Alan Glass

Canadian artist.
Died on Wednesday January 18th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Alan Glass:

@AlexTTSmith: @Alan_Allport A colleague described his experience of writing as like "shitting glass." I really hope he meant this metaphorically - 2 years ago

@beercanpix: RT @lanzaroterugby: So sorry to hear of the passing of our dear mutual friend & supporter, Alan Ellerton. We send our deepest condolences t… - 2 years ago

@BeerAndPizzaDay: RT @lanzaroterugby: So sorry to hear of the passing of our dear mutual friend & supporter, Alan Ellerton. We send our deepest condolences t… - 2 years ago

@lanzaroterugby: So sorry to hear of the passing of our dear mutual friend & supporter, Alan Ellerton. We send our deepest condolenc… - 2 years ago


@alan_lingwood: RT @NadineGNess: I remember a time where Media used to uncover corruption in government and expose it. Remember when a $16 glass of orange… - 2 years ago

@MISTERBULLBULL: RT @MRMandell8: @JaredPovanda @_scoops__ @MISTERBULLBULL “But he would never be a man you could hold. No, Alan was broken glass.” Heart-gut… - 2 years ago

@uglybutler1: RT @BanjoHfuhruhur: @sylviacleaver @mrchrishull @ArmfieldClub @ArmfieldDuncan @cooksleft @historycalled @LeanneSmith82 @seasidejohnbfc @sea… - 2 years ago

@HouseHfuhruhurr: RT @BanjoHfuhruhur: @sylviacleaver @mrchrishull @ArmfieldClub @ArmfieldDuncan @cooksleft @historycalled @LeanneSmith82 @seasidejohnbfc @sea… - 2 years ago

@TristanDreamT: RT @BanjoHfuhruhur: @sylviacleaver @mrchrishull @ArmfieldClub @ArmfieldDuncan @cooksleft @historycalled @LeanneSmith82 @seasidejohnbfc @sea… - 2 years ago

@BanjoHfuhruhur: @sylviacleaver @mrchrishull @ArmfieldClub @ArmfieldDuncan @cooksleft @historycalled @LeanneSmith82 @seasidejohnbfc… - 2 years ago

@Oiedecravan: On ne soulignera jamais assez l'importance du travail de Alan Glass : un très grand artiste, natif de Saint-Bruno d… - 2 years ago

@Declanlyall: @Mike_Fabricant Shall we start looking at those vulgar libdems... Like wife beater Alan Steele Or Michael Browns £8… - 2 years ago

@Alan_B84: @StevieDee710 Hope the dinner was good, always nice to have the restaurant so close. Rare time in Manchester today… - 2 years ago

@MRMandell8: @JaredPovanda @_scoops__ @MISTERBULLBULL “But he would never be a man you could hold. No, Alan was broken glass.” H… - 2 years ago

@_BAnQ: L'amitié entre les artistes québécois Alan Glass et Solange Legendre émane de la correspondance qu'ils entretiennen… - 2 years ago

@JaredPovanda: RT @happymil_: But he would never be a man you could hold. No, Alan was broken glass. @JaredPovanda @MISTERBULLBULL 💜💜💜 - 2 years ago

@Felpercathedral: RT @rayanglesea: In the light of Jenny Dahlings death perhaps Alan might wish to reconsider Peggoi’s proposed stained glass memorial window… - 2 years ago

@rayanglesea: In the light of Jenny Dahlings death perhaps Alan might wish to reconsider Peggoi’s proposed stained glass memorial… - 2 years ago

@happymil_: But he would never be a man you could hold. No, Alan was broken glass. @JaredPovanda @MISTERBULLBULL 💜💜💜 - 2 years ago

@alan_lisitano: @solarkate1 What a waste of good squirt, yes I’m thirsty catch it in a glass next time so I can drink every drop - 2 years ago

@Alan_Danilo: glass onion was extra doodoo foreal 😂 - 2 years ago

@alan_matts: RT @fascinatorfun: “In November, Prigozhin took the final step in giving up the pretence: he opened a glass-fronted, multistorey headquarte… - 2 years ago

@trgip: @huangenthu Hallo, kak alan! Bisa custom yuk di sini Sometimes the sweetest sanctuary comes in the form of a wordi… - 2 years ago

@LKale9692: St Thomas' Church, Glaisdale, has a modern memorial window by architectural glass artist Alan Davis.🙈🙈🙈 #Fantasy… - 2 years ago

@LKale9692: St Thomas' Church, Glaisdale, has a modern memorial window by architectural glass artist Alan Davis.🙈🙈🙈 #Fantasy… - 2 years ago

@LKale9692: St Thomas' Church, Glaisdale, has a modern memorial window by architectural glass artist Alan Davis.🙈🙈🙈 #Fantasy… - 2 years ago

