Al Langlois

Canadian ice hockey player (Montreal Canadiens
Died on Monday September 21st 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Al Langlois:

@Leo_Insomnia: (Joyitas) La llegada a la Cinemateca de Buster Keaton, olvidado desde la década de 1930. “Un día vuelvo a la Cinema… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: @Sunflow32007317 Con mucho gusto😍🌻💛🌻 te las envio pero las estoy cuidando para que tengan buenas semillas si va al… - 4 years ago

@agile_lounge: @al_langlois De quoi ont-ils peur à Londres? Et si, si je reviens à Montréal, avec ce livre, vont-ils me détenir 2… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: @BenoitG70293865 @cherielle100 @StephaneERoy @francoislegault Même chose ici. - 4 years ago


@al_langlois: RT @Poisoneye5: Pour info, la grippe classique : 15000 morts en 1 mois en janvier 2017. Covid19 : 30000 en 8 mois. Jvous ai pas vus mettre… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @denisrancourt: Amaing video of the magnitude and energy of the Toronto march. Great clip! #covidwillfall - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Alexis_Cossette: Guy A. ne semble pas être au courant que #Trump donne TOUT son salaire à des oeuvres de charité. Toi aussi Guy A. tu p… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @martinacharb: Y a-t-il des gens qui grâce à Twitter ont compris que la gestion gouvernementale du Covid ne répondait pas à des préocc… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @RTultimahora: ÚLTIMA HORA Reportes: exgerente de campaña de Trump, hospitalizado luego que su esposa dijera al 911 que estaba armado y… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @MrElegantesv: Por este tweet que hice, Nacho me bloqueó. Al final el tiempo me dió la razón. 😌 - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @Mark55690950: Es que hay que tener la cara y piel de garrobo para no darle la razón al presidente @nayibbukele - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @morininfo: UNE FAÇON TOUTE SIMPLE DE DIMINUER LES CAS AU QUÉBEC? Évidemment l'effet de panique serait moins grand! - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @denisrancourt: Fantastic Toronto today. No mask in sight. People are tired of medical tyranny. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @DumasMarketing: Les urgences à Ste-Agathe ce matin. J’y viens régulièrement ces derniers jours et le peak vendredi soir atteignait 6 pe… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @gummibear737: Maybe it’s time for a Fauci deep-dive? Risky + will require a week of research Not gonna do it unless I get 1k RTs - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: @Escobarmarga Las llenas al ataque - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: @emuyshondt @alcaldia_ss @SSesTuyo @ssestuyo_ @KBelismelis Maleante trasero marero delincuente asesino dibertite es… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @pettersen_eric: Est-ce que vos médias vous ont parlé des nombreuses manifs aux Québec aujourd'hui, dont celle réunissant au moins 3000… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Elisabe57685289: @Alexis_Cossette Ma belle-fille travaille à Cité de la santé et elle est off présentement car ils sont « over staff »… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @denisrancourt: Wow, Toronto. A lot of folks are not liking the government machinations, and rightfully so. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Darkfly_Qc: Un confinement volontaire qu'on tente de nous faire accepter. Pour une deuxième vague qui n'existe qu'à la télé. #casserlav… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @LissPer08943432: Le envian un recado al dipumundialista . "Sos un gran ladrón Carlos Reyes, no se como te atreves a señalar cuando los… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @denisrancourt: The hard science is that a PCR positive is not a measure of an active infection. It is a hyped (over cycled) detection o… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: @guyalepage @OFF_TLMEP Wow super professionnel comme retour. @guyalepage tu viens de tomber dans l'estime de milli… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @denisrancourt: #coronavirus is not "spreading". High-cycle-number-PCR-testing is detecting residues of dead virus in people, as more an… - 4 years ago

