@VikramBudhelia: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@ak2301in: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

@sahil_mansoori: RT @milinddeora: I am saddened to learn that Mrs. Annie Shekhar, former MLA, Colaba is no more. My heartfelt condolences to the Shekhar fa… - 2 years ago

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