Al Brodax

American film and televison producer (Yellow Submarine).
Died on Sunday November 27th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Al Brodax:

@FilippoPecoraro: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@cyrilboji: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@NonStopPop: Al Brodax Dead: ‘Yellow Submarine’ Feature Film Producer Was 90 - 8 years ago

@DOUTEUR: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago


@Daridys: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@migvif: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@BFMGaro: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@SebkhaouiB: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@MichRolland: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@ArturSabbotage: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@Jeanmarcbardot: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@Watchdogsniffer: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@TheScream666: Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@eZa_Bel_: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@Le_Figaro: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@C_DeSantis: Al Brodax Dead: ‘Yellow Submarine’ Feature Film Producer Was 90 - 8 years ago

@russc98: Al Brodax: a 'This is True' Honorary Unsubscribe - 8 years ago

@retr0pia75: RT @rwmead: "Danger is my business!" One of Al Brodax's King Features TV characters Cool McCool, conceived by Batman co-creator Bob Kane. h… - 8 years ago

@skiffleboy: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film <i>Yellow Submarine</i> - 8 years ago

@JimBessman: @thebeatles "Yellow Submarine" trailer, to honor late Al Brodax, who conceived the film - 8 years ago

@WritingRobert1: RT @NYTObits: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@bigcar: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@ZestyMusic: #AlBrodax Dead: ‘Yellow Submarine’ Feature Film Producer Was 90 - 8 years ago

@boopstawista: New Bazillions comic with dedication to Yellow Submarine producer Al Brodax - 8 years ago

@spazioalfieri6: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@ShotOfChinaco: RT @Deadline: Al Brodax Dead: ‘Yellow Submarine’ Producer Was 90 - 8 years ago

@donovanmedieval: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@Delcroixx: RT @Delcroixx: Mort d'#AlBrodax, père du film #yellowsubmarine - 8 years ago

@carrolltoonz: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@CaroleChabalier: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film <i>Yellow Submarine</i> - 8 years ago

@FrabisNJ: RT @whitealbumreg: Al Brodax, Who Steered the #Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@CM_ChrisMason: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@Escorpion_LXV: RT @JuliaPalacios: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@GulfAtlanticInd: RT @MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@JuliaPalacios: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@Beatlebaby64: RT @g1rag: Al Brodax Dead: ‘Yellow Submarine’ Producer Was 90 - 8 years ago

@g1rag: Al Brodax Dead: ‘Yellow Submarine’ Producer Was 90 - 8 years ago

@jurgen_heurige: RT @amass_jp: 【Update:ビートルズのFacebookページに追悼メッセージが投稿されています】アニメ映画『イエローサブマリン』のプロデューサー、アル・ブロダックス(Al Brodax)が11月24日に死去。90歳でした  - 8 years ago

@Musique_Actus: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@johnsemper: RIP Al Brodax, producer of the Beatles' animated film YELLOW SUBMARINE. - 8 years ago

@UBCSimonTWBT: Yellow Submarine and TV cartoon producer Al Brodax has passed on. Brought The Beatles to TV in smashing toon form on ABC. - 8 years ago

@one2avr: RT @ThisIsTrue: This week's Honorary Unsubscribe: TV Producer Al Brodax. You almost certainly repeatedly saw his name as a kid. - 8 years ago

@LaurenceJGC: RT @Figaro_Culture: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @Figaro_Culture: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine - 8 years ago

@centre_jovence: Mort d'Al Brodax, père du film Yellow Submarine | @scoopit - 8 years ago

@boopstawista: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@LynnShawProd: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@LoveFunLiam: RT @topmovdotnet: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@moritzvoss: RT @topmovdotnet: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@topmovdotnet: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@happymusiclover: RT @amass_jp: 【Update:ビートルズのFacebookページに追悼メッセージが投稿されています】アニメ映画『イエローサブマリン』のプロデューサー、アル・ブロダックス(Al Brodax)が11月24日に死去。90歳でした  - 8 years ago

