Anna Rajam Malhotra

Indian civil servant.
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Anna Rajam Malhotra:

@Jahnavi_Taneja: RT @over2shailaja: Story of India's first woman IAS officer.She was a no nonsense person and the very first to break the glass ceiling for… - 6 years ago

@NeilNeelesh7: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Razakng: RT @GuideforAll: 🔹Ministry of Tourism is organizing the festival of tourism #ParyatanParv 2018 from which city ? - #NewDelhi. 🔹Who has swo… - 6 years ago

@rajanichoudhary: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago


@drzion: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@Shailen_8080i: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@asli_niranjan: RT @FormulaUPSC: India’s first woman IAS officer dead. India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence (1951), Anna Rajam Malhotra, who… - 6 years ago

@rairaj: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@bansalsurinder1: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@ashokmalik: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@leaninbangalore: As you start your week, take a moment to read about Anna Rajam - independent India's first woman IAS officer. Read… - 6 years ago

@ityadi_misc: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@mv_krishnarao: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@BestDaze: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@edsncar: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Aktiwari0003: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@col_jaivir: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Anna Rajam Malhotra - 6 years ago

@gaganm12: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@syed_hamedullah: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Saravan26227982: RT @airdarbhanga: Prayers and tributes to Independent India's 1st woman #IAS officer!! As she leaves for heavenly abode, we bid goodbye to… - 6 years ago

@radheyshyamsin6: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@SunilDondapati: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Kolavibytes: RT @ardramaanasam: What a fabulous story about Anna Rajam Malhotra, India's first woman IAS, who had to argue with C. Rajagopalachari to ge… - 6 years ago

@ardramaanasam: What a fabulous story about Anna Rajam Malhotra, India's first woman IAS, who had to argue with C. Rajagopalachari… - 6 years ago

@centralbanks_: RIP Anna Rajam Malhotra: The first Woman IAS officer.. - 6 years ago

@aknaushad19: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@b_ee5: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@DAYANANDAS3: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@pri1us: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Nyayakshetra: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Tamanna_4: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Raj38289989: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@sangameshrh: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Namrata_Joshi: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Ravischochtahai: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@TopNotchQuark: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@irfanrstv: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@MyrnaNanda: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@inshallahvolcel: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@ANALAVISHAL: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@govpediaIN: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India's first female IAS officer - Free Press Journal - 6 years ago

@AAPlogical: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Bhoopendraksing: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@arijitataurus: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@SopioSEXUAL: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@dvparhad: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@AtulYadav3731: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@bkag009: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

@PrabhuGuptara: - 6 years ago

@ram_k27: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Sajkd26: RT @DCsofIndia: You shall remain an eternal inspiration for all #IAS officers and many more. We pay you our heartfelt tributes to Independ… - 6 years ago

@TrudySolange: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Dharmmina: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@RimjhimJain12: @OnlineTyari B anna rajam malhotra - 6 years ago

@CuriousCaterpi1: Respect! @vvgupta17 @DeeptiChopra7 @ThePinkSoul83 @womenempowers @CivilserviceInd - 6 years ago

@VasundharaVK: Story Of Independent India’s First Lady IAS Officer- Iron Lady Anna Rajam Malhotra ఆ రోజుల్లోనే అడ్డుగోడలను ఛేదించా… - 6 years ago

@yaminisahu26: RIP Anna Rajam Malhotra💐💐 - 6 years ago

@yaminisahu26: Anna Rajam: Of grit and grace - THE FIRST WOMEN IAS OFFICER!! - 6 years ago

@NaveenR93023975: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Cynicas_Hominis: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@shallu8826: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@SPsofIndia: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@vicky47847550: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Vinaysi66804998: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Mahendr27000508: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@anandamohapatra: The 1st Woman IAS Officer of India Madam Anna Rajam Malhotra, Madras Cadre passed away at age 102. I pray Lord to b… - 6 years ago

@TweetingBT: Independent India's First Woman IAS Officer Anna Malhotra Dead. India's first woman IAS officer post-Independence,… - 6 years ago

@beyondteaching1: Independent India's First Woman IAS Officer Anna Malhotra Dead. India's first woman IAS officer post-Independence,… - 6 years ago

@Stethoskaapi: RT @churumuri: Anna Rajam Malhotra, India’s first woman IAS officer, who served under C. Rajagopalachari who was “in principle against wome… - 6 years ago

@Stethoskaapi: RT @Mareeswj: @Nirbhayan @churumuri @IASassociation Here is the link: (but she married in violation of her appointment orders) - 6 years ago

@SivPradeep: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@pankaj1367: RT @airdarbhanga: Prayers and tributes to Independent India's 1st woman #IAS officer!! As she leaves for heavenly abode, we bid goodbye to… - 6 years ago

@TMPruthviraj: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@guptashubham453: RT @BORN4WIN: India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence, died at 91? - Anna Rajam Malhotra Mt Everest Friendship Exercise is the… - 6 years ago

@BhupendraVS: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Trip3263: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@surendrasinhch6: RT @BORN4WIN: India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence, died at 91? - Anna Rajam Malhotra Mt Everest Friendship Exercise is the… - 6 years ago

@satyamtiwari777: RT @BORN4WIN: India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence, died at 91? - Anna Rajam Malhotra Mt Everest Friendship Exercise is the… - 6 years ago

@M35215013: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@JharkhandPolice: RT @IPS_Association: She defied stereotypes to get into the Steel Frame of Bureaucracy and became Independent India's 1st woman #IAS office… - 6 years ago

@Abhishe97572354: Tributes to Anna Rajam Malhotra India’s first woman IAS officer dead: - 6 years ago

@Stats96073954: RT @BORN4WIN: India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence, died at 91? - Anna Rajam Malhotra Mt Everest Friendship Exercise is the… - 6 years ago

@Harish79092302: RT @BORN4WIN: India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence, died at 91? - Anna Rajam Malhotra Mt Everest Friendship Exercise is the… - 6 years ago

@Sudhans04162594: RT @BORN4WIN: India’s first woman IAS officer after Independence, died at 91? - Anna Rajam Malhotra Mt Everest Friendship Exercise is the… - 6 years ago

@OccuWorld: Independent India’s First Female IAS Officer Anna Rajam Malhotra Passes Away At 91 - 6 years ago

@KUNJANKp: RT @IASassociation: Sad to inform that Mrs Anna George Malhotra, 1951 Tamil Nadu, the first woman in the IAS breathed her last yesterday. W… - 6 years ago

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