Andrew Jennings

British investigative journalist.
Died on Monday January 10th 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Andrew Jennings:

@bernie8859: @michaelcoren There was a book by Andrew Jennings “Lords of the Rings” about corruption in the #IOC & #IAAF publish… - 3 years ago

@Izin_A: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: #AndrewJennings "a skilled investigative journalist who never shied away from speaking truth to power. . . widely cr… - 3 years ago

@andybell2000: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: "Never forget, when everyone was willing England over the line to host the 2018 World Cup, #AndrewJennings was a lone vo… - 3 years ago

@ambrofuzbal: Poznal sem spoštovanega kolego, neumornega borca za pravice nogometa: Andrew Jennings (1943 - 2022) #slavamu… - 3 years ago


@nhbnews: I am trying to elevate the level of discussion about combat sports, so please subscribe today to support independen… - 3 years ago

@catfromcornwall: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lifeti… - 3 years ago

@catfromcornwall: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: #AndrewJennings "a skilled investigative journalist who never shied away from speaking truth to power. . . widely cr… - 3 years ago

@catfromcornwall: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: "#AndrewJennings pushed harder than any other journalist and the fact that he was despised by those in power was read by… - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: "Never forget, when everyone was willing England over the line to host the 2018 World Cup, #AndrewJennings was a lo… - 3 years ago

@runthinkwrite: Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), the incomparable - 3 years ago

@knox_o: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lifeti… - 3 years ago

@SportIntegrity: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lifeti… - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: #AndrewJennings "A fearless journalist who may have saved boxing" /10 - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: #AndrewJennings "a skilled investigative journalist who never shied away from speaking truth to power. . . wide… - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: "#AndrewJennings pushed harder than any other journalist and the fact that he was despised by those in power was re… - 3 years ago

@jamesgraham2: RT @AAndrewJennings: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8, 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lif… - 3 years ago

@RoqueRivasZ: Solo Periodismo... Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que desnudó la corrupción en la FIFA y el Comité Olímpico I… - 3 years ago

@KodFlakera: RT @Rok_Viskovic: Andrew Jennings, ki je umrl pred dnevi, je bil pionir raziskovalnega novinarstva v športu, ki je razkrinkal nekaj največj… - 3 years ago

@Markohrastar: RT @Rok_Viskovic: Andrew Jennings, ki je umrl pred dnevi, je bil pionir raziskovalnega novinarstva v športu, ki je razkrinkal nekaj največj… - 3 years ago

@Rok_Viskovic: Andrew Jennings, ki je umrl pred dnevi, je bil pionir raziskovalnega novinarstva v športu, ki je razkrinkal nekaj n… - 3 years ago

@RJPeltzSteele: Remembering Andrew Jennings at The Savory Tort, - 3 years ago

@Hosman27591045: If you are into football or you are an aspiring journalist, please read the former Motsweding fm presenter Oshebeng… - 3 years ago

@OlafFoss: RT @peoplesdispatch: Andrew Jennings, the British investigative journalist who exposed corruption in FIFA and the International Olympic Com… - 3 years ago

@fotballteve: I den siste episoden av Tinget med @frodelia og @aselliaas, stusser de mildt sagt over at det ikke er en eneste red… - 3 years ago

@peoplesdispatch: Andrew Jennings, the British investigative journalist who exposed corruption in FIFA and the International Olympic… - 3 years ago

@counterOlympics: RT @theBreakerNews: #PODCAST 📣 Remembering the late Andrew Jennings, who exposed #Olympics and #FIFA #corruption and changed sports journal… - 3 years ago

@City_Press: #FootballFever | Andrew Jennings | Farewell to the man who brought down Blatter - 3 years ago

@tomtolkien: Inspirational books for KS2 literacy and English teachers including titles by Alex Quigley, Alison Wilcox, Andrew J… - 3 years ago

@RoqueRivasZ: Solo Periodismo... Una leyenda del periodismo. ‘¿Alguna vez recibió un soborno?’: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodi… - 3 years ago

@alvarolevin: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@newsclickin: Andrew Jennings Tribute | The Man Who Brought to the Forefront Corruption In Global Sport - 3 years ago

@victormerten: RT @NZZaS: Als Enthüllungsjournalist interessierte er sich für mächtige Sportverbände und wurde so zu Joseph Blatters Intimfeind. Ein Nachr… - 3 years ago

@gustavoM_ate: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@jncatron: Andrew Jennings redefined sports journalism and exposed corruption in the Olympics and football - 3 years ago

@NZZaS: Als Enthüllungsjournalist interessierte er sich für mächtige Sportverbände und wurde so zu Joseph Blatters Intimfei… - 3 years ago

@Ljreporter: RT @theBreakerNews: #PODCAST 📣 Remembering the late Andrew Jennings, who exposed #Olympics and #FIFA #corruption and changed sports journal… - 3 years ago

@JensSejerA: RT @theBreakerNews: #PODCAST 📣 Remembering the late Andrew Jennings, who exposed #Olympics and #FIFA #corruption and changed sports journal… - 3 years ago

@AndreiKampff: Nesta semana escrevi na coluna sobre o craque Andrew Jennings. Revelações feitas pelo jornalista de escândalos no C… - 3 years ago

@Andrew_Fenichel: Jauan Jennings finished with 29 yards. Unbelievable. - 3 years ago

@andrew_burriss: RT @lambo_raby10: Jauan Jennings just laid out Trevon Diggs. Good to know he still hates the whole state of Alabama. - 3 years ago

@Andrew_White5: RT @JordanDajani: Jauan Jennings on Trevon Diggs 😨 - 3 years ago

@RoqueRivasZ: Solo Periodismo: Una leyenda del periodismo. ‘¿Alguna vez recibió un soborno?’: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodist… - 3 years ago

@crudup_andrew: I am so proud of Juaun Jennings - 3 years ago

@rparrottino: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@giacoia_marcelo: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@U7L89: From Australia, Andy Murray's agent on Novak Djokovic's damaging visa case & why Murray won't take Saudi cash; Man… - 3 years ago

@ChristineJameis: RT @pressgazette: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - 3 years ago

@musicmerc: @ChurchCarlton The textbook industry is such a goddamn scam. We need an Andrew Jennings-type to blow the lid off th… - 3 years ago

@tiempoarg: OPINIÓN El señor de las investigaciones. Si hubiera que ponerle un nombre a la revolución en el debate deportivo,… - 3 years ago

@mdhalfon: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@leovasco666: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@traposydiario: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@CityHallWchVAN: RT @theBreakerNews: #PODCAST 📣 Remembering the late Andrew Jennings, who exposed #Olympics and #FIFA #corruption and changed sports journal… - 3 years ago

@theBreakerNews: #PODCAST 📣 Remembering the late Andrew Jennings, who exposed #Olympics and #FIFA #corruption and changed sports jou… - 3 years ago

