Angela Lansbury

British-American actress (The Manchurian Candidate
Died on Tuesday October 11th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Angela Lansbury:

@Ciac82: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@LetsGoToTheMov7: RT @LetsGoToTheMov7: ❤️ I still feel truly honoured to have been able to see Dame Angela Lansbury on stage 🥰 - 2 years ago

@JeannetteZiggy: RT @Dear_Lonely1: Angela Lansbury photographed by Walter Sanders, on set of The Harvey Girls, 1946 - 2 years ago

@Annette01413692: With Dame Angela Lansbury R.I.P. #BeautyAndTheBeast - 2 years ago


@PinkNews: John Waters claims he once saw Angela Lansbury in a 'dungeon-like' sex club: “It may have been the only night she… - 2 years ago

@themoodzter: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@Barbiewithatude: RT @LethalityJane: One of Christopher Plummer's final roles was in Knives Out Angela Lansbury's final movie appearance will be Knives Out… - 2 years ago

@MadlyOdd: Angela Lansbury... what a legend, what a beauty, what a talent. - 2 years ago

@I_Dont_Know_Her: Only just seen this video of Ann Russell announcing that Angela Lansbury has died and it's iconic - 2 years ago

@LickTheSpire: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@smoops: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@ufwcutiekay: @IamBenStirling Robbie Coltrane and Angela Lansbury and many more - 2 years ago

@gentlyepigrams: Unfortunately Dame Angela Lansbury is no longer able to serve. - 2 years ago

@ApeWives: Murder, She Wrote's Angela Lansbury Being Spotted At An S&M Sex Club By John Waters Is The Most '80s Thing Ever… - 2 years ago

@CanadaDaredevil: RT @Dear_Lonely1: Angela Lansbury photographed by Walter Sanders, on set of The Harvey Girls, 1946 - 2 years ago

@Angela_Arden1: RT @akakarenwilson: Rare pic of Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach rehearsing Hello, Dolly! in my head. - 2 years ago

@Colleeena: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Tony Award winners at the 1969 James Earl Jones, (The Great White Hope), Julie Harris (Forty Carats), Dame Angela Lans… - 2 years ago

@HGhiretti: RT @HGhiretti: Me caía simpática Liz. Una mezcla de Angela Lansbury y la Baby Spice. - 2 years ago

@Biofan302: RT @cmpriest: never clicked a link so fast in my life tbh - 2 years ago

@UKBreturn: RT @RexChapman: “Gaslight” was released in 1944. The film is about a man manipulating his wife into believing she is going insane. And i… - 2 years ago

@angebolat: RT @puntualeh: E voi, la ricordate la sigla della Signora in giallo? A me evoca momenti e ricordi dell’infanzia. Alle volte mi capitava di… - 2 years ago

@BitMuchMate: RT @EdithJack001: your name is angela lansbury soon to be angela lansburied you were in a film called blue hawaii why did you have to die o… - 2 years ago

@JerakArenreth: RT @TiberioGraco6: La prensa no te lo está contando, pero desde la muerte de Angela Lansbury se ha producido un repentino y abrupto descens… - 2 years ago

@howto_finance: Angela Lansbury Once Made a Sex Club “a Little More Welcoming” for John Waters - 2 years ago

@alliegreenleaf: RT @LethalityJane: One of Christopher Plummer's final roles was in Knives Out Angela Lansbury's final movie appearance will be Knives Out… - 2 years ago

@MovieTitles: Angela Lansbury (1925–2022) MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS (2011) title sequence - 2 years ago

@area83ontweet: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@STEFPMP: RT @Fred_Colby: Un article qui rend hommage aux actions d'Angela Lansbury dans la lutte contre le sida. - 2 years ago

@mediatize_info: #pendiente El fallecimiento de Jessica Fletcher (Angela Lansbury) provoca... - 2 years ago

@miceears: RT @trace_life: DAY 13: Kind RIP Angela Lansbury 🙏🫖 #inktober #inktober2022 #inktoberday13 #kind #disney #beautyandthebeast #angelalansbur… - 2 years ago

@hardcastIe: RT @LethalityJane: One of Christopher Plummer's final roles was in Knives Out Angela Lansbury's final movie appearance will be Knives Out… - 2 years ago

@Priestley973: RT @trace_life: DAY 13: Kind RIP Angela Lansbury 🙏🫖 #inktober #inktober2022 #inktoberday13 #kind #disney #beautyandthebeast #angelalansbur… - 2 years ago

@GoldenAgeFilm: RT @Sheldon42533937: @GoldenAgeFilm All I can say is Thank you Angela Lansbury for all your , Artistic work in the movie business and in… - 2 years ago

@mediatize_info: El fallecimiento de Jessica Fletcher (Angela Lansbury) provoca un sospechoso descenso... - 2 years ago

@Priestley973: RT @PinkNews: Dame Angela Lansbury was a tireless LGBTQ+ ally and we are still devastated by the news. Here's a list of times Angela proved… - 2 years ago

@Priestley973: If anyone hasn’t seen The Manchurian Candidate with Angela Lansbury, Prime Video has it in their MGM subscription u… - 2 years ago

@MintamenaPie: @FuzzInvasion @hamishsteele Well I wanted to be Jessica Rabbit when I was younger. Also my mom got the name from bo… - 2 years ago

@bearnurse: Been a big year of loss for me. Lost my dog of 13 years in May. I still think about him daily. I hope he’s eating A… - 2 years ago

@eowyn3522: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@nico_viellet: @Nicope13 Un peu déçu que tu n'aies pas vu son hommage à Angela Lansbury "Angela lance du riz" - 2 years ago

@BlogNews_it: - 2 years ago

@clickabator: A Softer, More Musical Sex Club, She Wrote. - 2 years ago

@sarah76607040: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@SweetmotherM: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@KevinJosephCMX: @tartdarling We watched it about three years ago I believe. It is really, really good. And Angela Lansbury pops right off the screen. - 2 years ago

@RVTEntertainmnt: Next, we've got #Bayonetta3 controversy, #RoosterTeeth's toxic work environment, a tribute to the late Angela Lansb… - 2 years ago

@hey_dahlface: Watching Murder, She Wrote and crying about Angela Lansbury because I’m still so sad about her passing 🥲😭 - 2 years ago

@Michael95494331: RT @DADiClementi: Born on this Day, the gift that will give in perpetuity, Angela Lansbury. - 2 years ago

@jessrickson: @crazypsychmajor @elaine_paige Hi this week’s episode is in two parts on BBC Sounds. When you search ‘Elaine Paige… - 2 years ago

@MattJisa: RT @JoshHandleyy: Doesn’t get better than this. 🌹 The Queen of Musical Theatre. God Bless, Angela Lansbury. Oh, how you shined. 💫 X ht… - 2 years ago

@Samareid4_7: RT @Samareid4_7: All three friends r in heaven now .. R.I.P. Jerry Orbach (lumiere)🕯, Angela Lansbury (Mrs Potts) & David Odgen Stiers (Co… - 2 years ago

@CurtSPerkins: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@PinkSheepNews: RT @MattBaume: While we know Angela Lansbury for her dramatic roles, as a kid she planned to get into politics alongside many of her relati… - 2 years ago

@kauserseema: RT @Samareid4_7: All three friends r in heaven now .. R.I.P. Jerry Orbach (lumiere)🕯, Angela Lansbury (Mrs Potts) & David Odgen Stiers (Co… - 2 years ago

@BakerDMM: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@indianloonie: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@RushmoreLists: RT @SlickReynolds: @RushmoreLists Jim Rockford - James Garner Frank Columbo - Peter Falk Theo Kojak - Telly Savalas Jessica Fletcher - Ange… - 2 years ago

@StephSeesKings: @itsabestill @thatl0calguy Dude gonna solve a murder with Angela Lansbury at halftime. - 2 years ago

@DineshSastry: May Angela Lansbury rest in Eternal Peace & May she attain Eternal Life, Salvation & Resurrection! May her family &… - 2 years ago

@SlickReynolds: @RushmoreLists Jim Rockford - James Garner Frank Columbo - Peter Falk Theo Kojak - Telly Savalas Jessica Fletcher - Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@celebinsiderbot: Hot off the Press! Jessica Szohr has sparked HUGE controvesy over the acusation that Angela Lansbury has actual ancient genitalia! - 2 years ago

@HeeeresJerry: RT @LethalityJane: One of Christopher Plummer's final roles was in Knives Out Angela Lansbury's final movie appearance will be Knives Out… - 2 years ago

@screamkwean: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@pashionhodges: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@Boogienby: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@jay_maxu: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@khagar: RT @ejeancarroll: The illustrious Angela Lansbury, 17 years old and receives her first Oscar Nomination for GASLIGHT! Rest in peace, dear… - 2 years ago

@GoToddHart: @RustySh76304783 @macstorm17 @mysocialverse @Proof_Of_Memes @EthburnBSC @prmntfi @Cryptolic4Defi @DeFiConnection I… - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @maxcolodro: Muere la actriz Angela Lansbury a los 96 años, conocida por su papel en ‘Se ha escrito un crimen’ - 2 years ago

@ObnoxandAnony: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@_WildeAtHeart: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@opheIiamillaiss: RT @pelicinema: rest in peace angela lansbury. seen here in george cukor’s 1944 film gaslight (and on the set). it was her first ever film… - 2 years ago

@Writing_Destiny: Leadary #AngelaLansbury’s Greatest Roles: A Streaming Guide - 2 years ago

@Nicoranus83: La cosa che più mi manda ai pazzi su Charles Manson è che, alcune delle ragazzine che facevano parte della family g… - 2 years ago

@KeepitStans: DEATH ON THE NILE (1978) - "The Angela Lansbury Tango" - 2 years ago

@let876: RT @PinkNews: Dame Angela Lansbury was a tireless LGBTQ+ ally and we are still devastated by the news. Here's a list of times Angela proved… - 2 years ago

@hollywooddogmom: RT @ShaniaTwain: And of course, I would be remiss if I didn't pay tribute to the iconic Angela Lansbury, I mean she IS Mrs. Potts and the r… - 2 years ago

@BlackJakLogan: RT @LethalityJane: One of Christopher Plummer's final roles was in Knives Out Angela Lansbury's final movie appearance will be Knives Out… - 2 years ago

@KeepitStans: Blue Hawaii: Angela Lansbury & Elvis Presley - 2 years ago

@iamelegia: RT @PageSix: Director John Waters says he once saw Angela Lansbury at a sex club - 2 years ago

