Anatoly Aleksin

Russian writer and poet.
Died on Tuesday May 2nd 2017

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Tweets related to Anatoly Aleksin:

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Writers Jean Stein, Anatoly Aleksin; bassist Kevin Garcia; playwright Gurr; music's Kurenniemi… - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Anatoly Aleksin (1924 - 2017), died at age 92 years - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Anatoly Aleksin, Russian writer and poet, Died at 92 - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: #RIP2017 Anatoly Aleksin. Russian children's poet & writer 📖🇷🇺 #Moscow #Pravda #Luxembourg - 8 years ago


@Rus_Eng_News: Children's writer Anatoly Aleksin died in Luxembourg - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Photo GALLERY. Died children's writer Anatoly Aleksin - 8 years ago

@news2night_com: Children's writer Anatoly Aleksin has died at the age of 92 years - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Children's writer Anatoly Aleksin has died at the age of 92 years - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Anatoly Aleksin - #AnatolyAleksin #Anatoly #Aleksin #rip - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Anatoly Aleksin, 92, Russian writer and poet. - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Murió classic soviética de la literatura infantil anatoly Алексин - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Est mort classic soviétique de la littérature pour enfants Anatoly Алексин - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Died classic of Soviet children's literature Anatoly Aleksin - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: At the age of 92 years died children's writer Anatoly Aleksin - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: \Los libros fueron envueltos en la juventud\: murió el escritor, anatoly Алексин - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: \Les livres ont été enveloppées jeunesse\: est décédé écrivain Anatoly Алексин - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Died classic of children's literature Anatoly Aleksin - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Writer Anatoly Aleksin has died on 93-m to year of life - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: \The books were enveloped in youth\: he died the writer Anatoly Aleksin - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Murió el clásico de la literatura infantil anatoly Алексин - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Est décédé le classique de la littérature enfantine Anatoly Алексин - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Died classic of children's literature Anatoly Aleksin - 8 years ago

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