@larrymyboy: RT @neiljohnsonza: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA: - 3 years ago

@gabrielamartf: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@DiganmeRingo: RT @alejwall: El hombre que había investigado a la mafia y la policía un día empezó con el deporte. Primero el COI, luego la FIFA. "La mafi… - 3 years ago

@dashen87: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@boasruh: Er deckte klandestine Machenschaften im IOK und bei der Fifa auf - 3 years ago

@DanieMothowagae: RT @City_Press: RT @gabriel_seeber: He was always rumpled in scruffy dress, but he was good. No. Brilliant. His investigative skills were u… - 3 years ago

@Griffin_Author: @worldsoccertalk @sunilgulati Out of respect for Andrew Jennings’ courage and persistence, let’s expose those who h… - 3 years ago

@City_Press: RT @gabriel_seeber: He was always rumpled in scruffy dress, but he was good. No. Brilliant. His investigative skill… - 3 years ago

@gabriel_seeber: He was always rumpled in scruffy dress, but he was good. No. Brilliant. His investigative skills were unmatched. No… - 3 years ago

@PivetaJunior: RT @alvarodias_: O Globo traz matéria sobre o mais famoso jornalista investigativo da Europa. Ele foi quem mais valorizou nosso trabalho na… - 3 years ago

@Flaviozlspbr: RT @alvarodias_: O Globo traz matéria sobre o mais famoso jornalista investigativo da Europa. Ele foi quem mais valorizou nosso trabalho na… - 3 years ago

@ariz2905: RT @WorldEditors: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA: - 3 years ago

@WorldEditors: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA: - 3 years ago

@alvarodias_: O Globo traz matéria sobre o mais famoso jornalista investigativo da Europa. Ele foi quem mais valorizou nosso trab… - 3 years ago

@CodeFourSoccer: Andrew Jennings, reporter who exposed corruption in international sports, dies at 78 - 3 years ago

@JanRavensbergen: RT @davidleighx: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA: - 3 years ago

@robevansgdn: RT @davidleighx: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA: - 3 years ago

@SDM_Overtime: Death of a Reformer... #AndrewJennings, the journalist who helped expose the @FIFAcom scandal (and others) has pass… - 3 years ago

@Andrew_Wyld: @yvonnezlam Paul Jennings had a version of the same argument; I will try and find it later! - 3 years ago

@RoqueRivasZ: Solo Periodismo... Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que desnudó la corrupción en la FIFA y el Comité Olímpico I… - 3 years ago

@davidleighx: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA: - 3 years ago

@LuciaPitarello: RT @ultrajano: Obrigado por tudo, querido Andrew Jennings! - 3 years ago

@clem_jennings: RT @imshanereaction: Cheryl Cole now has more military credentials than Prince Andrew - 3 years ago

@CraigNorenbergs: RT @simonhill1894: Saddened by the passing of Andrew Jennings. A fearless journalist, a crusader for the truth, and a wonderful English ecc… - 3 years ago

@CraigNorenbergs: RT @bonitamersiades: We have lost one of the giants of sports investigative journalism. Andrew Jennings was a dear and good friend. For tho… - 3 years ago

@CraigNorenbergs: RT @simonhill1894: “He should have died a long time ago” says cuddly Jack Warner of Andrew Jennings. What exactly does he mean? Disgraceful… - 3 years ago

@IrishTimes: RT @IrishTimesSport: Johnny Watterson: Fearless Andrew Jennings met powerful sports corporations head on, via @IrishTimesSport - 3 years ago

@IrishTimesSport: Johnny Watterson: Fearless Andrew Jennings met powerful sports corporations head on, via @IrishTimesSport - 3 years ago

@sabo76: RT @aselliaas: Torgeir P. Krokfjord i Dagbladet minnes Andrew Jennings. Han er en av få norske journalister som har samarbeidet med journal… - 3 years ago

@HendrikGout: Living in Australia and disinterested in soccer, I'd not heard of Andrew Jennings and his work. It's always a nice… - 3 years ago

@CDegney: RT @bonitamersiades: An obituary in the Washington Post for #AndrewJennings. I wonder what all those people who called him names are thinki… - 3 years ago

@ForhanForOhio: @akjennings Long live Andrew Jennings! - 3 years ago

@akjennings: RIP Andrew Jennings - 3 years ago

@DomPonsford: RT @wturvill: Journalism needs more Andrew Jennings. Nice @DomPonsford obituary on an inspiring reporter - 3 years ago

@TobiasSD: RT @aselliaas: Etter et år med krangel om fotball-VM i Qatar og etterlysning av kritisk journalistikk på området er det mer enn rart at And… - 3 years ago

@aselliaas: Og her er @tpk360 minneord om Andrew Jennings. Han er en av få norske journalister som har samarbeidet med journa… - 3 years ago

@Busines65959783: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa – Press Gazette - 3 years ago

@SportIntegrity: Such a lovely tribute - still sad to lose this genuine journo! Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), the incomparable - 3 years ago

@AMLWoods: RT @james_oliver_01: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - Press Gazette - 3 years ago

@tropicalia115: Pasó desapercibida la muerte, el 8 de enero, del gran Andrew Jennings. Quizás, uno de los más valientes periodistas… - 3 years ago

@downtownakron: RT @KyleKutuchief: "In 2016, I co-founded Summit Sports & Social with my friend @Jennings_LoganD... to connect new and native Akronites thr… - 3 years ago

@james_oliver_01: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - Press Gazette - 3 years ago

@KyleKutuchief: "In 2016, I co-founded Summit Sports & Social with my friend @Jennings_LoganD... to connect new and native Akronite… - 3 years ago

@mediainfoWorldw: UK: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down FIFA - 3 years ago

@Evenzinho: RT @frodelia: Vi hyller i dag Andrew Jennings og hans journalistikk! - 3 years ago

@journalism: Press Gazette: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - 3 years ago

@LubbockTerry: Obituary: Andrew Jennings, Investigative Journalist famous for exposing corruption in sport - 3 years ago

@philchamberlain: RT @pressgazette: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - 3 years ago

@LubbockTerry: RT @theipaper: Obituary: Andrew Jennings, Investigative Journalist famous for exposing corruption in sport - 3 years ago

@pressgazette: RT @wturvill: Journalism needs more Andrew Jennings. Nice @DomPonsford obituary on an inspiring reporter - 3 years ago

@CharlotteTobitt: RT @wturvill: Journalism needs more Andrew Jennings. Nice @DomPonsford obituary on an inspiring reporter - 3 years ago

@wturvill: Journalism needs more Andrew Jennings. Nice @DomPonsford obituary on an inspiring reporter - 3 years ago

@theipaper: Obituary: Andrew Jennings, Investigative Journalist famous for exposing corruption in sport - 3 years ago

