Alvin Lucier

American composer.
Died on Wednesday December 1st 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Alvin Lucier:

@tinttorera: Un mix de Lee Gamble como homenaje al recién fallecido master, Alvin Lucier. Por si están sentados en una habitació… - 3 years ago

@freedrull: RT @getdizzzy: 3 TIMES! on @datafruits! this week, "i am streaming in a room" feat. alvin lucier, francis beby, gyorgy ligeti, alice coltra… - 3 years ago

@annex_agency: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@FrbhRecs: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago


@RaymondAisselle: Alvin Lucier - Music On A Long Thin Wire (1980) FULL ALBUM - 3 years ago

@datafruits: RT @getdizzzy: 3 TIMES! on @datafruits! this week, "i am streaming in a room" feat. alvin lucier, francis beby, gyorgy ligeti, alice coltra… - 3 years ago

@RetreatSublime: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@cascadianrhythm: - 3 years ago

@notypedrones: RT @getdizzzy: 3 TIMES! on @datafruits! this week, "i am streaming in a room" feat. alvin lucier, francis beby, gyorgy ligeti, alice coltra… - 3 years ago

@getdizzzy: 3 TIMES! on @datafruits! this week, "i am streaming in a room" feat. alvin lucier, francis beby, gyorgy ligeti, ali… - 3 years ago

@ClemUhhh: This week, we lost Alvin Lucier, Greg Tate, and now Michael Nesmith. - 3 years ago

@HECTORHUGOVILLE: RT @aquileslazaro: Gracias a Sonus Litterarum por publicar, a propósito de su muerte, este texto que escribí sobre el compositor Alvin Luci… - 3 years ago

@tusk_music: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@tsukasaxt_x: Alvin Lucier – Silver Streetcar For The Orchestra (1998) - 3 years ago

@LichtAlan: In Memoriam Alvin Lucier: A textual realization of “I Am Sitting in a Room” - Utilizing A.I. software which generat… - 3 years ago

@jjhuQPWjakk7cPr: Alvin Lucier, Experimental Composer, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@jjhuQPWjakk7cPr: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@jjhuQPWjakk7cPr: Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dead at 90 - 3 years ago

@aquileslazaro: Gracias a Sonus Litterarum por publicar, a propósito de su muerte, este texto que escribí sobre el compositor Alvin… - 3 years ago

@ebcidicmusic: Favorited "Alvin Lucier tribute – Mixed by Lee Gamble" - 3 years ago

@BeerWithSubs: Couldn't but smile at "the tiny rural town of Dundalk" but "some kind of miracle" definitely works to describe… - 3 years ago

@tolfred: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@mill_bassa: RT @amass_jp: 実験音楽を代表する音楽家アルヴィン・ルシエ(Alvin Lucier)が死去。90歳でした。実験音楽やサウンド・パフォーマンスといった未聞の概念の形成に貢献したその作品群は、音楽という枠を超えて、人と環境の関わりを探求する新しい芸術として高く評価され… - 3 years ago

@psrb125712: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@kattvantar: - 3 years ago

@jnthmyw: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@christeeeene1: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@poly_metis: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@tkmttkmt: RT @tkmttkmt: #2021年ベストアルバム ② Alvin Lucier『Music for Piano XL』 残念ながら、先日90歳で亡くなったアメリカの現代音楽作曲家Lucierの最晩年の作品。「間」に満ちた静謐なピアノと、オシレーターによるサイン波の組み合わ… - 3 years ago

@syncsmith: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@CrackMagazine: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@deejaygeejaygee: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@seboulba19: - 3 years ago

@Nausicaa_riv: RT @GambleLee: .@CrackMagazine kindly asked me to make a mix acknowledging Alvin Lucier (RIP). Here it is. Music/ performance recordings by… - 3 years ago

@synekura_audio: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@deadheadned: RT @bourgwick: featuring a gorgeous live set by @jen_powers43 & @MatthewJRolin & j.r. bohannon, my 2010 live radio "cover" of alvin lucier'… - 3 years ago

@danielwyche: RT @auralthicket: New episode airs tonight at 10pm EST & features 3 extended pieces that challenge, reward, & transport their listeners, in… - 3 years ago

@audreyriley12: RT @MerceTrust: We note with sorrow the passing of the celebrated composer Alvin Lucier, part of the SONIC ARTS UNION. All of these compose… - 3 years ago

@JSpacewoman: RT @auralthicket: New episode airs tonight at 10pm EST & features 3 extended pieces that challenge, reward, & transport their listeners, in… - 3 years ago

@prof_lofi: Lovely book by Alvin Lucier. Even though I knew most of the anecdotes and pieces in the book, it was great revisiti… - 3 years ago

@MatthewJRolin: RT @auralthicket: New episode airs tonight at 10pm EST & features 3 extended pieces that challenge, reward, & transport their listeners, in… - 3 years ago

@howardrodman: And a long moment of silence for Alvin Lucier, now of blessed memory. - 3 years ago

@PeterFoolen: RT @ellenarkbro: Some stills from the Dan Flavin light installation in Chiesa Rossa in Milano where I performed last week. I walked through… - 3 years ago

@livelyroland: Birds: memories and meditations on Alvin Lucier on Disclaimer - 3 years ago

@RadioNightTrain: RT @auralthicket: New episode airs tonight at 10pm EST & features 3 extended pieces that challenge, reward, & transport their listeners, in… - 3 years ago

@auralthicket: New episode airs tonight at 10pm EST & features 3 extended pieces that challenge, reward, & transport their listene… - 3 years ago

@PineSpiritRiri: RT @GlitchedC: Alvin Lucier has left the room. Alvin Lucier est décedé aujourd'hui, on se souviendra de lui comme un grand homme, un excel… - 3 years ago

@sepulchra: RT @jeremiahmoore: Essential SoundReading: Douglas Kahn on Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@lydrummet: RT @jeremiahmoore: Essential SoundReading: Douglas Kahn on Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@jeremiahmoore: Essential SoundReading: Douglas Kahn on Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@iamkabuki: @opiumhum „I am sitting in a room…“ (Alvin Lucier) 😉 - 3 years ago

@wayumosa: RT @himnosyderiva: Meses, días y horas con Jeff Parker, Felicia Atkinson con Jefre Cantu-Ledesma, Powell, Ka Baird con Pekka Airaksinen, Al… - 3 years ago

@Bretontheradio: A huge loss. This past week has been awful. Alvin Lucier, Greg Tate and now Robbie Shakespeare. R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@PascalLN13: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@93BP93: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@93BP93: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@jhaas: RT @johnvvariety: Late RIP to Alvin Lucier, OG twitter poster (invented sitting in a room repeating the same sentence over and over until i… - 3 years ago

@deaf_joe: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@Dukenfield: Alvin Lucier is no longer sitting in a room. Terribly sad news. - 3 years ago

@Andr6wMale: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@IdeologicOrgan: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@YaQubeGL: RT @johnvvariety: Late RIP to Alvin Lucier, OG twitter poster (invented sitting in a room repeating the same sentence over and over until i… - 3 years ago

@saltyplumsoda: "...and is this 'Alvin Lucier' in a different room than us now?" - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@FrancoGutierrz: I Am Sitting in a Room ~ Alvin Lucier (1980) Drone / Spoken Word Lo que se escucha es el registro de un experiment… - 3 years ago

@yourclassical: The groundbreaking American composer and educator Alvin Lucier died Wednesday at his home in Middletown, Conn. Thro… - 3 years ago

@map_miyuki: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@chlorineII7: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@sunheadbowed: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@SignalsToNoises: RT @CormacRestrike: It was an absolute pleasure to work with Ren Klyce's soundtrack and some wonderful collaborators who went above and bey… - 3 years ago

@anaN2B: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@AaronDilloway: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@markasp138: Remembering Alvin Lucier, 1931-2021 - The Boston Musical Intelligencer - 3 years ago

@geoffwilt: RT @orenambarchi: ALVIN LUCIER truly was one-of-a-kind. Feeling incredibly blessed to have worked with him so closely over the past 8 years… - 3 years ago

