Alvin Sargent

American screenwriter.
Died on Saturday May 11th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Alvin Sargent:

@louishowley: RT @NYTObits: The veteran Hollywood screenwriter won an Oscar for his gripping portrayal of breakdowns lurking under the surface of an affl… - 6 years ago

@Luncheon_BOX: RT @IGN: If you had to choose among the Sam Raimi trilogy, and the Amazing Spider-Man, which is your favorite film that Alvin Sargent helpe… - 6 years ago

@whitehairedgran: RT @guardianobits: Alvin Sargent obituary. Oscar-winning screenwriter of Ordinary People and Julia - 6 years ago

@moudouxmou: RT @ao_produced: RIP. アルヴィン・サージェント(脚本家) 『ペーパームーン』『ジュリア』『ボビー・ディアフィールド』『ストレート・タイム』『普通の人々』... 好きな映画がいっぱい。特に『ペーパームーン』『ジュリア』は....70年代の良質なアメリカ映画… - 6 years ago


@nateduchene: @LOrive @NoahHarald @TheWRACGroup @BarryJenkins Ah, RIP to Alvin Sargent. One of the greats of the writing craft! - 6 years ago

@NovellaDesrobe3: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@diariodwhomples: Muere Alvin Sargent, el guionista de Spiderman y Gente como uno - 6 years ago

@JadeHamilton1: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@whitehairedgran: RT @YogaArmy: Alvin Sargent, Oscar-Winning ‘Julia’ and ‘Ordinary People’ Screenwriter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@AndreaHavens: RT @ImTheoMarshall: Alvin Sargent was a friend & mentor since the day we met years ago. It was Alvin & his wife Laura Ziskin who convinced… - 6 years ago

@CraigProudley: Remembering Alvin Sargent, the Extraordinary Screenwriter Behind ‘Ordinary People’ - 6 years ago

@jephM: RT @BillyRay5229: There's ONE movie poster hanging in my office. It's "Ordinary People," written by ALVIN SARGENT. He also wrote "Julia," w… - 6 years ago

@LittleRedWritin: Rest in peace Alvin Sargent. Thank you for the movies. - 6 years ago

@TM_Rezzek: @Stonekettle Epitaphs can be fun. The best one I heard came to light after screenwriter Alvin Sargent died on May 9… - 6 years ago

@heathercamff: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @THR: Alvin Sargent, Oscar-winning screenwriter on 'Julia' and 'Ordinary People,' dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@frankjayhall: #FunFact #137: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spi… - 6 years ago

@adix_alexis: RT @StripMarvel: Alvin Sargent, guionista de las primeras sagas de 'Spider-man', fallecía hoy a los 92 años. - 6 years ago

@misswhoop: RT @PabloPlanovsky: Falleció Alvin Sargent, uno de los mejores guionistas de Hollywood. Escribió películas extraordinarias como Paper Moon,… - 6 years ago

@YodySanchez1: @HiTopFilms I don't why, in this pic he can play a Biopic of you life. Directed by Sam Raimi. Sadly, we lost Alvin Sargent - 6 years ago

@Manuel_Huerga: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al espléndido Alvin Sargent. Ganó dos oscar por los guiones adaptados de JULIA y GENTE CORRIENTE. Escribió maravil… - 6 years ago

@cinematecavzla: #CineTip Muere el guionista Alvin Sargent a los 92 años - 6 years ago

@mbrinkerhoff: Alvin Sargent, #Oscar-Winning Screenwriter of 'Julia' and 'Ordinary People,' Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@alextannernyc: RT @TheAcademy: From the Oscar-winning "Ordinary People" to the "Spider-Man" sequels, screenwriter Alvin Sargent was a master storyteller w… - 6 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Alvin Sargent obituary. Oscar-winning screenwriter of Ordinary People and Julia - 6 years ago

@MDRBrown: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@thomharp: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@guardianobits: Alvin Sargent obituary. Oscar-winning screenwriter of Ordinary People and Julia - 6 years ago

@I_am_TomCruise: RT @eigahiho: 『くちづけ』『ペーパー・ムーン』『ジュリア』『ストレート・タイム』『普通の人々』『おつむて・ん・て・ん・クリニック 』『スパイダーマン2』『アメイジング・スパイダーマン』等の作品で脚本を執筆したアルヴィン・サージェントが92歳で亡くなった。RIP..… - 6 years ago

@Alpha1Media: RIP Alvin Sargent, the American screenwriter who won two Oscars and penned scripts for the Spider-Man trilogy.… - 6 years ago

@Galina18265379: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@AGraveAnnounce: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@bellwynne: RT @CriterionDaily: Gathering tributes to the late screenwriter Alvin Sargent (PAPER MOON, JULIA, ORDINARY PEOPLE, SPIDER-MAN 2) - 6 years ago

@avishek22: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@InstaHiddenAPP: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@PinkDolphinMLtd: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@qthewetsprocket: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@CelebrityPool: RT @THR: Alvin Sargent, Oscar-winning screenwriter on 'Julia' and 'Ordinary People,' dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@SomeGuyOnline7: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@fergstack: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@OctavioRey7: RT @PabloPlanovsky: Falleció Alvin Sargent, uno de los mejores guionistas de Hollywood. Escribió películas extraordinarias como Paper Moon,… - 6 years ago

@LucioFontanari: RT @PabloPlanovsky: Falleció Alvin Sargent, uno de los mejores guionistas de Hollywood. Escribió películas extraordinarias como Paper Moon,… - 6 years ago

@smilingcobra: Run For Your Life's "Carol" (1968) and The Paper Chase's "The Choice" are two other obscure ones that come to mind.… - 6 years ago

@kayirowling: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@shadowinkpress: RT @WritersGuildF: RIP to one of the greats, Alvin Sargent. Thank you for your enduring work and words. - 6 years ago

@gerardpatrick: Alvin #Sargent obituary - 6 years ago

@FLICKMINUTE: @marvwellins1 @FilmJunkie82 @right_movies Screenwriter Alvin Sargent just passed away. His 1978 script for STRAIGHT… - 6 years ago

@Torathor: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

@GordonBarratt1: RT @qikipedia: Alvin Sargent, the late Oscar-winning screenwriter of ‘Ordinary People’, ‘Paper Moon’, and four ‘Spider-Man’ films, used to… - 6 years ago

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