Amina Mohamed Abdi

Somalian politician.
Died on Thursday March 24th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Amina Mohamed Abdi:

@jabriilkheyre: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago

@AbdiDr: Aaway, Xildh. Jeesow uga ma jeedo doceynta Amina Abdi Mohamed (AUN) oo dad kala duwan iskugu Yimaadeen? - 3 years ago

@Tuuryare_Africa: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago

@MacalinAbshir: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago


@OAbraar: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:US Ambassador to Somalia Condemns Al-Shabab Attacks: … lawmaker, Amina Mohamed Abdi. Al-Shabab… - 3 years ago

@zakiyasin_: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago

@EAsayr: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago

@Hon1Abdullahi: RT @AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his brief re… - 3 years ago

@AbdirizakOm: I attended a prayer gathering in honor of MP Amina Abdi Mohamed who was killed in Beletwein on 24/03/2022. In his b… - 3 years ago

@Abdi_AlSheikh: RT @SomaliGuardian: #Somalia’s PM says perpetrators behind Ikran Tahlil’s murder were involved in the killing of an opposition MP Amina Moh… - 3 years ago

@masudsom: @igassar May allah SWT have a mercy on our sister MP Amina Mohamed Abdi. - 3 years ago

@mahdi_salaad: RT @AhmedAbdullahi_: Prime Minister Roble confirms that the perpetrators who killed MP Amina Mohamed Abdi are the same perpetrators who kil… - 3 years ago

@OAbraar: RT @AhmedAbdullahi_: A prayer meeting in honour of MP Amina Mohamed Abdi and other citizens killed in the recent bombings in Beledweyne was… - 3 years ago

@OAbraar: RT @AhmedAbdullahi_: Prime Minister Roble confirms that the perpetrators who killed MP Amina Mohamed Abdi are the same perpetrators who kil… - 3 years ago

@guriceel: RT @AhmedAbdullahi_: Prime Minister Roble confirms that the perpetrators who killed MP Amina Mohamed Abdi are the same perpetrators who kil… - 3 years ago

@AhmedAbdullahi_: Prime Minister Roble confirms that the perpetrators who killed MP Amina Mohamed Abdi are the same perpetrators who… - 3 years ago

@AhmedAbdullahi_: A prayer meeting in honour of MP Amina Mohamed Abdi and other citizens killed in the recent bombings in Beledweyne… - 3 years ago

@abdullahiabdi04: RT @AbdurahmanShei1: Al Shabaab carried out 127 attacks in Somalia and Kenya in the past 6 weeks killing more than 91 people including high… - 3 years ago

@Gedo_Victims: PLANNED GEDO OPERATION 1/ President Madoobe should stop responding to Farmaajo provocations in Gedo region.… - 3 years ago

@jackino_assefa: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@Shaadhyaree: RT @adancabdulle: Al Shabab has identified the suicide bomber that murdered Somali opposition MP Amina Mohamed Abdi as Mohamud Abdulqadir f… - 3 years ago

@zshirwac1: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@shashyshant: This is so horrible. "A “fearless” Somali female MP was among dozens of people killed in a series of bomb attacks… - 3 years ago

@MrZakariye1: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@jason4_pm2024: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@Wakiso52: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@NelloMurone: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@TAkatengo: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@abdi_axlam: RT @aminahabdalla: Farmaajo is known to kill his critics. He attempted to assassinate abdishakur, HSM & others. Yesterday, he assasinated… - 3 years ago

@NMacklynne: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@MohamoudFahmo: Xhildhibaan Amina Mohamed Abdi oo lagu dilay magaalada Baledweyne. Waxaa in loo arkaa dilkani in lagu argagixiyo u… - 3 years ago

@Aliceugandangal: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@Big_Tachio: RT @GaroweOnline: IN PICTURES: PM @MohamedHRoble and @KFosterFCDO discuss the troubled election and worsening security in #Somalia after Al… - 3 years ago

@OAbraar: RT @adancabdulle: There are fears the suicide bomber that killed opposition MP Amina Mohamed Abdi might have been part of @TheVillaSomalia… - 3 years ago

