Alison Lapper

English son of disabled artist Alison Lapper
Died on Tuesday August 27th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Alison Lapper:

@traceymck77: RT @GrantTucker: Another beautiful life ended because of the scourge of mental health. My interview with Alison Lapper on the death of her… - 6 years ago

@eastbourne_indy: Alison Lapper tells of receiving news of son's death - 6 years ago

@DuncanGolestani: @CharleneWhite that was such a kind and sensitive interview with Alison Lapper. What a strong and brilliant woman. - 6 years ago

@abrarfaiza: RT @sana_khurshid1: This is heartbreaking! - 6 years ago


@BtonLGBT: Alison Lapper tells of receiving news of son’s death - 6 years ago

@sonyhx20v: Alison Lapper Shares Heartfelt Note For Son Parys After His Sudden Death Aged 19 - HuffPost UK - 6 years ago

@COPEScotland: RT @SusanMcKellar1: Watching @thismorning listening to Alison Lapper talk about how system doesn’t help our youth & their mental health 💔to… - 6 years ago

@UttoxeterNews: So incredibly sad - 6 years ago

@BurtonMailNews: So incredibly sad - 6 years ago

@itvlondon: Artist Alison Lapper has opened up about the death of her teenaged son. - 6 years ago

@TheSun: Artist Alison Lapper says ‘I’m a living a nightmare’ as she describes moment cops told her son was dead - 6 years ago

@DailyMailUK: Artist Alison Lapper tells of moment police knocked on door to give news her 19-year-old son Parys was dead - as sh… - 6 years ago

@drjgreenwood: RT @GrantTucker: Another beautiful life ended because of the scourge of mental health. My interview with Alison Lapper on the death of her… - 6 years ago

@katenockles: RT @GrantTucker: Another beautiful life ended because of the scourge of mental health. My interview with Alison Lapper on the death of her… - 6 years ago

@katenockles: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@123fanfizzcork: RT @realsamia: Heartbreaking to watch Alison Lapper talk about her son Paris on @thismorning .. so much more needs to be done to help those… - 6 years ago

@FXspacetrader: So sad for Alison Lapper. She breaks down in tears over son's sudden death: 'I want my boy back' - 6 years ago

@MetroUK: 💔 - 6 years ago

@MirrorTV: Brave Alison Lapper breaks down in tears over 'living hell' of son's death #ThisMorning - 6 years ago

@robinandandyfan: RT @realsamia: Heartbreaking to watch Alison Lapper talk about her son Paris on @thismorning .. so much more needs to be done to help those… - 6 years ago

@Mel_62442: No! This is so sad, they stood out to me in Child of our Time as wonderful people. Terrible 🙁 Alison Lapper says l… - 6 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @martina_laird: This breaks my heart. One thing that always struck me in the documentaries on Alison was what a beautiful special boy Pa… - 6 years ago

@MissDumezweni: RT @martina_laird: This breaks my heart. One thing that always struck me in the documentaries on Alison was what a beautiful special boy Pa… - 6 years ago

@LPsocialwork: Alison Lapper speaks out about 'vicious cycle' leading to death of son Parys - 6 years ago

@dwrhian: RT @DisabilityWales: Our heart goes out to Alison Lapper whose son Parys died recently. Alison has spoken out about the lack of support av… - 6 years ago

@tweetcoffeebar: Alison Lapper heartbroken that son will miss her wedding day after he was found dead at hotel - 6 years ago

@BtonLGBT: Alison Lapper heartbroken that son will miss her wedding day after he was found dead at hotel - 6 years ago

@big_taff: RT @DisabilityWales: Our heart goes out to Alison Lapper whose son Parys died recently. Alison has spoken out about the lack of support av… - 6 years ago

@Ant1988: RT @DisabilityWales: Our heart goes out to Alison Lapper whose son Parys died recently. Alison has spoken out about the lack of support av… - 6 years ago

@leilani_lo: RT @martina_laird: This breaks my heart. One thing that always struck me in the documentaries on Alison was what a beautiful special boy Pa… - 6 years ago

@pritybraun: This' heartbreaking 😩😩😩💔💔💔 BBC News - Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@meiriontodd: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@HeatherMassey2: RT @GrantTucker: Alison Lapper has written a letter to her son Parys, who died last month, which she would like me to share with you all. I… - 6 years ago

