Alfred Bader

Austrian-born Canadian chemist and businessman.
Died on Tuesday December 25th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Alfred Bader:

@LiberalZionists: RT @JTAnews: At 14, he escaped his native Vienna via the Kindertransport to England. - 6 years ago

@Shenandoah58: RT @JTAnews: At 14, he escaped his native Vienna via the Kindertransport to England. - 6 years ago

@JTAnews: At 14, he escaped his native Vienna via the Kindertransport to England. - 6 years ago

@SCI_America: RIP Alfred Bader, chemist, art collector & philanthropist remembered for his impact on chemistry and his legacy of… - 6 years ago


@cromenale: Chimico, filantropo e collezionista di opere d'arte, nacque a Vienna nel 1924. Eh sì, brutto periodo per nascere in… - 6 years ago

@Berlaarstraat1: RT @kmzwhrs: オランダ美術の個人コレクターとして際立った存在だったアルフレッド・ベイダー氏が亡くなった… Alfred Bader Passed Away - - 6 years ago

@Radio_Wien: Chemiker und Mäzen Alfred Bader ist tot - 6 years ago

@kmzwhrs: オランダ美術の個人コレクターとして際立った存在だったアルフレッド・ベイダー氏が亡くなった… Alfred Bader Passed Away - - 6 years ago

@CODART: Alfred Bader Passed Away - 6 years ago

@wien: Chemiker und Mäzen Alfred Bader ist tot - - 6 years ago

@Christi21298409: Wiener Chemiker Alfred Bader ist tot Der in Wien geborene Chemiker und Mäzen Alfred Bader ist tot. Wie die Universi… - 6 years ago

@FranzLatzkoFCIO: Mit seiner Idee, Forschungschemikalien bereit zu stellen, hat Alfred Bader in der Welt viel bewegt! - 6 years ago

@w_skowronek: RT @JWS_Vienna: Chemiker und Mäzen Alfred Bader 1924 - 2018 - 6 years ago

@JWS_Vienna: Chemiker und Mäzen Alfred Bader 1924 - 2018 - 6 years ago

@Refyref: RT @Dereklowe: Alfred Bader, founder of Aldrich Chemical, dies at 94 - and no one who's practiced organic chemistry over the last 50 years… - 6 years ago

@ATBrokenNews: Van der Bellen: Europa Wiener Chemiker Alfred Bader , die wir je hatten - 6 years ago

@APA_Science: Chemiker und Mäzen Alfred Bader 94-jährig gestorben - 6 years ago

@oeaw: Alfred Bader, gebürtiger Wiener und Chemiker, ist 94-jährig gestorben. Er stiftete ab 2004 den Ignaz. L. Lieben-Pre… - 6 years ago

@SLeskMBJ: Alfred Bader's impact as entrepreneur, art collector, philanthropist is widespread - 6 years ago

@nicole_bobbette: RT @QueensUCanada: Alfred Bader: Celebration of an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@Nath111: - 6 years ago

@MKEBizJournal: Alfred Bader's impact as entrepreneur, art collector, philanthropist is widespread - 6 years ago

@Sharadai: Alfred Bader: Celebration of an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@analioj: RT @Dereklowe: Alfred Bader, founder of Aldrich Chemical, dies at 94 - and no one who's practiced organic chemistry over the last 50 years… - 6 years ago

@n_krsmanovic: Alfred Bader: Celebration of an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@ISGHDBISC: RT @Joanne_Paul_: Very sorry to hear of the death of Alfred Bader. Thanks to his generosity I was able to spend my first year of university… - 6 years ago

@Labscoop: RT @MilliporeSigma: We are sorry to hear of the passing of Alfred Bader, a pioneer in chemistry, respected philanthropist and founder of Al… - 6 years ago

@adamoverberg: RT @Dereklowe: Alfred Bader, founder of Aldrich Chemical, dies at 94 - and no one who's practiced organic chemistry over the last 50 years… - 6 years ago

@Joanne_Paul_: Very sorry to hear of the death of Alfred Bader. Thanks to his generosity I was able to spend my first year of univ… - 6 years ago

@GerardLeeman: RT @MilliporeSigma: We are sorry to hear of the passing of Alfred Bader, a pioneer in chemistry, respected philanthropist and founder of Al… - 6 years ago

@JavierMArquezG0: Un momento para recordar a Alfred Bader, fundador de Aldrich, apasionado del arte y de la ciencia, inspirador. - 6 years ago

@mazapan_dust: RT @Dereklowe: Alfred Bader, founder of Aldrich Chemical, dies at 94 - and no one who's practiced organic chemistry over the last 50 years… - 6 years ago

@Merck_lifesci: We are sorry to hear of the passing of Alfred Bader, a pioneer in chemistry, respected philanthropist and founder o… - 6 years ago

@MilliporeSigma: We are sorry to hear of the passing of Alfred Bader, a pioneer in chemistry, respected philanthropist and founder o… - 6 years ago

@ValesTomas: RT @RembrandtsRoom: In memory of the great art collector Alfred Bader, who passed away on 23 December. Asked what is his most favourite pai… - 6 years ago

@djwink1: A delightful chemist and entrepreneur, Alfred Bader, has died. A highlight of my graduate career was his annual vis… - 6 years ago

@ACSEnergyLett: RT @l_wang_cen: Alfred Bader, cofounder of @SigmaAldrich has died. We will miss him. He gave millions to @AmerChemSociety Project Seed and… - 6 years ago

@smkauzlarich: RT @l_wang_cen: Alfred Bader, cofounder of @SigmaAldrich has died. We will miss him. He gave millions to @AmerChemSociety Project Seed and… - 6 years ago

@smkauzlarich: RT @KamatlabND: 'Alfred Bader, 1924-2018 founder of Aldrich has died in Milwaukee at the age of 94. "The Aldrich catalog was a big, thick p… - 6 years ago

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