@Ignacio_Fraga: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@SharonHascall: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@JulioFloresAb: RT @psycheloui: RIP Alvin Lucier. What a legend. I was lucky to have been his faculty mentee @wesleyan_u. He was 83 when we met, still supe… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @bhobrainey: Alvin Lucier gifted us ways of listening. He did it with consistency and generosity well into a very youthful old age. I do… - 3 years ago

@Steph1230: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@amontanhamagica: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@JoelleBonnet: - 3 years ago

@CAuerbachBrown: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@2trackmusic: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@NaoyukiI1: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@abraxas1117: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@irishetchings: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@mulder_pieter: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@ftrc: Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dead at 90 - 3 years ago

@Philibord: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@ronniegarzatx: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@diegocallazans: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@BezelVani: RT @ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde music." With An… - 3 years ago

@ubuweb: A selection of music from SOURCE-MUSIC OF THE AVANT GARDE, called "the greatest publication ever on Avant Garde mus… - 3 years ago

@pinhas: RT @orenambarchi: Playing Alvin Lucier’s ‘ Criss-Cross’ ‘Glacier’ and ‘V’ in Luxembourg tonight with Charles Curtis & Stephen O’Malley http… - 3 years ago

@ebondar_com: Vanguard Composer Alvin Lucier Dies, New Details of Rubell D.C. Museum, and More: Morning Links for December 2, 2021 - 3 years ago

@sonemic: "It sounds as if he's fusing with the room. Then he is underneath it. Then he becomes something beyond it. He bec… - 3 years ago

@OsservatorS: il 1° dicembre è morto Alvin Lucier, alla bella età di 90 anni: una lunga vita dedicata alla musica e a trasformare… - 3 years ago

@ArtsatMIT: Composer Alvin Lucier, former MIT CAST visiting artist, passed away Dec. 1 at 90 years old. Watch CAST Director… - 3 years ago

@kfaiplaylist: "I Am Sitting in a Room (excerpt)" by Alvin Lucier Upside Down at 2:02pm - 3 years ago

@inticomposes: this Saturday, @TaleaEnsemble performs my ‘Primavera crown’ at the @DiMennaCenter alongside @alvinlucier ‘Music for… - 3 years ago

@onryoux2: Alvin Lucier - Music On A Long Thin Wire (1980) FULL ALBUM - 3 years ago

@La12ldorf: @Altersapukai despedimos a Alvin Lucier escuchando como rebotan sus sonidos en las paredes hasta terminar de apagar… - 3 years ago

@Swissbusybee126: On the occasion of our one-month shooting trip related to Ellen Fullman’s documentary film - this back in September… - 3 years ago

@bastillemusique: RT @PositionenMusik: Einer der bedeutendsten Komponisten, Alvin Lucier, ist im Alter von 90 Jahre gestorben. Anfang des Jahres wurde sein 9… - 3 years ago

@Hopfenschauer: RT @PositionenMusik: Einer der bedeutendsten Komponisten, Alvin Lucier, ist im Alter von 90 Jahre gestorben. Anfang des Jahres wurde sein 9… - 3 years ago

@PositionenMusik: Einer der bedeutendsten Komponisten, Alvin Lucier, ist im Alter von 90 Jahre gestorben. Anfang des Jahres wurde sei… - 3 years ago

@flowershit: チェック! - 3 years ago

@radio_hoerer: Komponist Alvin Lucier gestorben "In einem anderen Raum". Der Komponist Alvin Lucier machte mit Feedbacksequenzen u… - 3 years ago

@NaoyukiI1: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@tkmttkmt: RT @tkmttkmt: #2021年ベストアルバム ② Alvin Lucier『Music for Piano XL』 残念ながら、先日90歳で亡くなったアメリカの現代音楽作曲家Lucierの最晩年の作品。「間」に満ちた静謐なピアノと、オシレーターによるサイン波の組み合わ… - 3 years ago

@Joyello: Alvin Lucier | I am Sitting in a Room - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @cyclicdefrost: Championing Sonic Phenomena as Music – A personal obituary for Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) by Cat Hope - 3 years ago

@thisquietarmy: RT @brainwashedcom: New Podcast Episode is up! New pieces by Robert Haigh, Loop, Skee Mask, thisquietarmy x N, LeRon Carson, Andrew Liles,… - 3 years ago

@jdscranton: - 3 years ago

@wtul_playlist: Just played: Alvin Lucier: Music for Piano with Slow Sweep Pure Wave Oscillators XL - Nicolas Horvath, Alvin Lucier - Lucier: Music for... - 3 years ago

@reverendentity: RT @brainwashedcom: New Podcast Episode is up! New pieces by Robert Haigh, Loop, Skee Mask, thisquietarmy x N, LeRon Carson, Andrew Liles,… - 3 years ago

@harehunterfield: RT @brainwashedcom: New Podcast Episode is up! New pieces by Robert Haigh, Loop, Skee Mask, thisquietarmy x N, LeRon Carson, Andrew Liles,… - 3 years ago

@brainwashedcom: New Podcast Episode is up! New pieces by Robert Haigh, Loop, Skee Mask, thisquietarmy x N, LeRon Carson, Andrew Li… - 3 years ago

@tzkbb: io - 3 years ago

@ImageKingUSA1: Alvin Lucier, inquisitive and innovative composer, has died at 90 - 3 years ago

@2trackmusic: RT @guardiannews: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@SCPublicRadio: NPR Remembrances ... including: designer Virgil Abloh, former Congresswoman Carrie Meek, composer Alvin Lucier, bro… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Alvin Lucier's experimental music was rooted in the physics of sound and might yield unpredictable results — in one… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @obladada: MEMORITA : ALVIN LUCIER "he leaves a stunning catalogue of work that will remain forward thinking for… - 3 years ago

@NHusflid: So sorry to hear that Alvin Lucier passed on December 1st. Composing and always aware of the unpredictable events i… - 3 years ago

@DarkHoarseColl: RT @cyclicdefrost: Championing Sonic Phenomena as Music – A personal obituary for Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) by Cat Hope - 3 years ago

@lit_metal: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: I wrote about Alvin Lucier, an experimental music visionary and a hero of mine, and what it was like to take his class… - 3 years ago

@_Jake_Saunders: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: I wrote about Alvin Lucier, an experimental music visionary and a hero of mine, and what it was like to take his class… - 3 years ago

@tkmttkmt: RT @tkmttkmt: #2021年ベストアルバム ② Alvin Lucier『Music for Piano XL』 残念ながら、先日90歳で亡くなったアメリカの現代音楽作曲家Lucierの最晩年の作品。「間」に満ちた静謐なピアノと、オシレーターによるサイン波の組み合わ… - 3 years ago

@LoudL: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@jhaines2010: RT @__ANAT: Vale Alvin Lucier, an eternal inspiration to many. #artScienceTechnology #soundArt #acoustic #experimental #composer - 3 years ago

@RiffClithard: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@BexLucindaWood: RT @mmmdananananone: The sound pioneer Alvin Lucier, who died last week. Rest In Sound. #alvinlucier #avantgarde #portrait #illustration ht… - 3 years ago

@DJSTTDJ: RT @sonemic: 🎶 This week's front page reviews on R.A.P. Ferreira (@yomilo) Alvin Lucier DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ… - 3 years ago

@AlexmRegla: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: I wrote about Alvin Lucier, an experimental music visionary and a hero of mine, and what it was like to take his class… - 3 years ago

@ADASpota: Alvin Lucier - Hanover (Criss-Cross / Hanover -Black Truffle, 2018) Featuring Stephen O'Malley and Oren Ambarchi,… - 3 years ago

@ADASpota: Alvin Lucier, RIP An excellent interview with John Olson from ARTnews in 2017. Alvin Lucier Sits in a Room—and Sp… - 3 years ago

@1003Yamato: #RIP #AlvinLucier TLで知ったAlvin Lucierの訃報..... - 3 years ago

@markyugen: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: I wrote about Alvin Lucier, an experimental music visionary and a hero of mine, and what it was like to take his class… - 3 years ago