@Sysoon: Al Langlois (1934 - 2020), died at age 85 years - 4 years ago

@langlois_angel: RT @carlosreyesrr: Cumpliendo con las medidas sanitarias, hoy acompañé al Alcalde de Ilobasco, Eliseo Castellanos en la entrega de 3 mil pa… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @paypalayudame: Porque los del 98% debemos seguir creciendo y con la ayuda del excelentísimo prezi @nayibbukele sacaremos a delante al p… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @pucaalegria: #Zacatecoluca Nos reportan la desaparición del joven José Ulises Pérez Santamaria de 30 años, recide en Cantón Amayo, y se… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @E_Duhaime: COVID: Le réveil sera brutal pour les contribuables. Les jeunes vont payer pendant 40 ans pour les dépenses irresponsables d… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @TristLimoges: Pis @ArrudaHoracio @cdube_sante @francoislegault @GGuilbaultCAQ, l'Ontario révise ses politiques de dépistage, l'Alberta… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @denisrancourt: This Halloween I won't wear a mask and go as a conspiracy theorist. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: @CHOIRadioX Vous vous gagner des auditeurs fidèles. Félicitations pour cet action. Principes et valeurs en premier. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @CHOIRadioX: Déclaration de la part de RADIO X et RNC MEDIA Inc #Respect #RadioX - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @PiluleRouge_CA: Le gouvernement l'échappe totalement avec les pubs dirigées vers Radio X. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @KirkLubimov: Alberta deaths in 2020 (so far): COVID: 260 Opioid overdose: 449 #ableg #abpoli - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @FatEmperor: God help America, once Land of the Free... 😲 - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Plateau100: COVID-19 : l’Alberta met fin à l’état d’urgence sanitaire - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @JdeQuebec: CHOI Radio X refuse de diffuser une pub du gouvernement visant les complotistes (Simon Baillargeon) #JDQ #COVID19 - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Alexis_Cossette: La lettre de Santé Canada qui confirme (demande d'accès à l'information) qu'ils ne sont en possession d'AUCUN document… - 4 years ago

@gothickandi: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@highherbologist: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @yetiblog: Je n'en peux plus de ces gens qui appellent au port du masque pour "protéger nos anciens". Je suis un "ancien" (70 ans) et je… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @roccogalatilaw: Oklahoma Doctors Claim Masks are Harmful to Healthy People and File Lawsuit Against Mandates. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @roccogalatilaw: The Australian model has been clearly imported to North American and Ontario, lock-step elevated. Choice: accept the in… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @LobservateurLi1: Si la santé publique prenait son devoir au sérieux, vue la hausse vertigineuse des "cas" au Québec, elle autoriserait,… - 4 years ago

@FEEZYDoesIT: @MarcusHWeber @Fred_Langlois_ One can look at the reporting from the region too. - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @waraujo64: Aída Liliam Morales Turcios y René Rafael Araujo Brioso...cuando eran novios...10 años lo fueron y duraron 57 años de casado… - 4 years ago

@agile_lounge: @al_langlois Si tu peux te joindre à moi ☝🏽🧡👍🏽 - 4 years ago

@AguirreeG_: ¡Echa un vistazo al vídeo de Ricardo A. Langlois! #TikTok 🤨 - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @cleachailey: El ilustre y honrado @rodolfo_parker expresando su apoyo al gobierno de Funes. Aparentemente Funes pagaba muy bien por es… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Laissonslespre1: Nos informations des médecins de terrain ne confirment absolument pas la terreur annoncée par le ministre de la santé.… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @JBustillo1: ❌ Es evidente que la @SalaCnalSV @FGR_SV @CortedeCuentas @PDDHElSalvador coordinan esfuerzos para integrarse con la @Asambl… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @tvocanal23: Mientras en Col. Santa Eduviges en Soyapango la población casi echa a pedradas a los diputados del FMLN, al ministro de Obr… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @NSanabria7: "Nosotros nos sentimos pero muy cómodos con el gobierno del presidente @FunesCartagena, pero muy, muy cómodos", decía @rodo… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @cherielle100: Coronavirus: Didier Raoult parle d’une « manipulation » et dénonce le « plus grand scandale scientifique de tous les temp… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @zev_dr: My team’s direct frontline experience with thousands of patients confirms this. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @FatEmperor: Wow! TRUTH and actual actually emerging 😀 - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @roberhamel: Pis vite çà presse après on s'occupe de la CAQ - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Lucas_Hood_1971: @AndreAr94310915 En tant que policier, je suis extrêmement mal à l’aise avec cette idée. De toute ma carrière, je n’ai… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @CitoyenOrdin: Version améliorée qui tient compte du veillissement de la population de 2010 à 2019. Merci à Patrick Déry et au Dr. Vadeb… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @LindaDetox: 100%Avec_dr_Rosenberg @francoislegault @Alexis_Cossette @silvano_trotta libérez_le_peuple_de_votre_maniguance_kvid_qui_m… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @JoseValdezSV: A los diputados les hacen protestas para que no ingresen a las comunidades, colonias, pasajes... Al ministro @RomeoHerre… - 4 years ago

