Alan Trachtenberg

American historian.
Died on Thursday August 20th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Alan Trachtenberg:

@Nekrologium: Alan Trachtenberg, US-amerikanischer Historiker, am 18.08.2020 im Alter von 88 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@KurtNewman8: RT @andrew_seal: TIL Alan Trachtenberg (Z"L) was Saidiya Hartman's dissertation advisor: - 5 years ago

@Ideas_History: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@OfficialBAAS: RT @IasaStudies: "In memoriam Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture" @ellmhopkins , @OfficialBAAS , @eaas… - 5 years ago


@bunnybisous: RT @driftinghouse: @calebsmith203 - 5 years ago

@andrew_seal: TIL Alan Trachtenberg (Z"L) was Saidiya Hartman's dissertation advisor: - 5 years ago

@jmcolberg: RT @johnedwinmason: Sadly, we've lost two great historians this week. Bill Freund, whose books & essays on African & South African history… - 5 years ago

@THEkateykate: RT @jbf1755: I'm very sorry to have to report that Alan Trachtenberg died yesterday. I only met him a few times, and heard him lecture onc… - 5 years ago

@MeghanLJordan: - 5 years ago

@jbirken: RT @steffen_siegel: Alan Trachtenberg, eminent scholar on the history of photography, passed away. Requiescat in pace! - 5 years ago

@steffen_siegel: Alan Trachtenberg, eminent scholar on the history of photography, passed away. Requiescat in pace! - 5 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Alan Trachtenberg, historiador y escritor estadounidense 22 mar. 1932 - 18 ago. 2020 - 5 years ago

@ScotAmStudies: RT @IasaStudies: "In memoriam Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture" @ellmhopkins , @OfficialBAAS , @eaas… - 5 years ago

@IasaStudies: "In memoriam Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture" @ellmhopkins , @OfficialBAAS… - 5 years ago

@DahmaniTaous: Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture - 5 years ago

@SpencerRKatz: As a second semester freshman @Yale, I went to Prof. Trachtenberg's office in hat and trench coat, professing a lov… - 5 years ago

@puddlejumpernyc: #privilege Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture - 5 years ago

@uncpressblog: RT @MarkSV: A brief remembrance of Alan Trachtenberg from UNC Press director emerita Kate Torrey, who joined former colleagues Iris Tillman… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Human rights activist Zara Alvarez; historian Alan Trachtenberg; artist Soeki Irodikromo; gui… - 5 years ago

@outofthetowerh: Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture - 5 years ago

@Longleafserv: RT @elainemaisner: Kate Douglas Torrey: Alan Trachtenberg (d. 8/18/2020) - 5 years ago

@martine_devos: Alan Trachtenberg, important scholar of American history and culture, has passed away. - 5 years ago

@elainemaisner: Kate Douglas Torrey: Alan Trachtenberg (d. 8/18/2020) - 5 years ago

@SpreeWatch: Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture | YaleNews - 5 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @dlondonnyu: Alan Trachtenberg's work on Coney Island and the Brooklyn Bridge are absolutely stunning examples of American Studies at it… - 5 years ago

@dlondonnyu: Alan Trachtenberg's work on Coney Island and the Brooklyn Bridge are absolutely stunning examples of American Studi… - 5 years ago

@herr_naphta: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@dlondonnyu: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@genezubovich: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@robgreeneII: RT @andrew_seal: The passing of Alan Trachtenberg--a giant in American Studies--reminds me of this intellectually rich, if contentious foru… - 5 years ago

@andrew_seal: the seminar room and left the door open. That is a legacy--in addition to the achievements that show up on their cv… - 5 years ago

@andrew_seal: The passing of Alan Trachtenberg--a giant in American Studies--reminds me of this intellectually rich, if contentio… - 5 years ago

@HartmanAndrew: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@MarkSV: A brief remembrance of Alan Trachtenberg from UNC Press director emerita Kate Torrey, who joined former colleagues… - 5 years ago

@jesherer: RT @uncpressblog: UNC Press joins the many scholars and students of American Studies and American history in noting with sadness the loss o… - 5 years ago

@kirbyrachel: In less than two weeks we’ve lost Jenny Tone-Pah-Hote, Bill Arnett, and Alan Trachtenberg. They leave a great void… - 5 years ago