@molinariletici1: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@eifonen: Alvin Lucier - Music On A Long Thin Wire (1980) FULL ALBUM これはよく聴いた(2本の長いワイヤーの微かな電磁的干渉を音に変換したらしい - 3 years ago

@eifonen: alvin lucier亡くなったのか… - 3 years ago

@eifonen: Alvin Lucier, inquisitive and innovative composer, has died at 90 - 3 years ago

@eifonen: RT @Tabatamitsuru: Alvin Lucier - Clocker (audio excerpt) - 3 years ago

@eifonen: RT @telepath_yukari: 2018年に観たAlvin Lucier@京大西部講堂。このときの公演に際して、Los Apsonが出張販売に来てたのが懐い。Oren Ambarchiを始めとした面々を含む、最大15人という大編成でのドローン/ミニマル。休憩も挟んで四… - 3 years ago

@rob_t_firefly: RT @TheGarrard: Lots of people claim they write experimental music. But Lucier was genuinely experimental, an original and someone with a… - 3 years ago

@berkozdemir: RT @cagrierdem: Yes, it is sad to lose brilliant artists, thinkers, etc. But usually, only a few of them genuinely have an impact on our li… - 3 years ago

@Bereaver: A former teacher of mine, a mentor, a musical genius, and about the loveliest man I've ever had the honor of knowin… - 3 years ago

@usysrc: RT @DrChadMcKinney: Very sorry to hear of the passing of Alvin Lucier. For those who are unfamiliar it is difficult to overstate just how p… - 3 years ago

@WatchTVAnywhere: Lucier changed the way we think about sound through monumental works like I Am Sitting in a Room and Music on a Lon… - 3 years ago

@awan9_: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@rukano: RT @DrChadMcKinney: Very sorry to hear of the passing of Alvin Lucier. For those who are unfamiliar it is difficult to overstate just how p… - 3 years ago

@BigmonkBradley: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@ongakunote: RT @stephanmathieu: Rest in power, Alvin Lucier, thank you for the mind-blowingly special work. It makes me happy to think that some years… - 3 years ago

@ongakunote: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@dubmissionradio: Listening to "Sound Portraits Radio #35 Alvin Lucier w/ Doron Sadja 14.05.2021" - 3 years ago

@MrAguirreAldeco: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@NancyPreg: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@NancyDalva: RT @RupertPupkin__: Gordon Mumma, Barbara Dilley, Mary Lucier, Alvin Lucier, David Behrman, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Ashley, Mary Ashley. Al… - 3 years ago

@ioiflower: RT @sikklaffter: Here's the raw audio I recorded in 2017 of the conversation between John Olson (Wold Eyes et al) and Alvin Lucier that mad… - 3 years ago

@lauradianekuhn: RT @RupertPupkin__: Gordon Mumma, Barbara Dilley, Mary Lucier, Alvin Lucier, David Behrman, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Ashley, Mary Ashley. Al… - 3 years ago

@lauradianekuhn: RT @clavendr: "Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen." RIP Alvin Lucier 👂🔊 - 3 years ago

@lauradianekuhn: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@lauradianekuhn: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@lauradianekuhn: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@Weswings: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: I wrote about Alvin Lucier, an experimental music visionary and a hero of mine, and what it was like to take his class… - 3 years ago

@real_DocMorris: - 3 years ago

@ElcheNinode: Ya podéis escuchar el último episodio del programa eXtrañas heterodoXias titulado " Las despedidas huelen a muerte"… - 3 years ago

@chacinski: NOCNA STREFA: Damon Albarn / Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@10178berlin: Zum Tod von Alvin Lucier, Alchemist der Echos und Resonanzen #srf - 3 years ago

@garybarwin: “I read a list of nouns for Alvin Lucier.” A video - 3 years ago

@NatFyt: RT @zzzzaaaacccchhh: I wrote about Alvin Lucier, an experimental music visionary and a hero of mine, and what it was like to take his class… - 3 years ago

@sikklaffter: Here's the raw audio I recorded in 2017 of the conversation between John Olson (Wold Eyes et al) and Alvin Lucier t… - 3 years ago

@PGourevitch: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@cowsarejustfood: "i am just sitting here, outside, listening to the wind. it is lovely." love this interview. - 3 years ago

@achmorrison: RT @psycheloui: RIP Alvin Lucier. What a legend. I was lucky to have been his faculty mentee @wesleyan_u. He was 83 when we met, still supe… - 3 years ago

@HIS_VOICE_cz: "...křehká, mámivá, záludná a neuchopitelná efeméra..." Jozef Cseres o Alvinu Lucierovi. - 3 years ago

@WZBC_Live: Alvin Lucier & The Brandeis University Chamber Chorus - Christian Wolff in Cambridge - 3 years ago

@neco_ug: Alvin Lucier: Navigations by Quatuor Bozzini 聴いてみている。最初のドローン聞いてたら、気持ちを音に委ねるような感覚になります。 - 3 years ago

@bigbadchang: I’d forgotten how this develops a musicality for a while before turning into glorious mush. RIP Alvin Lucier -- I… - 3 years ago

@worms444brains: just heard about Alvin Lucier’s passing. rest in peace to an experimental music legend fr - 3 years ago

@tama123789: RT @stereogum: Avant-garde composer Alvin Lucier is dead at 90. He was best known for his seminal work "I Am Sitting In A Room" (1969) http… - 3 years ago

@sfrussell: Aww man rip Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@pasajerofrugal: RT @electricalWSOP: It is a cliche to name a "genius" who "changed" music, listening or recording for everyone who followed. Often it is a… - 3 years ago

@blackpope1313: RT @tapeopmag: RIP Alvin Lucier. You will be missed. - 3 years ago

@everydaymermaid: RT @mearabai: Alvin Lucier's music made me feel like there was always something new and astonishing about the world that could seemingly be… - 3 years ago

@IamAshleyElsdon: Alvin Lucier, who saw sonic poetry in pencils and soundscapes everywhere, has died - CDM Create Digital Music - 3 years ago

@fridaydisco161: RT @FireABand1: #Fridaydisco on a different level... Schau dir "Alvin Lucier - I Am Sitting In A Room" auf YouTube an - 3 years ago

@notreallyjcm: RT @thedeathsiren: Latest episode is up. We recorded the day Alvin Lucier died and since he's our namesake, we recorded the original episod… - 3 years ago

@pedasigreen_len: RT @newsounds: Latest show is a tribute to #AlvinLucier, the late American composer and #electroacoustic explorer who blurred the line betw… - 3 years ago

@thedeathsiren: Latest episode is up. We recorded the day Alvin Lucier died and since he's our namesake, we recorded the original e… - 3 years ago

@alechanleybemis: Alvin Lucier (1931 ♾ 2021): a song of a room, from a room, by a room. 🟦🟦🟦 🟦🪑🟦 🟦🟦🟦 — video via @PadmaNewsome - 3 years ago

@ranchodelaluna: RT @tapeopmag: RIP Alvin Lucier. You will be missed. - 3 years ago

@Fulcrum_Arts: RT @PhilipSherburne: A wonderful Alvin Lucier interview by @olsonpower in @artnews (h/t @JWilliger). What a spirit! What an inspiration he… - 3 years ago

@lauradianekuhn: RT @JohnCageTrust: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 | Music | The Guardian - 3 years ago

@TheKitchen_NYC: It is with deep sadness that we mourn the loss of Alvin Lucier and Lawrence Weiner, two artists who have been key m… - 3 years ago

@TBartscherer: RT @bwcarpenter: Tonight on Free Association. A tribute to the late avant-garde composer Alvin Lucier, pictured here with a sound installat… - 3 years ago

@cobrollins: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@tazgezwitscher: Der Komponist Alvin Lucier machte mit Feedbacksequenzen und Echoloten das Hören selbst zum Thema. Nun ist er 90-jäh… - 3 years ago