@moving_target_: @TheRealHoarse @ksorbs And Angela Lansbury isn’t here anymore to give you a job in Murder she Wrote to keep up your… - 2 years ago

@explorer466: RT @WBHomeEnt: Angela Lansbury will always be remembered. - 2 years ago


@BoldenSkip: RT @XanaduFitness: Angela Lansbury & Tom Bosley - 20 years before appearing together in "Murder She Wrote" - THE WORLD OF HENRY ORIENT (19… - 2 years ago

@Th1rt3en_iOi: RT @_AngelaLansbury: "I really can't honestly give any tips for success beyond hang onto your dream. Hang onto what you want, what you feel… - 2 years ago

@JudSawyer: RT @best2vilmabanky: I wondered if Angela Lansbury had knocked Curt Bois off the throne for movie-acting longevity, but just checked & his… - 2 years ago

@dvdnetflix: Rentals of The Court Jester in honor of Angela Lansbury: 📈 - 2 years ago

@WebsterJournal: Dame Angela Lansbury passed away one week ago today. To remember her legacy, our staff reflects on her career and i… - 2 years ago

@scienceiscuul: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@kingduncan42: RT @kevinddaly: One of my favorite pictures of the original production of Mame: Angela Lansbury kicking higher than the chorus during the t… - 2 years ago

@glengaston: RT @LATimesTVLloyd: I’m not seeing nearly enough mentions of “High School,” from @teganandsara and @cleaduvall, in my feed, so here’s this… - 2 years ago

@GMichaelBot: RT @causticbob: scientists have been guessing the pronouns of dead celebrities: Elvis Presley: He/him Angela Lansbury: She/her George Mich… - 2 years ago

@RooBeeDoo1: RT @causticbob: scientists have been guessing the pronouns of dead celebrities: Elvis Presley: He/him Angela Lansbury: She/her George Mich… - 2 years ago

@WilsonShilo: Angela Lansbury 1925-2022 - 2 years ago

@sinbarreras: RT @molliekatie: @sharpegirl @andevers Exactly! Angela Lansbury had the recurring role of Cabot Cove librarian Jean O'Neill on "Murder, She… - 2 years ago

@sinbarreras: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@Aquasie_: RT @causticbob: scientists have been guessing the pronouns of dead celebrities: Elvis Presley: He/him Angela Lansbury: She/her George Mich… - 2 years ago

@AnabelaLapa: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Fans pay tribute to Dame Angela Lansbury: "She was the most incredible human being" - 2 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Daniel Craig ‘couldn’t be prouder’ Angela Lansbury stars in Knives Out sequel - 2 years ago

@0lisa_: RT @causticbob: scientists have been guessing the pronouns of dead celebrities: Elvis Presley: He/him Angela Lansbury: She/her George Mich… - 2 years ago

@ParthaGS: RT @CHC_1927: Happy Birthday to Dame Angela Lansbury, who sadly passed away a few days ago. - 2 years ago

@Arabella_88888: RT @CBS: In honor of the legendary Angela Lansbury 🤍 - 2 years ago

@Gallavich_coro: RT @Gallavichmademe: @adrianpaul1 @swordxp Yesterday 11 Oct, Angela Lansbury, actress died: and while I was following one of the seasons of… - 2 years ago

@JacobMartin: RT @kevinddaly: Just before exiting into the wings after playing Lady Bracknell in 2019, Angela Lansbury turned out and raised her cane in… - 2 years ago

@tresmundyas: RT @BwayMeme: 🖤 Hoje as luzes da Broadway foram apagadas em homenagem a atriz Angela Lansbury. - 2 years ago

@GagaliceClara: RT @CitizenScreen: Angela Lansbury limbering up for one of her hit Broadway shows, ‘Mame’ in 1967. - 2 years ago

@tonivall: RT @tonivall: Me'n recordo d'Angela Lansbury, Jessica Fletcher, S'HA ESCRIT UN CRIM, la seva sintonia i grapats de sèries estrangeres de la… - 2 years ago

@AnnL306: RT @_AngelaLansbury: "I would like to be remembered as somebody who transported you into a different venue, gave you relief, gave you enter… - 2 years ago

@AnnL306: RT @CharlesCasillo: Angela Lansbury: The woman left a legacy decades in the making. - 2 years ago

@lionessUkee: RT @_AngelaLansbury: "I would like to be remembered as somebody who transported you into a different venue, gave you relief, gave you enter… - 2 years ago

@joebottomley: RT @_AngelaLansbury: "I would like to be remembered as somebody who transported you into a different venue, gave you relief, gave you enter… - 2 years ago

@Arabella_88888: RT @adrianpaul1: I am late to the news. Angela Lansbury died Oct 11th. I have after 30 years fond memories of working on Murder She Wrote.… - 2 years ago

@adrisrah: RT @THR: Angela Lansbury, the irrepressible three-time Oscar nominee and five-time Tony Award winner who solved 12 seasons’ worth of crimes… - 2 years ago

@Arabella_88888: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Dame Angela Lansbury was one of the last surviving stars of Hollywood's Golden Age but remained as popular & relevant… - 2 years ago

@mandycutie_98: RT @SoAudreyHepburn: Rest in Peace, Dame Angela Lansbury Audrey Hepburn, Mel Ferrer and Angela Lansbury photographed by David Sutton at t… - 2 years ago

@THorslips: From The Sun, 13th Oct 1977. But perhaps there was more to this story? Angela Lansbury where are you? - 2 years ago

@E8OiKfVU6aSXytW: RT @CharlesCasillo: Angela Lansbury: The woman left a legacy decades in the making. - 2 years ago

@mrj_b19: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Dame Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@OLEWTV2: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Angela Lansbury and Frank Capra on set of State of the Union, 1948... - 2 years ago

@Aurahpl: RT @_AngelaLansbury: "I would like to be remembered as somebody who transported you into a different venue, gave you relief, gave you enter… - 2 years ago

@tcollins298: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@Turns1701e: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@ksmittyxoxo: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago


@JiveJohn: RT @SimpsonsQOTD: “Tonight, we’ll see Angela Lansbury walk on hot coals: ‘Excitement, She Wrote!’” - 2 years ago

@superchecc4: RT @trash_italiano: È morta a 96 anni Angela Lansbury 💔 - 2 years ago

@komala_hayes: RT @HAlanScott: You just know Bea Arthur and Angela Lansbury are in heaven gossiping about Betty White right now. #RIP LEGENDS! - 2 years ago

@KoenkerJ: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: RT @ChestertonRadio: Pride and Prejudice - #AngelaLansbury - Jane Austen - NBC University Theater - Radio drama of the classic film https:/… - 2 years ago

@DFMPR: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@9JDJ0ZBWMb5WFL6: RT @astaIavistaa: rest in peace Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@owen_dna: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@SparklyB: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@bvdsteel: RT @robosbornewales: Angela Lansbury’s connection to Wales: Her grandfather George Lansbury was leader of the Labour Party. The Lansbury… - 2 years ago

@Scarlett_G: RT @PaulRudnickNY: RIP Angela Lansbury. This is what stardom means, especially in the theater: she provided the most fabulous, irreplaceabl… - 2 years ago

@pvalerijr: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@thinkinginmochi: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@onmytitswhaaaat: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@stargatesg1girl: RT @Kellie_Martin: What a legend! From Mrs. Pots to Jessica Fletcher, every role she played was a master class. Rest In Peace dear, wonderf… - 2 years ago

@must_defend: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@PereVallK: RT @florueta: “Vengo de España solo para decirle gracias”. Era 2005 y me había gastado mi primer sueldo decente en billetes de avión y entr… - 2 years ago

@RichardJWeaver: RT @MrMichaelSpicer: Angela Lansbury's character of Jessica Fletcher was the only accurate representation I've ever seen of a writer becaus… - 2 years ago

@TIGREDECAPO: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@jjoshuaaaron: RT @sagaftranews: SAG-AFTRA Mourns the Passing of Life Achievement Honoree Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@TCinKC82: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@superwolfhale: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@JeffSimonbflo: RT @abscribe: The Last Word: Angela Lansbury. Produced by @nytimes journalists more than a decade ago with the understanding that it would… - 2 years ago

@RobinCarlton3: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@ShantiPixie: RT @SquidyUK: Some pundit on This Morning saying one of the great things about Angela Lansbury is "we never knew her politics". - 2 years ago

@PapaMojoJoeJoe: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@papurika_dreams: RT @OnstageBlog: There's nothing more equally comforting and heartbreaking than hearing Angela Lansbury sing, "No one's gonna harm you, not… - 2 years ago

@freyjawired: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@Runmorenow: RT @emskware2022: @caslernoel My very 1st Broadway show @ age 14 was Mame at the Winter Garden Theater with Angela Lansbury & Bea Arthur. M… - 2 years ago

@IItsFknRaw: Miss u guys. When I was in NC, all I had was time. I’m a worker bitch, now I’m home & back to the ‘old me’ the hust… - 2 years ago

@AnonyBilly: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@nlawler_nancy: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@SifaSeven: RT @MadameGilflurt: Angela Lansbury. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@melaninn_godess: RT @BeeBabs: 💔rip angela lansbury, queen of television mystery, full of warmth and twinkly intelligence, a true star - 2 years ago

@CelticDragon12: RT @MrMichaelSpicer: Angela Lansbury's character of Jessica Fletcher was the only accurate representation I've ever seen of a writer becaus… - 2 years ago

@Lynn74082836: RT @AdamL_Daily: 💬|@AdamLambert about the passing of Angela Lansbury:"Like loosing a piece of one's childhood :( What a legendary story t… - 2 years ago

@hopelessgaymess: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@wickedfairysad: RT @MichaelLCrick: Remarkably, Angela Lansbury, who has just died, was related to three prominent politicians - the pre-war Labour leader G… - 2 years ago

@aballinga: RT @comma_chameleon: On Wednesday’s @TorontoStar A1: Eglinton businesses and commuters suffer as LRT construction drags on: @dhritimgupta @… - 2 years ago

@JuneBeBuggin: "Oh, I'm thrilled to be a part of reggae." -Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@michaelden: RT @ApsanaBegumMP: Saddened to hear of the passing of actress Angela Lansbury, who was born in Poplar, in 1925. As well as being an actres… - 2 years ago

@ChanelTalented: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Angela Lansbury has died at 96. She was a formidable Hollywood and Broadway actress who won new fans on “Murder… - 2 years ago

@nanabro45: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@parsifel43: RT @SaulStaniforth: Angela Lansbury was a socialist from a long line of socialists. Her grandfather George was leader of the Labour party &… - 2 years ago