@NikkiNonJones: RT @WhoseShoes: This is beyond sad. 😥 For Mums everywhere & their much loved, troubled young sons. 💜 “You know your own child better than a… - 6 years ago

@AmyMilam2: RT @thetimes: Alison Lapper, the disabled artist whose naked image once appeared on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth, has hit out at the “a… - 6 years ago

@Feganscharity: RT @thetimes: Alison Lapper, the disabled artist whose naked image once appeared on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth, has hit out at the “a… - 6 years ago

@BelgraveCommNHW: RT @thetimes: Alison Lapper, the disabled artist whose naked image once appeared on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth, has hit out at the “a… - 6 years ago

@thetimes: Alison Lapper, the disabled artist whose naked image once appeared on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth, has hit out… - 6 years ago

@CRGSchools: Artist Alison Lapper says her son Parys did not get the help he needed - 6 years ago

@taotown: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@martina_laird: This breaks my heart. One thing that always struck me in the documentaries on Alison was what a beautiful special b… - 6 years ago

@julieruta: RT @Cathy_Creswell: Absolutely devastated listening to Alison Lapper on @BBCr4today. So many lessons we need to learn from her and the exp… - 6 years ago

@BrendanYoung3: RT @WhoseShoes: This is beyond sad. 😥 For Mums everywhere & their much loved, troubled young sons. 💜 “You know your own child better than a… - 6 years ago

@westernshores: RT @CATS_Chris: Sadly I see many other teens receiving the wrong care in units that cannot meet their needs. We should all be angry. @MattH… - 6 years ago

@PhyllisStein2: RT @CATS_Chris: Sadly I see many other teens receiving the wrong care in units that cannot meet their needs. We should all be angry. @MattH… - 6 years ago

@JeremyH09406697: RT @CATS_Chris: Sadly I see many other teens receiving the wrong care in units that cannot meet their needs. We should all be angry. @MattH… - 6 years ago

@DrLucyBowes: RT @Cathy_Creswell: Absolutely devastated listening to Alison Lapper on @BBCr4today. So many lessons we need to learn from her and the exp… - 6 years ago

@busstop_kris10: RT @LUBOttom: BBC News - Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@DrNancyHansen: RT @McNhlapo: Alison Lapper says late son Parys was bullied over her disability - 6 years ago

@tommetcalfe637: RT @MaryKenny4: Alison Lapper's son was bullied at school because she is disabled - a "CRIP" in their language. He became depressed. Then h… - 6 years ago

@GreenfordBlog: BBC News - Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@Elizabe50706864: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - BBC News - 6 years ago

@CymroSion: RT @GrantTucker: Alison Lapper has written a letter to her son Parys, who died last month, which she would like me to share with you all. I… - 6 years ago

@mariekeguy: Just read about Alison Lapper’s son Parys. So sad. - 6 years ago

@HGDown_: RT @BBCNews: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@CymroSion: RT @GrantTucker: Another beautiful life ended because of the scourge of mental health. My interview with Alison Lapper on the death of her… - 6 years ago

@duncanwpprior: Terribly sad. #BorisJohnsonPM Has lost a vote despite his bullying. But a life was lost due to bullying. Condolen… - 6 years ago

@tarunkhaitan: This lovely woman, who so kindly agreed to grace the cover of my first book, has suffered such immense loss, and so… - 6 years ago

@allmanneroflife: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death I have wept tonight for this bea… - 6 years ago

@bbckirstylang: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@joshspero: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@camhsharleyst: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - BBC News - 6 years ago

@Nicola_Bestie: Incredibly sad, my thoughts are with her. - 6 years ago

@current_go: Alison Lapper’s son Parys ‘bullied at school’ before death - 6 years ago

@current_go: Alison Lapper’s son Parys ‘bullied at school’ before death - 6 years ago

@bethmichaelfox: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@Bazouteast1: RT @Charbrevolution: Thoroughly heartbroken to hear this very sad news. I remember watching a documentary with her and just admired her as… - 6 years ago

@ratemytopics: Alison Lapper’s son Parys ‘bullied at school’ before death - 6 years ago

