Aisultan Nazarbayev

Kazakh footballer
Died on Monday August 17th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Aisultan Nazarbayev:

@AzattyqRadiosy: #Қазақстан'дағы ең ықпалды отбасының мүшесі болған екі адамның жұмбақ өлімінің арасын бес жарым жыл уақыт пен Еуроп… - 5 years ago

@GGG61298468: RT @Alma68178809: The death of Aysultan #Aliyev is politically motivated. He told us about the corruption schemes of the #Nazarbayev family… - 5 years ago

@newtownlos: RT @NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associated… - 5 years ago

@MarcoStein_CF: Behandlung. Sommer 2019 griff er zudem einen Polizisten an und wurde wegen Vandalismus und erneutem Drogenmissbrauc… - 5 years ago


@MarcoStein_CF: "Beweise für einen riesigen Korruptionskandal zwischen Russland und Kasachstan" habe. