Anna Tramontano

Italian computational biologist.
Died on Monday March 13th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Anna Tramontano:

@alt_gen_: RT @ERC_Research: We are deeply sad for the loss of Anna Tramontano, great scientist, former member of #ERC Scientific Council and wonderfu… - 8 years ago

@juanarenasmarqz: RT @Alfons_Valencia: Starting @ELIXIREurope #allhands17. Words in Anna Tramontano's memorial -sad meeting for many of us #Researchimpacteu… - 8 years ago

@ewanbirney: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@Vic_Bioinfo: RT @IFB_Bioinfo: Goodbye Anna Tramontano. We'll miss you #ELIXIR17 - 8 years ago


@NBlomberg: RT @Alfons_Valencia: Starting @ELIXIREurope #allhands17. Words in Anna Tramontano's memorial -sad meeting for many of us #Researchimpacteu… - 8 years ago

@NBlomberg: RT @IFB_Bioinfo: Goodbye Anna Tramontano. We'll miss you #ELIXIR17 - 8 years ago

@ELIXIREurope: RT @Alfons_Valencia: Starting @ELIXIREurope #allhands17. Words in Anna Tramontano's memorial -sad meeting for many of us #Researchimpacteu… - 8 years ago

@IFB_Bioinfo: RT @Alfons_Valencia: Starting @ELIXIREurope #allhands17. Words in Anna Tramontano's memorial -sad meeting for many of us #Researchimpacteu… - 8 years ago

@Alfons_Valencia: Starting @ELIXIREurope #allhands17. Words in Anna Tramontano's memorial -sad meeting for many of us #Researchimpacteu #elixir17 #excelerate - 8 years ago

@ypriverol: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@hedipeterson: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@IFB_Bioinfo: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@vianello_d: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@IFB_Bioinfo: Goodbye Anna Tramontano. We'll miss you #ELIXIR17 - 8 years ago

@celia_vgelder: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@ELIXIREurope: RT @JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@JMFernand3z: @ELIXIREurope #ELIXIR17 Remembering Anna Tramontano at the opening of All-Hands meeting - 8 years ago

@arneelof: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@NicolaSoranzo: RT @SapienzaRoma: La Sapienza ricorda #AnnaTramontano, una dei nostri più illustri #docentiSapienza #Phys_Sapienza #Ssas_Sapienza - 8 years ago

@WWTF: We are deeply saddened to hear that Anna Tramontano passed away. She was so often supporting us in her kind way &was a good friend to WWTF. - 8 years ago

@CVogelNYC: What sad news -- Anna Tramontano was one of the people leading the field of protein structure analysis. - 8 years ago

@SciSeekFeed: Anna Tramontano (1957-2017) - 8 years ago

@Embnet_Global: We express our sincere condolences to her family, friends and to all those people who knew her and her value:… - 8 years ago

@EvaAlloza: RT @manuelcorpas: Anna Tramontano aged 59 RIP; One of the greatest #Bioinformatics scientists @iscb @iscbsc -- Great loss for the field htt… - 8 years ago

@iscbsc: RT @manuelcorpas: Anna Tramontano aged 59 RIP; One of the greatest #Bioinformatics scientists @iscb @iscbsc -- Great loss for the field htt… - 8 years ago

@CiroLanzillo: Come e' possibile che l'amministrazione Comunale di Pomigliano d'Arco abbia dimenticato di commemorare uno dei... - 8 years ago

@emmecola: RT @manuelcorpas: Anna Tramontano aged 59 RIP; One of the greatest #Bioinformatics scientists @iscb @iscbsc -- Great loss for the field htt… - 8 years ago

@manuelcorpas: Anna Tramontano aged 59 RIP; One of the greatest #Bioinformatics scientists @iscb @iscbsc -- Great loss for the fie… - 8 years ago

@alerizzo_: RT @mpavone: In memory of one of the best Researchers in Computational Biology!! - 8 years ago

@mpavone: In memory of one of the best Researchers in Computational Biology!! - 8 years ago

@estepi: RT @RSGArgentina: Que en paz descance Anna Tramontano, gran cientifica y pionera en Bioinformatica y Biologia Computacional. #Bioinformatic… - 8 years ago

@KAUST_HPC: RT @Cineca1969: The loss of Anna Tramontano is a sad moment for science. We will remember her kindness and scientific stature. - 8 years ago

@keyboardpipette: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@KiemerLars: RT @SapienzaRoma: La Sapienza ricorda #AnnaTramontano, una dei nostri più illustri #docentiSapienza #Phys_Sapienza #Ssas_Sapienza - 8 years ago

@neva_tw: RT @emmecola: Non ho conosciuto di persona Anna Tramontano, ma se oggi sono bioinformatico è grazie ai suoi libri. RIP - 8 years ago

@greg_slodkowicz: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@EIVertebrates: RT @LuciaAltucci: Anna Tramontano passed away. I will remember her kindness and scientific stature. - 8 years ago

@EIVertebrates: RT @Alfons_Valencia: Anna Tramontano memorial service monday 10.30am Sapienza U. Church behind the physics building where Anna used to work… - 8 years ago

@EIVertebrates: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@DavideChicco_it: Goodbye #AnnaTramontano, Italian #bioinformatics pioneer #RIP #Italy #ComputationalBiology @SapienzaRoma >>> - 8 years ago

@arvestad: RT @TRHvidsten: I’m very sorry to hear that Anna Tramontano passed away. Here from my PhD defence in 2004, where she was the opponent. http… - 8 years ago

@TRHvidsten: I’m very sorry to hear that Anna Tramontano passed away. Here from my PhD defence in 2004, where she was the oppone… - 8 years ago

@fedepisani: RT @Cineca1969: The loss of Anna Tramontano is a sad moment for science. We will remember her kindness and scientific stature. - 8 years ago

@Noam_Kaplan: RT @iscb: It is with great sadness to learn of the passing Anna Tramontano, long time ISCB member, a director of the Society, and friend. - 8 years ago

@nrs74: RT @martinaelenadg: To honour the memory of Professor Anna Tramontano we, her students, are donating to @AIRC_it | If you want to join: htt… - 8 years ago

@NetBioinfoMRS: RT @martinaelenadg: To honour the memory of Professor Anna Tramontano we, her students, are donating to @AIRC_it | If you want to join: htt… - 8 years ago

@freesci: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@manueltard: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@Percud: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@FrancescoLiguo: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@josemrc_bird: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@amrojasmendoza: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@iscbsc: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@elarturito: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Anna Tramontano dies - #AnnaTramontano #Anna #Tramontano #rip - 8 years ago

@irongraft: RT @Alfons_Valencia: #Bioinformatics @OUPAcademic editors, refrrees & authors will deeply miss our long time AEditor Anna Tramontano insigh… - 8 years ago

@lpachter: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@leprevostfv: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@mcaccamo: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@_alexpetrucci: RT @ConsUnivNaz: Ad Anna Tramontano, scienziata eccelsa, interprete dell'unità del sapere e della cooperazione fra le discipline - 8 years ago

@Manuel__Rueda: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@TorstenSchwede: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@SysEuro: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@ewanbirney: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@marc_rr: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@LucyRForrest: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@naomiattar: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@Vic_Bioinfo: RT @embl: Sad to learn that Anna Tramontano has died. Alumna, @ELIXIREurope board member, EMBL champion and friend. She will be missed http… - 8 years ago

@PaoloDiTommaso: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@luigra1: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@nrs74: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@NetBioinfoMRS: RT @Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@Alexbateman1: A Wikipedia article has been created for Anna Tramontano. Please contribute details of her career at - 8 years ago

@ConsUnivNaz: Ad Anna Tramontano, scienziata eccelsa, interprete dell'unità del sapere e della cooperazione fra le discipline - 8 years ago

@mpastorPhI: RT @SapienzaRoma: La Sapienza ricorda #AnnaTramontano, una dei nostri più illustri #docentiSapienza #Phys_Sapienza #Ssas_Sapienza - 8 years ago

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