@nd66737788: RT @hockey_samurai: R.I.P. to Al Langlois who passed away on Saturday, September 19th. Langlois was a 3 time Stanley Cup Champion with #Hab… - 4 years ago

@Varela9765: @Langlois_patyta Calgary????🥰 Un dìa conoceré mi hermano vive ahì y nunca lo he visitado, siempre nos reunimos en n… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: Se que no le importa 🤭 pero les quiero contar q la semana pasada fuimos a calgary al consulado de el salvador hacer… - 4 years ago

@Bet60528486: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@robbins2320: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @guycrete: Le massacre de Montréal | « La reconversion d’avenues et de boulevards désormais impraticables pour les voitures annonce un… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @agile_lounge: Pardon? ⁦@colin_show⁩ ⁦@GiaSunshine⁩ ⁦@Alexis_Cossette⁩ Source : Le Devoir - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @LucieLaurier: New normal - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @silvano_trotta: Ce gars filme des hôpitaux aux US avec un groupe de personnes ! Ils sont tous vides ! #plandemie - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @JJuteux: Accepter que la police rentre sans mandat dans les maisons est l'acte le plus élémentaire d'une soumission totale à l'état O… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @LobservateurLi1: 1 décès Covid-19 aujourd'hui et tout le Québec, 8.5 millions de citoyens, est menacé de perquisitions sans mandats et… - 4 years ago

@kimber2244: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@paige14wilson: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: RT @DipNumanSalgado: La @SalaCnalSV esta violentando el derecho de movilidad de los salvadoreños al exigir mascarilla y obligar a tomarse… - 4 years ago

@MbCentaur: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Al Langlois. - 4 years ago

@taylortemp6: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@KathleneTurne17: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@adamjohnstonwpg: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@shiftymcleadfut: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@freerange_steve: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@MisterLorde: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@fscurrah: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@montagnon_dan: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @randyhillier: That’s a very powerful set of images in helping people understand and help cut through the wilful obscuring of knowledge… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Darkfly_Qc: J'ai reçu un accusé de réception du Cabinet du Lieutenant-gouverneur du Qc. On souhaite accorder à la pétition le suivi app… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @AlainRayes: C’est inimaginable! En pleine pandémie alors que la population attend impatiemment un vaccin contre la COVID-19, les expert… - 4 years ago

@ChordenGordon: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @St_Martineau: « Le taux de mortalité de la COVID n’est pas plus élevé que la grippe H1N1 »; la vérité remonte tranquillement pas vite à… - 4 years ago

@aladon66: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@Victori72215501: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@krestanowich: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@vargsvillalobos: Me recordó al bueno de Ibáñez Langlois, guardián emérito (y extemporáneo) del Index Librorum Prohibitorum. - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Alexis_Cossette: Avez-vous perdu tout sens critique? On vous annonce une deuxième vague alors qu'il n'y a pratiquement plus AUCUN décès… - 4 years ago

@GMeeches: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@mhohner: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@67years: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@kernelken2: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@bomberfaithful1: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@christellar: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@michelle373737: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@Jasonrod221: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@winnipegchris9: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@BrettBDubbs: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@LO_NY_Rangers: RT @JChik17: Making one last case for Artemi Panarin to win the MVP! Discussing the Stanley Cup Finals. Paying respects to late former Rang… - 4 years ago

@JChik17: Making one last case for Artemi Panarin to win the MVP! Discussing the Stanley Cup Finals. Paying respects to late… - 4 years ago

@rickloewen: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@eddieOrules: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@TerriKhalek: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@mwboyce: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@crazeeTbird: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@LizForrest3: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@Aisling_HkyMom: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@doohicus: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@AmyBrennan5566: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @KidSundance61: Montréal zone orange ! Just like that ! Pas de morts , pas de d'hospitalisations ! Le Québec est devenu un cauchemar or… - 4 years ago

@BernhardSandy: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@miadanae_: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@hockey_samurai: R.I.P. to Al Langlois who passed away on Saturday, September 19th. Langlois was a 3 time Stanley Cup Champion with… - 4 years ago