@XpompompurinXx: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@SG7_EM: RT @DonBluth: Rest In Peace Angela Lansbury. It is a sad day on earth, but it must be a glorious day in heaven. We will all miss her very m… - 2 years ago

@MDoyler: RT @belfastEmpire: In accordance with her wishes, police are treating Angela Lansbury's death as suspicious. - 2 years ago

@MamaBirda: RT @rebeccamakkai: A thing you should know: In September, 1987, Angela Lansbury headlined a show that packed the Chicago Theater with 2,400… - 2 years ago

@NyMataguilera: RT @Independent: “The children of Dame Angela Lansbury are sad to announce that their mother died peacefully in her sleep at home in Los An… - 2 years ago

@kathmayer: RT @BhopalHouse: I loved Murder, She Wrote in which a middle aged woman without a husband or children lived a really full, exciting life an… - 2 years ago

@laurapoulter91: RT @_AngelaLansbury: West End theatres will dim their lights at 7pm tonight in memory of Dame Angela Lansbury: - 2 years ago

@LeTemps: Angela Lansbury en «Arabesque», la mort joyeuse - 2 years ago

@Odesjewbander: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@helensclegel: RT @SaulStaniforth: Angela Lansbury was a socialist from a long line of socialists. Her grandfather George was leader of the Labour party &… - 2 years ago

@tiffinields: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@susanreisler: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@veadairavani: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@ariilvrr: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: La signora in giallo: 5 curiosità sulla serie cult che ci ha fatto amare Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Chi è Angela Lansbury? La celebre Signora in Giallo - 2 years ago

@ztpierson: RT @RiotGrlErin: angela lansbury as teapots: thread - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Stateve buono: quando Angela Lansbury parlò in napoletano sul palco dei Telegatti - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Addio Angela Lansbury. Dal cabaret nei night club a Jessica Fletcher, se ne va un'icona - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: I look beauty indimenticabili di Angela Lansbury ( La signora in giallo) - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Morte Angela Lansbury, le reazioni nel mondo del cinema - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Angela Lansbury, da Jessica Fletcher a Miss Marple ecco le sue migliori interpretazioni - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: È morta Angela Lansbury. Addio alla “Signora in Giallo”, l'insegnante in pensione dal fiuto infallibile. - 2 years ago

@noaintereses: De Angela Lansbury solo diré: Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee. Quien entendió, entendió - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Angela Lansbury: il rapporto con la Regina Elisabetta, la fuga dalla guerra e il legame con Walt Disney - 2 years ago

@sinanodes: Murders She Wrote, Türkiye'de yayınlanan adıyla Cinayet Dosyası'nın yıldızı Angela Lansbury de bu dünyadan göçüp gi… - 2 years ago

@infoitcultura: Addio a Angela Lansbury. La star di Broadway e leggendaria interprete di La signora in giallo si è spenta a 96 anni - 2 years ago

@Codi_Wilder: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@scott_sweatman: Oh no! I had the sound off! Did you guys say Paul McCartney died? That was his picture wasn't it? Oh Angela Lansbur… - 2 years ago

@leahd246: Already sobbed twice over Angela Lansbury gonna spend my day watching the queen at work all day ❤️ - 2 years ago

@Certified451: #Angela #Lansbury #PortfolioDay #NationalComingOutDay #Tulsi #Dodgers #RaidersRaiders… - 2 years ago

@PatJohn74818838: RT @ddanpereira: The great Angela Lansbury has died at age 96. She won Golden Globes, Tonys and was nominated for Oscars & Emmys. When Murd… - 2 years ago

@DavidHorrocks1: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@Thepret82585883: RT @Dida_ti: #quelDettaglio così importante che a lei non poteva mai sfuggire.. Una simpatica presenza familiare Angela Lansbury RIP🌹 La '… - 2 years ago

@Tfarrell1Tom: Angela Lansbury, Star of Film, Stage and ‘Murder, She Wrote,’ Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@_thisisemma: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@AlexandreCDumas: RT @LCI: 🔴Décès de l'actrice Angela Lansbury, star de la série "Arabesque" - 2 years ago

@timelinenewsng: The Irish-British and American actress was best known for her portrayal of Jessica Fletcher in the American drama s… - 2 years ago

@Fiona_C1: RT @caslernoel: And she was a living legend but that's who she was backstage, even to the crew, the greatest talents always shine their lig… - 2 years ago

@volkskrant: RT @MoormanMark: Angela Lansbury (1925-2022) ging van typische bijrolacteur naar grote Broadway-ster - 2 years ago

@Roquelaure32810: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@WarrenGMidori: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@Oshicmj: RT @anotherthird_: RIP Angela Lansbury เจ้าของเสียง OG Mrs.Potts บทเพลงในตำนานตลอดกาล Beauty and the Beast ที่จากไปในวัย 96 ปี ผลงานของคุณจ… - 2 years ago

@PeeBeeJayBee: RT @ApsanaBegumMP: Saddened to hear of the passing of actress Angela Lansbury, who was born in Poplar, in 1925. As well as being an actres… - 2 years ago

@OicOzzie: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@misterbarcollo: RT @effetronky: Angela Lansbury e la Regina Elisabetta dopo una vita sotto i riflettori se ne sono andate in punta di piedi ora il Novec… - 2 years ago

@DarbonRosemarie: RT @kerryfowler_: Rest in peace, Angela Lansbury. “I've had an incredible relationship with my husband, with my family. I know they've had… - 2 years ago

@JohnABusinger: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@BenMank77: RT @wildlifechamp: Oh, Angela, you were the most beloved, always. On stage with your brilliance, and off stage to all us younger actresses… - 2 years ago

@BigpapiHT: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@joml76: RT @PatCorc2019: @RexChapman Some of the older actors who had small parts on “Murder She Wrote” needed a speaking role to qualify for insur… - 2 years ago

@kataurama: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@Moryken224: RT @SeriesUpdateFR: Une pensée pour Angela Lansbury qui nous a quittés à l'âge de 96 ans.🕊️🌹 - 2 years ago

@IrmaSP_3: RT @tv3cat: Adéu a una actriu inoblidable 😢 El nom d'Angela Lansbury quedarà sempre lligat a moltes tardes felices que començaven amb aque… - 2 years ago

@Atalracseatarip: RT @nathanrabin: It's so weird that people are saying that the late Angela Lansbury made an unforgettable debut in Gaslight when no movie o… - 2 years ago

@LucillaGiannot1: RT @tcm: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Dame Angela Lansbury. With a formidable career spanning eight decades on stage and… - 2 years ago

@epeterd916: RT @ForbiddenWillis: RIP Jerry Orbach, David Ogden Stiers, and Angela Lansbury. They might all be gone now, but their legacy is forever. E… - 2 years ago

@NotAcquiescing: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@cali_librarian: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@TheeErin: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@tiodeltambor: Ha fallecido Angela Lansbury a los 96 años #DEP - 2 years ago

@ManchurianDevil: RT @DannyDeraney: Angela Lansbury made her film debut in the classic George Cukor film, Gaslight (1944). This is her very first scene. S… - 2 years ago

@KAFygi: Ach nee - 2 years ago

@Charlyvip3: RT @DisneyReact: Ha fallecido a los 96 años la gran actriz y cantante Angela Lansbury Gracias por interpretar a la inolvidable Eglantine e… - 2 years ago

@TheBennjack: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@rufuspolk: RT @EGonzaba: During the worst years of the AIDS crisis, Angela Lansbury was a staple at AIDS benefits, helping raise millions of dollars t… - 2 years ago

@theLyvr_: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@NJSforUS: RT @DanRather: Brilliance, She Wrote. A lifetime of memorable performances. We've lost a shining light of stage and screen. RIP Angela Lans… - 2 years ago

@We_Are_Legends1: RT @We_Are_Legends1: Ricapitoliamo questo 2022 - è morto Piero Angela - un mese dopo è morta la Regina Elisabetta - e in mese dopo ancora,… - 2 years ago

@a_maggied: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@ilimakitty: RT @RasberryRazz: Never forget that Angela Lansbury moved her teenager children from California to Ireland to save her daughter from Charle… - 2 years ago

@ay_fsr: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : L'actrice Angela #Lansbury, connue notamment pour son rôle dans la série Arabesque, est morte à l'âge de 96 an… - 2 years ago

@TeamAONN: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@Knighthawkken: RT @Classicbritcom: Dame Angela Lansbury DBE (16 October 1925 – 11 October 2022) R.I.P - 2 years ago

@LizaAndTheCats: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@whynotsara: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@gbrevoort: RT @Inform_n_Secure: Just saw this sad news. Such an amazing women. One of my favorites. We are currently on season 4 of MSW and we're just… - 2 years ago

@bobcollum: If your going to watch a film in tribute to Angela Lansbury be careful when you type. Beds, Knobs and Broomsticks i… - 2 years ago

@Nymerian12: RT @Slade: If anyone deserves a two-week international mourning period, it's this Irish-English-American queen who won five Tonys and was n… - 2 years ago

@_Xas_: Angela Lansbury #RIP - 2 years ago

@iNYC: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@Mattsmith535: RT @nathanrabin: It's so weird that people are saying that the late Angela Lansbury made an unforgettable debut in Gaslight when no movie o… - 2 years ago

@mbbelluco: RT @tizianacampodon: Angela #Lansbury, da bimba 16 ottobre 1925, Londra, Regno Unito 11 ottobre 2022, Los Angeles, California, - 2 years ago

@Nastasi06196763: RT @VanityFair: "During rehearsals for 'Sweeney Todd' her passion for detail, and her generosity as both performer and friend, made working… - 2 years ago

@fragiletulip: RT @trash_italiano: È morta a 96 anni Angela Lansbury 💔 - 2 years ago

@theedonbaddie: RT @iramadisonthree: Imagine how many coming out stories Angela Lansbury had to endure at random, rest easy queen - 2 years ago

@empoor: RT @THTorguk: Dame Angela Lansbury was a prominent advocate of HIV activism in the 1980s and 90s – even fronting a TV information campaign.… - 2 years ago

@singkoolaritae: RT @ezmanify: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury. I sadly now realize that all three original voices of the “Beauty & the Beast” servants are… - 2 years ago

@Deepans16414325: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@dobrusek: RT @JulietAntonio9: Angela Lansbury recorded the title song from Beauty and the Beast in one take and made the entire orchestra weep. If th… - 2 years ago