@stefanpaetow: I don't think many people know this... If you love #football and you hate(d) what FIFA has done to football, say th… - 3 years ago

@danbarkr: RT @pressgazette: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - 3 years ago

@pressgazette: Andrew Jennings: Maverick reporter who brought down Fifa - 3 years ago

@frodelia: RT @aselliaas: Etter et år med krangel om fotball-VM i Qatar og etterlysning av kritisk journalistikk på området er det mer enn rart at And… - 3 years ago

@AndyBengt: I veckans Fredagsbrev skriver jag bland annat om Andrew Jennings, galna kossor och friskolefräsare. - 3 years ago

@fingnatt: RT @aselliaas: Torgeir P. Krokfjord i Dagbladet minnes Andrew Jennings. Han er en av få norske journalister som har samarbeidet med journal… - 3 years ago

@eamonderry: RT @jimfitzpatrick: Exposed both #IOC+#FIFA. Bloody brave man too when you think of the likes of #Hickey, #Delaney in Ireland and #Blatter,… - 3 years ago

@RoqueRivasZ: Solo Periodismo... Una leyenda del periodismo. ‘¿Alguna vez recibió un soborno?’: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodi… - 3 years ago

@NewsjunkyI: Breaking headline: 'Johnny Watterson: Fearless Andrew Jennings met powerful sports corporations head on', - 3 years ago

@IrishTimes: Johnny Watterson: Fearless Andrew Jennings met powerful sports corporations head on - 3 years ago

@INS_UHI: For those of you thinking about one of the INS MLitt courses here is a recorded Q&A session with Dr Andrew Jennings - 3 years ago

@TaodeS: RT @comuniquese: A semana começou com perda para o jornalismo mundial... ==>>> - 3 years ago

@FlixOjeda15: RT @chiqui_avalos: Andrew JENNINGS, periodista e investigador de temas q condenaron a FIFA Y CONMEBOL, fallecio en Escocia. Sus libros: FOU… - 3 years ago

@chiqui_avalos: RT @chiqui_avalos: Andrew JENNINGS, periodista e investigador de temas q condenaron a FIFA Y CONMEBOL, fallecio en Escocia. Sus libros: FOU… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeGonzzz: RT @chiqui_avalos: Andrew JENNINGS, periodista e investigador de temas q condenaron a FIFA Y CONMEBOL, fallecio en Escocia. Sus libros: FOU… - 3 years ago

@chiqui_avalos: Andrew JENNINGS, periodista e investigador de temas q condenaron a FIFA Y CONMEBOL, fallecio en Escocia. Sus libros… - 3 years ago

@Rotbby: RT @bianchileiton: Murió un grande, pero grandísimo. Gloria eterna a Andrew Jennings, el fenomenal y valiente periodista escocés que desenm… - 3 years ago

@margreis9: Andrew Jennings, reporter who exposed corruption in international sports, dies at 78 - 3 years ago

@DarkKni19951804: RT @bianchileiton: Murió un grande, pero grandísimo. Gloria eterna a Andrew Jennings, el fenomenal y valiente periodista escocés que desenm… - 3 years ago

@diebenitez83: RT @expressnewsPy: [FIFAGATE] Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que desnudó la corrupción en la FIFA y el Comité Olímpico Internacional… - 3 years ago

@dafnitalinda: RT @bianchileiton: Murió un grande, pero grandísimo. Gloria eterna a Andrew Jennings, el fenomenal y valiente periodista escocés que desenm… - 3 years ago

@khozanai: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@babuyagu: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@plashmar: RT @JensSejerA: One thing we couldn't know about @AAndrewJennings until now: He knew how to get the best out of his obit authors. Brillant… - 3 years ago

@simonbg12: RT @JensSejerA: One thing we couldn't know about @AAndrewJennings until now: He knew how to get the best out of his obit authors. Brillant… - 3 years ago

@simonbg12: Andrew Jennings running after Police Superintendent Tony Lundy. My favourite Jennings interview. @metpoliceuk corru… - 3 years ago

@simonbg12: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: "Memorably unkempt, with a scruffy dress sense that made the rumpled TV detective Columbo look suave .. . " Thank you P… - 3 years ago

@simonbg12: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: ‘I chase bad men!’ How the late Andrew Jennings changed investigative sport journalism By our dear friend @lasanaliburd… - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: "Memorably unkempt, with a scruffy dress sense that made the rumpled TV detective Columbo look suave .. . " Thank… - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: ‘I chase bad men!’ How the late Andrew Jennings changed investigative sport journalism By our dear friend… - 3 years ago

@Sai_Lee1: @FootballRamble @MarcusSpeller @lukeaaronmoore @JimCampbellTFR Andrew Jennings a Ramble hero over the years. Very sad news. - 3 years ago

@amalia_tayupe: RT @Ewalds6: Tristeza: Ha muerto Andrew Jennings. Amigo personal, personaje exuberante, héroe periodístico, su perseverancia en solitario f… - 3 years ago

@StanisElsborg: RT @EdgeofSports: A legendary sportswriter for those of us who were lucky enough to find his work. He is why we need critical sports covera… - 3 years ago

@renankoerich: RT @agsportlight: Gigante. Na história. Andrew Jennings fez mais pelo futebol e pelo mundo olímpico do Brasil mais do que todos os cartolas… - 3 years ago

@midibicolor: RT @ludopedio: Acordamos nesta segunda com uma notícia triste. Um dos maiores jornalistas investigativos do mundo que desafiou os poderes d… - 3 years ago

@BadLibrarian: RT @EdgeofSports: A legendary sportswriter for those of us who were lucky enough to find his work. He is why we need critical sports covera… - 3 years ago

@UTBvancouver: @FIFAcom RIP Andrew Jennings. - 3 years ago

@Billyhorwood: RT @Marcotti: Andrew Jennings’ reporting did a lot to bring down the previous FIFA regime and Jack Warner - 3 years ago

@blig78: just heard Andrew Jennings has died....the world has lost a fine investigative journalist...his book FOUL! is a must any footy fan.... - 3 years ago

@solcaetanocost1: RT @j_castelobranco: Se foi um dos meus maiores ídolos. Nenhum jornalista fez tanto para expor a corrupção na FIFA e na CBF como Andrew Jen… - 3 years ago

@lordsutch: RT @Marcotti: Andrew Jennings’ reporting did a lot to bring down the previous FIFA regime and Jack Warner - 3 years ago

@DCTrojan: RT @james_corbett: 'I shed no tear for him and I maintain he should have died a long time ago.' Jack Warner reaffirming his reputation as… - 3 years ago

@kngprry: RT @EdgeofSports: A legendary sportswriter for those of us who were lucky enough to find his work. He is why we need critical sports covera… - 3 years ago

@TriniWallace: RT @Marcotti: Andrew Jennings’ reporting did a lot to bring down the previous FIFA regime and Jack Warner - 3 years ago

