Alexander Chancellor

British journalist.
Died on Saturday January 28th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Alexander Chancellor:

@ian_richmed: RT @pressgazette: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@exacteditions: RT @pressgazette: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@Media_Updates: RT @pressgazette: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@mag_production: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago


@journalism: Press Gazette: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@ibundle: RT @pressgazette: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@_dpaj: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@pressgazette: Harry Mount appointed youngest ever editor of The Oldie following death of Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@MickWSmith: Sorry to hear of death of a great journalist and author Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@JamesLeFanu: RT @JeremyWarnerUK: Lovely obit on journalist, Alexander Chancellor, who ran the Spectator as much as poss from restaurants and pubs https:… - 8 years ago

@tartanroots: RT @Robert___Harris: Very sad to hear of the deaths of two old friends this morning, Christopher Bland and Alexander Chancellor. Both lived… - 8 years ago

@PhilipHawkesFr: RT @EvelynWaughSoc: Alexander Chancellor (1940-2017): Savior of The Spectator: - 8 years ago

@MyLetterboxUK: @IsabelHardman Just come across this from the late Alexander Chancellor. Who'd be the right journalist for charity,… - 8 years ago

@MarkGreen88: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@MarkGreen88: RT @OldieMagazine: The March issue that marks the Oldie’s 25th anniversary,is also the last under the editorship of Alexander Chancellor. I… - 8 years ago

@MarkGreen88: RT @JeremyWarnerUK: Lovely obit on journalist, Alexander Chancellor, who ran the Spectator as much as poss from restaurants and pubs https:… - 8 years ago

@MarkGreen88: RT @Freddygray31: Alexander Chancellor RIP. A great man. - 8 years ago

@MarkGreen88: RT @gemimsy: Alexander Chancellor, surely the nicest man in journalism. When he laughed it sounded like a duck being tickled. - 8 years ago

@_ngoo: #Vdare Alexander Chancellor, RIP. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@zahid_tanvir: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@JohnBgeologist: RT @FraserNelson: @helenlewis that would be a bit boring. As Alexander Chancellor said, the Spectator should be more about debate than conc… - 8 years ago

@FraserNelson: @helenlewis that would be a bit boring. As Alexander Chancellor said, the Spectator should be more about debate than conclusions ;) - 8 years ago

@Popsie73: Last Spectator article of the week. RIP to a fabulous writer and man. - 8 years ago

@Firehawk36: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@EylemUnver2: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@allanjenkins21: RT @mediaguardian: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@medianews_today: From Media Guardian: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@auntytrue: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@RezRezart: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@Kaleemstn: Retweeted Guardian news (@guardiannews): Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline... - 8 years ago

@bonnieD57063479: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@Kaleemstn: RT @guardiannews: Alexander Chancellor: the ‘bohemian’ who beat every deadline - 8 years ago

@PlatypusPR: Incredible to find Charles Moore can actually have opinions worth reading (Alexander Chancellor RIP) - 8 years ago

@maeveyx0: RT @allthatchas: I've only just heard the news that Alexander Chancellor has died. His column was one of my fave parts of @spectator. Loved… - 8 years ago

@allthatchas: I've only just heard the news that Alexander Chancellor has died. His column was one of my fave parts of @spectator. Loved the bees saga. - 8 years ago

@grappilles: RT @postobits: Editor Alexander Chancellor called journalism "the ideal profession for the lazy person." - 8 years ago

@pirateirwin: RT @spectator: How Alexander Chancellor saved The Spectator by @FraserNelson - 8 years ago

@ChateauMissery: RT @EvelynWaughSoc: Alexander Chancellor (1940-2017): Savior of The Spectator: - 8 years ago

@TheArtsToday: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The Spectator... - 8 years ago

@_____anusha: RT @DalrympleWill: Wonderful piece on the much-beloved Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@Alx201094: RT @Robert___Harris: Very sad to hear of the deaths of two old friends this morning, Christopher Bland and Alexander Chancellor. Both lived… - 8 years ago

@AlexWarna: Very sad to read of the passing of Alexander Chancellor in this week's Spectator. - 8 years ago

@ubookman: RT @EvelynWaughSoc: Alexander Chancellor (1940-2017): Savior of The Spectator: - 8 years ago