@PAGilchrist: RT @DADiClementi: A baby Angela Lansbury held by actress-Mother Moyna MacGill with Isolde, her older sister. - 2 years ago

@bellatmg: RT @jeperego: È morta Angela Lansbury, la „signora in giallo“. Aveva 96 anni. L’annuncio dato dai figli. - 2 years ago

@EmilyN7914: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@Kive771: @RCArmitage @YouTube Sad News, Rich. Well said!! RIP Angela Lansbury! 😢🙏❤🇮🇹 - 2 years ago

@Azulifae: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@PAGilchrist: RT @CriterionDaily: Angela Lansbury (THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, and of course, MURDER, SHE… - 2 years ago

@CatherineNacol: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@rafes_lesley: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@jumboglo: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@ashatheeadisa: here I am, a lover of musical theatre, wondering why ppl are talking about Angela Lansbury so much today and…💔 - 2 years ago

@FleaBecky: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@MonteyMeisner: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@adeleadoll: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@RealJDittmer: Treguna mekoides trecorum satis dee - 2 years ago

@DerellaDeVil: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@smchatter1: RT @DannyDeraney: Angela Lansbury made her film debut in the classic George Cukor film, Gaslight (1944). This is her very first scene. S… - 2 years ago

@PG1958: RT @abscribe: The Last Word: Angela Lansbury. Produced by @nytimes journalists more than a decade ago with the understanding that it would… - 2 years ago

@larris16: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@Zachpaul96: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@Megul15: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@keskes0612: RT @morandiniblog: Portrait de la star du petit écran, Angela Lansbury, éternelle Jessica Fletcher dans la série Arabesque, décédée hier so… - 2 years ago

@jaiblackvirgo: RT @HAlanScott: You just know Bea Arthur and Angela Lansbury are in heaven gossiping about Betty White right now. #RIP LEGENDS! - 2 years ago

@r5horanx: @Alwxysyou369 Sorry let me rephrase that, the voice of Mrs Potts has died. (Angela Lansbury) - 2 years ago

@abitchforvodka: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@YllonaJanine: RT @jbartonmezzo: I'm sad to hear of the passing of Angela Lansbury. She was a legend in every way, and was incredibly kind to me when I ha… - 2 years ago

@FUNNAGAN: RT @RexChapman: “Gaslight” was released in 1944. The film is about a man manipulating his wife into believing she is going insane. And i… - 2 years ago

@dtbbythesea: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@McKKenny3: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@luvangelaxoxo: RIP Angela Lansbury 💔 - 2 years ago

@CrissieWilliams: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@rlgordon18_ruth: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@JoMajority: RT @rebeccamakkai: A thing you should know: In September, 1987, Angela Lansbury headlined a show that packed the Chicago Theater with 2,400… - 2 years ago

@Eidolon180: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@Rdafforn: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@JusPlainTalk101: RT @caslernoel: I worked on TONY Awards most years for two decades. I'd seen Angela Lansbury backstage since my first Kennedy Centers Honor… - 2 years ago

@nory6119: RT @loderaulo: Qepd Angela Lansbury. La esposa de Sansón, la enamorada de Ivanhoe,La bruja de Disney, la voz de la Bella y la Bestia, la in… - 2 years ago

@jdaborn89: RT @DisneyMusic: We are saddened by the passing of Disney Legend Angela Lansbury. Her performances in Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Beauty & th… - 2 years ago

@SaultgirlDonna: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Reunited at last. Dame Angela Lansbury with her beloved husband Peter Shaw (1918-2003) – their 53 years marriage is… - 2 years ago

@nerdObaggins: RT @SoleTwinAudios: Still sad to learn Angela Lansbury, one of my favorite actresses and a talent of the Golden Age of Hollywood is now gon… - 2 years ago

@zozobeanz13: RT @shriiiitt: Angela Lansbury was one of our greatest interpreters of all time. here’s her performing A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd, a… - 2 years ago

@cartes_et: Hollywood & TV Actress Angela Lansbury Autographed Signed Photo 8x10 B&W - 2 years ago

@bassethoundfinn: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@50trends_uk: [ TTs UK🇬🇧 03:59 ] * "Angela Lansbury" has been the No. 1 trending topic for the last 7 hours 🔝🏆 - 2 years ago

@andrew3250: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@ver_nanaaa: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@dongjeon100: RT @CFAddicted: R.I.P. ANGELA LANSBURY 💙 #ColinFirth #AngelaLansbury - 2 years ago

@Bartzebest: RT @JacksonEflin: In honor of Angela Lansbury’s passing we should all take a moment to remember Bedknobs and Broomsticks, or, “What if Mary… - 2 years ago

@MichaelMcK1951: RT @DanRather: Brilliance, She Wrote. A lifetime of memorable performances. We've lost a shining light of stage and screen. RIP Angela Lans… - 2 years ago

@Whattagellah: RT @Ginko_21: Angela Lansbury oggi si porta via un pezzetto dell'infanzia di tanti di noi, quel ricordo che profuma di pranzo a casa della… - 2 years ago

@JayC411: RT @tierneysimon: To get a sense of the epic longevity of Angela Lansbury's career, consider this: In the 1961 movie Blue Hawaii, she pla… - 2 years ago

@SterolineLight: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Thank you for your tributes, for sharing your memories of Dame Angela Lansbury and for your kind notes. Thank you to… - 2 years ago

@EmmaEvans95: RIP Angela Lansbury! - 2 years ago

@Jordanjarred: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@Peter_Bogert: Dame Angela Lansbury obituary - 2 years ago

@MOVEprofPHD: RT @violadavis: Thought you would live forever. What an absolutely beautiful legacy you've left. You have influenced generations of actors… - 2 years ago

@DJ22416182: RT @nathanrabin: It's so weird that people are saying that the late Angela Lansbury made an unforgettable debut in Gaslight when no movie o… - 2 years ago

@peterjameswills: RT @markhumphries: Speaking personally, I'd be quite happy for ABC News to give us two weeks of round-the-clock coverage of the life of Ang… - 2 years ago

@Gerrish1617: RT @JoshHandleyy: Doesn’t get better than this. 🌹 The Queen of Musical Theatre. God Bless, Angela Lansbury. Oh, how you shined. 💫 X ht… - 2 years ago

@CraftyShellie: Who else plans on watching an Angela Lansbury show/movie this weekend? - 2 years ago

@GovSherazKhan: RT @MSNBC: Angela Lansbury, "Murder, She Wrote" and "Beauty and the Beast" star, dies at 96. - 2 years ago

@ShakeyJimbles: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@SendoArki: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@ApplesMorris: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Dame Angela Lansbury was one of the greatest performers of all time. An Oscar, 6 Tony Awards, and countless other acco… - 2 years ago

@IvoneBunga: RT @DisneyAnimation: We join the world in mourning Disney Legend Angela Lansbury, who brought such incredible warmth and personality to Mrs… - 2 years ago

@AlexaAston: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@InternetSlug: RT @thegameawards: Acclaimed actress Angela Lansbury, the voice of Mrs. Potts in Kingdom Hearts II, has sadly passed away at age 96. https:… - 2 years ago

@HiscocksAlan55: RT @DEADLINE: Angela Lansbury, one of the most beloved and acclaimed actors of stage, film and television, died at her Los Angeles home tod… - 2 years ago

@alicepatches: RT @DanRather: Brilliance, She Wrote. A lifetime of memorable performances. We've lost a shining light of stage and screen. RIP Angela Lans… - 2 years ago

@kleegrubaugh: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@NancyCousintine: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@Seraph86: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@LadyCaz3: RT @DannyDeraney: Angela Lansbury made her film debut in the classic George Cukor film, Gaslight (1944). This is her very first scene. S… - 2 years ago

@dhjshi_shi: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@Heathergohawks: RT @rebeccamakkai: A thing you should know: In September, 1987, Angela Lansbury headlined a show that packed the Chicago Theater with 2,400… - 2 years ago

@peacelovingrn: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Reunited at last. Dame Angela Lansbury with her beloved husband Peter Shaw (1918-2003) – their 53 years marriage is… - 2 years ago

@EmpressOni: RT @RexChapman: “Gaslight” was released in 1944. The film is about a man manipulating his wife into believing she is going insane. And i… - 2 years ago

@Lolalollypop_4: RT @abcnews: A PM's cousin and the vocals in Beauty and the Beast: Lesser-known facts about Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@EliaWinters: RT @JacksonEflin: In honor of Angela Lansbury’s passing we should all take a moment to remember Bedknobs and Broomsticks, or, “What if Mary… - 2 years ago

@countessgucci: RT @mrcarl_woodward: Dame Angela Lansbury: “Theatre is the life and thank God I’m still in it!" — always ❤️ - 2 years ago

@disaster_films_: RT @Criterion: Goodnight to the great Angela Lansbury. A few years back, we were honored to interview her for our release of THE MANCHURIAN… - 2 years ago

@herselftheelf13: RT @BhopalHouse: I loved Murder, She Wrote in which a middle aged woman without a husband or children lived a really full, exciting life an… - 2 years ago

@ACahMak: RT @nytimes: The New York Times sat down with Angela Lansbury in 2010 to discuss her life and accomplishments on the stage and screen. She… - 2 years ago

@bombshell1331: RT @FANGORIA: RIP to the iconic Angela Lansbury, who starred in SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET (1982), THE COMPANY OF WOLVE… - 2 years ago

@_AngelaLansbury: RT @DailyColumbo: Farewell to the incomparable legend & icon, Dame Angela Lansbury - 5 days shy of her 97th birthday With a career that s… - 2 years ago

@Jamenun1: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@SalVadacchino1: RT @GeorgeTakei: Angela Lansbury, who graced the stage for decades winning five Tony awards and brought the sleuthing Jessica Fletcher into… - 2 years ago

@Lamo_Inc: RT @KChenoweth: Nobody did Mame quite like her. Rest in peace, Angela Lansbury. Thank you for your art & wisdom 💔 - 2 years ago

@kixieforest: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@MaLumiere: RT @DeePhunk: Angela Lansbury heard "Murder She Wrote" (the song) for the first time in her life in 2019. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@BrianGrNotABot: RT @GaryTomson5: - 2 years ago

@jgengledow: RT @RexChapman: RIP Dame Angela Lansbury. Thread… - 2 years ago

@Odomdd: RT @verymimi: bea arthur & angela lansbury performing “bosom buddies” from MAME at the 1987 tonys 🕊️🤍 - 2 years ago

