Alyson Bailes

British diplomat
Died on Friday April 29th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Alyson Bailes:

@Kathy_Critchley: RT @ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago

@Numill_Eng: RT @ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago

@WomanthologyUK: RT @ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago

@AlexWEllis: RT @ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago


@cathscarr: RT @ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago

@HMAMichaelAron: RT @ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago

@ruthvshaw: Good example of inspiring @NorthPowerWomen Born Liverpool. Travelled the world. Distinguished career @foreignoffice - 9 years ago

@ruthvshaw: Inspiration to us all. Pioneering #femalediplomat @fcocareers @WomanthologyUK - 9 years ago

@hannahekbryce: RT @TheWorldToday: RIP Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, polyglot, teacher & staunch believer in disarmament - 9 years ago

@TheWorldToday: RIP Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, polyglot, teacher & staunch believer in disarmament - 9 years ago

@Nekrologium: Alyson Bailes, britische Diplomatin, am 29.04.2016 im Alter von 67 Jahren - - 9 years ago

@benoitgomis: Saddened to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes, a source of inspiration to many in European foreign policy: - 9 years ago

@StuartinGhana: RT @paulknott11: Tribute: megalingual Scouse woman diplomat into embroidery & Faroese heavy metal. Is @foreignoffice still as diverse?https… - 9 years ago

@paulknott11: Tribute: megalingual Scouse woman diplomat into embroidery & Faroese heavy metal. Is @foreignoffice still as diverse? - 9 years ago

@MDRBrown: Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@DrDiana7: RT @AnittaCollins: Rest in Peace Alyson Bailes. Expert on global defence issues & an inspiration to young female diplomats like myself http… - 9 years ago

@AnittaCollins: Rest in Peace Alyson Bailes. Expert on global defence issues & an inspiration to young female diplomats like myself - 9 years ago

@LaurenMaeve: RT @HeadUKCivServ: Sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A talented civil servant who was a role model for so many others: - 9 years ago

@KevMcGurganFCO: RT @HeadUKCivServ: Sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A talented civil servant who was a role model for so many others: - 9 years ago

@HeadUKCivServ: Sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A talented civil servant who was a role model for so many others: - 9 years ago

@Keyhole__Kate: RT @1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. https:/… - 9 years ago

@NualaGormley: RT @1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. https:/… - 9 years ago

@Colin_Fleming77: RT @1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. https:/… - 9 years ago

@Tighnacoille: RT @1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. https:/… - 9 years ago

@BarryByrne0: RT @1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. https:/… - 9 years ago

@ScotGlobalForum: RT @1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. https:/… - 9 years ago

@1johnmacdonald: Very sad to hear of the passing of Alyson Bailes. A person of great wisdom and generosity. Fondly remembered. - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, Died at 67 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, Died at 67 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, Died at 67 - 9 years ago

@VybzEn: Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, Died at 67 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, Died at 67 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: Alyson Bailes, British diplomat, Died at 67 - 9 years ago

@ChSchreiter: RT @DunnettCentral: It is with deep sadness that we report the death of Dorothy Dunnett Society member Alyson JK Bailes, author of... https… - 9 years ago

@m_matthiessen: RT @RKionka: RIP Alyson Bailes, a quirky, wonderful and warm colleague who set an example for so many others. - 9 years ago

@NicoleDavisonUK: RT @KarenBettsFCO: Obituary of Alyson Bailes, impressive and indomitable British diplomat, and role model for @foreignoffice women https:/… - 9 years ago

@RKionka: RIP Alyson Bailes, a quirky, wonderful and warm colleague who set an example for so many others. - 9 years ago

@juleschappellUK: A lovely tribute to Alyson Bailes - diplomat extraordinaire - 9 years ago

@ahlstrm_: RT @SIPRIorg: SIPRI mourns the passing of its former Director, Alyson Bailes: - 9 years ago

@HoltomP: RT @SIPRIorg: SIPRI mourns the passing of its former Director, Alyson Bailes: - 9 years ago

@indyyes2014: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@OliviaB_Bernard: #diplomat Alyson Bailes obituary #foreignoffice #fco - 9 years ago

@SIPRIorg: SIPRI mourns the passing of its former Director, Alyson Bailes: - 9 years ago

@AGardberg: RT @mattikalliokosk: Entinen Suomen-suurlähettiläs. - Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@mjdolan11: RT @KarenBettsFCO: Obituary of Alyson Bailes, impressive and indomitable British diplomat, and role model for @foreignoffice women https:/… - 9 years ago

@nyberg_ren: RT @mattikalliokosk: Entinen Suomen-suurlähettiläs. - Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@THeinila: RT @mattikalliokosk: Entinen Suomen-suurlähettiläs. - Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@mattikalliokosk: Entinen Suomen-suurlähettiläs. - Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@Dr_JMRickli: RT @keohanedan: RIP Alyson Bailes. - 9 years ago

@JoeMandava: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@SeanKay_Rocket: RT @keohanedan: RIP Alyson Bailes. - 9 years ago

@evolvingpeasant: RT @snppoliticsnews: AngusMacNeilSNP: RT AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High Nort… ht… - 9 years ago

@EmilitaEmms: Fortunate to have been taught by her: - 9 years ago

@evelyn5612: RT @snppoliticsnews: AngusMacNeilSNP: RT AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High Nort… ht… - 9 years ago

