Al Silverman

American sports writer.
Died on Sunday March 17th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Al Silverman:

@melissaaax13: RT @decider: "I’ll just burn this one down." Sarah Silverman is calling out Hulu for canceling 'I Love You America': - 6 years ago

@PageSix: RT @decider: "I’ll just burn this one down." Sarah Silverman is calling out Hulu for canceling 'I Love You America': - 6 years ago

@decider: "I’ll just burn this one down." Sarah Silverman is calling out Hulu for canceling 'I Love You America':… - 6 years ago

@FairyMommie2: RT @thedailybeast: On The Last Laugh's premiere, @SarahKSilverman shares that when she got a Hollywood Walk of Fame star, Netflix—who she h… - 6 years ago


@KatGodspell: RT @thedailybeast: On The Last Laugh's premiere, @SarahKSilverman shares that when she got a Hollywood Walk of Fame star, Netflix—who she h… - 6 years ago

@thedailybeast: On The Last Laugh's premiere, @SarahKSilverman shares that when she got a Hollywood Walk of Fame star, Netflix—who… - 6 years ago

@SputnikAZ: RT @thedailybeast: “I probably shouldn’t,” @SarahKSilverman says tentatively to @MattWilstein, considering how much to share about Hulu's c… - 6 years ago

@mattwilstein: RT @thedailybeast: “I probably shouldn’t,” @SarahKSilverman says tentatively to @MattWilstein, considering how much to share about Hulu's c… - 6 years ago

@thedailybeast: “I probably shouldn’t,” @SarahKSilverman says tentatively to @MattWilstein, considering how much to share about Hul… - 6 years ago

@zur_hohe: RT @thedailybeast: On tomorrow's premiere of @mattwilstein's new podcast, The Last Laugh, @SarahKSilverman goes to town on Hulu: "I keep my… - 6 years ago

@leaheramsay: RT @thedailybeast: On tomorrow's premiere of @mattwilstein's new podcast, The Last Laugh, @SarahKSilverman goes to town on Hulu: "I keep my… - 6 years ago

@ecoderre: RT @thedailybeast: On tomorrow's premiere of @mattwilstein's new podcast, The Last Laugh, @SarahKSilverman goes to town on Hulu: "I keep my… - 6 years ago

@LaGrande97: RT @thedailybeast: On tomorrow's premiere of @mattwilstein's new podcast, The Last Laugh, @SarahKSilverman goes to town on Hulu: "I keep my… - 6 years ago

@mattwilstein: RT @thedailybeast: On tomorrow's premiere of @mattwilstein's new podcast, The Last Laugh, @SarahKSilverman goes to town on Hulu: "I keep my… - 6 years ago

@thedailybeast: On tomorrow's premiere of @mattwilstein's new podcast, The Last Laugh, @SarahKSilverman goes to town on Hulu: "I ke… - 6 years ago

@Aquanaut1967: Many thanks to Dr. Mohammad Al Mukaimi @Aba_Ebrahim for hosting a very enjoyable evening with HE US Ambassador to K… - 6 years ago

@nopurlzb4swyne: @Thomas1774Paine Chelsea Handler started out as a comedian but I never heard her say one funny thing! Handler, Sar… - 6 years ago

@farfel54: RT @nationalbook: Remembering the life and work of Al Silverman, author, editor, and an instrumental figure in establishing the National Bo… - 6 years ago

@erdoganosmannet: RT @nytimesbooks: Al Silverman was a magazine editor and publishing executive. But he may have been best known for collaborating with Gale… - 6 years ago

@MemberBernie: @RonPlacone @HumanistReport I had a 20 year crush on Sarah Silverman...that ended in 2016 in a total of 13 seconds… - 6 years ago

@5lawslib: Al Silverman, Writer Behind ‘Brian’s Song,’ Is Dead at 92 @nytimes - 6 years ago

@RoyKenagy: Al Silverman, Writer Behind ‘Brian’s Song,’ Is Dead at 92 @nytimes - 6 years ago

@JesterofGod: @PrisonPlanet Totally agree Sir, but in the past 30 years or so, I think the demonic Hollywood cabal has been choos… - 6 years ago

@DrakeSt62624931: @ZaidJilani @bungarsargon Democratic candidates need to signal that their party is no longer Jewish summer camp.The… - 6 years ago

@Genesssss: RT @IGCh_: Tengo un RN hoy que nació por cesárea de emergencia, por DPP del 50%, meconial espeso y APGAR bajísimo. Una asfixia de libro y… - 6 years ago

@Silverman_65: @rovigar59 Veamos: ¿En qué puede trabajar un joven Ñ sin estudios CI de 90 o menos y ganar 1.600€ al mes y poder pe… - 6 years ago

@IGCh_: Tengo un RN hoy que nació por cesárea de emergencia, por DPP del 50%, meconial espeso y APGAR bajísimo. Una asfix… - 6 years ago

@MCMBERNIE: - 6 years ago

@captaincurt81: RT @captaincurt81: Obituary Note: Al Silverman - 6 years ago

@captaincurt81: Obituary Note: Al Silverman - 6 years ago

@jrburns: RT @NYTObits: Al Silverman was a magazine editor and publishing executive. But he may have been best known for collaborating with Gale Saye… - 6 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @twitbituaries: Al Silverman, co-author of football memoir that became 'Brian's Song,' dies at 92 - - 6 years ago

@Survivor_JohnS: RT @SrRoseMovies: - 6 years ago

@themavennews: OPEN LETTER TO #SarahSilverman By Diane W. Bederman It doesn't matter that Sarah stands with Omar or degrades her… - 6 years ago

@LibraryBoundInc: Obituary Note: Al Silverman - 6 years ago

@mcnaughtongunn: Al Silverman, Writer Behind ‘Brian’s Song,’ Is Dead at 92 - 6 years ago

@JmoreLiving: Michael Olesker writes about Al Silverman and the work he did in sports journalism. - 6 years ago

@LenvalLaird: RT @LessShot: THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (2007) Directed by David Silverman Written by James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, et al. - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Al Silverman was a magazine editor and publishing executive. But he may have been best known for collaborating with… - 6 years ago

@NativeBrony_91: RT @LessShot: THE SIMPSONS MOVIE (2007) Directed by David Silverman Written by James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, et al. - 6 years ago

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