Ann Rule

American true crime author known for her friendship with Ted Bundy and subsequent best-selling novel The Stranger Beside Me
Died on Monday July 20th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ann Rule:

@FriendFiler: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83

@oshkoshlibrary: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83

@Life_Fanz: RT @nytimes: The NYT obituary for Ann Rule, author of books on Ted Bundy (a friend) and other killers

@WashHuskiesFan: Ann Rule, doyenne of true-crime writers and profiler of Ted Bundy, dies at 83


@UWHuskiesHub: Ann Rule, doyenne of true-crime writers and profiler of Ted Bundy, dies at 83

@wyqatyvejyp: Ann Rule, the author of such true-crime books as "The Stranger Beside Me" and "Every Breath You Take," has died. She was 83.

@EBooks099: The Stranger Beside MeAnn Rule (Author)(605)Download: $4.87 (Visit…

@ravalicek: RT @TheBookWheel: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83 -

@AriPregen1: New York Times Most Viewed Stories: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83 …

@renecyr74: Top story: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers,…

@thelazyw: “@kblank2: @thelazyw this made me think of you:

@TBellaV1: RT @nytimesarts: Ann Rule, Best-Selling Author of True-Crime Books, Dies at 83

@JayeCBlakemore: RT @TheBookWheel: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83 -

@paul_cude: RT @TheBookWheel: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83 -

@sisukris77: RT @naturallysteph: In her writing, Ann Rule was tremendously respectful to the victims and their families. Not all true crime essays/books…

@SLSheltonAuthor: RT @TheBookWheel: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83 -

@Ann_mk9: RT @LegendTokyo: 『Legend Tokyo Chapter.5』応援ツイート! 〝NATSUKO〟作品を応援する人はこのツイートをRT!

@ExcitedUttRead: Ann Rule, Author of Books on Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers, Dies at 83, via @nytimes

@BooksOnline4: The Stranger Beside MeAnn Rule (Author) 2 days in the top 100(60…

@jenszalai: I hope Ann Rule got paid by the word: 20,000 words a week equals one million words a year

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