Andrew Graham-Yooll

Argentine journalist and writer.
Died on Saturday July 6th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Andrew Graham-Yooll:

@pen_int: "It's one thing to be afraid, and another thing to be a coward." @BBCWorld remembers Andrew Graham-Yooll, the dogg… - 6 years ago

@juanrossano: BBC News Mundo - Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina duran… - 6 years ago

@Linguagroover: Saddened to learn of the death of Andrew Graham-Yooll, whom I had the privilege of meeting in Buenos Aires in 2004 - 6 years ago

@benjalibre: Andrew Graham Yooll periodista argentino-británico falleció el pasado 6 de julio en Londres.Valiente, culto, curios… - 6 years ago


@SofiMatinezz: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@parola_manu: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico arg… - 6 years ago

@southernconetrv: RT @URLgoeshere: Lovely, loving piece on the late, great Andrew Graham-Yooll from BBC's @vickybaker. Great read. Obituary: Andrew Graham-Y… - 6 years ago

@oavt23: RT @nnguerrero: BBC News Mundo - Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina durante el úl… - 6 years ago

@theBAtimes: In next week's 100th edition of the Buenos Aires Times, we'll be dedicating our entire supplement to the life and w… - 6 years ago

@nnguerrero: BBC News Mundo - Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina duran… - 6 years ago

@URLgoeshere: Lovely, loving piece on the late, great Andrew Graham-Yooll from BBC's @vickybaker. Great read. Obituary: Andrew G… - 6 years ago

@libepensamiento: BBC Mundo - Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina durante el… - 6 years ago

@JustinKuntz1: RT @Lisafalklands: 'One thing to be afraid and another to be a coward'. We grew up aware of the disappearances in Argentina. It added to ou… - 6 years ago

@Index_Magazine: Former @Index_Magazine deputy editor @vickybaker writes on the amazing life and brave journalism of former Index ed… - 6 years ago

@fgalindoh: RT @eduzzcom: BBC News Mundo - Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina durante el últi… - 6 years ago

@MartinMurphyILO: Lo mismo digo, un maestro. RIP Andrew Graham-Yooll. - 6 years ago

@IndexCensorship: RT @londoninsider: Incredibly thorough obit about the bravery of former @Index_Magazine editor Andrew Graham-Yooll who took incredible risk… - 6 years ago

@Expectativas01: BBC News Mundo - Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina duran… - 6 years ago

@ndanirobledo: RT @JuanHunterARG: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing By Vicky Baker - BBC News - 6 years ago

@WillmottNigel: RT @lindseyhilsum: Great Obituary of a great journalist: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@EliziaVolkmann: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@ms_arg: I haven't met this great journalist before... Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argent… - 6 years ago

@jpmarthoz: To pay tribute to Andrew Graham-Yooll, read "A State of Fear. Memories of Argentina's Nightmare", a classic on Stat… - 6 years ago

@monsun14: RT @saliltripathi: A huge loss - Andrew Graham Yooll witnessed and recorded Argentine dictators' sins. People are alive because of his jour… - 6 years ago

@karenmendozabar: Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina durante el último gobi… - 6 years ago

@edmundogs: RT @ukigoni: “There exists a theory that the Herald could do what it did because we were "English" – a comforting idea for those journalist… - 6 years ago

@artofvision: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing… - 6 years ago

@Peralta2Manuel: Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina durante el último gobi… - 6 years ago

@AnagramTimes: The Buenos Aires Herald had news editor Andrew Graham-Yooll = He was otherworldly, had reasoned role. Argentina ab… - 6 years ago

@snoopy1olisas: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@marzck: RT @T13: Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina » - 6 years ago

@DanHusain: RT @saliltripathi: A huge loss - Andrew Graham Yooll witnessed and recorded Argentine dictators' sins. People are alive because of his jour… - 6 years ago

@michellediazt: RT @ukigoni: “There exists a theory that the Herald could do what it did because we were "English" – a comforting idea for those journalist… - 6 years ago

@snarky_op: RT @markespinoza99: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing True heroes are in short supply. RIP… - 6 years ago

@T13: Andrew Graham-Yooll, el periodista que se atrevió a publicar las desapariciones en Argentina »… - 6 years ago

@JC41611355: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@cristinacerrito: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@vickygdearre: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@irenecaselli: RT @vickybaker: A tribute to Andrew Graham-Yooll. A brilliant journalist and author, who took huge risks in Argentina - 6 years ago

@BMerin3: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@lucia_if88: RT @vickybaker: A tribute to Andrew Graham-Yooll. A brilliant journalist and author, who took huge risks in Argentina - 6 years ago

