Alfred Holland

90 or 91
Died on Thursday October 25th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Alfred Holland:

@shonaturner_871: I’m trying to find sources/interpretations regarding Alfred the Great’s economic stability...can any medieval histo… - 6 years ago

@boersrkr: @CoolLood @alfred_cabonena Wel dan moes Holland en België dit seker ook hier kom steel het 🤡😂 - 6 years ago

@alfred_ned: Ja,bij hoek van holland linksaf. Bij Gibraltar voorsorteren,linksaf of rechtdoor. - 6 years ago

@PaulaWharton: Just finished this brilliant Penguin Monarchs paperback by @holland_tom about Athelstan. I'm turning into a bit of… - 6 years ago


@ShuffledOff: Alfred Holland (91) Australian bishop - 6 years ago

@legendarystuff: I'm at The Alfred Hotel in Amsterdam, North Holland - 6 years ago

@holland_tom: RT @alexburghart: WHAT ABOUT THE DEATH OF ALFRED THE GREAT (899)?? ⁦@thetimes⁩ #otd - 6 years ago

@HMontielR_7: Great read Athelstan @holland_tom 👏👏👏. Books on Alfred, Edward and Aethelflaed please - 6 years ago

@LT_holland: RT @PhilJamesson: ALFRED: Good evening, Mr. Wayne. I trust you're getting that bread? BRUCE WAYNE: Not tonight, Alfred. I'm afraid the onl… - 6 years ago

@holland_tom: @PhiloCrocodile @BLMedieval Without Alfred there would have been nothing for Athelstan to rule! - 6 years ago

@PCKJ3627: RT @LyndsayFarlow: Australian Anglican Church ends disciplinary proceedings against fmr Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland after royal commiss… - 6 years ago

@PCKJ3627: RT @ABCReligion: Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland showed a distinct lack of leadership, and alleged perpetrators were not called to account… - 6 years ago

@petekelso: REMEMBER BISHOP ALFRED HOLLAND? The Royal Commission recommended him for defrocking. HOLLAND did nothing to stop pr… - 6 years ago

@LyndsayFarlow: RT @ABCReligion: Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland showed a distinct lack of leadership, and alleged perpetrators were not called to account… - 6 years ago

@LyndsayFarlow: Australian Anglican Church ends disciplinary proceedings against fmr Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland after royal co… - 6 years ago

@haarlemmer_meer: Koninkrijksteam start EK opnieuw tegen Britten Kalian Sams sloeg tijdens het EK in 2016 één van de homeruns tegen G… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Alfred Holland (bishop) - 6 years ago

@AfraidOfWidths: RT @ABCReligion: Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland showed a distinct lack of leadership, and alleged perpetrators were not called to account… - 6 years ago

@abissicus: RT @ABCReligion: Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland showed a distinct lack of leadership, and alleged perpetrators were not called to account… - 6 years ago

@AustAnglican: Just learned that the Rt Rev Alfred Charles Holland died on 8 October, at the age of 91. 10th Bishop of Newcastle 1… - 6 years ago

@GibsonWrites: RT @ABCReligion: Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland showed a distinct lack of leadership, and alleged perpetrators were not called to account… - 6 years ago

@ABCReligion: Newcastle Bishop Alfred Holland showed a distinct lack of leadership, and alleged perpetrators were not called to a… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Alfred Holland, you will be missed - #AlfredHolland #Alfred #Holland #rip - 6 years ago

@newcastleherald: Former Newcastle Anglican Bishop Alfred Holland dies - 6 years ago

@CarolynFrawley1: RT @GiselleWak: . #Breaking Former #Newcastle #Anglican Bishop Alfred Holland has died. The church’s Episcopal Standards Commission has res… - 6 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @GiselleWak: . #Breaking Former #Newcastle #Anglican Bishop Alfred Holland has died. The church’s Episcopal Standards Commission has res… - 6 years ago

@GiselleWak: . #Breaking Former #Newcastle #Anglican Bishop Alfred Holland has died. The church’s Episcopal Standards Commission… - 6 years ago

@tjbanf: @holland_tom Alfred the great more suited to this task I feel - 6 years ago

@LegendusEst: RT @manuthebest58: "When I am given a locale, and this is very important in my mind, it's got to be used, and used dramatically. We're in H… - 6 years ago

@TrashPostr: @holland_tom It should be Alfred - 6 years ago

@edduran33: RT @manuthebest58: "When I am given a locale, and this is very important in my mind, it's got to be used, and used dramatically. We're in H… - 6 years ago

@SushanthRamesh: RT @manuthebest58: "When I am given a locale, and this is very important in my mind, it's got to be used, and used dramatically. We're in H… - 6 years ago

@RoccoPagliacci: RT @manuthebest58: "When I am given a locale, and this is very important in my mind, it's got to be used, and used dramatically. We're in H… - 6 years ago

@lifemagazine_hu: RT @manuthebest58: "When I am given a locale, and this is very important in my mind, it's got to be used, and used dramatically. We're in H… - 6 years ago

@iribarrencarlo: RT @manuthebest58: "When I am given a locale, and this is very important in my mind, it's got to be used, and used dramatically. We're in H… - 6 years ago

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