Alexei Abrikosov

Russian-American theoretical physicist
Died on Thursday March 30th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Alexei Abrikosov:

@rosmith11: Alexei Abrikosov; physicist worked on #superconductors @NobelPrize @argonne - 8 years ago

@AlwaysWouldBe: I remember meeting him a few times. Abrasive & brilliant in equal measure. A student of the great Lev Landau. - 8 years ago

@evenkolder: The world lost an incredibly influential physicist: #superconductivity #physics - 8 years ago

@notsnejanna: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago


@IntriguingNW: Great minds and great losses: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@CherylBatchelo3: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - The Washington Post - 8 years ago

@zancudomine: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@alex_kovaleski: RT @drsekula: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@IntriguingCap: Great minds and great losses: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@Mundo59SNews: Muere a los 88 años el premio Nobel de física Alexéi Abrikósov - 8 years ago

@PhysicsTweet: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 | The ... - The Spokesman-Review - 8 years ago

@Physicsupdate20: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 | The ... - The Spokesman-Review - 8 years ago

@MySmallWorld_In: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@BangorInsider: In the news: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@TLWTeam: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@tjmlab: RT @argonne: Nobel laureate and founder of Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance, Alexei Abrikosov, has died - 8 years ago

@Physicsreports: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 | The ... - The Spokesman-Review - 8 years ago

@HERVE73950491: RT @NewScienceWrld: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@KellieRoseWick: RT @drsekula: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@drsekula: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@SealamReddy: Dr. Alexei Abrikosov, 88 Nobel Laureate in physics, Sunnyvale resident. A PhD from Moscow state university USA citi… - 8 years ago

@Rogers_Corp: Long #nanotubes are excellent heat conductors. - 8 years ago

@ohtani_shun: RT @cometscome_phys: アブリコソフ亡くなられなのか。数年前に会った時も大分お爺ちゃんだった。Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - - 8 years ago

@neet2go: RT @yssy1982: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@LaurieBsequimus: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@osmosci: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@assburgerr: RT @cometscome_phys: アブリコソフ亡くなられなのか。数年前に会った時も大分お爺ちゃんだった。Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - - 8 years ago

@zschenoza: RT @jubobroff: Alexei Abrikosov,Nobel 2003, est décédé hier. Pensée émue pour celui qui a prédit les vortex supraconducteurs - 8 years ago

@pikka0403: RT @cometscome_phys: アブリコソフ亡くなられなのか。数年前に会った時も大分お爺ちゃんだった。Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - - 8 years ago

@NovaPleiades: - 8 years ago

@xiangze750: RT @cometscome_phys: アブリコソフ亡くなられなのか。数年前に会った時も大分お爺ちゃんだった。Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - - 8 years ago

@cometscome_phys: アブリコソフ亡くなられなのか。数年前に会った時も大分お爺ちゃんだった。Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - - 8 years ago

@kntoo: RT @yssy1982: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@lensato: RT @yssy1982: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@Sabetta_: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Alexei Abrikosov, 88, pioneer of superconductivity theory, 2003 Nobel Laureate in physics: - 8 years ago

@timbalero1973: RT @yssy1982: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@aki_room: RT @yssy1982: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@yssy1982: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 (New York Times) - 8 years ago

@Eyesoftheworl10: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@MarieBard: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Alexei Abrikosov, 88, pioneer of superconductivity theory, 2003 Nobel Laureate in physics: - 8 years ago

@UberCitizen: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Alexei Abrikosov, 88, pioneer of superconductivity theory, 2003 Nobel Laureate in physics: - 8 years ago

@dcastelvecchi: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Alexei Abrikosov, 88, pioneer of superconductivity theory, 2003 Nobel Laureate in physics: - 8 years ago

@cardcounterswin: RT @BlackPhysicists: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - New York Times - 8 years ago

@Satyen_Baindur: RT @memauel: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics for understanding superconductors, Dies at 88, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@aparnamuk: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@memauel: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics for understanding superconductors, Dies at 88, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@LFMAKER: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@zachhunter1110: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@KianaKwon: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@SeanGeoghegan: RT @BlackPhysicists: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - New York Times - 8 years ago

@NortonRaphael: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@Tapochek: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@dabuckley: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@NSBE: "Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88" @NYTimes - 8 years ago

@jmm2355: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@doktorjj: "Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88" by KENNETH CHANG via NYT - 8 years ago

@RaketenClub: RT @BlackPhysicists: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - New York Times - 8 years ago

@OrdoFibonacci: - 8 years ago

@iBhSK: "Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88" - 8 years ago

@lonestarbluedog: RT @StephensWSJ: Another immigrant from an enemy country who won a Nobel for America. RIP, Alexei Abrikosov. - 8 years ago