@granielana08: RT @Horacitu: Murió la maravillosa actriz Angela Lansbury. Realizó papeles icónicos en cine, teatro y televisión. Una leyenda absoluta. - 2 years ago

@cocojoohyun: RT @Natsky1988: RIP to the absolute legend and superstar, Dame Angela Lansbury. So many of my favourite movies as a child starred this amaz… - 2 years ago

@vertetquatre: RT @kirockyou: 『ガス燈』『ドリアン・グレイの肖像』『ブルー・ハワイ』『影なき狙撃者』『ナイル殺人事件』『クリスタル殺人事件』『狼の血族』『ジェシカおばさんの事件簿』『美女と野獣』『メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ』等に出演したアンジェラ・ランズベリーが96歳で死去。… - 2 years ago

@CABird6: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@9sKeto0JqwCXRQ4: RT @TheOldHollywood: RIP the iconic Angela Lansbury, 1925-2022 - 2 years ago

@lil_mac_mama: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@ckirbyart: RT @FB_BMB: RIP Angela Lansbury, 96. Credits include Murder She Wrote, The Company of Wolves, Mary Poppins Returns, Bedknobs and Broomstick… - 2 years ago

@joshdrogers: RT @JackieHoffman16: #RIP dear Angela Lansbury. Musical theater is now dead - 2 years ago

@MacMorganne: So sorry to hear that this wonderfully talented actor has died. Four generations in my family adored watching her.… - 2 years ago

@Dougystyle4: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@CosmiqueAliene: RT @RiseFallNickBck: "To think, children know me for my voice and not my looks. I'll be in the supermarket sometimes, and a child will say… - 2 years ago

@chxrlotte_eve: RT @enews: Forever a Hollywood icon. Rest in peace, Angela Lansbury. 💔 Look back on her life & legacy: - 2 years ago

@Definit02209600: RT @GeorgeTakei: Angela Lansbury, who graced the stage for decades winning five Tony awards and brought the sleuthing Jessica Fletcher into… - 2 years ago

@Shenango_Linda: RT @GeorgeTakei: Angela Lansbury, who graced the stage for decades winning five Tony awards and brought the sleuthing Jessica Fletcher into… - 2 years ago

@VictoriaBSeitz: RT @DisneyAnimation: We join the world in mourning Disney Legend Angela Lansbury, who brought such incredible warmth and personality to Mrs… - 2 years ago

@DavidMParson: RT @rebeccamakkai: A thing you should know: In September, 1987, Angela Lansbury headlined a show that packed the Chicago Theater with 2,400… - 2 years ago

@Kay_Padfoot: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@DeborahMKelly1: RT @BenjBrantley: The first time I saw her, in 1973, she was sailing down the aisle of the Winter Garden Theater, puncturing the air with t… - 2 years ago

@Catia1nOnly: RT @RexChapman: “Gaslight” was released in 1944. The film is about a man manipulating his wife into believing she is going insane. And i… - 2 years ago

@Millie57555230: RT @IGN: Dame Angela Lansbury, a beloved actress known for her roles in Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast, has died at the age of 9… - 2 years ago

@NJDG: RT @LynseyJWrites: Angela Lansbury, setting unrealistic expectations about publishing since 1984 💔 - 2 years ago

@SMTDDR: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@Ana4Latinas: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@Mariana24362403: @people RIP Angela Lansbury 🙏 😢 💔 - 2 years ago

@AhLiaisons: Angela Lansbury was a Broadway goddess - 2 years ago

@MikeRodriquez: RT @Moloknee: Angela Lansbury told a story about her daughter falling under the spell of a Hollywood deadbeat. He would pick the girl up fr… - 2 years ago

@OzzylovesOz: RT @thelegacyofOz: “Bringing humor and bringing happiness and joy to an audience is a wonderful opportunity in life, believe me.” - Angela… - 2 years ago

@PeterIntheswim: RT @belfastEmpire: In accordance with her wishes, police are treating Angela Lansbury's death as suspicious. - 2 years ago

@rifan155: RT @DisneyD23: We are sorry to report that Disney Legend Angela Lansbury has passed away: - 2 years ago

@130_chiyo: RT @musicallaneous: rest in peace, the absolute legend and superstar, dame angela lansbury. you were the hero of so many of my childhood me… - 2 years ago

@victoreyesg1204: Una vez tuve la oportunidad de ver una obra de teatro protagonizada por Angela Lansbury en Londres. No fui. Sere wn. - 2 years ago

@JoReeding: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@thephilsykes: RT @nytimes: The New York Times sat down with Angela Lansbury in 2010 to discuss her life and accomplishments on the stage and screen. She… - 2 years ago

@JervisCapital: RT @RexChapman: “Gaslight” was released in 1944. The film is about a man manipulating his wife into believing she is going insane. And i… - 2 years ago

@JamieCristo4306: RT @RiseFallNickBck: "To think, children know me for my voice and not my looks. I'll be in the supermarket sometimes, and a child will say… - 2 years ago

@joseman52: RT @EduardoGJR: Una triste noticia. Tras una larga vida lleno de éxito, ha fallecido #AngelaLansbury. Siempre en mi recuerdo su papel en #L… - 2 years ago

@Laueliperavi: RT @AlexDominguezB: Angela Lansbury, Broadway luminary and ‘Murder, She Wrote’ star, dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@Drakester49: RT @KChenoweth: Nobody did Mame quite like her. Rest in peace, Angela Lansbury. Thank you for your art & wisdom 💔 - 2 years ago

@macbeestje: Angela Lansbury Dead: ‘Murder, She Wrote’ Star Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@theinsidexpress: Angela Lansbury dead: Murder, She Wrote star dies aged 96 #Entertainment #TV #aged #Angela #dead #dies #Lansbury… - 2 years ago

@Elguru1978: RT @AFPespanol: #ÚLTIMAHORA Murió a los 96 años la actriz británica Angela Lansbury, inofrmó la familia de quien durante 12 años protagoniz… - 2 years ago

@DarthVonOhlen: RT @BhopalHouse: I loved Murder, She Wrote in which a middle aged woman without a husband or children lived a really full, exciting life an… - 2 years ago

@charlesemmerson: When I was a child Angela Lansbury on TV made America seem both full of crime, full of sharp witted women solving i… - 2 years ago

@esafetyteacher: Top story: Angela Lansbury, Star of Film, Stage And ‘Murder, She Wrote,’ Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@Mickeyy03_: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@heydelle: RT @Reuters: 'Murder, She Wrote' actress Angela Lansbury dead at age 96 - 2 years ago

@Pattytasm: RT @nytimes: An all-purpose performer with a golden voice and extraordinary versatility, Angela Lansbury, who died Tuesday, could be affect… - 2 years ago

@RamblingGuy89: RT @RiseFallNickBck: "To think, children know me for my voice and not my looks. I'll be in the supermarket sometimes, and a child will say… - 2 years ago

@leandguido: RT @SoyGermancito: Mí anécdota favorita es la de los productores de la bella y la bestia fumando un porro y diciendo Pongamos una tetera qu… - 2 years ago

@televisualities: RT @Natt: I would so join The Queue for Angela Lansbury. - 2 years ago

@andreaspinopico: The Last Word: Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@LikeThePhoenix3: RT @DanRather: Brilliance, She Wrote. A lifetime of memorable performances. We've lost a shining light of stage and screen. RIP Angela Lans… - 2 years ago

@reola_jorge: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@NBCConnecticut: COZI TV to Air ‘Murder, She Wrote' Marathon in Tribute to Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@Lamo_Inc: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@rhonda_jenkin: RT @ZacBissonnette: Angela Lansbury explaining how she worked with the writers to make Jessica Fletcher more real. - 2 years ago

@chasingcars0406: RT @TheDweck: At least Angela Lansbury got her dying wish: a Blink-182 reunion - 2 years ago

@pearce_ems: RT @nytimes: The New York Times sat down with Angela Lansbury in 2010 to discuss her life and accomplishments on the stage and screen. She… - 2 years ago

@futbal4ever: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@midget_lincoln: RT @DannyDeraney: This is magical. 🪄 Angela Lansbury and Jerry Orbach recording Beauty and the Beast. 🎥 - 2 years ago

@lisaguarino: Angela Lansbury, 'Murder She Wrote' star, dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@faithtrustndust: RT @shriiiitt: Angela Lansbury was one of our greatest interpreters of all time. here’s her performing A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd, a… - 2 years ago

@say_number33: RT @ArchivoRTVE: Ha fallecido Ángela Lansbury. Gran actriz, eterna como Jessica Fletcher de ‘Se ha escrito un crimen’, parte de ‘la tele de… - 2 years ago

@xDivineChaos: RT @Miraselena01: Remembering Angela Lansbury (1925-2022) She played one of the most beloved witches ever to appear on the silver screen:… - 2 years ago

@1mojitomojo: RT @IJasonAlexander: The great Angela Lansbury - one of the most versatile, talented, graceful, kind, witty, wise, classy ladies I’ve ever… - 2 years ago

@sanitydoctor: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@IsThatBigD: RT @Variety: In a 2019 overview of Lansbury’s career, Variety’s Tim Gray noted that “Murder, She Wrote” "relied on Lansbury’s intelligence,… - 2 years ago

@turntimus_prime: RT @musicallaneous: rest in peace, the absolute legend and superstar, dame angela lansbury. you were the hero of so many of my childhood me… - 2 years ago

@romi_andrio: RT @aedan83: Soltanto chi non ha visto questa meraviglia di film può pensare ad Angela Lansbury e dire che era "solo" La signora in giallo.… - 2 years ago

@renzloh: RT @MichaelWarbur17: ANGELA LANSBURY - who’s sadly passed away aged 96 - talks about the importance of imagination in acting and how she dr… - 2 years ago

@MRicacosta: RT @cosmica_nina: Angela Lansbury nos deja a 5 días de cumplir 97 años muchos recuerdos. Más conocida como Jessica Fletcher, llevaba 7 d… - 2 years ago

@DanWithAnMBA: The citizens of Cabot Cove are in mourning tonight. Angela Lansbury was responsible for bringing two of my favori… - 2 years ago

@M5B1tch: RT @Variety: Nominated for three Oscars, she won seven Tony awards and holds the record for Emmy actress nods with 12 for her role as Jessi… - 2 years ago

@iamhodgy: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@deElstyr: RT @FoxAmandil: In einer anderen Zeit, lange bevor es hunderte Programme und Streaming gab, war "Mord ist ihr Hobby" immer etwas, worauf ma… - 2 years ago