@FootballRamble: You can't keep a good man down. Or a bad man like Mike Ashley, actually. @MarcusSpeller, @lukeaaronmoore and… - 3 years ago

@disonante: RT @pfcontrerasv: Murió el periodista escocés Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), uno de los críticos más acérrimos de la FIFA y del Comité Olímpi… - 3 years ago

@greaney_michael: RT @david_conn: "If I could've spit on you, I would have spat on you ..." What Jack Warner, FIFA chief now indicted for $$$corruption, sai… - 3 years ago

@Hutchywutch: RT @james_corbett: 'I shed no tear for him and I maintain he should have died a long time ago.' Jack Warner reaffirming his reputation as… - 3 years ago

@NeilA1878: RT @Marcotti: Andrew Jennings’ reporting did a lot to bring down the previous FIFA regime and Jack Warner - 3 years ago

@RobHarris: On @talkSPORT now talking about Andrew Jennings - 3 years ago

@jeulrik: RT @james_corbett: 'I shed no tear for him and I maintain he should have died a long time ago.' Jack Warner reaffirming his reputation as… - 3 years ago

@RBrulin: RT @EdgeofSports: A legendary sportswriter for those of us who were lucky enough to find his work. He is why we need critical sports covera… - 3 years ago

@EdgeofSports: A legendary sportswriter for those of us who were lucky enough to find his work. He is why we need critical sports… - 3 years ago

@Marcotti: Andrew Jennings’ reporting did a lot to bring down the previous FIFA regime and Jack Warner - 3 years ago

@sissaoscar: RT @VLADDO: Obituario de Andrew Jennings, el periodista que destapó la corrupción en la Fifa y el Comité Olímpico Internacional y desenmasc… - 3 years ago

@jezwyke: RT @PhilippeAuclair: “Let’s get those crooked fuckers!” A splendid tribute to Andrew Jennings by @lasanaliburd of @wired868 - himself a wo… - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @gdunbarap Your tweet was quoted in an article by euroweeklynews - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @bonitamersiades Your tweet was quoted in an article by euroweeklynews - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @BBCPanorama Your tweet was quoted in an article by euroweeklynews - 3 years ago

@Lelita1957: RT @adowniebrazil: Crusading journalist Andrew Jennings, the scourge of FIFA and the IOC with his unyielding anti-corruption campaigns, has… - 3 years ago

@Javiernikito: RT @DiganmeRingo: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que anticipó el FIFAGate. Un día lo felicité por una gran contratapa de página 48 y… - 3 years ago

@Lelita1957: RT @Ewalds6: Tristeza: Ha muerto Andrew Jennings. Amigo personal, personaje exuberante, héroe periodístico, su perseverancia en solitario f… - 3 years ago

@DTFooty: RT @DTFooty: Just seen the Andrew Jennings has died. Amazing journalist and his reporting and book Foul! really opened my eyes back then.… - 3 years ago

@PlBlatido: RT @proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres décadas. http… - 3 years ago

@EsperancitaUrib: RT @VLADDO: Obituario de Andrew Jennings, el periodista que destapó la corrupción en la Fifa y el Comité Olímpico Internacional y desenmasc… - 3 years ago

@VLADDO: Obituario de Andrew Jennings, el periodista que destapó la corrupción en la Fifa y el Comité Olímpico Internacional… - 3 years ago

@bonassoli: RT @agsportlight: Gigante. Na história. Andrew Jennings fez mais pelo futebol e pelo mundo olímpico do Brasil mais do que todos os cartolas… - 3 years ago

@Victorkunert: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@media_quatro: RT @VianaNatalia: Muito triste com a notícia da morte do nosso querido Andrew Jennings, grande colaborador da @agenciapublica e um dos mais… - 3 years ago

@SamJCrawley: RT @PhilippeAuclair: “Let’s get those crooked fuckers!” A splendid tribute to Andrew Jennings by @lasanaliburd of @wired868 - himself a wo… - 3 years ago

@morosofos: RT @ultrajano: Obrigado por tudo, querido Andrew Jennings! - 3 years ago

@ed_odeven: RT @JensWeinreich: We have lost a great journalist and wonderful human being. Andrew Jennings leaves behind a great legacy. He inspired gen… - 3 years ago

@rafaelmmartins: RT @agsportlight: Gigante. Na história. Andrew Jennings fez mais pelo futebol e pelo mundo olímpico do Brasil mais do que todos os cartolas… - 3 years ago

@liputan6dotcom: Andrew Jennings Meninggal Dunia: Wartawan di Balik Terbongkarnya Gurita Korupsi di FIFA - 3 years ago

@CLARESAMBROOK: RT @Ant1Duval: Goodbye Andrew Jennings, the man who took on the #IOC & #FIFA and led to #Blatter’s fall. He was the embodiment of the nobi… - 3 years ago

@dyego_duarte: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@MarimPereiraNe1: Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs corrupção na Fifa e no COI - 3 years ago

@Welling48048221: RT @JornalGGN: Andrew Jennings, o inconfundível jornalista que ousou confrontar a máfia do futebol - 3 years ago

@HammadAy: RT @pressgazette: Journalist Andrew Jennings has died after a sudden illness. He led the way exposing FIFA corruption and was unflinching i… - 3 years ago

@PhelpsAnnamarie: Sorry to hear Andrew Jennings has died “When the pack of reporters go in one direction-go in the opposite direction… - 3 years ago

@TI_France: Andrew Jennings le journaliste d'investigation qui a révélé les scandales de corruption au sein du mouvement olympi… - 3 years ago

@cedrummond: RT @agsportlight: Gigante. Na história. Andrew Jennings fez mais pelo futebol e pelo mundo olímpico do Brasil mais do que todos os cartolas… - 3 years ago

@DannyBucholtz: RT @MitchellGlenn: Saddened to learn of the passing of journalist Andrew Jennings … a man whose dogged investigative skills shone a light o… - 3 years ago

@counterOlympics: RT @NeilWilson19: @iocmedia @SportsFeatures And Andrew Jennings? Deeply saddened? - 3 years ago

@CNR_NBA: RT @mustafataha: Gündemin yoğunluğundan Andrew Jennings'in de bu diyardan göçüp gittiğini şimdi gördüm 😔 - 3 years ago

@counterOlympics: RT @StanisElsborg: Andrew Jennings in action👇 - 3 years ago

@EuskoGuayanes: RT @Ewalds6: Tristeza: Ha muerto Andrew Jennings. Amigo personal, personaje exuberante, héroe periodístico, su perseverancia en solitario f… - 3 years ago

@counterOlympics: RT @StanisElsborg: Just great! Andrew Jennings clearly never gave up👇 - 3 years ago