@DanEdwardsGoal: RT @ukigoni: “There exists a theory that the Herald could do what it did because we were "English" – a comforting idea for those journalist… - 6 years ago

@RaulPenaranda1: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@mmatalpur: RT @mmatalpur: "But it's one thing to be afraid, and another thing to be a coward." Andrew Graham-Yooll The Argentine Journalist who Report… - 6 years ago

@StellaFernndez7: RT @bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico argentino que… - 6 years ago

@joselsimon: RT @ezekopel: Gran obituario a Andrew Graham-Yooll en @guardian - 6 years ago

@cumberland_g: RT @southernconetrv: A tribute to #Argentina's bold bilingual journalist (whom I'm proud to have known) - - 6 years ago

@HT96768238: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@bbcmundo: Andrew Graham-Yooll nació en Argentina de padres británicos y trabajaba en el Buenos Aires Herald, un periódico arg… - 6 years ago

@mir_chakar9: RT @mmatalpur: "But it's one thing to be afraid, and another thing to be a coward." Andrew Graham-Yooll The Argentine Journalist who Report… - 6 years ago

@refugiodpalabra: Esta semana en Londres murió Andrew Graham Yooll. El periodista y escritor argentino tenía 75 años y era el editor… - 6 years ago

@careibarros: RT @klausdodds: He was very generous with his time when I spoke with him in London and Buenos Aires as a young PhD student. I enjoyed his n… - 6 years ago

@kayan2727: RT @saliltripathi: A huge loss - Andrew Graham Yooll witnessed and recorded Argentine dictators' sins. People are alive because of his jour… - 6 years ago

@may_Is62: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@odowdjb: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@theBAtimes: Today's #Frontpage. Saturday, July 13, 2019. Edition #99. - The death of Fernando de la Rúa - Late writer and jou… - 6 years ago

@NigelHeal: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@73adb4f315e84e5: RT @mmatalpur: "But it's one thing to be afraid, and another thing to be a coward." Andrew Graham-Yooll The Argentine Journalist who Report… - 6 years ago

@Sukha_Singh_: "People were disappearing across the country and their newspaper was the only outlet in the country consistently re… - 6 years ago

@shazi_naabudh: RT @mmatalpur: "But it's one thing to be afraid, and another thing to be a coward." Andrew Graham-Yooll The Argentine Journalist who Report… - 6 years ago

@_Jet_Fuel_: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@grdtobin: RT @llewelyn_morgan: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@colinismo: RT @vickybaker: A tribute to Andrew Graham-Yooll. A brilliant journalist and author, who took huge risks in Argentina - 6 years ago

@LABlair1492: RT @vickybaker: A tribute to Andrew Graham-Yooll. A brilliant journalist and author, who took huge risks in Argentina - 6 years ago

@BNP_Office: RT @mmatalpur: "But it's one thing to be afraid, and another thing to be a coward." Andrew Graham-Yooll The Argentine Journalist who Report… - 6 years ago

@alexbedo1000: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@Danaiolos: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@ceciliab: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@MarcosZunino: RT @UruguayFran: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@jondknight: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - BBC News - 6 years ago

@willshome: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@christianjbdev: RT @llewelyn_morgan: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@llewelyn_morgan: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@vivekji: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@Beeman1200: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@DamienP31189921: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@Leeuwenheart: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@NSR_Stevenson: 🌿🇦🇪 ANDREW GRAHAM-YOOLL, Passed away on Friday aged 75 An icon of the English-speaking community, the Argentine-b… - 6 years ago

@shershah555: RT @BBCNews: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@Deepdarkred1: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@njslea: VISIT WEBSITE Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing… - 6 years ago

@MJotaGarcia: RT @theBAtimes: Tomo's #Frontpage. Saturday, July 13, 2019. Edition #99. - The death of Fernando de la Rúa - Late writer and journalist A… - 6 years ago

@achwoo: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@WorldNewsByRon: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@KBCCHANNELTV: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina’s missing - 6 years ago

@rbarnard0: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@caroaber: BBC News - Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@lucasmzv: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@Fabiolucv: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@breakingnewshe1: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

@perfildiario: RT @theBAtimes: Tomo's #Frontpage. Saturday, July 13, 2019. Edition #99. - The death of Fernando de la Rúa - Late writer and journalist A… - 6 years ago

@cumberland_g: RT @URLgoeshere: Out tomorrow! Lots of great opinion and analysis inside and we bid farewell to our much-loved columnist Andrew Graham-Yoo… - 6 years ago

@_kpek: RT @BBCWorld: Obituary: Andrew Graham-Yooll, the man who dared to report on Argentina's missing - 6 years ago

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