@taurus_035: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@DennisBouchar10: RT @GeorgeTakei: Angela Lansbury, who graced the stage for decades winning five Tony awards and brought the sleuthing Jessica Fletcher into… - 2 years ago

@CharlieInUtah: R.I.P. Angela Lansbury you were beautiful and amazing and will be forever missed. Angela Lansbury - We Need A Lit… - 2 years ago

@theheatherhogan: RT @verymimi: bea arthur & angela lansbury performing “bosom buddies” from MAME at the 1987 tonys 🕊️🤍 - 2 years ago

@JeffAbbott: Substitutiary Locomotion RIP, Angela Lansbury thank you for every one of your wonderful roles - 2 years ago

@BMattAU: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@fudgeorange: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@Kariisaacs: RT @BhopalHouse: I loved Murder, She Wrote in which a middle aged woman without a husband or children lived a really full, exciting life an… - 2 years ago

@JaeMar68: RT @sharpegirl: My favorite fact about Angela Lansbury is that during her MURDER SHE WROTE era she made it a practice to hire guest actors… - 2 years ago

@CBlodg: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@Maijop: RT @FoxNews: Angela Lansbury mourned by Hollywood: 'She touched 4 generations' - 2 years ago

@jeamland: RT @belfastEmpire: In accordance with her wishes, police are treating Angela Lansbury's death as suspicious. - 2 years ago

@teddykwab: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@adigoesswimming: RT @suzyglitter1: RIP Dame Angela Lansbury x One of the brightest lights on Broadway has gone out tonight 😢 - 2 years ago

@LuwaXiolin: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@caintaughtme_: RT @WDWNT: Dame Angela Lansbury, Voice of Mrs. Potts, Passes Away at 96 - 2 years ago

@Girlonthetown: RT @thetheatrecafe: BREAKING NEWS: Star of Stage & Screen, the legendary icon, Dame Angela Lansbury has passed away aged 96 💔 Our thoughts… - 2 years ago

@AntonioSNoticia: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Actress Angela Lansbury, star of 'Murder She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast,' has passed away at 96. - 2 years ago

@DavidWo52870835: Angela Lansbury, Screen and Broadway Icon, Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@AuntChaotic: RT @Miraselena01: Remembering Angela Lansbury (1925-2022) She played one of the most beloved witches ever to appear on the silver screen:… - 2 years ago

@SarahCassi: RT @meakoopa: RIP to Angela Lansbury, whose career had so many astonishing stages there's no way to sum her. A firecracker glamour girl, a… - 2 years ago

@ir75ale31: RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking: Angela Lansbury has died at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@siriusMOonlte: RT @mxhoneytrap: Angela Lansbury singing ‘Send in the Clowns’ at Sondheim’s Kennedy Center Honors in 1993 is all you need to see right now… - 2 years ago

@rnaudmeunier: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@Hermioni77: RT @panos101: RIP Angela Lansbury...legend! - 2 years ago

@noritaro8: Angela Lansbury, Broadway luminary and 'Murder, She Wrote' star, dies at 96 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@JessesViews: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@porpster: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@JP79743734: RT @CNNFrancePR: Angela Lansbury, beloved star of 'Murder, She Wrote,' dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@AccesoTotalNY: Muere la actriz Angela Lansbury, protagonista de la serie “Murder, She Wrote” - 2 years ago

@DontDoThatHeau: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on tel… - 2 years ago

@GubyWonka: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@Shu_perior: RT @AimarBretos: El homenaje de Hora25 a Angela Lansbury ♥️ - 2 years ago

@angelmetropoli: 🚨 #AngelaLansbury l La actriz británica Angela Lansbury, protagonista de la emblemática serie «Murder, She Wrote» y… - 2 years ago

@Angrypologo: RT @Sowick1329: Ha fallecido, a los 96 años, la actriz Angela Lansbury ❤️ Siempre la recordaré, con muchísimo cariño, por sus papeles en L… - 2 years ago

@DeinertAndre: RT @TheView: BREAKING: Actress Angela Lansbury, star of 'Murder She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast,' has passed away at 96. - 2 years ago

@nettlez8: RT @IGN: Dame Angela Lansbury, a beloved actress known for her roles in Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast, has died at the age of 9… - 2 years ago

@BumbleBeaxox: RIP Angela Lansbury ❤️ - 2 years ago

@ricardoautobahn: RT @paulduanefilm: My timeline is 33% Angela Lansbury, 33% womens football & 34% @robpalkwriter getting piled on by FBPE. Time to close thi… - 2 years ago

@Shiggy_Niggy: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@Super_Nerdtendo: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@Talkative_Red: @DorklordCanada One of my favourite songs from Sweeney. Helena Bonham Carter does an excellent job in the role, but… - 2 years ago

@akhlaq_ji: RT @CNN: Angela Lansbury, who enjoyed an eclectic, award-winning movie and stage career in addition to becoming America’s favorite TV sleut… - 2 years ago

@CraigWildeFans: RT @craigwilde: The wonderful Angela Lansbury has passed, 96 years young. What a gift she was to us all . #RIPAngelaLansbury - 2 years ago

@SenzwaMpinga: RT @nytimes: The New York Times sat down with Angela Lansbury in 2010 to discuss her life and accomplishments on the stage and screen. She… - 2 years ago

@mpnoel: RT @chrissywilliams: My favourite photograph of Angela Lansbury. Here she was in Gaslight in 1944, looking down at herself 70 years later a… - 2 years ago

@thcridade: RT @RobertIger: Disney’s beloved Mrs. Potts, Angela Lansbury…a consummate professional, a talented actress, and a lovely person. Rest In Pe… - 2 years ago

@acase13324: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@LordOnisyr: I've found a whole new love for it as an adult and it's a comfort show to me. RIP Angela Lansbury, she was such a g… - 2 years ago

@HannahMcBlain: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@EssToTheHizzay: RT @verymimi: bea arthur & angela lansbury performing “bosom buddies” from MAME at the 1987 tonys 🕊️🤍 - 2 years ago

@ValAaron59: RT @InfosFrancaises: DÉCÈS : L'actrice Angela #Lansbury, connue notamment pour son rôle dans la série Arabesque, est morte à l'âge de 96 an… - 2 years ago

@addedvalueth: She was a Machiavellian mother in “The Manchurian Candidate” in 1962, an outlandish aunt in Broadway’s “Mame” a few… - 2 years ago

@blue_bec: RT @mariekehardy: In honour of the passing of Angela Lansbury I'd like to revisit one of the greatest pieces of comic writing the internet… - 2 years ago

@mmonsieurbi: RT @paul_denton: Angela Lansbury méritait un Oscar pour la scène du tango dans "Mort sur le Nil" de John Guillermin en 1978. Elle jouait si… - 2 years ago

@CraigWildeFans: RT @craigwilde: Truly magical, the wonderful Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022. #RIPAngelaLansbury - 2 years ago

@molliekatie: RT @VinegarMike: Ian thinking that Angela Lansbury was also a mystery writer and our "who's on first" style conversation we just had regard… - 2 years ago

@hulkrules4life: RT @GeorgeTakei: Angela Lansbury, who graced the stage for decades winning five Tony awards and brought the sleuthing Jessica Fletcher into… - 2 years ago

@LSievl97: RT @RottenTomatoes: Dame Angela Lansbury, star of stage, film, TV, and best known for her role in the series ‘Murder, She Wrote’ has sadly… - 2 years ago

@lady_aven: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@kagan_ellen: Angela Lansbury Dies: Beloved Actress Of Film, Stage & Television Was 96 - 2 years ago

@pezdispensing: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@GardenerOfTroy: Have Liverpool tweeted YNWA for Angela Lansbury yet? - 2 years ago

@egeogh: RT @DougPlaut: If Angela Lansbury had only made movies, great career. If she’d only been in the theatre, great career. If she’d only been a… - 2 years ago

@Chivi_Pacin: RT @altapeli: Adiós, reportera del crimen. A los 97 años ha fallecido la gran Angela Lansbury. RIP. - 2 years ago

@Twinttering: RT @Albert_Edero: Angela Lansbury fue “La Bruja Novata”, también la detective Jessica Fletcher, que siempre acertaba en “Se ha escrito un c… - 2 years ago

@LauraGenerali: RT @Cinguetterai: Si è spenta Angela Lansbury, addio a #LaSignoraInGiallo. Per tantissimi anni è stata la compagnia di milioni di italiani,… - 2 years ago

@crossingcolors: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@Jod1e1992: - 2 years ago

@ClorddeWinter: RT @desesseintesfr: Adieu Angela Lansbury, fantastique dans Mort sur le Nil en 1978, et dans l’inoubliable Arabesque. - 2 years ago

@KateElysia: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@BarbaraGeisman: RT @BeschlossDC: Angela Lansbury (1925-2022): - 2 years ago

@summers_sonny: RT @cjubarrington: Angela Lansbury, 1969 - photo portrait by Kenn Duncan - 2 years ago

@UKToyCollector: Very sad to hear that #AngelaLansbury has passed away aged 96. #RIPAngelaLansbury #RIPDameAngelaLansbury My favou… - 2 years ago

@Persephone_Colo: RT @RCArmitage: RIP Angela Lansbury. An icon who felt like a family member. Sweeney Todd - The Worst Pies in London - 2 years ago

@nancy_linehan: @MSNBC We were so fortunate to have had Angela Lansbury in our lives. She was a treasure and will continue to be tr… - 2 years ago

@drowzeeking: RT @AniMat505: Angela Lansbury is one of those icons that you'd never expect to leave us. She literally had decades of experience and count… - 2 years ago

@JugaManquer: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@ArielaSzpanin: RT @cinergiaonline: A los 96 años, ha fallecido Ángela Lansbury. QEPD. - 2 years ago

@anmolgulati25: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@MsterGuinCineTv: RT @MsterGuinCineTv: Se nos fue la gran Angela Lansbury. Parte de la infancia de muchos, adictos que éramos a Se ha escrito un crimen...DEP - 2 years ago

@HobbitLaura: RT @Rob_Madge_02: I always think of this performance by Angela Lansbury. Sublime in its simplicity. She provided the soundtrack to so many… - 2 years ago

@DrJLecter: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@lastrealheels: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@ZoieFanAnna2: RT @LightHouseD7: RIP Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@platinumblonde: RT @musicallaneous: rest in peace, the absolute legend and superstar, dame angela lansbury. you were the hero of so many of my childhood me… - 2 years ago

@DomDoodle: RT @NASA: Tale as old as time True as it can be In memory of Angela Lansbury, we offer this cosmic rose plucked by our Spitzer Space Teles… - 2 years ago

