Andrew Telegdi

Hungarian-Born Canadian politician
Died on Monday January 23rd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Andrew Telegdi:

@_bbroadcasting: #Magic106.1 Memorial Service this afternoon, for Late KW MP Andrew Telegdi. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@Googlep69801724: RT @JustinTrudeau: The Hon. Andrew Telegdi worked hard for Canada & Waterloo in his long career as an MP. My sincere condolences to his fam… - 8 years ago

@cambridgefedlib: RT @_BryanMay: Yesterday I paid my final respects to Hon Andrew Telegdi. A great MP, I'll forever remember him as a friend & mentor https:/… - 8 years ago

@_BryanMay: Yesterday I paid my final respects to Hon Andrew Telegdi. A great MP, I'll forever remember him as a friend & mentor - 8 years ago


@ContinuingMyEd: RT @JohnChen: My sincere condolences to the family of MP Andrew Telegdi on his passing - 8 years ago

@_bbroadcasting: #Magic106.1 Memorial Service this afternoon, for Late KW MP Andrew Telegdi. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@BrettGibson12: RT @DaveJaworsky: This could be Andrew Telegdi’s first election poster from his @UWaterloo @UWFeds days. #BigHair Great memories - 8 years ago

@CJOYMagicNews: Memorial Service for Late K-W MP Andrew Telegdi being held this Afternoon. #LocalNews #KW #MAGIC106 #1460CJOY - 8 years ago

@RenataRusiniak: RT @DaveJaworsky: .@JohnChen Some of the @BlackBerry handhelds of Andrew Telegdi. One of the best BlackBerry Ambassadors in the earliest da… - 8 years ago

@UWFedsPres: RT @DaveJaworsky: This could be Andrew Telegdi’s first election poster from his @UWaterloo @UWFeds days. #BigHair Great memories - 8 years ago

@mstankowitsch: RT @DaveJaworsky: .@JohnChen Some of the @BlackBerry handhelds of Andrew Telegdi. One of the best BlackBerry Ambassadors in the earliest da… - 8 years ago

@DaveJaworsky: This could be Andrew Telegdi’s first election poster from his @UWaterloo @UWFeds days. #BigHair Great memories - 8 years ago

@DaveJaworsky: .@JohnChen Some of the @BlackBerry handhelds of Andrew Telegdi. One of the best BlackBerry Ambassadors in the earli… - 8 years ago

@ykfnow: RT @570NEWS: Memorial service for long time MP Andrew Telegdi will be held today - 8 years ago

@jmaandfriends: RT @570NEWS: Memorial service for long time MP Andrew Telegdi will be held today - 8 years ago

@570NEWS: Memorial service for long time MP Andrew Telegdi will be held today - 8 years ago

@ykfnow: RT @570NEWS: Memorial service for long time MP Andrew Telegdi will be held Saturday - 8 years ago

@georgedietrich: RT @CTVKitchener: At his visitation, Andrew Telegdi was remembered as someone 'who really wanted to help.’ @RosieDelCampo has more: https:/… - 8 years ago

@LaRaisonVaincra: RT @CTVKitchener: At his visitation, Andrew Telegdi was remembered as someone 'who really wanted to help.’ @RosieDelCampo has more: https:/… - 8 years ago

@gastropod225061: RT @CTVKitchener: At his visitation, Andrew Telegdi was remembered as someone 'who really wanted to help.’ @RosieDelCampo has more: https:/… - 8 years ago

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