@UKinSomalia: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@ShadiaShadia16: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@OAbraar: RT @GaroweOnline: IN PICTURES: PM @MohamedHRoble and @KFosterFCDO discuss the troubled election and worsening security in #Somalia after Al… - 3 years ago

@GaroweOnline: IN PICTURES: PM @MohamedHRoble and @KFosterFCDO discuss the troubled election and worsening security in #Somalia af… - 3 years ago

@Twaha60614508: RT @vickyford: I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Mogadishu and Beledweyne on 23 March.  My thoughts are with all those affected,… - 3 years ago

@tarauk: RT @RepresentWatch: 'She raised her voice, fought corruption and denied impunity, and paid the highest price - her life': Somalia's feisty… - 3 years ago

@AbdirizakOm: The UN call for a probe into the suicide attack that killed MP Amina Abdi Mohamed is an important step in the right… - 3 years ago

@RepresentWatch: 'She raised her voice, fought corruption and denied impunity, and paid the highest price - her life': Somalia's fei… - 3 years ago

@yahye1dirie: RT @aminahabdalla: Farmaajo is known to kill his critics. He attempted to assassinate abdishakur, HSM & others. Yesterday, he assasinated… - 3 years ago

@Mohmuns: RT @aminahabdalla: Farmaajo is known to kill his critics. He attempted to assassinate abdishakur, HSM & others. Yesterday, he assasinated… - 3 years ago

@adancabdulle: RT @aminahabdalla: Farmaajo is known to kill his critics. He attempted to assassinate abdishakur, HSM & others. Yesterday, he assasinated… - 3 years ago

@Ahmed37789296: RT @AhmedHshi: Ilaahay ha u naxariisto Xildhiban Amina Mohamed Abdi 😭 - 3 years ago

@AbdiAbdishukri: Who killed Xildhiban Amina Mohamed Abdi,and why?? - 3 years ago

@20Kaikai: RT @RAbdiAnalyst: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@sayid_mukhtar3: RT @RAbdiAnalyst: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@OsmanJ93054557: @ha_noolaato Allaha u naxariisto Amina Mohamed Abdi kuwii shirqoolayna ciqaabtooda aduun iyo Aakhiraba Allaha ku marsiiyo - 3 years ago

@Citoyen_Djib: #Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@SHOMARYKOMBO_Jr: RT @JamiiForums: BELEDWEYNE, SOMALIA: Shambulio la Bomu la kujitoa mhanga la Wanamgambo wa Al-Shabaab limesababisha vifo vya watu 15 akiwem… - 3 years ago

@EvelynNamusoke: - 3 years ago

@masudsom: @AdowM May allah SWT have a mercy on our sister MP amina Mohamed abdi. - 3 years ago

@abdilahi_abd: @Sacadfaarah Ugu horayn alle ha unaxariisto Xildhibaan Amina Mohamed Abdi qof qaaliya ayay ahayd. Diplamasiyinta si… - 3 years ago

@masudsom: @RAbdiAnalyst @HassanSMohamud The sadness and grief which appeared on face of our Former President H.E… - 3 years ago

@AbdulqadirOmar6: Hon. Amina Mohamed Abdi (RIP) was a principled person, who was confident and believed in her self. She stood for th… - 3 years ago

@farhan80m: RT @SomaliGuardian: #Somalia’s PM, former presidents and top opposition figures attend funeral prayers for Amina Mohamed Abdi, an MP who wa… - 3 years ago

@haaynoof: RT @hamse_warfa: Saddened by the terrorist attack that took the life of Amina Mohamed Abdi, and many other innocent lives. Amina was a memb… - 3 years ago

@somaliyardimder: RT @sntvnews1: Amina Mohamed Abdi, a member of Federal Parliament has been killed in a suicide attack that occurred in #Beledweyne town, on… - 3 years ago

@fatheyayallas: Someone who could’ve helped girls and women died in a terror attack. It upset me because she was irreplaceable. Bes… - 3 years ago

@padraigfmac: RT @irishmissionun: #UNSC AOB on #Somalia. 🇮🇪 condemns the heinous attacks by Al-Shabaab in Mogadishu & Beledweyne, which killed dozens o… - 3 years ago