@Theboring11: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@sau_antonella: RT @Ginevrastenica: Sei stata la mia sveglia ogni Agosto, e la mia compagna di tutti i pranzi, grazie Signora Fletcher, grazie Angela Lansb… - 2 years ago

@PBSWI: RT @NewsHour: Angela Lansbury, the big-eyed, scene-stealing British actress who kicked up her heels in the Broadway musical "Mame" and solv… - 2 years ago

@carlhannah: RT @chadamerica: Actress Angela Lansbury, best known for portraying the character Granny in the 1984 film The Company of Wolves, has passed… - 2 years ago

@lacey_korb: "I think of myself as a journeyman actress. I will attempt almost anything that I think that I can bring off. It co… - 2 years ago

@m_mora_gama: RT @Roybattyforever: Ha fallecido Angela Lansbury a los 96 años. DEP Jessica Fletcher, que resuelva muchos misterios allá donde esté. htt… - 2 years ago

@s_zan_: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@kinleygjones: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@priscillagilman: From Gaslight to The Manchurian Candidate, Death on the Nile to Sweeney Todd, Bedknobs & Broomsticks to Beauty & Th… - 2 years ago

@marousj: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@TwihardMuser: RT @FANGORIA: RIP to the iconic Angela Lansbury, who starred in SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET (1982), THE COMPANY OF WOLVE… - 2 years ago

@life_49ers: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@DavePOfficial: RT @THR: Angela Lansbury, Entrancing Star of Stage and Screen, Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@JassaSkott: RT @cinema_gay: Rest in peace, Angela Lansbury. Truly one of the greatest, most versatile actresses to have ever lived. She made us laugh,… - 2 years ago

@TheresaLubowitz: RT @RexChapman: Rest In Peace, Angela Lansbury - 2 years ago

@Dominic__Noble: RT @CallunaReviews: RIP Angela Lansbury. Absolutely loved her in everything she was in, but Jessica Fletcher always has a special place in… - 2 years ago

@LuisRomanOrtega: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere a los 96 años la actriz Angela Lansbury, conocida por su papel en 'Se ha escrito un crimen' y 'La bruja… - 2 years ago

@TylerIAm: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@Grondavia: RT @el_pais: En 2016, así sonaba Angela Lansbury al cantar, 25 años después, uno de los grandes éxitos de su carrera: 'Bella y Bestia son'… - 2 years ago

@C_Bright1988: RT @CNN: Angela Lansbury, America's favorite TV sleuth in the long-running series "Murder, She Wrote," has died at age 96 - 2 years ago

@divine_count: RT @prezza89: Sad news received from my twitter mate @NeilClark66 . The wonderful Dame Angela Lansbury. From Gaslight to The Lady Vanishes… - 2 years ago

@Rodayo: RT @TheOldHollywood: RIP the iconic Angela Lansbury, 1925-2022 - 2 years ago

@CynnderellaD: RIP Beautiful Lady. Will be missed. - 2 years ago

@cwolmak: RT @StellaBeat: “The Manchurian Candidate” (1962) starring Angela Lansbury and Laurence Harvey. 💯 - 2 years ago

@jmguzmanalcaraz: RT @diostuitero: Acaba de subir al cielo. No tiene claro que lo de Adán y Caín fuera como lo cuenta la Biblia. DEP Angela Lansbury. https:/… - 2 years ago

@Jay_3085: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@FiebreLectora: RT @levmauc: Ha fallecido la actriz Angela Lansbury a los 96 años. Entre su enorme filmografía está la icónica serie de SE HA ESCRITO UN CR… - 2 years ago

@honeypaperbacks: RT @Philip_Ellis: Imagine single-handedly fending off a Nazi invasion using witchcraft and that not even being your most iconic or best rem… - 2 years ago

@sumatimeshai: RT @EGonzaba: During the worst years of the AIDS crisis, Angela Lansbury was a staple at AIDS benefits, helping raise millions of dollars t… - 2 years ago

@marcoranieri72: RT @RaiNews: Addio ad Angela Lansbury, l'attrice che interpretava Jessica Fletcher ne "La signora in giallo". Aveva 96 anni #AngelaLansbury… - 2 years ago

@thepr1me1nat0r: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@KaiJ89: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Angela Lansbury has died at 96. She was a formidable Hollywood and Broadway actress who won new fans on “Murder… - 2 years ago

@Jecka1021: RT @kevinddaly: Angela Lansbury and Bea Arthur revisiting "Bosom Buddies" from Mame on the 1987 Tonys = instant serotonin - 2 years ago

@Bascule_Rascule: RT @Animated_Antic: I'm heartbroken to hear that Angela Lansbury passed away today at the age of 96. One of the greatest actresses to ever… - 2 years ago

@jcasanovas73: RT @retrochenta: Noticia muy triste: nos ha dejado a los 96 años Angela Lansbury, la inolvidable Jessica Fletcher, la Bruja novata, la Sra.… - 2 years ago

@cazyv: RT @SkyNews: Angela Lansbury: Murder, She Wrote actress dies aged 96 - 2 years ago

@gelesmas: RT @retrochenta: Noticia muy triste: nos ha dejado a los 96 años Angela Lansbury, la inolvidable Jessica Fletcher, la Bruja novata, la Sra.… - 2 years ago

@bookyblonde: So many Angela Lansbury performances to choose heart hurts - 2 years ago

@cherechucky: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere a los 96 años la actriz Angela Lansbury, conocida por su papel en 'Se ha escrito un crimen' y 'La bruja… - 2 years ago

@fokkerdude: RT @DrewStruzan: Sad to hear that the great Angela Lansbury has left us. It was an honor to illustrate her on the “The Pirates of Penzance”… - 2 years ago

@DonnaNQuixote: RT @Rob_Madge_02: I always think of this performance by Angela Lansbury. Sublime in its simplicity. She provided the soundtrack to so many… - 2 years ago

@clalvial: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@aIicunty: RT @writtenbyirene: Angela Lansbury in Samson and Delilah (1949) - 2 years ago

@brwniirh: RT @IGN: Dame Angela Lansbury, a beloved actress known for her roles in Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast, has died at the age of 9… - 2 years ago

@jenn_ruth: RT @EGonzaba: During the worst years of the AIDS crisis, Angela Lansbury was a staple at AIDS benefits, helping raise millions of dollars t… - 2 years ago

@ahmcguffin: RT @mmpadellan: BREAKING: Dame Angela Lansbury, legendary "Murder, She Wrote" actress, just passed away at age 96. RIP, Legend. - 2 years ago

@CESheehy_author: RT @TheStuCummins: Rest in Peace to either US TV’s greatest amateur sleuth…or it’s most prolific serial killer! Angela Lansbury, you will… - 2 years ago

@adrianoneil: Aww. That’s Angela Lansbury gone. 😔 - 2 years ago

@ClaytonSalem: RT @latimes: Angela Lansbury, a Tony Award-winning actress who conquered Broadway in the glamorous roles movie studios never gave her and c… - 2 years ago

@s_rewritten: RT @playbill: We are saddened to report that Angela Lansbury, beloved actress of the stage and screen, has died. - 2 years ago

@Galileo908: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@Miss_Firlefanz: RT @MichaelWarbur17: ANGELA LANSBURY - who’s sadly passed away aged 96 - talks about the importance of imagination in acting and how she dr… - 2 years ago

@tkhereandthere: RT @AP: Angela Lansbury, the scene-stealing British actress who kicked up her heels in the Broadway musicals “Mame” and “Gypsy” and starred… - 2 years ago

@SebastienneL: RT @_AngelaLansbury: Dame Angela Lansbury on roles that don't exist: "I want to play real women. I don’t want to play stereotypes. I want… - 2 years ago

@TheBookRest: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@RexChapman: RT @kennethcolereal: "Bringing humor and bringing happiness and joy to an audience is a wonderful opportunity in life, believe me." - Angel… - 2 years ago

@garrypickles: #OnThisDay October 11th 2022 Angela Lansbury star of Murder she wrote has died aged 96. - 2 years ago

@Marplesmarbles: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@davejone: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@RaquelSPhotogra: RT @diostuitero: Acaba de subir al cielo. No tiene claro que lo de Adán y Caín fuera como lo cuenta la Biblia. DEP Angela Lansbury. https:/… - 2 years ago

@LikkitP: RT @HayesBrown: Never forget that Angela Lansbury wasn’t sure she was the right person to sing the title song in “Beauty and the Beast” — a… - 2 years ago

@KinnearMarilyn: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: BREAKING: Beloved actress Angela Lansbury has died 5 days before her 97th birthday. RIP. - 2 years ago

@Marceloleiva: RT @Cinemelodic: Angela Lansbury ha fallecido a los 96 años. Un auténtico mito a la que tenía un cariño especial. Estaba a punto de cumplir… - 2 years ago

@DugEnotsofresh: RT @MDesbarres: Angela Lansbury was one of the greatest actresses of her or any other generation, a multiplicity of generations. What I mea… - 2 years ago

@LainCarolyne: Angela Lansbury, Screen and Broadway Icon, Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @rowj: We also held regular viewings of the '83 Pirates of Penzance with Kevin Kline, Linda Ronstadt, and, of course, Angela Lansbury as… - 2 years ago

@infamousgrouser: RT @Variety: Actress Angela Lansbury, whose 75-year career encompassed triumphs on the big screen, in musical theater and on television, di… - 2 years ago

@BestPaulSays: Angela Lansbury Dead: Beloved Actress Of Film, Stage & Television Was 96 – Deadline - 2 years ago

@lev_vst: RT @jessetyler: I'll never forget sitting next to Angela Lansbury at an opening night. Even though I had to pee I refused to leave my seat… - 2 years ago

@the_milk_maiden: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@skully___gully: RT @verymimi: bea arthur & angela lansbury performing “bosom buddies” from MAME at the 1987 tonys 🕊️🤍 - 2 years ago

@bisbee_r: RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking: Angela Lansbury has died at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@MementoMoree: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@glaratorres: RT @IGN: Dame Angela Lansbury, a beloved actress known for her roles in Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast, has died at the age of 9… - 2 years ago

@thexaxix: In 2014 I had the pleasure of attending the ANGELA LANSBURY FILM FESTIVAL and honestly, what a fucking honour ❤️ - 2 years ago

@Teelkay00: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@bands_justin: RT @ladbible: 🔔 | Angela Lansbury has died aged 96 - 2 years ago

