Alan Krueger

American economist.
Died on Monday March 18th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Alan Krueger:

@CRS_1ne: RT @CRS_1ne: My piece on the late #rock-positive economist #AlanKrueger is up. Still sad at his passing. #DepressionKills - 6 years ago

@ProfJAParker: Back on Twitter, want to commiserate, & mourn Alan Krueger. He was supportive of me, broad in his interests, a very… - 6 years ago

@DavidFalt: RT @CassSunstein: Completely devastated by the death of Alan Krueger. He was an amazing colleague and friend, kind and generous, and full o… - 6 years ago

@konosocio: RT @AlexUsherHESA: In memory of Alan Krueger's untimely passing, I take a quick look at what those Krueger/Card studies on SAT results and… - 6 years ago


@tria_willow: RT @crampell: Still processing Alan Krueger’s passing. He was a brilliant (and omnivorous) intellect, and a generous mentor to me and so ma… - 6 years ago

@rroberts_01: RT @JamesSpiro: Another former #Clinton advisor commits suicide. #ClintonBodyCount - 6 years ago

@AlexUsherHESA: In memory of Alan Krueger's untimely passing, I take a quick look at what those Krueger/Card studies on SAT results… - 6 years ago

@Adjustedwell: The latest in a long line of dead bodies surrounding both the Clintons and the Obamas is top former economic adviso… - 6 years ago

@CQUERNER: RT @John_F_Kennnedy: Alan Krueger, Top Economic Advisor to Clinton and Obama Dead at 58 From Suicide - 6 years ago

@BRsports_RSrich: RT @maxabelson: I've got to say I'm feeling sad and almost terrified by Alan Krueger's death. How do we fathom the depths of other people's… - 6 years ago

@BrentGregston: RT @MESandbu: For all those who have pushed, successfully or unsuccessfully, for a rise in the minimum wage, give a thought to Alan Krueger - 6 years ago

@athenaksarasara: RT @BudgetBen: So sad. Less than a decade after Alan Krueger helped save America from a Great Depression, he succumbed to his own ☹️ https:… - 6 years ago

@Investm61115138: 10- If you can kill @SenJohnMcCain, @GeorgeHWBush, John Bogle(@Vanguard_Group), @Alan_Krueger, @AllJimRogers and no… - 6 years ago

@ToddBauman5: RT @RBReich: Our hearts go out to the family of Alan Krueger, friend and colleague, who served this country nobly as economic adviser to Bi… - 6 years ago

@AquaKLM3: RT @ceciliasotog: Otro buen artículo (inglés) sobre #AlanKrueger y los experimentos naturales. QEPD - 6 years ago

@athenaksarasara: RT @RDehejia: What I learned from Alan Krueger #AlanKrueger : how to combine fun and joy and pleasure with rigorous economic and empirical… - 6 years ago

@Sarah_E_Crow: RT @TunedToTheresa: How Economist Alan Krueger Reinvigorated Research on the Money Question in Schools - Inside School Research - 6 years ago

@TunedToTheresa: How Economist Alan Krueger Reinvigorated Research on the Money Question in Schools - Inside School Research - 6 years ago

@JeremyinAkron: RT @CRS_1ne: My piece on the late #rock-positive economist #AlanKrueger is up. Still sad at his passing. #DepressionKills - 6 years ago

@CRS_1ne: My piece on the late #rock-positive economist #AlanKrueger is up. Still sad at his passing. #DepressionKills - 6 years ago

@Hannibalser: RT @pantacha: Murió Alan Krueger, uno de los primeros economistas en proveer evidencia rigurosa de que la introducción de salarios mínimos… - 6 years ago

@ohm_ichkorn: RT @wongthanong: นักเศรษฐศาสตร์ความสุขตัดสินใจจบชีวิตตัวเองเพราะโรคซึมเศร้า...ฟังแล้วสะท้อนใจนะครับ ณัฐวุฒิ เผ่าทวี คอลัมนิสต์ THE STANDA… - 6 years ago

@sbhau: RT @DevashishMitra_: A tribute to one of this era’s most influential and important economists. - 6 years ago

@CarlosMedinaD: Alan Krueger: "Moreover, the drastic cut in the estate tax will reduce economic mobility in the U.S. going forward,… - 6 years ago

@ceciliasotog: Otro buen artículo (inglés) sobre #AlanKrueger y los experimentos naturales. QEPD - 6 years ago