@Marileda: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@ciurlionis: RT @nytimesarts: The composer Alvin Lucier began many of his projects by wondering what kinds of sounds would emerge from a specific proces… - 3 years ago

@annalisep: - 3 years ago

@taz_news: Komponist Alvin Lucier gestorben: In einem anderen Raum - 3 years ago

@ciudadhiguey: RT @FelipeVicini: RIP Alvin Lucier…Portsmouth Abbey School alumn @AbbeyRavens Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dead at 9… - 3 years ago

@IntContemporary: Alvin Lucier showed us a new way to listen and to appreciate sound in every room. He taught us a new language of co… - 3 years ago

@SelectorDotNews: RIP Alvin Lucier. Full story: - 3 years ago

@QuibellPaul: Vanguard Composer Alvin Lucier Dies, New Details of Rubell D.C. Museum, and More: Morning Links for December 2, 202… - 3 years ago

@FelipeVicini: RIP Alvin Lucier…Portsmouth Abbey School alumn @AbbeyRavens Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dea… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @NTSlive: Instructions for Alvin Lucier's influential sound art performance "I am sitting in a room", 1970. ⁣ - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @_GregStuart: Alvin Lucier discussing Chambers (1968) - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @NTTICC: アルヴィン・ルシエ氏が逝去されました. 謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます. 企画展「サウンディング・スペース—9つの音響空間」では,《エンプティ・ヴェッセルズ》(ICCヴァージョン)を出品いただきました. M… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @SharifSehnaoui: RIP Alvin Lucier Catering to the various needs of his “Music for a Long Thin Wire” when it was installed @beirutartcen… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @Ircam: Alvin Lucier, compositeur américain, est décédé hier à l’âge de 90 ans. - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @GambleLee: Alvin Lucier was an artist who taught me that if you flip the listeners attention from melody and harmony etc to perception… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @tectonicsglas: We are deeply saddened by the news of Alvin Lucier’s passing. He was the focus of the very first Tectonics Glasgow in 20… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @RupertPupkin__: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) (Bird and Person Dyning, 1976) - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @nprmusic: Alvin Lucier's music resonates and echoes because he just wanted to know – the effects of time, the boundaries set and expand… - 3 years ago

@sixdegreesrcrds: RT @MisterLies: Alvin Lucier is dead. Words cannot describe the impact of this man's contribution to experimental music, psychoacoustics,… - 3 years ago

@eddietherapper: RT @clavendr: "Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen." RIP Alvin Lucier 👂🔊 - 3 years ago

@Roland_Kuit: RT @JohnCageTrust: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 | Music | The Guardian - 3 years ago

@CameronpoeJp: Alvin Lucierが昨日亡くなってる! 一番好きなエクスペリメンタル・アーティストだった、、、 ICCでの部屋自体を鳴らすインスタレーションとかシビレまくった。悲しい - 3 years ago

@okaka_1968: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@30lbsofbone: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@nonomurax: RT @amass_jp: 実験音楽を代表する音楽家アルヴィン・ルシエ(Alvin Lucier)が死去。90歳でした。実験音楽やサウンド・パフォーマンスといった未聞の概念の形成に貢献したその作品群は、音楽という枠を超えて、人と環境の関わりを探求する新しい芸術として高く評価され… - 3 years ago

@Mahfuj_Jaman786: Alvin Lucier dead: Composer and experimental musician dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute - 3 years ago

@skry: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@nonomurax: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 実験音楽の作曲家であるアルヴィン・ルシエがコネチカット州ミドルタウンで死去した。享年90。ケージ、ライヒ、グラスらと共に現代音楽の領域で活躍。音声および電磁テープのための作品『I Am Sitting in the Room』(69年)は… - 3 years ago

@dankhlim_: RT @psychmetalfreak: Alvin Lucier, thank you for your music and ideas... RIP - 3 years ago

@taniacandiani: RT @geetadayal: From an email Alvin Lucier sent me in 2014-“The origins of speech and music are mysterious. One cannot be sure which came f… - 3 years ago

@okaka_1968: RT @takashi531: アルヴィン・ルシエの訃報 今、天国の椅子に座っているはず。 - 3 years ago

@DayPolyester: RT @RupertPupkin__: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) - 3 years ago

@flyenters: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@pulsewidth: RT @ateliersclaus: - 3 years ago

@flyenters: RT @IRCAM_official: feels trite posting this to social media, but… alvin lucier’s music changed my life. his understanding of the role of T… - 3 years ago

@bradyocallahan: Man oh man RIP Alvin Lucier. This recording is astounding and beautiful and very honestly blew my mind upon discove… - 3 years ago

@IkolaKarl: RT @lassemarhaug: Goodbye Alvin Lucier. Truly one of the greatest. Thank you for the sounds. - 3 years ago

@nozakitara: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@daiakasaka: RT @amass_jp: 実験音楽を代表する音楽家アルヴィン・ルシエ(Alvin Lucier)が死去。90歳でした。実験音楽やサウンド・パフォーマンスといった未聞の概念の形成に貢献したその作品群は、音楽という枠を超えて、人と環境の関わりを探求する新しい芸術として高く評価され… - 3 years ago

@NytOwlOfficial: RT @LowkeyNW: RIP Alvin Lucier. Heard him speak just once at the 2006 Spark Festival organized by Doug Geers, along with a ton of his mus… - 3 years ago

@midibitch: A minute of sine tone for Alvin Lucier please - 3 years ago

@NZVZN: I wonder what rap Alvin Lucier listened to. This was 1997 so I imagine it was Sex Style. - 3 years ago

@hi_doi: RT @guardianculture: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@crookedtapes: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@wagnerblog: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@kbgaNowPlaying: Alvin Lucier - Epo-5 - 3 years ago

@yununqui: うちの冷蔵庫にはAlvin Lucierのスクラップ貼っています。 - 3 years ago

@nikunoyokkyu: RT @prtcll: Alvin Lucier [Bird and Person Dyning] はじめての出会いはこの[Bird and Person Dyning]。最後までクールで素晴らしく格好いいおじいちゃんでした。あり… - 3 years ago

@theofficialpatc: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@nikunoyokkyu: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. - 3 years ago

@nikunoyokkyu: RT @inoue_yoshikazu: Alvin Lucierが亡くなられたのをタイムラインで知る。 数年前に西部講堂でライブ中に撮影した彼の写真は凄く気に入っていて楽器を持っているわけではないのにちゃんと演奏している写真が撮れていたと思っている。 日々撮っている写真がいつ… - 3 years ago

@nikunoyokkyu: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 実験音楽の作曲家であるアルヴィン・ルシエがコネチカット州ミドルタウンで死去した。享年90。ケージ、ライヒ、グラスらと共に現代音楽の領域で活躍。音声および電磁テープのための作品『I Am Sitting in the Room』(69年)は… - 3 years ago

@rachel_elson: RT @nprmusic: From music made from brain waves to gamelan instruments reworked for amplifiers and loudspeakers, Alvin Lucier rewired how we… - 3 years ago

@JocelynMorlock: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@DonatoCabrera: RT @nprmusic: From music made from brain waves to gamelan instruments reworked for amplifiers and loudspeakers, Alvin Lucier rewired how we… - 3 years ago

@ken888888: RT @amass_jp: 実験音楽を代表する音楽家アルヴィン・ルシエ(Alvin Lucier)が死去。90歳でした。実験音楽やサウンド・パフォーマンスといった未聞の概念の形成に貢献したその作品群は、音楽という枠を超えて、人と環境の関わりを探求する新しい芸術として高く評価され… - 3 years ago

@totalzones: wow rip alvin lucier. maybe one of my biggest unspoken influences. made me interested in the physicality of sound,… - 3 years ago

@penguin5932: RT @amass_jp: 実験音楽を代表する音楽家アルヴィン・ルシエ(Alvin Lucier)が死去。90歳でした。実験音楽やサウンド・パフォーマンスといった未聞の概念の形成に貢献したその作品群は、音楽という枠を超えて、人と環境の関わりを探求する新しい芸術として高く評価され… - 3 years ago