@barja_alan: RT @elonmusk: @NicoleBehnam I don’t like the taste or effects of most alcohol, but there is something quite beautiful about red wine in a f… - 2 years ago

@naththibault: RT @mnbaq: C’est avec grande tristesse que le @mnbaq a appris le décès de l’artiste Alan Glass. Un artiste singulier dont le Musée a le pri… - 2 years ago

@ElCulturalRazon: «“Cuando una persona muere, se separa de su sombra”, me dijo Alan Glass, frente a una serie de grabados antiguos co… - 2 years ago

@MarshalLuigi: @FOB_Haiku I love Bendix in his appearances with Alan Ladd. There’s a great scene in The Glass Key where WB is thi… - 2 years ago

@bagsandbaubles: Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Alan K Millefiori Glass & Sterling Silver Large Heart A… - 2 years ago

@tinygb: @alwarren77 @talkSPORT Stones in glass houses Alan #ENICOut #LevyOut - 2 years ago

@thelastround67: @Alan_TheDaddy @ottawascot @sportbible You know as well as I do what went on at rangers . People in glass house's .… - 2 years ago

@RaquelRojasV1: RT @sanquintin_plus: 👁 👇🏼👇🏽 En @ElCulturalRazon # 385, Juan Domingo Argüelles sobre Ricardo Garibay, el arte de Alan Glass por @AlbertoRuy,… - 2 years ago

@rogeliogarzap: RT @sanquintin_plus: 👁 👇🏼👇🏽 En @ElCulturalRazon # 385, Juan Domingo Argüelles sobre Ricardo Garibay, el arte de Alan Glass por @AlbertoRuy,… - 2 years ago

@diegodelunamx: RT @heraldodemexico: #OpinionesCompletas | Uno de los últimos surrealistas El artista visual, de origen canadiense, Alan Glass (1932-2023)… - 2 years ago

@heraldodemexico: #OpinionesCompletas | Uno de los últimos surrealistas El artista visual, de origen canadiense, Alan Glass (1932-20… - 2 years ago

@nyehya: RT @sanquintin_plus: 👁 👇🏼👇🏽 En @ElCulturalRazon # 385, Juan Domingo Argüelles sobre Ricardo Garibay, el arte de Alan Glass por @AlbertoRuy,… - 2 years ago

@katelaity: - 2 years ago

@oldm8onthaloose: @AlanKohler Alan??.... don't stress too much about this... Try the glass half full strategy because I am not seeing… - 2 years ago

@thejodestarofOz: @Alan_Ui_Niall @SenatorRennick Even if there is a glass cover over the painting. That is flat out vandalism. - 2 years ago

@JAHC75: Alan Glass: La luz de la sombras, por @AlbertoRuy, en @ElCulturalRazon de @LaRazon_mx - 2 years ago

@Rites_of_Hadda: RT @iamseeingdots: Had a fab time at @Queencrafthouse for the Punk 4 The Homeless gig. Great to see performances by Jan Doyle Band @Rites… - 2 years ago

@iamseeingdots: Had a fab time at @Queencrafthouse for the Punk 4 The Homeless gig. Great to see performances by Jan Doyle Band… - 2 years ago

@costello_alan: @caulmick Yet only this week SF lied to us and told us they corrected their own €7k mistake on their own 2020 campa… - 2 years ago

@ram_alan: @SkyNews Those that throw stones should not live in glass houses! - 2 years ago

@Victori90018860: @bainbridge_edu Thanks Alan @bainbridge_edu - let's raise a glass IRL sometime! - 2 years ago

@harrison_alan: @katemaddock1 @KarenLNHollis Yep, that was them. They came in a funny shaped little glass bottle. I was allowed to… - 2 years ago

@__ALan__A: @glass_gold_fish ありがと〜〜〜!!!❤︎✨ これからもよろしくね✨🙏 - 2 years ago

@cantero1111can1: RT @Milenio: Entrar a la casa de Alan Glass en la Colonia Roma era entrar a una de sus cajas maravillosas. - 2 years ago

@SCLaberinto: Entrar a la casa de Alan Glass en la Colonia Roma era entrar a una de sus cajas maravillosas. - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Untitled, 2019. Mixed media, 57 by 31 by 15 cm. (Collection of the artist). - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Untitled, 2016. Mixed media, 78.5 by 51 by 9 cm. (Collection of the artist). - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Reina Isabel con escarabajos (Queen Elizabeth with beetles),1966. Mixed media, 85 by 57. 5 by 43 cm. (Private colle… - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Murió el último de los surrealistas que vivía en México, Alan Glass. Publicamos una serie de sus obras, seleccionad… - 2 years ago