@uncpressblog: UNC Press joins the many scholars and students of American Studies and American history in noting with sadness the… - 5 years ago

@robgreeneII: RT @LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@LDBurnett: We are sad to note the passing of Alan Trachtenberg. #USIH @Ideas_History #twitterstorians - 5 years ago

@SorensenBooks: RT @BeineckeLibrary: In memoriam: Alan Trachtenberg - 5 years ago

@w758: RT @eaas_eu: Another giant lost to the American Studies community. Alan Trachtenberg (1932-2020) showed us how to read the world of America… - 5 years ago

@kinowords: RT @eaas_eu: Another giant lost to the American Studies community. Alan Trachtenberg (1932-2020) showed us how to read the world of America… - 5 years ago

@gandercat: RT @gandercat: We are so sorry to hear of the passing of Alan Trachtenberg, whose ground-breaking work shaped American Studies and Visual S… - 5 years ago

@gandercat: We are so sorry to hear of the passing of Alan Trachtenberg, whose ground-breaking work shaped American Studies and… - 5 years ago

@theIAAS: RT @eaas_eu: Another giant lost to the American Studies community. Alan Trachtenberg (1932-2020) showed us how to read the world of America… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Alan Trachtenberg dies - #AlanTrachtenberg #Alan #Trachtenberg #rip - 5 years ago

@pipmcgowan: RT @eaas_eu: Another giant lost to the American Studies community. Alan Trachtenberg (1932-2020) showed us how to read the world of America… - 5 years ago

@eaas_eu: Another giant lost to the American Studies community. Alan Trachtenberg (1932-2020) showed us how to read the world… - 5 years ago

@uncpressblog: ars and students of American Studies and American history in noting with sadness the loss of Alan Trachtenberg, Yal - 5 years ago

@jphenninger: Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture - 5 years ago

@CASBSStanford: We're sad to report that 1968-69 CASBS fellow Alan Trachtenberg has passed. [H]is writings demonstrated how photog… - 5 years ago

@Wintergrain: Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture - 5 years ago

@DocTreen: RT @DavidSchmid1: Very sad news. I'd put 'The Incorporation of America' very close to the top of the best books ever written in #AmericanSt… - 5 years ago

@Haunt_Inhabit: Very sad to hear about the passing of Alan Trachtenberg, a Historian of Photography from Philly. His work affecte… - 5 years ago

@professorjuliej: I am so sad to hear this. Trachtenberg’s scholarship had a huge impact on my research and approach to writing my d… - 5 years ago

@TimGreyhavens: Alan Trachtenberg was a multi-faceted scholar of history & photography. His book Shades of Hiawatha really opened m… - 5 years ago

@CBramen: RT @DavidSchmid1: Very sad news. I'd put 'The Incorporation of America' very close to the top of the best books ever written in #AmericanSt… - 5 years ago

@DavidSchmid1: Very sad news. I'd put 'The Incorporation of America' very close to the top of the best books ever written in… - 5 years ago

@Fotopiggie: Alan Trachtenberg, pioneered new ways of understanding American culture - 5 years ago

@USAmajority: RT @MarkSV: Alan's body of work has influenced my work profoundly for last 30 yrs. And his enormous influence on @uncpressblog list remains… - 5 years ago

@cmtripp: RT @susansmulyan: Thinking about Alan Trachtenberg (he was on my diss committee) and I appreciate this piece and how it quotes smart and g… - 5 years ago

@susansmulyan: Thinking about Alan Trachtenberg (he was on my diss committee) and I appreciate this piece and how it quotes smart… - 5 years ago

@CurveWhiplash: RT @megankatenelson: I never met Alan Trachtenberg, but his work was a huge influence on me as a cultural historian - especially his books… - 5 years ago

@_nbaer_: RT @driftinghouse: @calebsmith203 - 5 years ago

@TinaTchirinos: RT @infrapolitics: Trachtenberg "showed just how American studies could move from its myth-and-symbol era toward a new and compelling engag… - 5 years ago

@JoZPina: RT @megankatenelson: I never met Alan Trachtenberg, but his work was a huge influence on me as a cultural historian - especially his books… - 5 years ago

@infrapolitics: Trachtenberg "showed just how American studies could move from its myth-and-symbol era toward a new and compelling… - 5 years ago

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