@shiyooo: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 実験音楽の作曲家であるアルヴィン・ルシエがコネチカット州ミドルタウンで死去した。享年90。ケージ、ライヒ、グラスらと共に現代音楽の領域で活躍。音声および電磁テープのための作品『I Am Sitting in the Room』(69年)は… - 3 years ago

@DevinDBooth: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@ProfMullen_WFU: RT @cypheraudio: RIP Alvin Lucier “Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen.” - 3 years ago

@eurojournalENG: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 | Music - 3 years ago

@SamAtkinson_IOM: - 3 years ago

@Cesar_LejosFar: Alvin Lucier, inquisitive and innovative composer, has died at 90 - 3 years ago

@jade_am_ufer: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@DariaStClair: no way not alvin lucier :( i was in high school getting into plunderphonics and stuff when i first heard I Am Sitti… - 3 years ago

@philakata: RT @Tabatamitsuru: Alvin Lucier - Clocker (audio excerpt) - 3 years ago

@ProfMullen_WFU: RT @psycheloui: RIP Alvin Lucier. What a legend. I was lucky to have been his faculty mentee @wesleyan_u. He was 83 when we met, still supe… - 3 years ago

@itokimio: RT @pitchfork: Alvin Lucier, an experimental composer who was known for his avant-garde works and sound installations, has died - 3 years ago

@ProfMullen_WFU: RT @nytimesarts: The composer Alvin Lucier began many of his projects by wondering what kinds of sounds would emerge from a specific proces… - 3 years ago

@staticbluebat: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@GrantHamby2: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@wa_ke: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@shannonmattern: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@staticbluebat: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@janwenlu: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@IronRinn: RT @nytimesarts: The composer Alvin Lucier began many of his projects by wondering what kinds of sounds would emerge from a specific proces… - 3 years ago

@mckenziewark: Alvin Lucier, Music on a Long Thin Wire - 3 years ago

@bencosgrove: RT @juddgreenstein: Oh man, RIP Alvin Lucier. What can one even say — it's hard to imagine the current world of music without him. - 3 years ago

@ngtkntr: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 実験音楽の作曲家であるアルヴィン・ルシエがコネチカット州ミドルタウンで死去した。享年90。ケージ、ライヒ、グラスらと共に現代音楽の領域で活躍。音声および電磁テープのための作品『I Am Sitting in the Room』(69年)は… - 3 years ago

@gramagrass_: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@postobits: Alvin Lucier, seminal avant-garde composer, dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Gerry_Dorsey_: RT @stereogum: Avant-garde composer Alvin Lucier is dead at 90. He was best known for his seminal work "I Am Sitting In A Room" (1969) http… - 3 years ago

@merryTau: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 実験音楽の作曲家であるアルヴィン・ルシエがコネチカット州ミドルタウンで死去した。享年90。ケージ、ライヒ、グラスらと共に現代音楽の領域で活躍。音声および電磁テープのための作品『I Am Sitting in the Room』(69年)は… - 3 years ago

@MaestroMarvel: RT @nytimesarts: The composer Alvin Lucier began many of his projects by wondering what kinds of sounds would emerge from a specific proces… - 3 years ago

@CoruscaKhaya: RT @NYTObits: His experimental music was rooted in the physics of sound and might yield unpredictable results — in one instance a Beatles s… - 3 years ago

@shadownlite: RT @nytimesarts: The composer Alvin Lucier began many of his projects by wondering what kinds of sounds would emerge from a specific proces… - 3 years ago

@nytimesarts: The composer Alvin Lucier began many of his projects by wondering what kinds of sounds would emerge from a specific… - 3 years ago

@hdktkmt: 合掌Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@444mariposa: alvin lucier :o now sitting in a room in the sky - 3 years ago

@Niwanionegai: RT @RupertPupkin__: Gordon Mumma, Barbara Dilley, Mary Lucier, Alvin Lucier, David Behrman, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Ashley, Mary Ashley. Al… - 3 years ago

@eRockinthehouse: RT @save_mills: While he was head of the CCM at Mills College, Robert Ashley made a series of videos entitled Music with Roots in the Aethe… - 3 years ago

@destron: My first #musicadvent post is in honor of Alvin Lucier, who died today. When I got to Bard at 18 one of my first fr… - 3 years ago

@erotic_nuisance: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 実験音楽の作曲家であるアルヴィン・ルシエがコネチカット州ミドルタウンで死去した。享年90。ケージ、ライヒ、グラスらと共に現代音楽の領域で活躍。音声および電磁テープのための作品『I Am Sitting in the Room』(69年)は… - 3 years ago

@aratatakagi: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@tanaponcomposer: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@haniwaidomath: RT @nakagawa09: RIP Alvin Lucier (May 14, 1931 – December 1, 2021) アルヴィン・ルシエ、自宅で逝去とのこと。 - 3 years ago

@bichuelo: RT @mjleach7: I only shared a bill with Alvin Lucier once, but my favorite headline came from it. Composers at festival make sound, not mu… - 3 years ago

@soundandthegang: めっちゃいい思い出。Alvin Lucier先生だいすき。最高。ありがとうございました…😭 - 3 years ago

@AbstractTruth: From this great Alvin Lucier interview in @tapeopmag - 3 years ago

@LeeVanPut: RT @NPR: The American composer and educator Alvin Lucier, who changed the way we think about sound with monumental works like "I Am Sitting… - 3 years ago

@robertovotta: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@ears_in_space: RT @RupertPupkin__: Gordon Mumma, Barbara Dilley, Mary Lucier, Alvin Lucier, David Behrman, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Ashley, Mary Ashley. Al… - 3 years ago

@meesterchristie: RT @3particles: RIP Alvin Lucier. thank you for allowing us to explore resonances with you for so long............................ - 3 years ago

@b2units: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@Daily_Express: Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute - 3 years ago

@ipsilononline: Morreu o compositor Alvin Lucier, que tratou o som como arte e natureza - 3 years ago

@Industrial_Swag: Alvin Lucier - Music On A Long Thin Wire (1980) FULL ALBUM - 3 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@ctunaworks: RT @pitchfork: Alvin Lucier, an experimental composer who was known for his avant-garde works and sound installations, has died - 3 years ago

@wojsvenwoj: RT @newsounds: Watch: #AlvinLucier Talks Brain Waves, Marching Bands and #JohnCage. In this talk at the @RedBullMusic Academy Festival, the… - 3 years ago

@oPortgues: RT @NPR: The American composer and educator Alvin Lucier, who changed the way we think about sound with monumental works like "I Am Sitting… - 3 years ago

@kjearadio: safe travels Alvin Lucier, huge influence on my work. memorial broadcast on KJEA radio for the next few days. Dm f… - 3 years ago

@stephengermana: RIP Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@LMCRRLL: Great piece on Lucier from the NYT earlier this year. Despite poor health, the guy was active right up until the ve… - 3 years ago

@robinhatch: Rip Alvin Lucier... at this time I am reminiscing about this riff in @i_zzzzzz 's replies about a Quebec baseball… - 3 years ago

@TymVirginia: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@irishetchings: RT @clavendr: "Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen." RIP Alvin Lucier 👂🔊 - 3 years ago

@udupho: RT @tinouye: 実験音楽、サウンドスケープの音楽家アルヴィン・ルシエ氏が死去。 Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dead at 90 - 3 years ago

@elizabethalker: RT @derekwalmsley: Devastated to hear of the death of Alvin Lucier. Pieces like Vespers, Clocker and of course I Am Sitting In A Room made… - 3 years ago

@jmlopes2: RT @joemuggs: Ahhh RIP Alvin Lucier. Can think of a dozen jokes involving repeating the same tweet a hundred times over slightly altered ea… - 3 years ago

@h_m_m: - 3 years ago

@irishetchings: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@udupho: RT @takashi531: アルヴィン・ルシエの訃報 今、天国の椅子に座っているはず。 - 3 years ago

@semirzeki: RT @Daily_Express: Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute - 3 years ago

