Alan Abel

American prankster and writer
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Alan Abel:

@ETPanache: The world is poorer for the death of professional prankster #AlanAbel - 6 years ago

@bluebrain: RT @NYTObits: Alan Abel, a hoaxer who in 1980 successfully convinced The Times that he was dead, now actually is (we're pretty sure) https:… - 6 years ago

@crabgammon: Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@jeff_hockett: RT @TheSpec: Opinion | Pro hoaxer Alan Abel just had the last laugh - 6 years ago


@xmbshwll: - 6 years ago

@TheSpec: Opinion | Pro hoaxer Alan Abel just had the last laugh - 6 years ago

@barcodeman: In the era of fake news, today I note the passing of its inventor, Alan Abel. - 6 years ago

@notinmy: Highly recommended (ok don’t believe me) - 6 years ago

@Bob_Witeck: Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94 - 6 years ago

@MrrroCan: Alan Abel, inventeur des fausses nouvelles - 6 years ago

@Geenamatuson: RT @margalitfox: Alan Abel, master of the professional hoax, apparently actually did die this time: - 6 years ago

@kurjer: Умер пранкер столетия (теперь уже точно). Ещё до эпохи интернета устраивал такие розыгрыши, что одурачивал всю Амер… - 6 years ago

@Horaderecoger: RT @Rexurdir: "Hoy cualquiera con una cuenta en las redes sociales puede inventar una noticia falsa y, en algunos casos, hacerla viral. No… - 6 years ago

@ErreLandin: RT @Rexurdir: "Hoy cualquiera con una cuenta en las redes sociales puede inventar una noticia falsa y, en algunos casos, hacerla viral. No… - 6 years ago

@PedroRodriguezW: Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94 - 6 years ago

@Rexurdir: "Hoy cualquiera con una cuenta en las redes sociales puede inventar una noticia falsa y, en algunos casos, hacerla… - 6 years ago

@TsekvavaToma: Американец Алан Абель придумал «фейковые новости», всю жизнь обманывал СМИ и даже инсценировал свою смерть. Теперь… - 6 years ago

@joeyfero: We could use more Alan Abel. - 6 years ago

@TheRealDRaff: RT @cbcradio: Abel's daughter said he fooled 'many a reporter,' including the team at As It Happens in 1975 - 6 years ago

@developerhcnews: Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94 - 6 years ago

@pillageidiot: The @nytimes has excellent obituaries. Though this is a bit too cutesy: "What had brought things to a standstill w… - 6 years ago

@cbcasithappens: RT @cbcradio: Abel's daughter said he fooled 'many a reporter,' including the team at As It Happens in 1975 - 6 years ago

@Hereditarian98: RT @sapinker: A priceless obituary by one of my favorite writers, Margalit Fox: "Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) D… - 6 years ago

@aleksichka14: История самого крутого в мире пранкера - Алан Абеля (теперь он умер по-настоящему) — Meduza - 6 years ago

@galamm11: RT @HammerLilia: - 6 years ago

@HammerLilia: - 6 years ago

@abel_tornavacas: @Spanish_City Solo falta John, alan y a triumfar - 6 years ago

@The_J_Team: RT @reason: Alan Abel was both inserting and exposing fakery in the news long before "fake news" became a cliché. - 6 years ago

@JacekKubiak6: - 6 years ago

@RichGedney: Long before The Onion, long before the Yes Men there was Alan Abel! “People tell me that Walter Cronkite is still m… - 6 years ago

@kouadio_alan: Topha - On Est Gamé (prod by MaC ABEL) - 6 years ago

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