@Miguel_LPereira: RT @clubecorner: QUEM LÊ CORNER SABE DAS COISAS Na Corner #10, @Miguel_LPereira citou Andrew Jennings na matéria SUJANDO O JOGO: - 3 years ago

@Cliff_Hill: RT @martynziegler: Andrew Jennings obituary in The Times- “Mr Blatter - have you ever taken a bribe?” - 3 years ago

@souza_marcos76: RT @a_esportivo: Morre lendário jornalista que escancarou os escândalos da FIFA e COI e que teve faixa no Beira-Rio em 2005: - 3 years ago

@GrahamSpiers: RT @martynziegler: Andrew Jennings obituary in The Times- “Mr Blatter - have you ever taken a bribe?” - 3 years ago

@katpijetlovic: @crosscourt1 @sventennis Sorry you're offended Craig - what I'm saying is true though. Tennis does not have the equ… - 3 years ago

@Football4Rights: RT @gdunbarap: Every journalist following FIFA has devoured, enjoyed and learned from this essential Andrew Jennings book. Probably most FI… - 3 years ago

@der_terrier: RT @JensWeinreich: FIFA Vice President Jack Warner to The Great Andrew Jennings (†): "I could have spit on you!" Jennings: "Why would you… - 3 years ago

@s_informado: Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs corrupção na Fifa e no COI - 3 years ago

@boycottqatar22: RT @JensWeinreich: FIFA Vice President Jack Warner to The Great Andrew Jennings (†): "I could have spit on you!" Jennings: "Why would you… - 3 years ago

@leitedson: RT @gustavohofman: Andrew Jennings faleceu. Ele foi um dos jornalistas mais corajosos e combativos dos últimos tempos, determinante na inve… - 3 years ago

@jjcpaez: RT @proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres décadas. http… - 3 years ago

@camarca1979: RT @josasc: El periodista que investigó (y revolucionó) al deporte. Lean esta joya de perfil que @DiganmeRingo escribió sobre el fallecido… - 3 years ago

@John47137220: RT @cjciaramella: ah damn, RIP. Andrew Jennings had one of the great quotes about investigative journalism - 3 years ago

@GilMatus: RT @proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres décadas. http… - 3 years ago

@The_Paraqon: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@red_tsunami: RT @proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres décadas. http… - 3 years ago

@SILVIA_POLO1: RT @proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres décadas. http… - 3 years ago

@LaBambiPuebla: RT @proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres décadas. http… - 3 years ago

@alexandreveloz: RT @thalescmachado: O que não está em destaque em quase nenhum obtuário de Andrew Jennings, que nos deixou hoje, é que ele era um completo… - 3 years ago

@gregory__quin: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@proceso: Las investigaciones de Andrew Jennings destaparon la cultura de la corrupción en el deporte mundial durante tres dé… - 3 years ago

@alldayolivier: RT @cjciaramella: ah damn, RIP. Andrew Jennings had one of the great quotes about investigative journalism - 3 years ago

@ManchesterDrb: - 3 years ago

@SportsWritersAU: RT @SaintFrankly: Heavy heart with the news of #AndrewJennings death. Andrew was a flaming arrow of truth, fearless and intelligent. He was… - 3 years ago

@DaintyDijah_: RT @tenilleclarke1: The man was a total menace in all of the right and needed ways. Sports officials particularly from the IOC and FIFA inv… - 3 years ago

@felipetorrado7: RT @josasc: El periodista que investigó (y revolucionó) al deporte. Lean esta joya de perfil que @DiganmeRingo escribió sobre el fallecido… - 3 years ago

@Alex_Zambom: RT @dmotorsport: Morreu no sábado o inglês Andrew Jennings, um jornalista que fez Jornalismo com "jota" GIGANTESCO, denunciando, enraivecen… - 3 years ago

@albertomurray: Andrew Jennings também teve papel importante na questão da compra dos votos para o Rio 2016. Um dos articuladores d… - 3 years ago

@JorgeBarata72: Morreu "Mister Tichira!" - 3 years ago

@10michelcardoso: O jornalista Andrew Jennings nos deixou no último sábado. A foto é de 2018, quando tive a honra de ser recebido em… - 3 years ago

@punchingprof: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: Francisco Sionil José, escritor y periodista filipino 3 dic. 1924 - 6 ene. 2022 Gerardo de la Torre, escritor, pe… - 3 years ago

@matiascanillan: RT @DiganmeRingo: Murió el periodista "muckracker" del deporte. - 3 years ago

@willibrito: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@juancmorav: RT @Ewalds6: Tristeza: Ha muerto Andrew Jennings. Amigo personal, personaje exuberante, héroe periodístico, su perseverancia en solitario f… - 3 years ago

@joaosergio: RT @dmotorsport: Morreu no sábado o inglês Andrew Jennings, um jornalista que fez Jornalismo com "jota" GIGANTESCO, denunciando, enraivecen… - 3 years ago

@caioccosta: RT @IrlanSimoes: Morreu o brabo Andrew Jennings. - 3 years ago

@cathvi: RT @mjon3105: British journalist who exposed Olympic corruption dies at age of 78 - 3 years ago

@albertomurray: - 3 years ago

@juandepapel: Preguntaba @casaleantonio qué necesita el periodismo deportivo para mejorar: Menos aspirantes a analistas de partid… - 3 years ago

@_artx: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@Skoknic: No sabía que había muerto Andrew Jennings. Tremendo personaje del periodismo de investigación que hizo caer a Blatt… - 3 years ago

@MatheusKnothe: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@EmirCrowne: "Andrew Jennings, a groundbreaking investigative journalist who exposed the darker corners of the Olympic movement… - 3 years ago

@thiagobraga2: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@JornalTODODIA: Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs corrupção na Fifa e no COI - 3 years ago

@odio_nao: RT @zerotoledo: Andrew Jennings esteve em congressos da ⁦@abraji⁩ para explicar suas investigações pioneiras sobre os cartolas internaciona… - 3 years ago

@JensWeinreich: RT @lasanaliburd: ‘I chase bad men!’ How the late Andrew Jennings changed investigative sport journalism - 3 years ago

@boyeerik: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@flaviopradojpgz: Morreu Andrew Jennings o maior responsável pelas denúncias de corrupção na Fifa. Ele sentiu o mau cheiro de lá ante… - 3 years ago

@Poder360: Da Scotland Yard ao “Fifagate”, quem foi Andrew Jennings - 3 years ago

@graftonfriday: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@thiagoepicuro: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@Charles14506359: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@scoutsaber: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@danroan: RT @BBCNewsPR: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of investigative journalist and Panorama reporter Andrew Jennings. He was a tour… - 3 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@klausegelund: RT @janjensen09: Andrew Jennings er død. Han var en gigant og et kæmpe forbillede som journalist. Han var også en ven gennem mere end 30 år… - 3 years ago

