Albin F. Irzyk

American military officer.
Died on Friday September 14th 2018

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Tweets related to Albin F. Irzyk:

@ShuffledOff: Albin F. Irzyk (101) - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Albin F. Irzyk - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Albin F. Irzyk - #AlbinFIrzyk #Albin #F.Irzyk #rip - 6 years ago

@BelgiumintheUSA: RT @usembbrussels: Sad to hear about the passing of U.S. #BattleoftheBulge Veteran Albin F. Irzyk at 101 years old. Irzyk was Colonel of th… - 6 years ago


@usembbrussels: Sad to hear about the passing of U.S. #BattleoftheBulge Veteran Albin F. Irzyk at 101 years old. Irzyk was Colonel… - 6 years ago

@OpinionKiller2: @RedKnightHQ66 a true hero of the Battle of the Bulge has gone on to the Green Brigadier General (ret) Albin F.… - 7 years ago

@jwini44: Tribute to Polish American War hero Brigadier General Albin F. Irzyk - 7 years ago

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