Ali Khavari

Iranian communist politician.
Died on Monday March 22nd 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ali Khavari:

@roszarosza: RT @rowenarazak: End of an era... Tudeh leader since 1983 Ali Khavari passed away in Berlin last Friday. Thanks @arash_tehran for this thou… - 4 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @rowenarazak: End of an era... Tudeh leader since 1983 Ali Khavari passed away in Berlin last Friday. Thanks @arash_tehran for this thou… - 4 years ago

@slavsandtatars: RT @rowenarazak: End of an era... Tudeh leader since 1983 Ali Khavari passed away in Berlin last Friday. Thanks @arash_tehran for this thou… - 4 years ago

@iranstudiesUK: RT @rowenarazak: End of an era... Tudeh leader since 1983 Ali Khavari passed away in Berlin last Friday. Thanks @arash_tehran for this thou… - 4 years ago


@rowenarazak: End of an era... Tudeh leader since 1983 Ali Khavari passed away in Berlin last Friday. Thanks @arash_tehran for th… - 4 years ago

@MarjiiEU: RT @arash_tehran: Very glad that my obituary for Ali Khavari, the late leader of the communist #Tudeh Party of #Iran was translated from Pe… - 4 years ago

@RobCSAdams: RT @arash_tehran: Very glad that my obituary for Ali Khavari, the late leader of the communist #Tudeh Party of #Iran was translated from Pe… - 4 years ago

@IranChinaGuy: RT @arash_tehran: Very glad that my obituary for Ali Khavari, the late leader of the communist #Tudeh Party of #Iran was translated from Pe… - 4 years ago

@LiorSternfeld: RT @arash_tehran: Very glad that my obituary for Ali Khavari, the late leader of the communist #Tudeh Party of #Iran was translated from Pe… - 4 years ago

@arash_tehran: Very glad that my obituary for Ali Khavari, the late leader of the communist #Tudeh Party of #Iran was translated f… - 4 years ago

@Eyeon_Iran: The Legacy of Ali Khavari, an Iranian Communist Icon - 4 years ago

@Ali_MAHDIYAR_: @Aman_Khavari السلام علیک یا اباصالح المهدی(عج) الّلهُــمَّ عَجِّــلْ لِوَلِیِّکَــــ الْفَــرَج بحق زِینَب کُبری (… - 4 years ago

@EQfard: @fadaeeiran tersely, they were stirrers , infiltrators and swindlers. they had nothing under the sun! they did not… - 4 years ago

@ardavank: Ali Khavari is dead. He became the head of the #Tudeh Party in the 1980s and remained its head until his death on M… - 4 years ago

@MidlandsCPB: RT @CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran leade… - 4 years ago

@FutebolSociali1: RT @arash_tehran: Ali Khavari, chairman of #Iran's communist Tudeh Party, passed away, few days short of his 98th birthday Here he is with… - 4 years ago

@BranchYorkshire: RT @CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran leade… - 4 years ago

@DkpLubeck: RT @id_communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran - 4 years ago

@mevpcusa: RT @talendril123: Statement of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran : Mourning the passing of the Party’s “voice of righteousne… - 4 years ago

@PaulTyredagh81: Tudeh Party of Iran pays tribute to ‘tireless militant’ Ali Khavari, longstanding leader who has died aged 97… - 4 years ago

@justnajlaa8: RT @M_Star_Online: Tudeh Party of Iran pays tribute to ‘tireless militant’ Ali Khavari, long-standing leader who has died aged 97 - 4 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @talendril123: Statement of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran : Mourning the passing of the Party’s “voice of righteousne… - 4 years ago

@MSAndreou: RT @talendril123: Statement of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran : Mourning the passing of the Party’s “voice of righteousne… - 4 years ago

@talendril123: Statement of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran : Mourning the passing of the Party’s “voice of right… - 4 years ago

@arash_tehran: Ali Khavari, chairman of #Iran's communist Tudeh Party, passed away, few days short of his 98th birthday Here he i… - 4 years ago

@MouvCommuniste1: Le communiste iranien Ali Khavari meurt : Déclaration du Parti Tudeh d'Iran - 4 years ago

@andreaburford31: RT @CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran leade… - 4 years ago

@MarkJonesCP: Will look to reschedule this event with Navid Shomali. Rest in power, Cde Ali Khavari - 4 years ago

@stjosephdeberne: RT @CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran leade… - 4 years ago

@psapiainslagos: RT @M_Star_Online: Tudeh Party of Iran pays tribute to ‘tireless militant’ Ali Khavari, long-standing leader who has died aged 97 - 4 years ago

@JesusBarandaz: RT @ardavank: Ali Khavari is dead. He became the head of the #Tudeh Party in the 1980s and remained its head until his death on March 19, 2… - 4 years ago

@M_Star_Online: Tudeh Party of Iran pays tribute to ‘tireless militant’ Ali Khavari, long-standing leader who has died aged 97… - 4 years ago

@zda_at: Ali Khavari 1923-2021 - 4 years ago

@nandeilath: RT @jncatron: Tudeh Party of Iran pays tribute to ‘tireless militant’ Ali Khavari, longstanding leader who has died aged 97 - 4 years ago

@jncatron: Tudeh Party of Iran pays tribute to ‘tireless militant’ Ali Khavari, longstanding leader who has died aged 97 - 4 years ago

@Wrcp7: RT @CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran leade… - 4 years ago

@MarkJonesCP: Rest in power, Cde Ali Khavari ✊💔 - 4 years ago

@maheshu483: RT @CPBritain: speaker Navid Shomali Int’l Sec, Tudeh Party of Iran, at some point later in the year. In the meantime, I’m sure you will j… - 4 years ago

@maheshu483: RT @CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran leade… - 4 years ago

@CPBritain: speaker Navid Shomali Int’l Sec, Tudeh Party of Iran, at some point later in the year. In the meantime, I’m sure y… - 4 years ago

@CPBritain: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, vete… - 4 years ago

@BLACKFLAGchi: RT @id_communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Ali Khavari has passed away - #AliKhavari #Ali #Khavari #rip - 4 years ago

@eugeniosorrent1: RT @id_communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran - 4 years ago

@juako2001: RT @vostok_new: idcommunism: Muere el comunista iraní Ali Khavari: Declaración del Partido Tudeh de Irán - 4 years ago

@vostok_new: idcommunism: Muere el comunista iraní Ali Khavari: Declaración del Partido Tudeh de Irán - 4 years ago

@vincecastells: RT @eastsuffolkcp: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran L… - 4 years ago

@2011arvyk: RT @eastsuffolkcp: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, veteran L… - 4 years ago

@eastsuffolkcp: We will look to reschedule with our guest speaker, Navid Shomali, at some point later in the year. In the meantime,… - 4 years ago

@eastsuffolkcp: In view of the devastatingly sad news which reached us over the weekend of the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, vete… - 4 years ago

@armiche: RT @id_communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran - 4 years ago

@eQaiserIjaz: RT @id_communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran - 4 years ago

@g_morkert: In Defense of Communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by t... - 4 years ago

@isciyasami: RT @id_communism: Décès du communiste iranien Ali Khavari: Déclaration du parti Tudeh d'Iran - 4 years ago

@id_communism: Décès du communiste iranien Ali Khavari: Déclaration du parti Tudeh d'Iran - 4 years ago

@id_communism: Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran - 4 years ago

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