@glass_gold_fish: @__ALan__A わ!お誕生日おめでとう〜!!🎂🎊🎉 - 2 years ago

@ElCulturalRazon: «“Cuando una persona muere, se separa de su sombra”, me dijo Alan Glass, frente a una serie de grabados antiguos co… - 2 years ago

@RaulArturoOrte1: RT @Milenio: Entrar a la casa de Alan Glass en la Colonia Roma era entrar a una de sus cajas maravillosas. - 2 years ago

@Milenio: Entrar a la casa de Alan Glass en la Colonia Roma era entrar a una de sus cajas maravillosas. - 2 years ago

@alan_architect: @Iromg The photograph just lacks Ziggy and a nice glass of brandy! - 2 years ago

@SCLaberinto: Entrar a la casa de Alan Glass en la Colonia Roma era entrar a una de sus cajas maravillosas. - 2 years ago

@AlbertoRuy: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@TomaszAleks: RT @JacobQNicholson: Glass of Beaujolais | Alan Fletcher, 1994 #SztukaWspółczesna - 2 years ago

@samtonyg: @alan_agguilar @BorrachinhaMMA And you wouldn’t say “you wouldn’t say this in person to Francis” to Paulo. Glass houses. - 2 years ago

@alan_lam: RT @ConsPost: Labour certainly seem to have a lot to say about Rishi not wearing his seatbelt. But... people in glass houses? #NeverLabou… - 2 years ago

@rattia111: Un justo homenaje de Alberto Ruy Sánchez a Alan Glass. El último de los surrealistas. La luz de la sombras - 2 years ago

@imaall: RT @pbmosligo: @AlanFarrell The thing is, Alan you’re in a glass house! - 2 years ago

@TNarodowy: RT @JacobQNicholson: Glass of Beaujolais | Alan Fletcher, 1994 #SztukaWspółczesna - 2 years ago

@55kapow: Hard to believe its 15 years today my brother in law lost his fight with cancer. Will be raising a glass to Alan an… - 2 years ago

@ana02688335: RT @ElCulturalRazon: 📚 Checa lo que tendremos este fin de semana en #ElCultural: "Ricardo Garibay en su centenario", ensayo de Juan Domin… - 2 years ago

@JSantibanez00: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@VekaDuncan: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@AlbertoRuy: RT @ElCulturalRazon: 📚 Checa lo que tendremos este fin de semana en #ElCultural: "Ricardo Garibay en su centenario", ensayo de Juan Domin… - 2 years ago

@LaRazon_mx: RT @ElCulturalRazon: 📚 Checa lo que tendremos este fin de semana en #ElCultural: "Ricardo Garibay en su centenario", ensayo de Juan Domin… - 2 years ago

@OctavioDiaz999: RT @ElCulturalRazon: 📚 Checa lo que tendremos este fin de semana en #ElCultural: "Ricardo Garibay en su centenario", ensayo de Juan Domin… - 2 years ago

@YOSILAMETOTODA: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@marcaedg_edgar: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@TrigcTri: RT @ElCulturalRazon: 📚 Checa lo que tendremos este fin de semana en #ElCultural: "Ricardo Garibay en su centenario", ensayo de Juan Domin… - 2 years ago

@nyehya: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@ElCulturalRazon: 📚 Checa lo que tendremos este fin de semana en #ElCultural: "Ricardo Garibay en su centenario", ensayo de Juan Do… - 2 years ago

@Gurudaskaur: RT @JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artista Al… - 2 years ago

@JSantibanez00: Te ofrecemos mañana un abordaje de la prosa de Ricardo Garibay, por Juan Domingo Argüelles; sobre la obra del artis… - 2 years ago

@CathGormley: RT @pbmosligo: @AlanFarrell The thing is, Alan you’re in a glass house! - 2 years ago

@Robert42493201: RT @JacobQNicholson: Glass of Beaujolais | Alan Fletcher, 1994 #SztukaWspółczesna - 2 years ago

@pbmosligo: @AlanFarrell The thing is, Alan you’re in a glass house! - 2 years ago

@StephenJohnFla1: @AlanFarrell Don't throw stones in glass houses. - 2 years ago

@maciej_szymczak: RT @JacobQNicholson: Glass of Beaujolais | Alan Fletcher, 1994 #SztukaWspółczesna - 2 years ago

@olderoc: RT @JacobQNicholson: Glass of Beaujolais | Alan Fletcher, 1994 #SztukaWspółczesna - 2 years ago

@Bengaluv02: @bbctvcentre Loving The Traitors US think it’s brill game but I spotted the stuffed leopard holding glass table ,🤬I… - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Alan Glass, Untitled, 2019. Mixed media, 57 by 31 by 15 cm. (Collection of the artist). - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Alan Glass, Untitled, 2016. Mixed media, 78.5 by 51 by 9 cm. (Collection of the artist). - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Alan Glass, Reina Isabel con escarabajos (Queen Elizabeth with beetles),1966. Mixed media, 85 by 57. 5 by 43 cm. (P… - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Alan Galss, Ziggurat polar, 1991. Mixed media, 163 by 124 by 10 cm. (Private collection). - 2 years ago