@EvelynWaughSoc: Alexander Chancellor (1940-2017): Savior of The Spectator: - 8 years ago

@NeilBancs: RT @ajcdeane: A wonderful tribute. - 8 years ago

@_ngoo: #Vdare Alexander Chancellor, RIP. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@Hashtags_Trends: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The Spectator (And Had A Disastrous Year At The New Yorker) ... - 8 years ago

@NEPCA01: the latest in the #arts from @ArtsJournalNews: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The Spectator (... - 8 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The Spectator (And Had A Disastrous Year At The New Yorker): Whi… - 8 years ago

@Koopwines: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The Spectator (And Had A Disastrous Year At The New Yorker)… - 8 years ago

@AdamAmosArtist: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The… - 8 years ago

@AmosMostert: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The… - 8 years ago

@DailyArtSpirit: Alexander Chancellor, 77, Editor Who Transformed The Spectator (And Had A Disastrous Year At The New Yorker) - 8 years ago

@gregsweetnam: RT @postobits: @RonCharles Alexander Chancellor, who transformed Spectator magazine into a literary "cocktail party," dies at 77 - 8 years ago

@babciapat: RT @OldieMagazine: We are very sorry to say that Alexander Chancellor (1940-2017), our editor, died yesterday. A great loss for us all. htt… - 8 years ago

@babciapat: RT @GylesB1: Alexander Chancellor took on editorship of Richard Ingrams's splendid @OldieMagazine & made it even better. A brilliant edito… - 8 years ago

@babciapat: RT @OldieMagazine: The March issue that marks the Oldie’s 25th anniversary,is also the last under the editorship of Alexander Chancellor. I… - 8 years ago

@liverseidge: New editor of @OldieMagazine following sudden death of Alexander Chancellor. To be Harry Mount - all best wishes to… - 8 years ago

@TiffReadsBooks: RT @postobits: @RonCharles Alexander Chancellor, who transformed Spectator magazine into a literary "cocktail party," dies at 77 - 8 years ago

@RonCharles: RT @postobits: @RonCharles Alexander Chancellor, who transformed Spectator magazine into a literary "cocktail party," dies at 77 - 8 years ago

@postobits: @spectator Alexander Chancellor, who transformed Spectator magazine into a literary "cocktail party," dies at 77… - 8 years ago

@postobits: @dabeard Alexander Chancellor, who transformed Spectator magazine into a literary "cocktail party," dies at 77… - 8 years ago

@postobits: @RonCharles Alexander Chancellor, who transformed Spectator magazine into a literary "cocktail party," dies at 77… - 8 years ago

@postobits: @griffwitte Alexander Chancellor, editor who transformed Spectator magazine, dies at 77 - 8 years ago

@mradamtaylor: Alexander Chancellor, editor who transformed Spectator magazine, dies at 77 - 8 years ago

@Slarty247: RT @ajcdeane: A wonderful tribute. - 8 years ago

@terrannative: - 8 years ago

@iainmartin1: RT @ajcdeane: A wonderful tribute. - 8 years ago

@tory_zone: RT @ajcdeane: A wonderful tribute. - 8 years ago

@PeterMannionMP: RT @ajcdeane: A wonderful tribute. - 8 years ago

@AndrewDocklands: Somewhat of a resemblance to you! @people_noises - 8 years ago

@ajcdeane: A wonderful tribute. - 8 years ago

@Anirudh1969: @DalrympleWill Late Alexander Chancellor was an Etonian.His grandfather was the governor of Southern Rhodesia. - 8 years ago

@AndrewGimson: RT @TedYarbrough1: How Alexander Chancellor restored The Spectator's greatness - 8 years ago

@DalrympleWill: How Alexander Chancellor restored The Spectator's greatness - 8 years ago

@DalrympleWill: Wonderful piece on the much-beloved Alexander Chancellor - 8 years ago

@MattSchudel: Editor Alexander Chancellor called journalism "the ideal profession for the lazy person." - 8 years ago

@Barkovich1Joe: RT @postobits: Editor Alexander Chancellor called journalism "the ideal profession for the lazy person." - 8 years ago

@postobits: Editor Alexander Chancellor called journalism "the ideal profession for the lazy person." - 8 years ago

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