@YordiVP: RT @mansanchezgz: Princeton Professor Alan Krueger Led Quiet Economics Revolution - Bloomberg - 6 years ago

@Runchaya: RT @wongthanong: นักเศรษฐศาสตร์ความสุขตัดสินใจจบชีวิตตัวเองเพราะโรคซึมเศร้า...ฟังแล้วสะท้อนใจนะครับ ณัฐวุฒิ เผ่าทวี คอลัมนิสต์ THE STANDA… - 6 years ago

@mansanchezgz: Princeton Professor Alan Krueger Led Quiet Economics Revolution - Bloomberg - 6 years ago

@oporiioii: RT @wongthanong: นักเศรษฐศาสตร์ความสุขตัดสินใจจบชีวิตตัวเองเพราะโรคซึมเศร้า...ฟังแล้วสะท้อนใจนะครับ ณัฐวุฒิ เผ่าทวี คอลัมนิสต์ THE STANDA… - 6 years ago

@ms_mims: RT @crampell: Still processing Alan Krueger’s passing. He was a brilliant (and omnivorous) intellect, and a generous mentor to me and so ma… - 6 years ago

@Investm61115138: 12- If you can kill @SenJohnMcCain, @GeorgeHWBush, John Bogle(@Vanguard_Group), @Alan_Krueger, @AllJimRogers and no… - 6 years ago

@MsJonesn: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind Final Book on the Music Industry - Variety - 6 years ago

@CrazyLiberal3: @seanhannity She just suicided someone who worked for her. - 6 years ago

@Shwento: RT @Variety: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind ‘Rockonomics,’ Connecting Music/Money Dots - 6 years ago

@Variety_Music: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind ‘Rockonomics,’ Connecting Music/Money Dots - 6 years ago

@BloGoalcom: #Economist Alan #Krueger #Leaves #Behind ‘#Rockonomics,’ #Connecting #Music/Money Dots - 6 years ago

@dameswanson70: RT @Variety: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind ‘Rockonomics,’ Connecting Music/Money Dots - 6 years ago

@michaelahovis: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind ‘Rockonomics,’ Connecting Music/Money Dots - 6 years ago

@celebspkrs4u: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind ‘Rockonomics,’ Connecting Music/Money Dots - 6 years ago

@BillMontei: Economist Alan Krueger Leaves Behind Final Book on the Music Industry - Variety - 6 years ago

@PukkyPattra: RT @wongthanong: นักเศรษฐศาสตร์ความสุขตัดสินใจจบชีวิตตัวเองเพราะโรคซึมเศร้า...ฟังแล้วสะท้อนใจนะครับ ณัฐวุฒิ เผ่าทวี คอลัมนิสต์ THE STANDA… - 6 years ago

@Jant____: A esto se le llama atar cabos. Están cagados - 6 years ago

@_NewEconomist: RT @JohnRDallasJr: From nearly 20 years ago, @nytimes invited us to pay attention to the brilliantly different appr… - 6 years ago

@GoErie: Alan Krueger's study of happiness: Catherine Rampell - 6 years ago

@midwestnetwork: Schafer: With 'Great Gatsby Curve,' economist Krueger saw inequality kids face - 6 years ago

@marrsdave: Alan Krueger: the point man of the credibility revolution in economics - 6 years ago

@JohnRDallasJr: From nearly 20 years ago, @nytimes invited us to pay attention to the brilliantly different approaches of… - 6 years ago

@nadia96966280: RT @martafana: Insieme a Luca Giangregorio abbiamo scritto un ricordo di Alan Krueger noto economista americano, morto suicida qualceh gior… - 6 years ago

@revdonna: - 6 years ago

@rinkumathew: RT @crampell: Still processing Alan Krueger’s passing. He was a brilliant (and omnivorous) intellect, and a generous mentor to me and so ma… - 6 years ago

@dainebillmark: RT @greatnorthlabs: America’s ‘upward mobility’ problem is at historical levels as Alan Krueger clearly points out. We believe initiatives… - 6 years ago

@Deni707: It's uncanny how this is still going on. Arrest them already. - 6 years ago

@Nourhanshaaban1: RT @LHSummers: Alan Krueger helped make life better for millions who will never know his name - The Washington Post - 6 years ago

@bsk_jason: RT @DavidAJaeger: Much has been said in the last week about @Alan_Krueger's helpfulness. I thought I'd add a bit of my own experience. I… - 6 years ago