@fjetas: - 8 years ago

@EduardoCantoral: Alexei Abrikosov, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@3PennyMovies: RT @argonne: Nobel laureate and founder of Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance, Alexei Abrikosov, has died - 8 years ago

@Inteligentista: - 8 years ago

@mikibrd: RT @PhysicsWorld: Long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors #FlashPhysics - 8 years ago

@iwfmh: RT @RussianEmbassy: Saddened to learn that Russian Nobel Prize winner in physics Alexei Abrikosov passed away today. He will be badly misse… - 8 years ago

@phystech_en: The Nobel Prize in Physics Laureate Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov passed away on 29th of March at the age of 88. - 8 years ago

@lis903106a6: Argonne scientist and Nobel Laureate Alexei Abrikosov dies at 88 | Argonne National Laboratory - 8 years ago

@pane: RT @PhysicsWorld: Long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors #FlashPhysics - 8 years ago

@7ntbid: RT @luxsecuritatis: 03년도 노벨 물리학상 수상자이자, The Vortex theory of Type II Superconductors Alexei Abrikosov가 세상을 떠났다. 물리학자이자 물리학사가인 데이비드 카이저는 Dra… - 8 years ago

@deolhoemboituva: Morre aos 89 anos Alexei Abrikosov, ganhador do Nobel de Física em 2003 | - 8 years ago

@newswise: Argonne Scientist and Nobel Laureate Alexei Abrikosov Dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@paginasinformat: Falleció a los 89 años Alexéi Abrikósov, premio Nobel de Física en 2003 | Paginas Informativas - 8 years ago

@tttabata: Argonne scientist and Nobel Laureate Alexei Abrikosov dies at 88. Argonne National Laboratory, March 30, 2017 - 8 years ago

@gumshooting: RT @luxsecuritatis: 03년도 노벨 물리학상 수상자이자, The Vortex theory of Type II Superconductors Alexei Abrikosov가 세상을 떠났다. 물리학자이자 물리학사가인 데이비드 카이저는 Dra… - 8 years ago

@mikibrd: RT @Physicsupdate20: Flash Physics: Alexei Abrikosov dies, SpaceX lands a rocket, long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors -… - 8 years ago

@APSPublisher: Sad news: Argonne scientist and 2003 Nobel Laureate Alexei Abrikosov dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@JurajKrsnik: Flash Physics: Alexei Abrikosov dies, SpaceX lands a rocket, long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors - 8 years ago

@fisicainteressa: Flash Physics: Alexei Abrikosov dies, SpaceX lands a rocket, long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors... - 8 years ago

@Physicsreports: Flash Physics: Alexei Abrikosov dies, SpaceX lands a rocket, long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors -… - 8 years ago

@eufisica: Top story: Flash Physics: Alexei Abrikosov dies, SpaceX lands a rocket, long na… - 8 years ago

@AhBaloul: RT @argonne: Nobel laureate and founder of Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance, Alexei Abrikosov, has died - 8 years ago

@EphanArgalles: RT @PhysicsWorld: Superconductivity pioneer Alexei Abrikosov dies at 88 #FlashPhysics - 8 years ago

@BibliotecaIF: Morre aos 89 anos Alexei Abrikosov, ganhador do Nobel de Física em 2003 - 8 years ago

@PositronMike: RT @PhysicsWorld: Superconductivity pioneer Alexei Abrikosov dies at 88 #FlashPhysics - 8 years ago

@TonyPershin: RT @PhysicsWorld: SpaceX relaunches and lands a Falcon 9 rocket #FlashPhysics - 8 years ago

@GabbyBirkman: Flash Physics: Alexei Abrikosov dies, SpaceX lands a rocket, long nanotubes are excellent heat conductors - - 8 years ago

@OliviaKroth: RT @RussianEmbassy: Saddened to learn that Russian Nobel Prize winner in physics Alexei Abrikosov passed away today. He will be badly misse… - 8 years ago

@PhysikJournal: Alexei Abrikosov, Physik-Nobelpreisträger von 2003 ( - 8 years ago

@ElPensante2015: RT @la_patilla: Falleció a los 89 años Alexéi Abrikósov, premio Nobel de Física en 2003 - 8 years ago

@gundulaxman: RT @argonne: Nobel laureate and founder of Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance, Alexei Abrikosov, has died - 8 years ago

@linaly_fm: RT @la_patilla: Falleció a los 89 años Alexéi Abrikósov, premio Nobel de Física en 2003 - 8 years ago

@info_Ve: Falleció a los 89 años Alexéi Abrikósov, premio Nobel de Física en 2003 - 8 years ago

@cygnusgm: RT @PhysicsWorld: Superconductivity pioneer Alexei Abrikosov dies at 88 #FlashPhysics - 8 years ago

@notiwebon: Falleció a los 89 años Alexéi Abrikósov, premio Nobel de Física en 2003 - 8 years ago

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