Anatole Katok

Russian-born American mathematician.
Died on Thursday May 3rd 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Anatole Katok:

@derekbmiller: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@JamesMWilliam18: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@Veenabhakta: Anatole Katok a Mathematician who explored chaos theory is no more. RIP 🙏 - 7 years ago

@ScottBrown111: R.I.P. Anatole Kapok - 7 years ago


@ohiomail: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@RichardBlaber: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@thinker_great: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@wirrix66: RT @stevenstrogatz: RIP, Anatole Katok, a great dynamicist. - 7 years ago

@mdsosa: So shocked to learn this today. I had a great privilege to begin much of my studies in dynamical systems from an ab… - 7 years ago

@Zeushero: - 7 years ago

@absurdistnate: Ode’s are love. Ode’s are life. Rip - 7 years ago

@rnitsch: RT @MathFeed: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@MathFeed: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@msantopr: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@MatthewMaddux: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 | The Washington Post - 7 years ago

@iMath_Tutor: #mathematics #dynamicalsystems #ergodictheory #obit Penn State - 7 years ago

@jeanluc_t: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@ONUMathStat: RIP Anatole Katok - 7 years ago

@UnitePink: RT @martyweilwapost: Brilliant mathematician, graduate of Moscow State U. wants out of Soviet Union. It’s gonna be tough. But, turns out he… - 7 years ago

@Social_Media_gx: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@paglend: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@egaltmann: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@rauindia: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@Oikoumenikos: - 7 years ago

@NaikShibabrat: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@HubBoston: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@laphyth_org: Le mathématicien americain d'origine russe Anatole Katok est décédé le 30 avril. Il était un acteur majeur de la th… - 7 years ago

@usnehal: RT @GlobeMetro: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@_CharlotteKelly: RT @GlobeMetro: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@patentbuddy: RT @stevenstrogatz: RIP, Anatole Katok, a great dynamicist. - 7 years ago

@17Random: RT @stevenstrogatz: RIP, Anatole Katok, a great dynamicist. - 7 years ago

@andrewburbanks: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@yugo_ren: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@NumberTheorist: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@AvitabileD: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@marktmaclean: RT @Anthony_Bonato: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@Anthony_Bonato: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - 7 years ago

@nielswotan: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@chris1729: RT @stevenstrogatz: RIP, Anatole Katok, a great dynamicist. - 7 years ago

@NZPerdahci: RT @stevenstrogatz: RIP, Anatole Katok, a great dynamicist. - 7 years ago

@martyweilwapost: Brilliant mathematician, graduate of Moscow State U. wants out of Soviet Union. It’s gonna be tough. But, turns out… - 7 years ago

@divbyzero: RT @chaaosbook: We have lost Anatole Katok, a leading ergodic theorist, and a coauthor of the magisterial “Introduction to the Modern Theo… - 7 years ago

@richardclegg: RT @stevenstrogatz: RIP, Anatole Katok, a great dynamicist. - 7 years ago

@MathematicsShow: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - Washington Post - 7 years ago

@twitbituaries: Anatole Katok, mathematician who explored chaos theory, dies at 73 - - 7 years ago

@kb6nzv: - 7 years ago

@Nenajaque: Anatole Katok, August 9, 1944 – April 30, 2018. - 7 years ago

@smm_mx: La Sociedad Matemática Mexicana lamenta profundamente el fallecimiento el 30 de abril de dos importantes matemático… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Anatole Katok - #AnatoleKatok #Anatole #Katok #rip - 7 years ago

@_el_rafa_: - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Anatole Katok, US-amerikanischer Mathematiker, am 30.04.2018 im Alter von 73 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Anatole Katok - 7 years ago

@HiroyukiInou: RT @sk_attack: Anatole Katok (1944-2018) has been a tremendous force and inspiration to generations of dynamicists. Thank you Tolya. https… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Anatole Katok (73) American mathematician - 7 years ago

@DeathByWiki: Anatole Katok, American mathematician, died 30th Apr aged 73. - 7 years ago

@wikireaper: The dust has been bitten by Anatole Katok, American mathematician. - 7 years ago

@BrKloeckner: I am very sad to learn that Anatole Katok, great mathematician with many important contributions to one of my favor… - 7 years ago

@sk_attack: Anatole Katok (1944-2018) has been a tremendous force and inspiration to generations of dynamicists. Thank you Toly… - 7 years ago

@fractologist: RT @divbyzero: Reddit is saying that both Anatole Katok (73) and Manfredo do Carmo (89) passed away today. I learned a lot of mathematics f… - 7 years ago

@kleptsyn: RT @yury_kudryashov: R.I.P. Anatole Katok - 7 years ago

@_nilradical: RT @divbyzero: Reddit is saying that both Anatole Katok (73) and Manfredo do Carmo (89) passed away today. I learned a lot of mathematics f… - 7 years ago

@hobartmariner: RT @divbyzero: Reddit is saying that both Anatole Katok (73) and Manfredo do Carmo (89) passed away today. I learned a lot of mathematics f… - 7 years ago

@jaareoregim1: RT @divbyzero: Reddit is saying that both Anatole Katok (73) and Manfredo do Carmo (89) passed away today. I learned a lot of mathematics f… - 7 years ago

@sioum: RT @divbyzero: Reddit is saying that both Anatole Katok (73) and Manfredo do Carmo (89) passed away today. I learned a lot of mathematics f… - 7 years ago

@divbyzero: Reddit is saying that both Anatole Katok (73) and Manfredo do Carmo (89) passed away today. I learned a lot of math… - 7 years ago

@ladypaulina: RT @janarhertz: It is with great sadness that I inform that the mathematician Anatole Katok has passed away this morning (April 30) https:/… - 7 years ago

@yury_kudryashov: R.I.P. Anatole Katok - 7 years ago

@manematico: RT @janarhertz: It is with great sadness that I inform that the mathematician Anatole Katok has passed away this morning (April 30) https:/… - 7 years ago

@Mhmdnewton: RT @janarhertz: It is with great sadness that I inform that the mathematician Anatole Katok has passed away this morning (April 30) https:/… - 7 years ago

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