@thiagocampolim: RT @VianaNatalia: Muito triste com a notícia da morte do nosso querido Andrew Jennings, grande colaborador da @agenciapublica e um dos mais… - 3 years ago

@AndreaDip_: RT @VianaNatalia: Muito triste com a notícia da morte do nosso querido Andrew Jennings, grande colaborador da @agenciapublica e um dos mais… - 3 years ago

@JuanG_Arango: RT @DiganmeRingo: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que anticipó el FIFAGate. Un día lo felicité por una gran contratapa de página 48 y… - 3 years ago

@ChrBruckner: RT @SZ: Der Reporter Andrew Jennings setzte neue Maßstäbe für den Sportjournalismus: Er war der Erste, der sich an die dunklen Seiten des G… - 3 years ago

@plattoli: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@kikoperozo: RT @IgnacioABP: Semblanza fabulosa de ⁦@DiganmeRingo sobre⁩ Andrew Jennings, el periodista que investigó al deporte . El final es una delic… - 3 years ago

@alvarolevin: RT @DiganmeRingo: Murió el periodista "muckracker" del deporte. - 3 years ago

@SusieBolchover: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@luisnassif: RT @JornalGGN: Andrew Jennings, o inconfundível jornalista que ousou confrontar a máfia do futebol - 3 years ago

@JornalGGN: Andrew Jennings, o inconfundível jornalista que ousou confrontar a máfia do futebol - 3 years ago

@Rebecca_Omonira: RT @CLARESAMBROOK: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lifeti… - 3 years ago

@acisternas: RT @kenbensinger: Falleció Andrew Jennings, un gigante del periodismo deportivo de los últimos 3 décadas. Nadie cambió FIFA y COI más que é… - 3 years ago

@DECAsweb: Morre Andrew Jennings, um dos mais importantes jornalistas em apurar a corrupção na Fifa e no COI - 3 years ago

@tannerji: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@Kingheruuu: RT @martynziegler: RIP Andrew Jennings- He did more than any other journalist to bring down the corrupt FIFA edifice. He loved quoting Loui… - 3 years ago

@baldyspeccy: Such sad news. Andrew Jennings should have his name shouted from every terrace for the work he did - 3 years ago

@FelippeCardosoN: RT @gustavohofman: Andrew Jennings faleceu. Ele foi um dos jornalistas mais corajosos e combativos dos últimos tempos, determinante na inve… - 3 years ago


@LechiguanaNC: RT @DiganmeRingo: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que anticipó el FIFAGate. Un día lo felicité por una gran contratapa de página 48 y… - 3 years ago

@MichaelEnsslin2: RT @ludopedio: Acordamos nesta segunda com uma notícia triste. Um dos maiores jornalistas investigativos do mundo que desafiou os poderes d… - 3 years ago

@mjon3105: Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), the incomparable - 3 years ago

@420agnao: RT @ludopedio: Acordamos nesta segunda com uma notícia triste. Um dos maiores jornalistas investigativos do mundo que desafiou os poderes d… - 3 years ago

@GlobalObsession: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@treesey: RT @BBCNewsPR: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of investigative journalist and Panorama reporter Andrew Jennings. He was a tour… - 3 years ago

@johnofladublin: RT @BBCNewsPR: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of investigative journalist and Panorama reporter Andrew Jennings. He was a tour… - 3 years ago

@NeilanTimmy: RT @mjon3105: British journalist who exposed Olympic corruption dies at age of 78 - 3 years ago

@HelenJe63185798: RT @pressgazette: Journalist Andrew Jennings has died after a sudden illness. He led the way exposing FIFA corruption and was unflinching i… - 3 years ago

@mjon3105: British journalist who exposed Olympic corruption dies at age of 78 - 3 years ago

@marcrizzo: RT @revistapiaui: Duas figuras da história da Fifa morreram esta semana: Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs a corrupção na entidade, e F… - 3 years ago

@GudrunSteinack3: @ViolavonCramon I cannot but agree. Jennings books helped me to understand that organised sports on a national and… - 3 years ago

@evelinargenta: RT @revistapiaui: Duas figuras da história da Fifa morreram esta semana: Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs a corrupção na entidade, e F… - 3 years ago

@EdilsonNaRede: RT @BlogSerFlamengo: ENTREVISTA COM @AAndrewJennings (IN MEMORIAM) - 3 years ago

@BlogSerFlamengo: ENTREVISTA COM @AAndrewJennings (IN MEMORIAM) - 3 years ago

@DavidGiraldoR: RT @DiganmeRingo: Murió Andrew Jennings, el periodista que anticipó el FIFAGate. Un día lo felicité por una gran contratapa de página 48 y… - 3 years ago

@MariaCidada1: RT @DCM_online: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que denunciou corrupção na FIFA - 3 years ago

@Wilfred_Diego: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@SwissRamble: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@Hikaru_fire: RT @insidethegames: British journalist #AndrewJennings has died aged 78 Jennings was a pioneer of reporting and is credited with exposing… - 3 years ago

@BotSchlagzeilen: Zum Tod von Andrew Jennings: Lob der Arschgeigen - 3 years ago

@BBCPanorama: RT @BBCNewsPR: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of investigative journalist and Panorama reporter Andrew Jennings. He was a tour… - 3 years ago

@weirb4: RT @BBCPanorama: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of investigative journalist and Panorama reporter Andrew Jennings Banned by F… - 3 years ago

@piment_silvio: RT @_rodrigomattos_: Morreu no dia 8 de janeiro Andrew Jennings, aos 78 anos, jornalista investigativo escocês com papel essencial em desve… - 3 years ago

@schoolboy_thi: RT @revistapiaui: Duas figuras da história da Fifa morreram esta semana: Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs a corrupção na entidade, e F… - 3 years ago

@ZiddharthSaxena: Nothing came of it, nothing yet anyway. A decade or so later, Blatter was indeed found guilty of the charges that A… - 3 years ago

@BentNyegaard: RT @jlbrocken: Egentlig har @JensSejerA sagt det væsentligste, men her er en fyldig nekrolog over Andrew Jennings fra @politiken. Hans arv… - 3 years ago

@Hajimee__: RT @revistapiaui: Duas figuras da história da Fifa morreram esta semana: Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs a corrupção na entidade, e F… - 3 years ago

@SebaTrovato: RT @SoccerByIves: RIP to Andrew Jennings, who literally wrote the book on FIFA corruption. FOUL: The Secret World of FIFA was a masterpiec… - 3 years ago

@falcao_matheu: RT @revistapiaui: Duas figuras da história da Fifa morreram esta semana: Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs a corrupção na entidade, e F… - 3 years ago

@sinnreich: RT @JensWeinreich: We have lost a great journalist and wonderful human being. Andrew Jennings leaves behind a great legacy. He inspired gen… - 3 years ago


@Marqs51296090: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI Thank… - 3 years ago