@h_m_m: I signed up for a college class about modern composition, open to all majors. Day 1 assignment: listen to "I Am Sit… - 3 years ago

@udupho: Alvin Lucier - CRISS-CROSS (2013) for Two Electric Guitars 山田岳・土橋庸人 - Electric Guitar 東京アートミュージアム(仙川)での名演。 この日は観客… - 3 years ago

@takashi531: アルヴィン・ルシエの訃報 今、天国の椅子に座っているはず。 - 3 years ago

@theraushanb: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@circusking: RT @NewMusicUSA: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Alvin Lucier. We were all transformed by his music, which thankfully we s… - 3 years ago

@AgendaConcertsC: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@poltergeistSS: RT @guardian: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@BohemiaKiki: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@lefredtremblay: RT @vixosound: Tune in tonight for the usual unusual and in opening set featuring Alvin Lucier R.I.P. Uncomfortable Communications 10PM est… - 3 years ago

@bergmanj: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@zacharyaldersxn: RT @residentadvisor: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@frintze: RT @UltraschallB: "I am sitting in a room." "I am sitting in heaven." Alvin Lucier ist gestorben. Möge er in Frieden ruhen. - 3 years ago

@adjameson: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@Pemonblas: RT @Radio_Web_MACBA: RIP Alvin Lucier. We had the privilege of having his experience and words encapsulated in this beautiful conversation… - 3 years ago

@seiosonoio: RT @scopanuvoli: È morto Alvin Lucier ed è il momento giusto per riascoltare ciò. - 3 years ago

@FoveaHex: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@mukinko: RT @RupertPupkin__: Gordon Mumma, Barbara Dilley, Mary Lucier, Alvin Lucier, David Behrman, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Ashley, Mary Ashley. Al… - 3 years ago

@adjameson: RT @guardian: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@vijayiyer: - 3 years ago

@bucketbd: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@Engram_Records: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@lordmcess: RT @mjleach7: I only shared a bill with Alvin Lucier once, but my favorite headline came from it. Composers at festival make sound, not mu… - 3 years ago

@alicia262girl: RT @residentadvisor: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@wldbcn: RT @Radio_Web_MACBA: RIP Alvin Lucier. We had the privilege of having his experience and words encapsulated in this beautiful conversation… - 3 years ago

@JoshSemans: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@diegoruizmusic: RT @RupertPupkin__: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) - 3 years ago

@JoshSemans: RT @MisterLies: Alvin Lucier is dead. Words cannot describe the impact of this man's contribution to experimental music, psychoacoustics,… - 3 years ago

@fotosdesapos: rip alvin lucier - 3 years ago

@imanimosley: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@residentadvisor: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@n_peeq_t: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@NexusRasp: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@ElectrFlash: - 3 years ago

@hungrycat2000: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@mediateletipos: RT @Radio_Web_MACBA: RIP Alvin Lucier. We had the privilege of having his experience and words encapsulated in this beautiful conversation… - 3 years ago

@jwordfish: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@aadairr: Alvin Lucier 💔 - 3 years ago

@linusbooth: Music with Roots in the Aether: Alvin Lucier. Opera for Television by Robert Ashley. - 3 years ago

@DJMOJO2000: Alvin Lucier R.I.P. @ New York City, N.Y. - 3 years ago

@DJBronwynC: I am sitting in a room thinking about Alvin Lucier. R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@michaelevs: RT @guardian: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@IronRinn: RT @guardian: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@JustinFarrar: RT @AaronDilloway: ♥️RiP Alvin Lucier♥️ I feel so lucky to have gotten to watch him perform and shake his hand. A sweet man with an incredi… - 3 years ago

@saku_yo_ototoi: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@C4Journal: RT @charlielooker: RIP the American master Alvin Lucier. I was lucky enough to take some classes with him at Wesleyan. Just a fantastic per… - 3 years ago

@umanesimo: RT @scopanuvoli: È morto Alvin Lucier ed è il momento giusto per riascoltare ciò. - 3 years ago

@chasemiddaugh: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@PSUpresents: RT @nprclassical: The experimental composer Alvin Lucier has died at 90. He changed the way we think about sound through monumental works l… - 3 years ago

@EksieKitchin: RT @NotationIsGreat: "Music on a long thin wire" by Alvin Lucier, who has died today: - 3 years ago

@_lovebliss_: RT @thatdaybefor: Dear Alvin Lucier, you will always remain in music education. So that we remember what you stood for. - 3 years ago

@jllfontanella: RT @guardian: Alvin Lucier, American avant-garde composer, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@lordmcess: RT @ubuweb: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021), Audio Archive: performances, music, documentary [MP3]: - 3 years ago

@EnterSa64248346: "Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dead at 91" - 3 years ago

@escoffet: RT @oriol_rosell: Alvin Lucier ha abandonado la habitación. 1931-2021. - 3 years ago

@Andr6wMale: RT @derekwalmsley: Devastated to hear of the death of Alvin Lucier. Pieces like Vespers, Clocker and of course I Am Sitting In A Room made… - 3 years ago

@pulsewidth: RT @JWilliger: RIP Alvin Lucier - wow. The way I think about the intersection of sound and music and how one becomes the other and vice ver… - 3 years ago

@noiseician: RT @geetadayal: From an email Alvin Lucier sent me in 2014-“The origins of speech and music are mysterious. One cannot be sure which came f… - 3 years ago

@pulsewidth: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@CliffGagliardo: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@jaybatzner: RT @CBCarey: Alvin Lucier, Probing Composer of Soundscapes, Is Dead at 91 - 3 years ago

@zricu_: RT @_GregStuart: One of the best to ever do it. RIP Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@JDakotaBrown: I’ve always wished there were more artists like Alvin Lucier. RIP - 3 years ago

@NicoGTovarMusic: RT @anamariaromago: Son muchas las obras de Alvin Lucier que me han fascinado. Su presencia creativa fue muy importante en mis indagaciones… - 3 years ago

@HypIreStition: Sad to hear that Alvin Lucier passed away, but what a legacy. If you're anything like me, Lucier was a portal tomb… - 3 years ago

@lexciya_: RT @geetadayal: RIP Alvin Lucier. An absolute legend of music! Here’s a long piece I wrote about him a while back. He was always generous w… - 3 years ago

@nosfe: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @greenhousedrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I never met him, but I did have the immense honour of co-presenting his composition Criss-Cross @sen… - 3 years ago

@IBaxterSoundArt: RIP Alvin Lucier. I remember reading about "I am sitting in a room" and immediately setting about doing it to see i… - 3 years ago

@martynpepperell: RT @geetadayal: RIP Alvin Lucier. An absolute legend of music! Here’s a long piece I wrote about him a while back. He was always generous w… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @jen_powers43: Rest easy, Alvin Lucier—sorry to see you go - 3 years ago

@tylertadlock: RT @andrewweathers: peace to Alvin Lucier, hearing him do Music for Solo Performer was one of the visceral and real experiences of music I’… - 3 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @clppng: Farewell, Alvin Lucier. Thank you for everything - 3 years ago

@duderrave: Also! Credit to his parents! Alvin AUGUSTUS Lucier! C'mon. The contrast between first & middle names, wow. And the… - 3 years ago

@eternityreplica: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@tuytusdrogas: a alvin lucier (14 de mayo de 1931-1 dic 2021), las fronteras entre ciencia y arte y entre disciplinas estéticas le… - 3 years ago

@MichaelBarger1: RT @mulder_pieter: #RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@Daily_Express: BREAKING: Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute… - 3 years ago

@frank_meadows: will never forget the visage of seeing Alvin Lucier perform I’m Sitting in a Room wearing a Black Lives Matter T-Shirt in the pre-covid era. - 3 years ago

@Posypcok: RT @RadiowaDwojka: Zmarł Alvin Lucier - pionier muzyki eksperymentalnej, jeden z tych, których fascynował dźwięk sam w sobie. Współzałożyci… - 3 years ago

@naturalandhuman: In 1995 I was so very fortunate to perform in collaboration between Alvin Lucier and Robert Wilson. As a young kid… - 3 years ago