@PDM76PDM: RT @broadwaycom: Award-winning stage and screen actress Dame Angela Lansbury has died at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@chris606: Angela Lansbury! - 2 years ago

@dannykay10: RT @Classicbritcom: Dame Angela Lansbury DBE (16 October 1925 – 11 October 2022) R.I.P - 2 years ago

@david_beaulieu: RT @TND: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury, well-known for her roles in film, television and on stage, has died at the age of 96, according… - 2 years ago

@FuegoFeerico: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@AlexandriaMorey: Angela Lansbury, Broadway luminary and ‘Murder, She Wrote’ star, dies at 96 #RIP 😢 - 2 years ago

@mcghee_doug: RT @jsolomonReports: Actress Angela Lansbury dead at 96 | Just The News - 2 years ago

@judolad1: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@bunnymeowmeow: RT @BreakingNews: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@enzandz: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@camisopaipilla: RT @IndieWire: Angela Lansbury, Star of Stage and Screen, Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@atomiccherrie: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Angela Lansbury has died at 96. She was a formidable Hollywood and Broadway actress who won new fans on “Murder… - 2 years ago

@PoindexterTana: RT @Variety: Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' Star, Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@BebopExperience: RT @Ceilidhann: Where do you even begin with Angela Lansbury? Five Tony Awards, an Olivier, three Emmys, an Oscar nom, a Damehood. She w… - 2 years ago

@myhoope: RT @amusedmuse: Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' star, dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@NatHog97: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@loll1no: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@Rosanna52702609: RT @ilmessaggeroit: Morta Angela Lansbury, la "Signora in giallo" aveva 96 anni - 2 years ago

@Anna_Soldier: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@Aggboy55: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@unabalenottera: ma come è morta angela lansbury quella donna mi ha cresciuta guardavo la signora in giallo tutti i giorni a casa di… - 2 years ago

@FranklinLamber9: RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking: Angela Lansbury has died at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@osanemeterio: RT @BreakingNews: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@AlessSandra79: RT @LeGlobe_info: ⚫️🇬🇧DISPARITION - La comédienne britannique Angela Lansbury, célèbre pour son rôle dans le feuilleton Arabesque, est décé… - 2 years ago

@xpangler: RT @Variety: Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' Star, Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@rachelvallm: RT @Slade: If anyone deserves a two-week international mourning period, it's this Irish-English-American queen who won five Tonys and was n… - 2 years ago

@filmsactress: RT @Slade: If anyone deserves a two-week international mourning period, it's this Irish-English-American queen who won five Tonys and was n… - 2 years ago

@__KuroiNamidaa: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@osukaa88: Angela Lansbury, Star of Film and Stage and TV’s Favorite Sleuth, Dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@jaythesailor: RT @MaggieService: Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' star, dies at 96 💔 - 2 years ago


@M_Occomore: RT @DailyMailCeleb: Angela Lansbury dies aged 96 - 2 years ago

@bigballabrand24: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@RedgmanNyc: RT @TMZ: Angela Lansbury Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@MereMacDonald: RT @TMZ: Angela Lansbury Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@mikerhoneTM: RT @kevinddaly: Farewell to the divine Angela Lansbury, an icon, a legend, a superstar, and one of the greatest actors of our time. - 2 years ago

@Mickayell_Lol: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@theyenvykayyyyy: RT @etnow: Movie star and television icon Angela Lansbury has passed away at 96. - 2 years ago

@FanOfPaulW: RT @SerieouslyFR: Angela Lansbury, l'iconique Jessica Fletcher d'Arabesque, est décédée 🖤 - 2 years ago

@TheRogerCohen: RT @Slade: It should be noted that Angela Lansbury’s career is so impressive and long that she already had two Oscar nominations to her nam… - 2 years ago

@postponecharl: RT @akakarenwilson: Angela Lansbury 1925 - 2022 💔 “Thank you, moon lady.” - 2 years ago

@youngjonath_n: RT @DeePhunk: RIP Angela Lansbury. 🌹 - 2 years ago

@raven0108: RT @IndiaWilloughby: Bedknobs and Broomsticks - one of Disney’s best. RIP Angela Lansbury ❤️🛌🧹 - 2 years ago

@BombasticRelish: RT @Slade: If anyone deserves a two-week international mourning period, it's this Irish-English-American queen who won five Tonys and was n… - 2 years ago

@Dom348: RT @IGN: Dame Angela Lansbury, a beloved actress known for her roles in Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast, has died at the age of 9… - 2 years ago

@kevmg: RIP Jessica! - Murder She Wrote star Angela Lansbury dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@RockYourSinNews: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@MrStephenHenry: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@sligo_ireland: @SkyNews We all knew her as Jessica Fletcher. Brilliant actress. We'll all miss you, Angela. Angela Lansbury 1925… - 2 years ago

@jonisanblas: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere a los 96 años la actriz Angela Lansbury, conocida por su papel en 'Se ha escrito un crimen' y 'La bruja… - 2 years ago

@writtenbyirene: Angela Lansbury in Samson and Delilah (1949) - 2 years ago

@denverjordaan: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Angela Lansbury has died at 96. She was a formidable Hollywood and Broadway actress who won new fans on “Murder… - 2 years ago

@charloween: RT @DEADLINE: Angela Lansbury, one of the most beloved and acclaimed actors of stage, film and television, died at her Los Angeles home tod… - 2 years ago

@sanewman1: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Angela Lansbury, screen and Broadway icon, has died at 96 - 2 years ago

@NachooIAm: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@Montae69477868: RT @IGN: Dame Angela Lansbury, a beloved actress known for her roles in Murder She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast, has died at the age of 9… - 2 years ago

@JayDeeWriting: RT @fuggirls: PS: We actually wrote a retrospective of Angela Lansbury on her 95th birthday, and it is FULL of photos of her looking like a… - 2 years ago

@bethellxn: RT @JesseRodriguez: Sad news. Actress Angela Lansbury has died, according to a family statement. She was 96 years old, just five days shy o… - 2 years ago

@Nahibzelev: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@emowag420: rest in peace angela lansbury thank you for fighting nazis with magic and knights in shining armour treguna mek… - 2 years ago

@KIRO7Seattle: Actor Angela Lansbury, who starred as Jessica Fletcher in the crime drama “Murder, She Wrote” and voiced Mrs. Potts… - 2 years ago

@MyWickedTribe: RT @DEADLINE: Angela Lansbury, one of the most beloved and acclaimed actors of stage, film and television, died at her Los Angeles home tod… - 2 years ago

@chaosonyourmind: RT @BreakingNews: Angela Lansbury, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ star, has died at age 96. - 2 years ago

@WSPA7: Angela Lansbury’s family says she died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@_MattCarey: RT @TMZ: Angela Lansbury Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@soundsofcinema2: RT @IndieWire: Angela Lansbury, Star of Stage and Screen, Dead at 96 - 2 years ago

@boxerbuddy4: RT @jsolomonReports: Actress Angela Lansbury dead at 96 | Just The News - 2 years ago

@gggreatescape: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@tamlizann: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Angela Lansbury has died at 96. She was a formidable Hollywood and Broadway actress who won new fans on “Murder… - 2 years ago

@AlexAndlau: RT @verymimi: bea arthur & angela lansbury performing “bosom buddies” from MAME at the 1987 tonys 🕊️🤍 - 2 years ago

@blandCinema: RIP Angela Lansbury 👑 - 2 years ago

@Author_Stalker: RT @fuggirls: PS: We actually wrote a retrospective of Angela Lansbury on her 95th birthday, and it is FULL of photos of her looking like a… - 2 years ago

@sotsuy78: RT @LeGlobe_info: ⚫️🇬🇧DISPARITION - La comédienne britannique Angela Lansbury, célèbre pour son rôle dans le feuilleton Arabesque, est décé… - 2 years ago

@dubois_gil: Angela Lansbury has died age 96. 😢😢 - 2 years ago

@garrett_emery: RT @EricVespe: Angela Lansbury was a force of nature, playing everything from wicked manipulator in The Manchurian Candidate to the lovable… - 2 years ago

@MrsNattyHunter: RT @catherine_lucey: Angela Lansbury, 'Murder, She Wrote' and 'Beauty and the Beast' star, dies at 96 - 2 years ago

@locuspolitikus: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere a los 96 años la actriz Angela Lansbury, conocida por su papel en 'Se ha escrito un crimen' y 'La bruja… - 2 years ago

@UnusualBigMax: RT @LeGlobe_info: ⚫️🇬🇧DISPARITION - La comédienne britannique Angela Lansbury, célèbre pour son rôle dans le feuilleton Arabesque, est décé… - 2 years ago

@lamainarda: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@gitteImosca: RT @t_ruggeri: Angela Lansbury’s passing doesn’t feel real in the same way Sondheim’s didn’t. And just like him, she’ll be with us forever. - 2 years ago

@sajarrr: RT @DiscussingFilm: Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@sunset_loom: RT @imbobswaget: angela lansbury should have ben kissinger! - 2 years ago

@bassman_giova: RT @trash_italiano: È morta a 96 anni Angela Lansbury 💔 - 2 years ago

@CarlosDPicos: RT @Filmaffinity: Fallece la actriz Angela Lansbury, la icónica Jessica Fletcher de "Se ha escrito un crimen", a los 96 años. Deja un lega… - 2 years ago

@gretasopal: RT @Ceilidhann: Where do you even begin with Angela Lansbury? Five Tony Awards, an Olivier, three Emmys, an Oscar nom, a Damehood. She w… - 2 years ago

@treadway_amber: RT @verymimi: bea arthur & angela lansbury performing “bosom buddies” from MAME at the 1987 tonys 🕊️🤍 - 2 years ago

@SoyLuMendozaA: RT @ajplus: BREAKING: Angela Lansbury, star of "Murder, She Wrote" and winner of 5 Tony awards, has died. She was 96. - 2 years ago

@martijn: Angela Lansbury, gifjesheldin. - 2 years ago

@jones_est: Another Legendary Actress Gone?! Well As You All Know. Dame Angela Lansbury Has Passed Away Today At The Age Of 96,… - 2 years ago

@NESlumberParty: I am not ok. - 2 years ago

@BenBarryNews: RT @GlitterBeamUK: Dame Angela Lansbury has died, aged 96 - 2 years ago

@flawlessmorpher: RT @FilmUpdates: Legendary actress Angela Lansbury has sadly passed away at the age of 96. - 2 years ago

@iancapstick: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Angela Lansbury has died at 96. She was a formidable Hollywood and Broadway actress who won new fans on “Murder… - 2 years ago

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