@sewinghell: RT @BBCNews: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@Kev_McLoughlin: Heartbreaking- BBC News - Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@rutheirian: RT @GrantTucker: Alison Lapper has written a letter to her son Parys, who died last month, which she would like me to share with you all. I… - 6 years ago

@rutheirian: Unbelievably sad for Alison Lapper, having faced so much adversity in life already - 6 years ago

@MHFENetwork: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@msamarjitkaur: #ParysLapper so very sad to hear of this terrible loss. As a mother my heart absolutely breaks for Alison Lapper. X - 6 years ago

@corinabonbina: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - This makes me so so so sad 😥😥😥😥What a cruel cruel soci… - 6 years ago

@HelenRoot: Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@AllisonBoggis: RT @k_runswick_cole: Sad and angry listening to Alison Lapper this morning @BBCr4today, what sort of a world do we live in when kids are bu… - 6 years ago

@kithseer: RT @LUBOttom: BBC News - Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@deehfairley: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@LUBOttom: BBC News - Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@Andyw1803: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@wetherflywest: RT @MaryKenny4: Alison Lapper's son was bullied at school because she is disabled - a "CRIP" in their language. He became depressed. Then h… - 6 years ago

@MaryOGrady8: RT @MaryKenny4: Alison Lapper's son was bullied at school because she is disabled - a "CRIP" in their language. He became depressed. Then h… - 6 years ago

@oliviacbrowne: RT @richardansett: Deepest condolences to Alison Lapper on the impossibly tragic loss of her 19 year old son #paryslapper . I have always l… - 6 years ago

@Jennyguest: So awful@and sad and wasteful Alison Lapper's son Parys 'bullied at school' before death - 6 years ago

@Cem_Res: @DonnaMT66 Kids used to throw taunts at me about my mum at school, but seems it's gotten even worse in the last 15… - 6 years ago

@JustJen19: RT @ruthgripper: Heartbreaking listening to Alison Lapper on #r4today this morning. Sure it will have resonated with many parents trying to… - 6 years ago

@k_runswick_cole: Sad and angry listening to Alison Lapper this morning @BBCr4today, what sort of a world do we live in when kids are… - 6 years ago

@portraitinflesh: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@Gert: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@dunleavymike51: RT @MaryKenny4: Alison Lapper's son was bullied at school because she is disabled - a "CRIP" in their language. He became depressed. Then h… - 6 years ago

@WandaWyporska: RT @lucierussell12: Massive love and respect to @AlisonLapperMBE for speaking out about the tragedy of her sons death, the pain he suffered… - 6 years ago

@triple_joy: RT @gabyhinsliff: Heartbreaking to hear Alison Lapper talking about how she stopped going to parents’ evenings because her son would be tea… - 6 years ago

@SarahHatstand: Getting ready for a busy day, @BBCr4today in the background as usual. Husband & I stopped to listen, spellbound & t… - 6 years ago

@buckinghamh: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@amurraysdb: RT @MaryKenny4: Alison Lapper's son was bullied at school because she is disabled - a "CRIP" in their language. He became depressed. Then h… - 6 years ago

@JAB1608: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@Quinonostante: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@cm_charu: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@EmergingMindsUK: RT @Cathy_Creswell: Absolutely devastated listening to Alison Lapper on @BBCr4today. So many lessons we need to learn from her and the exp… - 6 years ago

@neilmcrowther: RT @BDavisHft: This is tragic! Alison Lapper, the disabled artist who posed for a #TrafalgarSquare plinth, has spoken about the death of he… - 6 years ago

@dianjo: RT @silverwoodcope: Have cried this morning reading about the death of Alison Lapper's beloved son. Perfect words by Robert Winston. If bul… - 6 years ago

@BDavisHft: This is tragic! Alison Lapper, the disabled artist who posed for a #TrafalgarSquare plinth, has spoken about the de… - 6 years ago

@TownCloseEmma: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@JoMidge: RT @GrantTucker: Another beautiful life ended because of the scourge of mental health. My interview with Alison Lapper on the death of her… - 6 years ago

@BenFurner: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

@Peacey_1: RT @Sathnam: Alison Lapper talking about her late son being let down by mental health services on @BBCr4today : an all too familiar situati… - 6 years ago

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