@Stanley_Bad: R.I.P., Alvin Lucier. :( - 3 years ago

@gamesformusic: RT @maya_verlaak: You can see a very young me in the audience,... I was very impressed and Alvin has ever since been a very important compo… - 3 years ago

@composer_kev: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@bitchvibrations: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@the_arconaut: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. RIP Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@insheepshifi: RT @geetadayal: RIP Alvin Lucier. An absolute legend of music! Here’s a long piece I wrote about him a while back. He was always generous w… - 3 years ago

@supko: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@Lexi_LouW: Sad to hear about the death of Alvin Lucier. Thank you for shaping how I think about listening and space. Thank you… - 3 years ago

@NonFilms: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier, an absolute legend and pioneer in the realm of sound 🥀 - 3 years ago

@hellocatfood: RT @clppng: Farewell, Alvin Lucier. Thank you for everything - 3 years ago

@hhazelboyy: RT @jetski0: RIP ALVIN LUCIER thank you for the inspiration!! resampling as a method of encrypting information, recontextualizing voices, t… - 3 years ago

@restructures: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021). We are heartbroken but have so many memories with you and your work. ISSUE love… - 3 years ago

@julianday: - 3 years ago

@celesteh: RT @zwoolfe: Alvin Lucier, 1931-2021 - 3 years ago

@akihiko_japan: RIP Sound Artist Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@IRunThisApp: rest in peace alvin lucier - 3 years ago

@NGRLFR: In memory of the great Alvin Lucier, I will listen once again to his mind-opening Extended Voices album. - 3 years ago

@erotic_nuisance: RT @expressceleb: BREAKING: Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute - 3 years ago

@johndbdietz: RT @clppng: Farewell, Alvin Lucier. Thank you for everything - 3 years ago

@NexusRasp: RT @geetadayal: RIP Alvin Lucier. An absolute legend of music! Here’s a long piece I wrote about him a while back. He was always generous w… - 3 years ago

@pheezy: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@bowiesongs: RT @geetadayal: RIP Alvin Lucier. An absolute legend of music! Here’s a long piece I wrote about him a while back. He was always generous w… - 3 years ago

@bobrusche: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@pgofton: RT @jen_powers43: Rest easy, Alvin Lucier—sorry to see you go - 3 years ago

@dtauvdiodr: RT @clavendr: "Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen." RIP Alvin Lucier 👂🔊 - 3 years ago

@112Peet358: RT @TimPageWriter: Alvin Lucier -- 1931-2021. A master. - 3 years ago

@PascalLN13: RT @iasaraZ1941: Farewell Alvin, may you vibrate across the universe, RIP Alvin Lucier 1931-2021 - 3 years ago

@erik_leroy: RT @EchoesRadio: Avant-garde composer Alvin Lucier is Siting in the Final Room and twanging the infinite Long Thin Wire. He left the plane… - 3 years ago

@112Peet358: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@WGXC: RT @jen_powers43: Rest easy, Alvin Lucier—sorry to see you go - 3 years ago

@being_on_line: Earlier this year I minted my first and only NFT on @ourZORA, a modern adaptation of Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting i… - 3 years ago

@ssssstudio: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@thonk_synth: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@christiersn: RT @MisterLies: Alvin Lucier is dead. Words cannot describe the impact of this man's contribution to experimental music, psychoacoustics,… - 3 years ago

@odd_dimensions: RT @kleptones: So sad to hear Alvin Lucier has died, aged 90. Apart from Cage, I can't think of another composer of his "ilk" that has had… - 3 years ago

@stereodreieck: Alvin Lucier ist gestorben. Ich kenne nicht viele seiner Werke aber "I Am Sitting in a Room" ist eins seiner Sounde… - 3 years ago

@danielagallery: Farewell Alvin Lucier, sound art pioneer. Was lucky to travel with him on the southern leg of LMC's Feedback: Order… - 3 years ago

@vuzhmusic: My 2007 version of “I am sitting in a room” using LiveJournal and its phone-in auto-transcription service (via… - 3 years ago

@MovingFurniture: I am sitting in a room... RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@whalelore: RT @vanmusicmag: "I don’t hide. It’s very simple. I’m not hiding anything."—Alvin Lucier, 1931-2021 - 3 years ago

@carsondial: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@Roland_Kuit: #alvinlucier #electronicmusic R.I.P. dear Alvin, what a work! Alvin Lucier - I Am Sitting In A Room - 3 years ago

@Kapelanski: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@tomparkinson: Please can someone post that video of Alvin Lucier tapping the pencils so we can all share it. It’s the loveliest m… - 3 years ago

@kev1kev1: RT @EdSunspot: I heard Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting in a Room" on college radio as a teenager and it completely changed my understanding of… - 3 years ago

@Daily_Express: RT @expressceleb: BREAKING: Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute - 3 years ago

@expressceleb: BREAKING: Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier dies aged 90 as ex-wife pays tribute… - 3 years ago

@alonsoaguilarc: RT @EdSunspot: I heard Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting in a Room" on college radio as a teenager and it completely changed my understanding of… - 3 years ago

@tim_nolan: #RIP Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@iLLTTER: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021). We are heartbroken but have so many memories with you and your work. ISSUE love… - 3 years ago

@ppdisundia: RT @stephanmathieu: Rest in power, Alvin Lucier, thank you for the mind-blowingly special work. It makes me happy to think that some years… - 3 years ago

@datakid23: RT @JWilliger: RIP Alvin Lucier - wow. The way I think about the intersection of sound and music and how one becomes the other and vice ver… - 3 years ago

@_deru: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@jonjaydee: RT @MisterLies: Alvin Lucier is dead. Words cannot describe the impact of this man's contribution to experimental music, psychoacoustics,… - 3 years ago

@laonikoss: RIP Alvin Lucier Look forward to "I am sitting in a tomb." - 3 years ago

@lizalimcomposer: Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) - an influence on my work since the early 90s. RIP - 3 years ago

@HoosacInstitute: RT @thislongcentury: Alvin Lucier, RIP. This interview from 1972 is worth reading. When told that some audiences may feel cheated, Lucier’… - 3 years ago

@iammattsmiley: RT @derekwalmsley: Devastated to hear of the death of Alvin Lucier. Pieces like Vespers, Clocker and of course I Am Sitting In A Room made… - 3 years ago

@rebelalfons: RIP Alvin Lucier (1931-2021) - 3 years ago

@mrlafleurverte: RIP Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@KevinWNg: RT @chriscerrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I was so deeply impacted by a visit of his to Yale in 2009; he was so incredibly wise, unpretentious, t… - 3 years ago

@noiseandlight: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. - 3 years ago

@counivers: RT @clavendr: "Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen." RIP Alvin Lucier 👂🔊 - 3 years ago

@thislongcentury: Alvin Lucier, RIP. This interview from 1972 is worth reading. When told that some audiences may feel cheated, Luci… - 3 years ago

@NEDymond: Pouring a drink out to Alvin Lucier. Hard to overstate his influence as he was one of the composers responsible for… - 3 years ago

@valhalladsp: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@drapernat: RT @CBCarey: #RIP Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@vuzhmusic: Damn. Rest in peace Alvin Lucier. Such a clear thinker and monumental artist. An absolute inspiration. Intensely grateful for his work. - 3 years ago

@duderrave: RIP Alvin Lucier. I was somehow lucky enough to stumble into studying with him when I was a dang teenager. Music 10… - 3 years ago

@mattnida: RIP Alvin Lucier. I know it's sort of his "greatest hit", but I Am Sitting In A Room remains such a powerful listen… - 3 years ago

@Blackllulaby: RT @balmori: Llegó ese terrible día para la música: Alvin Lucier ha muerto. - 3 years ago

@gesualdofan666: ALVIN LUCIER DIED??? - 3 years ago

@jimhaku: RT @EdSunspot: I heard Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting in a Room" on college radio as a teenager and it completely changed my understanding of… - 3 years ago