@YCritica: Murió el último de los surrealistas que vivía en México. En recuerdo a su memoria publicamos una serie de sus obras… - 2 years ago

@NOLASCOMFM: Despiden al artista surrealista Alan Glass - 2 years ago

@Ruke_kvell: @todd_boehly don’t sign this lad, he is made of glass, he is an injury waiting to happen. We are already NHS. Go fo… - 2 years ago

@Bakojim1: @alan_dozier @oregon_report he who lives in glass houses shouldnt throw stones - 2 years ago

@vikianuk: RT @AwardsVeterans: We are pleased to announce that @ABGlassSwansea will be sponsors at the Welsh #VeteransAwards 2023. Alan served in th… - 2 years ago

@josephcotten2nd: @jorymicah “Privatize profits, socialize losses” has been the solution ever since duopolists Bill Clinton & Phil Gr… - 2 years ago

@AlexGar85570341: @Fernanda_Mashi Alan García se pegó un tiro por ser nombrado en la trama de Odebrecht, Correa, Glass y toda la secta correísta pa cuándo? - 2 years ago

@EstelaMaciasGl1: RT @bellasartesinba: Lamentamos el deceso del destacado artista Alan Glass, distinguido con la Medalla Bellas Artes en 2017, quien deja un… - 2 years ago

@Cronicadexalapa: #Ateneo Alan #Glass, el surrealista de cuna que nunca firmó un manifiesto - 2 years ago

@SeanAMolino: RT @AwardsVeterans: We are pleased to announce that @ABGlassSwansea will be sponsors at the Welsh #VeteransAwards 2023. Alan served in th… - 2 years ago

@AwardsVeterans: We are pleased to announce that @ABGlassSwansea will be sponsors at the Welsh #VeteransAwards 2023. Alan served i… - 2 years ago

@TJSharp17: @GordonGChang He's like that 'Alan' character from the southpark smug episode, sniffing his own farts from a champa… - 2 years ago

@xNilnyx: RT @khaotunqg: alan: i was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At ni… - 2 years ago

@Fortuna9919: RT @khaotunqg: alan: i was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At ni… - 2 years ago

@nglbut_: RT @khaotunqg: alan: i was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At ni… - 2 years ago

@Alan_Nishihara: Apple focuses on mixed-reality headset as 'Apple Glass' stays shelved | AppleInsider - 2 years ago

@3LionsOnMaShirt: RT @Ruke_kvell: @todd_boehly don’t sign this lad, he is made of glass, he is an injury waiting to happen. We are already NHS. Go for Pino,A… - 2 years ago

@TaylorChelseaXX: RT @Ruke_kvell: @todd_boehly don’t sign this lad, he is made of glass, he is an injury waiting to happen. We are already NHS. Go for Pino,A… - 2 years ago

@anandhivenkat4: RT @khaotunqg: alan: i was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At ni… - 2 years ago

@LCQND: Top story: @AlbertoRuy: 'Me apena especialmente la muerte de Alan Glass, me entero a la distancia. Qué tristeza. '… - 2 years ago

@gokud0ls: RT @khaotunqg: alan: i was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At ni… - 2 years ago

@vacadelmal: RT @bellasartesinba: Lamentamos el deceso del destacado artista Alan Glass, distinguido con la Medalla Bellas Artes en 2017, quien deja un… - 2 years ago

@patriceleroux: Décès de l'artiste Alan Glass Adiós, amigo mío. - 2 years ago

@aasiain: RT @AlbertoRuy: Me apena especialmente la muerte de Alan Glass, me entero a la distancia. Qué tristeza. - 2 years ago

@AlbertoRuy: RT @AlbertoRuy: Me apena especialmente la muerte de Alan Glass, me entero a la distancia. Qué tristeza. - 2 years ago

@AreliTorrero: También MURIÓ Alan Glass, gran artista surrealista. #QEPD - 2 years ago

@TenochtitlanCan: RT @aestivill: Le grand artiste Alan Glass, Montréalais et Mexicain, dernier représentant du surréalisme, est décédé. Des amis au Mexique… - 2 years ago

@kittyboyfirst: RT @khaotunqg: alan: i was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At ni… - 2 years ago

@jesacost: RT @alefrausto: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Alan Glass, artista canadiense que destacó en el movimiento surrealista de nuestro país. No… - 2 years ago

@peravelarde1: RT @MxCapitalino: #Cultura| Muere Alan Glass el gran artista surrealista en el #arte contemporáneo. - 2 years ago

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