@Lowlandwanderer: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@YsabelleStewart: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@davidhf54: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@tartanroots: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@sintaygaleska: RT @nealrstewart: I was lucky enough to meet Alyson Bailes on only a couple of occasions, but that time was enriching. A huge loss. https:/… - 9 years ago

@mredinburgh: RT @AngusRobertson: Very sorry about death of talented diplomat Alyson Bailes, expert in High North & Arctic and friend of Scotland #RIP ht… - 9 years ago

@mbrajshori: Alyson Bailes obituary-the diplomat who did valuable work on Nato’s enlargement into eastern Europe - 9 years ago

@KarenBettsFCO: Obituary of Alyson Bailes, impressive and indomitable British diplomat, and role model for @foreignoffice women - 9 years ago

@HMASarahPrice: RT @HMAMatthewLodge: Very sorry to hear of death of Alyson Bailes. Sad loss of talented lady @ukinfinland - 9 years ago

@PeterJonesFCO: Another nice tribute to Alyson Bailes, including yet more things I didn't know about her: - 9 years ago

@ukinfinland: RT @HMAMatthewLodge: Very sorry to hear of death of Alyson Bailes. Sad loss of talented lady @ukinfinland - 9 years ago

@HMAMatthewLodge: Very sorry to hear of death of Alyson Bailes. Sad loss of talented lady @ukinfinland - 9 years ago

@d_mainwaring: RT @JarrodNHayes: Very sad to see Alyson Bailes has passed away. Wonderful person and our collective loss - 9 years ago

@JarrodNHayes: Very sad to see Alyson Bailes has passed away. Wonderful person and our collective loss - 9 years ago

@IDiplomat: RT @HistorianHelen: Thoughtful, honest and touching tribute by @carneross to his former FCO boss Alyson Bailes - 9 years ago

@ellyfriel: RIP Alyson Bailes: Security/Lipstick/Tartan warrior & 1 most inspiring, glam, smart ppl I had honour to spend time w/ - 9 years ago

@Muroseu_Bot: RT @EyeOnTheReaper: Alyson Bailes, 67, British diplomat, ambassador to Finland (2000–2002). - 9 years ago

@EyeOnTheReaper: Alyson Bailes, 67, British diplomat, ambassador to Finland (2000–2002). - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Alyson Bailes - #AlysonBailes #Alyson #Bailes #rip - 9 years ago

@Muroseu_Bot: RT @HMASarahPrice: Wonderful obituary of a remarkable person: Alyson Bailes, British Ambassador to #Finland 2000-02 - 9 years ago

@LGardemeister: RT @HMASarahPrice: Wonderful obituary of a remarkable person: Alyson Bailes, British Ambassador to #Finland 2000-02 - 9 years ago

@KaniewskaMika: Wonderful person and great teacher She will be missed :-( @collegeofeurope Alyson Bailes obituary: - 9 years ago

@criscefai: An outstanding woman, a skilful lecturer and an inspiring person all around. May she rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@FinaudMarc: RT @TheGCSP: We convey our condolences on the passing of Amb Alyson Bailes - a frequent and appreciated speaker in our courses. - 9 years ago

@PhilippaSevigny: RT @DunnettCentral: It is with deep sadness that we report the death of Dorothy Dunnett Society member Alyson JK Bailes, author of... https… - 9 years ago

@UKOSCE: RT @SianCMacLeod: Great sadness @osce @foreignoffice at untimely death of the brilliant, wise, kind, Alyson Bailes, diplomat & scholar http… - 9 years ago

@SianCMacLeod: Great sadness @osce @foreignoffice at untimely death of the brilliant, wise, kind, Alyson Bailes, diplomat & scholar - 9 years ago

@HistorianHelen: Thoughtful, honest and touching tribute by @carneross to his former FCO boss Alyson Bailes - 9 years ago

@Janis_Kazocins: RT @KadriLiik: Alyson was also on the advisory board of @ICDS_Tallinn. Estonia will miss her... - 9 years ago

@tahnsta: Gone too soon. 'Alyson Bailes' obituary': - 9 years ago

@urbanarctic8: Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@IES_Brussels: RT @LawDavF: Pleased to see substantial obits of Alyson Bailes in both Times and Guardian. @lindasgrant - 9 years ago

@HMAStuartGill: RT @UKDipAcademy: Our Permanent Secretary @SMcDonaldFCO paid tribute to Alyson Bailes as he launched Practitioner Level today - 9 years ago

@IES_Brussels: R.I.P. Alyson Bailes. Watch her @IES_Brussels lecture on Europe and the Arctic. Prof Bailes will be dearly missed. - 9 years ago

@DanielFiott: RT @LawDavF: Pleased to see substantial obits of Alyson Bailes in both Times and Guardian. @lindasgrant - 9 years ago

@gwbled: RT @DunnettCentral: It is with deep sadness that we report the death of Dorothy Dunnett Society member Alyson JK Bailes, author of... https… - 9 years ago

@SID_Hamburg: IFSH: Das IFSH trauert um Alyson Bailes - 9 years ago

@DunnettCentral: It is with deep sadness that we report the death of Dorothy Dunnett Society member Alyson JK Bailes, author of... - 9 years ago

@JuergenFinger: RT @Holger_Nehring: A remarkable UK diplomat has died: Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

@Holger_Nehring: A remarkable UK diplomat has died: Alyson Bailes obituary - 9 years ago

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