Alois Mock

Austrian politician
Died on Thursday June 1st 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Alois Mock:

@ToniWalch: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@SchauerAndreas: RT @vpnoeat: Das war es für heute. Der morgige Tag des #EFWachau startet mit einer Heiligen Messe in Gedenken an Alois Mock. - 8 years ago

@vpnoeat: Das war es für heute. Der morgige Tag des #EFWachau startet mit einer Heiligen Messe in Gedenken an Alois Mock. - 8 years ago

@cayman_2016: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago


@PHefelle: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@hartig_philipp: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@IreneW1812: RT @oevp: Alois Mock wird stets ein Vorbild sein, er steht für eine Zeit, in der #EU eine ganz andere war als sie heute ist. @sebastiankurz… - 8 years ago

@IreneW1812: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@SchauerAndreas: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@EKliesspies: RT @oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@oevp: Heute wäre Alois Mock 83 Jahre alt geworden. Wir gedenken und werden ihn nie vergessen. - 8 years ago

@SchauerAndreas: RT @oevp: Alois Mock wird stets ein Vorbild sein, er steht für eine Zeit, in der #EU eine ganz andere war als sie heute ist. @sebastiankurz… - 8 years ago

@oevp: Alois Mock wird stets ein Vorbild sein, er steht für eine Zeit, in der #EU eine ganz andere war als sie heute ist. @sebastiankurz #EFWachau - 8 years ago

@vpnoeat: Schwarz gedenkt auch Alois Mock, dem bekennenden & überzeugten Europäer. #EFWachau - 8 years ago

@BrutPlan: NDD (10.6.): Alois Mock (1934), Milan Matulović (1935), Emiliano Rodriguez (1937), Vilmos Varju (1937), Vladimir Jo… - 8 years ago

@LaurentTecher92: Européen convaincu, Alois Mock, ancien ministre autrichien des affaires étrangères, est mort — via @lemonde - 8 years ago

@gechytil: Der Alois-Mock-Saal im #BMEIA/@MFA_Austria ist für andere normale Bürger jedenfalls nicht zu mieten. #Sittenbild cc… - 8 years ago

@bimoroland: RT @AustriainALB: We are in mourning for Dr. Alois Mock. Foreign Minister 1987-1995 Vice Chancellor 1987-1989... - 8 years ago

@dandundas: RT @NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@eccux: Alois Mock, ancien ministre autrichien des affaires étrangères, est mort - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@klauswoelfer: RT @AustriainUSA: In memory of Alois Mock, fmr Foreign Minister who helped tear down #IronCurtain & paved way for 🇦🇹's #EU membership: http… - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Alois Mock: Page about Alois Mock - 8 years ago

@marchese_lauren: RT @NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@Nonvlinders: - 8 years ago

@Nonvlinders: - 8 years ago

@acobasi: RT @NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@the_60s_at_50: RT @NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: In 1989, the Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, cut through the communist Iron Curtain. Mr. Mock has died at 82. - 8 years ago

@E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Alois Mock, 82, Austrian Foreign Minister Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally) - 8 years ago

@Semperfelix: RT @NYTObits: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died - 8 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@DEShellenberger: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@lonbouldin: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@ipinst: RT @ALupel: 2017 Vienna Seminar @ipinst on #massmigration was held in Alois Mock Hall. Fitting tribute @nytimes - 8 years ago

@midtownNY: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@bienvenuLN: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down #IronCurtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@blagovestGB: RT @Demokracija1: @KristjaniSDS: Spomin in hvaležnost – dr. Alois Mock - 8 years ago

@vyveska: Alois Mock, politik, ktorý strihal železnú oponu - 8 years ago

@KristjaniSDS: RT @Demokracija1: @KristjaniSDS: Spomin in hvaležnost – dr. Alois Mock - 8 years ago

@Demokracija1: @KristjaniSDS: Spomin in hvaležnost – dr. Alois Mock - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died - 8 years ago

@Postoy: Zomrel Alois Mock, politik, na ktorého by Slováci aj Maďari nemali zabudnúť. Píše Ján Čarnogurský. - 8 years ago

@DavidVickrey1: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@ChSternat: Kondolenzbuch für Alois Mock an österreichischer Botschaft in Amman - Abschied von einem großen Österreicher & glüh… - 8 years ago

@NYT: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82. - 8 years ago

@csjholden: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@MargueriteRinke: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@choirsingergirl: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@wendemuseum: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@gloriaminott: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@marcosvcortes: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@arrobin0077: nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died … - 8 years ago

@vancouverboomer: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@notiven: RT: @nytimesworld :Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https - 8 years ago

@WillScheihing: Less than 30 years ago, walls came down ... - 8 years ago

@ToOurShores: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@ToniCuriosity: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@Vlanitak: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@MilanPty: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died https… - 8 years ago

@nytimesworld: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died - 8 years ago

@zancudomine: Alois Mock,Austrian Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally),Dies at 82 (Mock & Hungarian Gyula Horn, cut fence) - 8 years ago

@dgerl11: RT @NYTObits: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died - 8 years ago

@Mr_AlVil: Alois Mock, the Austrian foreign minister who snipped the Iron Curtain months before the Berlin Wall fell, has died - 8 years ago

@asmalenyt: Worth mulling for its history...Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@kmielookh: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@AndreasWiede: My sincere thanks to all who came over the last days to sign the book of condolences for Alois Mock and for the sym… - 8 years ago

@WSpadinger: Kondolenzbücher für Alois #Mock in Mailand und in @Stadt_Bozen - 8 years ago

@k_brucks: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@horcmal: Alois Mock ist gestorben, und mir ist auch schon schlecht ! - 8 years ago

@mathpfeils: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@dieNagashi: RT @GabLLB: RT Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally),Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@coraline_farias: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain literally, dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@EmilioEsteban06: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@yoko03301: RT @coldwarhist: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@Obituary_Ads: Obituary Ads Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@ALupel: 2017 Vienna Seminar @ipinst on #massmigration was held in Alois Mock Hall. Fitting tribute @nytimes - 8 years ago

@zeeshan_shah_dc: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@goldupevent: News Forex ReportV1 share Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82   see Alo… - 8 years ago

@Alpenherold: SÜDTIROL.GV Kondolenzbuch für Alois Mock im Landhaus - 8 years ago

@m42calhoun: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@C1975F: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@JSCobos: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@arrobin0077: nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@AUSTRIAinSI: RT @NovaSlovenija: Poslovil se je nekdanji avstrijski zunanji minister in velik prijatelj Slovenije Alois Mock. Družini in prijateljem izre… - 8 years ago

@jorroser: RT @nytimesworld: Alois Mock, Austrian who helped tear down Iron Curtain (literally), dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@albertomarti548: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@romerotrino23: Alois Mock, Austrian Who Helped Tear Down Iron Curtain (Literally), Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@annhard2tell: A great figure from a small country is gone. - 8 years ago

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