@hberkes: No tougher critic of the Olympic “kingdom” then Andrew Jennings, who tried to hold them accountable. - 3 years ago

@c_h_w_b: RT @owen_g: Andrew Jennings quite literally wrote the book on Fifa corruption and without Foul and his BBC documentaries, the FBI investiga… - 3 years ago

@alijsan: RT @fdvives: Morreu Andrew Jennings, o inesquecível jornalista investigativo britânico. Ele é o cara que mostrou que a Fifa não era mais aq… - 3 years ago

@KevinLFerguson: RT @GrantWahl: Andrew Jennings was the best investigative journalist FIFA ever dealt with, and his pursuit of Jack Warner was legendary. RI… - 3 years ago

@HelmutBoeijen: RT @NOSsport: Andrew Jennings, de Schotse onderzoeksjournalist die veelvuldig publiceerde over corruptie bij het IOC en de FIFA, is afgelop… - 3 years ago

@keithelliott94: RT @hendopolis: Fascinating tribute to Andrew Jennings, the investigative journalist who propelled several ⁦@BBCPanorama⁩ investigations in… - 3 years ago

@Elber_Nogueira: RIP Andrew Jennings, one of the greatests journalists ever. - 3 years ago

@Simonefilo: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@TweetingSeagull: RT @AAndrewJennings: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8, 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lif… - 3 years ago

@Ljreporter: Til minde om min gamle ven og kollega Andrew Jennings, som døde i weekenden, er her er portræt af ham, som jeg skre… - 3 years ago

@tashkentterror: RT @hendopolis: Fascinating tribute to Andrew Jennings, the investigative journalist who propelled several ⁦@BBCPanorama⁩ investigations in… - 3 years ago

@GladsonNasc: RIP Andrew Jennings Monstro demais! 😔😥 - 3 years ago

@worldsoccertalk: RIP reporter Andrew Jennings who investigated corruption in international soccer for decades Famously, he attended… - 3 years ago

@andybrassell: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@milesSI: RT @AAndrewJennings: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8, 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lif… - 3 years ago

@sundrio: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@marciokroehn: Uma inspiração para todos os jornalistas, não apenas os esportivos. Investigar nunca foi uma seção do jornalismo, m… - 3 years ago

@Vicentelv: RT @lf_ds: Morreu um dos jornalistas investigativos mais importantes para o esporte, Andrew Jennings, que expôs esquemas na Fifa - 3 years ago

@rparrottino: RT @rparrottino: A Andrew Jennings, el periodista que destapó la corrupción en la FIFA mucho antes que EEUU, le solían preguntar si no sent… - 3 years ago

@Jacksarback: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@ttithearetomada: RT @UOLEsporte: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@nomadpdx: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@FridaTarsila: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@EricNunezAP: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@ttithearetomada: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@mjf1982: RT @martynziegler: RIP Andrew Jennings- He did more than any other journalist to bring down the corrupt FIFA edifice. He loved quoting Loui… - 3 years ago

@brachoditrevi: RT @Olhar_Olimpico: Hoje morreu o jornalista Andrew Jennings, que denunciou os esquemas de corrupção na Fifa e no COI. Hoje também morreu… - 3 years ago

@feel_pz32: Queriam Olaviu de Caraí dead Hoje morre um ótimo jornalista investigativo Andrew Jennings, que fez até muito mais… - 3 years ago

@Rafinha42887124: - 3 years ago

@PhCaldas: Soube agora pelos amigos do @ludopedio a notícia sobre a morte de Andrew Jennings, jornalista escocês que sacudiu a… - 3 years ago

@CarolChrispim: RT @sem_firulas: Andrew Jennings foi um marco na cobertura esportiva mundial. Denunciou escândalos de corrupção na gestão do futebol e foi… - 3 years ago

@AthletesChannel: RT @Ant1Duval: Goodbye Andrew Jennings, the man who took on the #IOC & #FIFA and led to #Blatter’s fall. He was the embodiment of the nobi… - 3 years ago

@alespach: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@EROLI100: RT @folha: Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs corrupção na Fifa e no COI - 3 years ago

@wallacegraciano: Andrew Jennings foi gigante. Das obras que você admira não só pelo conteúdo, mas pela coragem. - 3 years ago

@almeidajoao25: RT @sem_firulas: Andrew Jennings foi um marco na cobertura esportiva mundial. Denunciou escândalos de corrupção na gestão do futebol e foi… - 3 years ago

@luizeuronymous: RT @sem_firulas: Andrew Jennings foi um marco na cobertura esportiva mundial. Denunciou escândalos de corrupção na gestão do futebol e foi… - 3 years ago

@danestacom: RT @Olhar_Olimpico: Hoje morreu o jornalista Andrew Jennings, que denunciou os esquemas de corrupção na Fifa e no COI. Hoje também morreu… - 3 years ago

@almeidajoao25: RT @blogdopaulinho: RIP Andrew Jennings (1943-2022) - 3 years ago

@lesliemolson: RT @hendopolis: Fascinating tribute to Andrew Jennings, the investigative journalist who propelled several ⁦@BBCPanorama⁩ investigations in… - 3 years ago

@llantwit: Andrew Jennings, RIP. One of our best investigative journalists. - 3 years ago

@blogdopaulinho: RIP Andrew Jennings (1943-2022) - 3 years ago

@ph_caixeiro: O gigantesco Andrew Jennings. - 3 years ago

@lubomir25: RT @PhilippeAuclair: The personal tribute to AJ from @bonitamersiades, who knew and loved him better and more than most. - 3 years ago

@africasacountry: RT @_SeanJacobs: Andrew Jennings 1943 - 2022. Should have been FIFA president - 3 years ago

@ElverWilmar: RT @Danichung: Coloso periodista. Tantas historias, tantas vivencias en aquellas charlas interminables con el regadío acorde. RIP Andrew Je… - 3 years ago

@chunior_90: RT @fernandopalomo: Falleció Andrew Jennings a los 78 años. 🙏🏻 Un periodista con todas las letras. Su trabajo de investigación hizo posible… - 3 years ago

@joseluizjr74: RT @maurocezar: Morreu o jornalista Andrew Jennings, autor de livros e reportagens denunciando as falcatruas de cartolas internacionais, es… - 3 years ago

@TriniXisle: RT @SnellArthur: RIP Andrew Jennings, whose dogged pursuit of a thuggish @jackwarnertt was a case study in courageous journalism. #Trinidad… - 3 years ago

@cboehm: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@AMELIAsportLAW: Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), the incomparable . I m so sad. What a great person. my mentor. RIP dear Andrew . All o… - 3 years ago

@luisbutti: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@llantwit: RT @draper_rob: Andrew Jennings was an inspiration In his doggedness. He opened my eyes to Olympic corruption + literally wrote the book on… - 3 years ago