@Michael4Koester: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@joshroby: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@patriciagarrod2: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@JulieCJOB: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@Kevin_Salmon12: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@JohnHeim: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@shotblocker13: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@KarenMSavage: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@R_Janks: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@fastrunner2b: Al Langlois has passed. I remember him as a Redwing mostly. - 4 years ago

@TEvansBuhr: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@ginamogan1: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@HRHubWpg: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@DenisPulse: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@GabbyMarchand: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@daveshorr: RT @680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for his thr… - 4 years ago

@CJOBdiana: RT @globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized for… - 4 years ago

@globalwinnipeg: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized… - 4 years ago

@680CJOB: Gabe Langlois, best known for his dancing prowess at Winnipeg sporting events since the 1980s, is being recognized… - 4 years ago

@canadiensaggr: NHL Langlois dies at 85, was three-time Stanley Cup champion with Canadiens By Dave Stubbs (@Dave_Stubbs)… - 4 years ago

@NHLAlumni: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@sportsdeaths: NHL: Al Langlois, age 85, played w Montreal Canadiens, NY Rangers, Detroit Red Wings, Boston Bruins. Last to wear… - 4 years ago

@NHLcat: Al Langlois, tres vegades campió de l'@StanleyCup amb els @CanadiensMTL, s'ha mort als 85 anys d'edat. També va ser… - 4 years ago

@yvonjolin: RT @agile_lounge: @JennyJe30599838 @al_langlois C’est inadmissible: je vais demander a ma comptable de retenir mes impôts de société pour l… - 4 years ago

@agile_lounge: @JennyJe30599838 @al_langlois C’est inadmissible: je vais demander a ma comptable de retenir mes impôts de société pour le FSS - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Al Langlois - #AlLanglois #Al #Langlois #rip - 4 years ago

@Jeremyr58856145: Langlois dies at 85, was three-time Stanley Cup champion with Canadiens - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @harriet_dennys: Simon Dolan, the millionaire challenging the Government's lockdown in court, says he's fighting on behalf of thousands… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @kunsangmh: HOPITAL QUÉBEC = "0"... une autre fakenews gouverne-ment-ale @Alexis_Cossette @ActuQc_com @AndrePitre_LUX @Dan_ad_lumen @Cit… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @FatEmperor: Nice analysis correcting for number of tests, and actual date of test - top graph shows the reality of the #Casedemic - b… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @roccogalatilaw: More doctors objecting to Covid measures in Belgium. n - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @jlkBlackburn: Donc on passe en zone orange en fonction du nombre de «cas» mais on ne tient aucunement compte du nombre de tests, donc d… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @LobservateurLi1: La vague orange nous submerge. Nous n'aurions pas été assez dociles, nous dit-on. La punition durera le temps qu'il fa… - 4 years ago

@DCLawyerNHLfan: Langlois dies at 85, was three-time Stanley Cup champion with Canadiens | - 4 years ago

@dwayne_venzen: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @silvano_trotta: L'Allemagne relate que le nombre de tests positifs ne veut strictement plus rien dire ! En France on ne parle que de ce… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @Jessica60800784: Mont-Tremblant 19 septembre 2020 c'était super🤩 - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @marielenbenede: Bravo aux étudiants de l'Ecole Charles Gravel. A l'intérieur ils se sont levés, ont marché en file indienne et ont enle… - 4 years ago

@hockeyredwhite: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@NHLdotcom: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@MiskaP97: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@Rbergen21: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@210Darryl: RT @NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. He was the… - 4 years ago

@NHLdotcom: Al Langlois, a three-time Stanley Cup-winning defenseman with the Canadiens between 1958-60, died Saturday at 85. H… - 4 years ago

@Langlois_patyta: @Luis_Aguirre06 @Pique1138 Son 60 malos dipuratas los que quieren gobernar llevar al país a una crisis sanitaria so… - 4 years ago

@Biden_Harris_: Al Langlois is dead! #AlLanglois Nars - Add some flowers to their digital memorial! Suicide, Murder or Accident? We… - 4 years ago

@al_langlois: RT @jacquesjazz44: C’est qui le tata qui pense que Trump ouvre son courrier ? - 4 years ago

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