@Lari116278227: RT @WaWajir: Indeed it's very sad and unfortunate our sister Amina mohamed Abdi killed, my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families a… - 3 years ago

@fatheyayallas: RT @WaWajir: Indeed it's very sad and unfortunate our sister Amina mohamed Abdi killed, my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families a… - 3 years ago

@victimoIogist: RT @KaamilAhmed: Opposition Somali MP Amina Mohamed Abdi was killed in the bombings on a rural town this week. She had been pushing for j… - 3 years ago

@AminaMaandeeq: RT @AbdiDr: Waa, kugu raacsanahay 100% in kursigi Xildh. Amina Abdi Mohamed (AUN) la siiyo qoyskeeda i.e., gabar iyo wiil wixi ay dhashay a… - 3 years ago

@BreatheLove75: RT @AllAfricafrench: A qui profite l'attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi?: - 3 years ago

@masudsom: @Abdisalamguled May allah SWT have a mercy on our sister MP Amina Mohamed Abdi. - 3 years ago

@France2Afrique: 2. 30 personnes sont décédées en Somalie à la suite d’un double attentat revendiqué par le groupe jihadiste shebabs… - 3 years ago

@cidaf_ucm: Muere la diputada somalí Amina Mohamed Abdi - 3 years ago

@asterhailu16: RT @RAbdiAnalyst: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@selvotta: RT @nigrizia: Il duplice attacco, rivendicato da #alShabaab, aveva come obiettivo Amina Mohamed Abdi, voce critica nei confronti del presid… - 3 years ago

@AbdiDr: Waa, kugu raacsanahay 100% in kursigi Xildh. Amina Abdi Mohamed (AUN) la siiyo qoyskeeda i.e., gabar iyo wiil wixi… - 3 years ago

@AbdiDr: Allaha-U-Naxariisto, Xildh. Amina Abdi Mohamed. - 3 years ago

@nancygrimberg: RT @descifraguerra: 🇸🇴Al-Shabab reivindicó dos ataques en la localidad somalí de Beledweyne que causaron la muerte de al menos 48 personas… - 3 years ago

@AllAfricafrench: A qui profite l'attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi?: - 3 years ago

@France2Afrique: 2. 30 personnes sont décédées en Somalie à la suite d’un double attentat revendiqué par le groupe jihadiste shebabs… - 3 years ago

@diamondbliss91: RT @KaamilAhmed: Opposition Somali MP Amina Mohamed Abdi was killed in the bombings on a rural town this week. She had been pushing for j… - 3 years ago

@sokeeye777_ws: Somalia Elections: Eye on Amina Mohamed Abdi who is battling for a third... - 3 years ago

@FA48867900: RT @RAbdiAnalyst: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@army_tdf: RT @RAbdiAnalyst: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@JubalandBae: For how long will Somalis watch a regime that uses Alshabaab terror group to target its critics? MP Amina Mohamed A… - 3 years ago

@Genetmelkam211: RT @RAbdiAnalyst: Somalie: à qui profite l’attentat qui a coûté la vie à la député Amina Mohamed Abdi? - 3 years ago

@mebconsult: Rest in Peace Amina Mohamed Abdi 😰 - 3 years ago

@laboescapes: RT @nigrizia: Il duplice attacco, rivendicato da #alShabaab, aveva come obiettivo Amina Mohamed Abdi, voce critica nei confronti del presid… - 3 years ago

@AhmedGallow8: RT @FaadumoAli11: The untold grief of losing such a vibrant woman. Somalia lost greatly when MP Amina Mohamed Abdi was killed Somalia mou… - 3 years ago

@CindyEArevalo: RT @DianneG: Parliament member & government critic Amina Mohamed Abdi and at least 47 others were killed in a suicide attack in the Somali… - 3 years ago

@sinai_hesa: RT @KaamilAhmed: Opposition Somali MP Amina Mohamed Abdi was killed in the bombings on a rural town this week. She had been pushing for j… - 3 years ago

@recognizeSL: RT @FaadumoAli11: Villa Somalia has assasinated great Somalis & blamed it on AS. They killed 1. Ikran Tahlil 2. General Galal 3. Amina Moh… - 3 years ago

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