@joaoalvesjhja: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@FlemingSport: @nadderley Jack Warner, for one, would still be getting away with it, as would all of those no longer with FIFA. He… - 3 years ago

@phillips_owen: RT @tinyfilmeditor: You were not only a friend but one hell of a reporter. Thank you Andrew Jennings. I laughed with you, got drunk with yo… - 3 years ago

@PereiraaFer: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@erisonmartins: Baita referência, provavelmente o maior jornalista esportivo de todos os tempos. Uma lenda. Morre Andrew Jennings,… - 3 years ago

@sem_firulas: Andrew Jennings foi um marco na cobertura esportiva mundial. Denunciou escândalos de corrupção na gestão do futebol… - 3 years ago

@eleutherio1517: RT @maurocezar: Morreu o jornalista Andrew Jennings, autor de livros e reportagens denunciando as falcatruas de cartolas internacionais, es… - 3 years ago

@BeerhuntersTA: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@luisf_prates: RT @gustavohofman: Andrew Jennings faleceu. Ele foi um dos jornalistas mais corajosos e combativos dos últimos tempos, determinante na inve… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @maurocezar @mauro_beting @anterogreco @eugenioleal Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas de cor… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @anathaismatos @livialaranjeira @livianepomuceno @daniboaventura @Mila_Carelli Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista qu… - 3 years ago

@BGenebra: RT @portalR7: Morre Andrew Jennings, repórter que denunciou Fifa e COI Jornalista sacudiu mundo do esporte com denúncias sobre corrupção… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @lbertozzi @PVC @xicosa @boliviazica Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas de corrupção da Fifa… - 3 years ago

@Amsemfronteira1: Morre Andrew Jennings, repórter que denunciou Fifa e COI - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @fatv @cornetacaipira @ultimadivisao @revistaseriez Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas de cor… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @AlexFrutuoso @bonde_doale @plihalespn @raphaelrezende Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas de… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @Miltonneves @flaviogomes69 @flaviopradojpgz @joaopalomino Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: @fifamedia @AAndrewJennings Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas de corrupção da Fifa… - 3 years ago

@james_corbett: RT @gdunbarap: Two giants in their respective fields, investigative journalist Andrew Jennings and Olympic lawyer François Carrard, have di… - 3 years ago

@ClansMahn: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@ocuriosofutebol: Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que denunciou esquemas de corrupção da Fifa - 3 years ago

@Lou_marchesan: RT @pitacodoguffo: A gente q ama futebol e sonha com um esporte mais transparente, aplaudimos de pé a Andrew Jennings, quem expôs de forma… - 3 years ago

@bassab1: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

@Bruno_Balaco: RT @allansimon91: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@RogerPielkeJr: RIP Andrew Jennings - 3 years ago

@joaodosamba: RT @LQuartarollo: Jamil Chade - Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@SteveSelthoffer: RT @JensWeinreich: We have lost a great journalist and wonderful human being. Andrew Jennings leaves behind a great legacy. He inspired gen… - 3 years ago

@allansimon91: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@LQuartarollo: Jamil Chade - Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@leocs_: RT @lf_ds: Morreu um dos jornalistas investigativos mais importantes para o esporte, Andrew Jennings, que expôs esquemas na Fifa - 3 years ago

@GabrielFla22: RT @maurocezar: Morreu o jornalista Andrew Jennings, autor de livros e reportagens denunciando as falcatruas de cartolas internacionais, es… - 3 years ago

@Heisenbeck: RT @gustavohofman: Andrew Jennings faleceu. Ele foi um dos jornalistas mais corajosos e combativos dos últimos tempos, determinante na inve… - 3 years ago

@devpastel_: RIP Andrew Jennings - 3 years ago

@AntiSportsFraud: RT @AAndrewJennings: Investigative journalist Andrew Jennings died on Saturday January 8, 2022 after a brief, sudden illness. During a lif… - 3 years ago

@Lidy_Monteiro: RT @IrlanSimoes: Morreu o brabo Andrew Jennings. - 3 years ago

@luchiancenkol: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@IrlanSimoes: Morreu o brabo Andrew Jennings. - 3 years ago

@DavidfromBarnet: RT @GrndhoppingGrl: Just got word that Andrew Jennings, author of the definitive work on corruption in FIFA, and the man who showed the wor… - 3 years ago

@theofficialfwa: RT @PhilippeAuclair: Farewell to the fearless Andrew Jennings, the man who did more to expose the corruption at the heart of sport's govern… - 3 years ago

@willramone_: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@3179Arshavin: RT @sportingintel: In 2015, AJ wrote this for the MOS, detailing how, in 2009, he met FBI agents and then gave them the info they needed to… - 3 years ago

@3179Arshavin: RT @sportingintel: Without Andrew Jennings, the DOJ would not have brought down Blatter’s FIFA. And that was just a smidgeon of AJ’s work.… - 3 years ago

@FletchTM: RT @sportingintel: In 2015, AJ wrote this for the MOS, detailing how, in 2009, he met FBI agents and then gave them the info they needed to… - 3 years ago

@3179Arshavin: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@sszy: RT @sszy: Lunch with Andrew Jennings @FIFAcom ‘s nemesis at his local pub in Stainton, Cumbria - 3 years ago

@Footycric: RT @tariqpanja: Corrupt sports officials around the world will be breathing a huge sigh of relief. Andrew Jennings did more than any journa… - 3 years ago

@facunhasantana: RT @pitacodoguffo: A gente q ama futebol e sonha com um esporte mais transparente, aplaudimos de pé a Andrew Jennings, quem expôs de forma… - 3 years ago

@hendopolis: Fascinating tribute to Andrew Jennings, the investigative journalist who propelled several ⁦@BBCPanorama⁩ investiga… - 3 years ago

@vee5jay: RT @tenilleclarke1: The man was a total menace in all of the right and needed ways. Sports officials particularly from the IOC and FIFA inv… - 3 years ago

@GrndhoppingGrl: Just got word that Andrew Jennings, author of the definitive work on corruption in FIFA, and the man who showed the… - 3 years ago

@Matheus_VOV: RT @JamilChade: Morre Andrew Jennings, o jornalista que sacudiu a FIFA e o COI - 3 years ago

@vonivar: Morre Andrew Jennings, jornalista que expôs corrupção na Fifa e no COI - 3 years ago

@ByNeilMac: RT @amarjourno: RIP to Andrew Jennings. A truly fearless and relentless investigative journalist, he was accused of being 'unpatriotic' bec… - 3 years ago

@rparrottino: RT @rparrottino: A Andrew Jennings, el periodista que destapó la corrupción en la FIFA mucho antes que EEUU, le solían preguntar si no sent… - 3 years ago

@JC_Colin: RT @playthegame_org: This Saturday, the world lost a journalistic pioneer. His work was crucial for uncovering the culture of corruption in… - 3 years ago

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