@MissMcClafferty: “Helping people understand what economists had learned was, he believed, part of an economist’s job” The Economis… - 6 years ago

@greatnorthlabs: America’s ‘upward mobility’ problem is at historical levels as Alan Krueger clearly points out. We believe initiat… - 6 years ago

@RobynRavlich: - 6 years ago

@albayardo: RT @ricbecverdadero: Un homenaje al espirita Alan Krueger: "Las putas que siguen a los muchachos del campamento" - 6 years ago

@jcfmex: RT @ceciliasotog: “La curiosidad de #AlanKrueger era insaciable”, estupendo artículo de ⁦@TheEconomist⁩ sobre la pérdida irreparable que si… - 6 years ago

@Founders1st: RT @JohnRDallasJr: True to form, @BarackObama elegantly stated herein what many Americans are thinking and feeling about the tragic loss of… - 6 years ago

@AlfonsoHValdez: RT @ricbecverdadero: Un homenaje al espirita Alan Krueger: "Las putas que siguen a los muchachos del campamento" - 6 years ago

@tonsabarillo: RT @DavidAJaeger: Much has been said in the last week about @Alan_Krueger's helpfulness. I thought I'd add a bit of my own experience. I… - 6 years ago

@salgold: Alan B. Krueger, Economic Aide to Clinton and Obama, Is Dead at 58 - 6 years ago

@Pao_Esat: RT @revistaetcetera: "Alan Krueger murió la semana que concluye, pero su herencia es de la mayor importancia: un economista que derrotó en… - 6 years ago

@CurlyProfessor: RT @EmmaJanePettit: New: I spoke with some academics about Alan Krueger, his powerful legacy, and mental health issues in the professoriate… - 6 years ago

@james65878144: RT @QBlueSkyQ: It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother and Princeton p… - 6 years ago

@vicduggan: Fantastic article by Chris Johns in Monday’s ⁦@IrishTimes⁩, touching on the music industry and economics profession… - 6 years ago

@nc0we: RT @drantbradley: Another suicide? He had the teaching gig that everybody wants and it *still* wasn’t enough to thwart hopelessness. Dear P… - 6 years ago

@IngridBego: RT @paulkrugman: My contribution to the mourning and celebrating of Alan Krueger - 6 years ago

@JohnJcarter5: Free exchange: Alan Krueger, natural talent - 6 years ago

@drantbradley: Another suicide? He had the teaching gig that everybody wants and it *still* wasn’t enough to thwart hopelessness.… - 6 years ago

@jschmittwdc: At @voxdotcom, journalist @dylanmatt gives the beginnings of a feel for how important Alan's work was across so man… - 6 years ago

@jschmittwdc: Ben Zipperer's dissertation adviser, the incomparable @arindube, has a great tribute in @Slate, where Arin writes,… - 6 years ago

@jschmittwdc: For economists--as in fairly wonky for an interview--don't miss my colleague @BenZipperer's interview with Alan and… - 6 years ago

@jschmittwdc: I was on the road last week, so coming late to posting some pieces that speak to the importance of Alan Krueger's work and life. 1/N - 6 years ago

@Giorgioromero: RT @ceciliasotog: “La curiosidad de #AlanKrueger era insaciable”, estupendo artículo de ⁦@TheEconomist⁩ sobre la pérdida irreparable que si… - 6 years ago

@Grunt0325: RT @Robbin_Young: 🤔 Why did Alan Krueger commit suicide when he has a book coming out June of 2019? Alan B. Krueger, Economic Aide to Clin… - 6 years ago

@Llyrin: RT @Robbin_Young: 🤔 Why did Alan Krueger commit suicide when he has a book coming out June of 2019? Alan B. Krueger, Economic Aide to Clin… - 6 years ago

@sheila14all: RT @Robbin_Young: 🤔 Why did Alan Krueger commit suicide when he has a book coming out June of 2019? Alan B. Krueger, Economic Aide to Clin… - 6 years ago

@German_V_: RT @Chertorivski: Aquí ⁦@ricbecverdadero⁩ con un merecido homenaje al gran economista Alan B. Krueger QEPD. "Las que siguen a los muchachos… - 6 years ago

@EvaOArceo: RT @DavidAJaeger: Much has been said in the last week about @Alan_Krueger's helpfulness. I thought I'd add a bit of my own experience. I… - 6 years ago

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