@mikeliveira: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@showbiz411: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@Axegrind00: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@MusicPro_STL: RT @ThisIsTrue: This week's Honorary Unsubscribe: TV Producer Al Brodax. You almost certainly repeatedly saw his name as a kid. - 8 years ago

@ClassicFilmRead: A Shroud of Thoughts - Al Brodax Passes On - 8 years ago

@victor_lane: RT @NYTObits: Without Al Brodax, who died at 90, we might never have seen the 1968 animated Beatles film "Yellow Submarine." - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: RT @NYTObits: Without Al Brodax, who died at 90, we might never have seen the 1968 animated Beatles film "Yellow Submarine." - 8 years ago

@BestClassicBnds: ICYMI: #RIP to @TheBeatles cartoons creator #AlBrodax. Story: - 8 years ago

@carlosgvizcaino: RT @whitealbumreg: Al Brodax, Who Steered the #Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@whitealbumreg: Al Brodax, Who Steered the #Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@shadowx85204: RT @ThisIsTrue: This week's Honorary Unsubscribe: TV Producer Al Brodax. You almost certainly repeatedly saw his name as a kid. - 8 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This week's Honorary Unsubscribe: TV Producer Al Brodax. You almost certainly repeatedly saw his name as a kid. - 8 years ago

@FervrDesign: RT @NYTObits: Without Al Brodax, who died at 90, we might never have seen the 1968 animated Beatles film "Yellow Submarine." - 8 years ago

@JumpinPunkin: RT @nytimesarts: Al Brodax, who steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the screen, dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@DagomirMarquezi: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@mercurie80: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@Yugi_Lee: RT @amass_jp: 【Update:ビートルズのFacebookページに追悼メッセージが投稿されています】アニメ映画『イエローサブマリン』のプロデューサー、アル・ブロダックス(Al Brodax)が11月24日に死去。90歳でした  - 8 years ago

@MelbLiveNews: Al Brodax, navigated Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the screen - 8 years ago

@Trefology: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@BrissieLiveNews: Al Brodax, navigated Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the screen - 8 years ago

@Nocturne_dragon: RT @BruceAlmighteee: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@RichardBarone: R.I.P. Al Brodax, Who Steered @TheBeatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen. - 8 years ago

@BeatlesQc: RT @Telord01: L'histoire secrète du dessin animé des Beatles "Yellow Submarine". Le producteur Al Brodax est décédé - 8 years ago

@im_Purpurrot12: RT @amass_jp: 【Update:ビートルズのFacebookページに追悼メッセージが投稿されています】アニメ映画『イエローサブマリン』のプロデューサー、アル・ブロダックス(Al Brodax)が11月24日に死去。90歳でした  - 8 years ago

@Telord01: L'histoire secrète du dessin animé des Beatles "Yellow Submarine". Le producteur Al Brodax est décédé - 8 years ago

@robtned: Second episode of Cool McCool, produced by the late Al Brodax - 8 years ago

@robtned: Al Brodax, the producer who gave us the immortal Cool McCool plus some dopey limey stuff, has died at 90: - 8 years ago

@the_arconaut: - 8 years ago

@DavidMFriend1: RT @NYTObits: Without Al Brodax, who died at 90, we might never have seen the 1968 animated Beatles film "Yellow Submarine." - 8 years ago

@shinanonokuniwa: RT @amass_jp: 【Update:ビートルズのFacebookページに追悼メッセージが投稿されています】アニメ映画『イエローサブマリン』のプロデューサー、アル・ブロダックス(Al Brodax)が11月24日に死去。90歳でした  - 8 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @NYTObits: Without Al Brodax, who died at 90, we might never have seen the 1968 animated Beatles film "Yellow Submarine." - 8 years ago

@ROBONICS95: RT @BruceAlmighteee: Al Brodax, Who Steered the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the Screen, Dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@santoschilcano: A los 90 años, falleció Al Brodax, productor del filme animado Yellow Submarine de The Beatles. - 8 years ago

@AudrinaDavis1: Al Brodax, navigated Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the screen - 8 years ago

@bizlunchbox: Al Brodax, navigated Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’ to the screen - 8 years ago

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