@MMZiffels: RT @UltraschallB: "I am sitting in a room." "I am sitting in heaven." Alvin Lucier ist gestorben. Möge er in Frieden ruhen. - 3 years ago

@JANietoPangea: RT @acufenosfest: Alvin Lucier has died 😪 - 3 years ago

@Nalepa: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@elliotcole: Long live Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@jameskeithford: RT @NormalComposers: Alvin Lucier sitting in a garden. - 3 years ago

@bdavbdavbdav: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@JANietoPangea: RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@coolcataudio: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@bestiecilla: RT @vanosonoro: A la pregunta "¿Qué te alegra?", Alvin Lucier respondió: "Pescar y comer truchas". Se fue un grande. - 3 years ago

@DormilonMusic: RT @EdSunspot: I heard Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting in a Room" on college radio as a teenager and it completely changed my understanding of… - 3 years ago

@sxezskoz: RT @EdSunspot: I heard Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting in a Room" on college radio as a teenager and it completely changed my understanding of… - 3 years ago

@DeLarrenSr: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021). We are heartbroken but have so many memories with you and your work. ISSUE love… - 3 years ago

@burnt_feathers: RT @NPRNedWharton: RIP Alvin Lucier. I think about sound a lot, and think often about this influential piece. - 3 years ago

@cranksatori: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@KiluMentorship: A master has left us. Travel well Alvin Lucier, and thank you for such rich gifts. - 3 years ago

@pmontoro: Thanks to the MCA for bringing Alvin Lucier to Chicago in 2014, so that I had the privilege of seeing this giant of… - 3 years ago

@DougRouxel: Really sad to hear of the death of Alvin Lucier, his work was really influential on me and the sound works I’ve mad… - 3 years ago

@irishetchings: RT @BridgesBB: RIP Alvin Lucier, composer of most distinctive resonances and physical sound processes. As it happens, I'd referenced 'I am… - 3 years ago

@zdscomposer: RT @UltraschallB: "I am sitting in a room." "I am sitting in heaven." Alvin Lucier ist gestorben. Möge er in Frieden ruhen. - 3 years ago

@ssiivviill: Alvin Lucier’s contribution to biofeedback composition and manipulating sound with alpha brain waves still has so m… - 3 years ago

@stwbass: RT @SamuelAndreyev: I am very sorry to hear that Alvin Lucier has died. The world is better for his art and creativity. - 3 years ago

@kleptones: So sad to hear Alvin Lucier has died, aged 90. Apart from Cage, I can't think of another composer of his "ilk" that… - 3 years ago

@MusicConor: RT @robinrimbaud: For anyone interested in sonic arts and experimental music, then these two books by the late Alvin Lucier remain absolute… - 3 years ago

@pinkosand: rip alvin lucier:-( - 3 years ago

@benjamintassie: RT @vanmusicmag: "I don’t hide. It’s very simple. I’m not hiding anything."—Alvin Lucier, 1931-2021 - 3 years ago

@naturegoth1993: rip Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@mulder_pieter: Alvin Lucier I am Sitting In A Room - 3 years ago

@BP7XXX: RT @chriscerrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I was so deeply impacted by a visit of his to Yale in 2009; he was so incredibly wise, unpretentious, t… - 3 years ago

@kohlberger: Alvin Lucier R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@tonylugostudio: RT @cycling74: We're saddened to hear of the loss of Alvin Lucier, an inspiring artist who brought a tender humanity to experiments with au… - 3 years ago

@mkhnabstrkt: RT @cycling74: We're saddened to hear of the loss of Alvin Lucier, an inspiring artist who brought a tender humanity to experiments with au… - 3 years ago

@jmarcreichow: RIP, Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@zzzzaaaacccchhh: Alvin Lucier was a visionary who permanently expanded the boundaries of what music could be and how it could be cre… - 3 years ago

@gene_lunacy: RT @Rayya_Badran: Rest easy Alvin Lucier 💔 - 3 years ago

@thonk_synth: RT @cycling74: We're saddened to hear of the loss of Alvin Lucier, an inspiring artist who brought a tender humanity to experiments with au… - 3 years ago

@Matt_D_Cohen: aw man, Alvin Lucier died? such a bummer, what a gift his art was to the world. - 3 years ago

@musicthing: RT @derekwalmsley: Devastated to hear of the death of Alvin Lucier. Pieces like Vespers, Clocker and of course I Am Sitting In A Room made… - 3 years ago

@theeroamer: RT @JWilliger: RIP Alvin Lucier - wow. The way I think about the intersection of sound and music and how one becomes the other and vice ver… - 3 years ago

@bhoggard: RT @chriscerrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I was so deeply impacted by a visit of his to Yale in 2009; he was so incredibly wise, unpretentious, t… - 3 years ago

@Anthony_Fiumara: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to composer Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021) whose work taught us so much about the very act of listening as much as t… - 3 years ago

@thonk_synth: RT @derekwalmsley: Devastated to hear of the death of Alvin Lucier. Pieces like Vespers, Clocker and of course I Am Sitting In A Room made… - 3 years ago

@UNLEASHFURYGAME: @DanbyAppliance DFF101B1BDB Selling a Danby #Refridgerator Like NEW SAVE! $299… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Alvin Lucier has passed away - #AlvinLucier #Alvin #Lucier #rip - 3 years ago

@emmaalpern: RT @PhilipSherburne: Thinking about Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting in a Room" in relation to speech dysfluency (h/t @DDDrewDaniel), yesterday… - 3 years ago

@mulder_pieter: #RIP Alvin Lucier - 3 years ago

@linernotesdanny: RT @mjleach7: I only shared a bill with Alvin Lucier once, but my favorite headline came from it. Composers at festival make sound, not mu… - 3 years ago

@GrimRest: Very sad to hear about the passing of Alvin Lucier. He has a tremendous legacy in music that will live on - 3 years ago

@scatteringsense: Absolutely gutted. Farewell, Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@Narvvhals_: RT @Seth_Cooke: Farewell Alvin Lucier. What a magnificent run you had, you brilliant, brilliant man. - 3 years ago

@newsounds: RT @chriscerrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I was so deeply impacted by a visit of his to Yale in 2009; he was so incredibly wise, unpretentious, t… - 3 years ago

@linernotesdanny: RT @chriscerrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I was so deeply impacted by a visit of his to Yale in 2009; he was so incredibly wise, unpretentious, t… - 3 years ago

@BrainiacSports: RT @editaurus: I am sitting in a room, different from the one you are in now, mourning the death of Alvin Lucier. - 3 years ago

@KokkasKostas: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@linernotesdanny: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@Marceli28409274: RT @ResonanceFM: Alvin Lucier RIP. Here he is at rest on the eve of the epochal 2004 Feedback: Order from Noise UK tour w. @toshimarunakam… - 3 years ago

@chihooka: RT @clavendr: "Careful listening is more important than making sounds happen." RIP Alvin Lucier 👂🔊 - 3 years ago

@Jetro_Tool: RT @vanosonoro: A la pregunta "¿Qué te alegra?", Alvin Lucier respondió: "Pescar y comer truchas". Se fue un grande. - 3 years ago

@SuzukiJunzoINFO: RT @EchoesRadio: Avant-garde composer Alvin Lucier is Siting in the Final Room and twanging the infinite Long Thin Wire. He left the plane… - 3 years ago

@map_miyuki: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Alvin Lucier. Gutted to hear of this loss to experimental music. If you want a path into the work and haven't yet… - 3 years ago

@SuzukiJunzoINFO: RT @Cafeoto: RIP to the incredible Alvin Lucier. An artist who we were never able to welcome to perform at OTO, but whose work was performe… - 3 years ago

@jeffersle: RIP Alvin Lucier. Profoundly grateful. - 3 years ago

@SuzukiJunzoINFO: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace Alvin Lucier (1931 - 2021). We are heartbroken but have so many memories with you and your work. ISSUE love… - 3 years ago

@greenhousedrone: RIP Alvin Lucier. I never met him, but I did have the immense honour of co-presenting his composition Criss-Cross… - 3 years ago

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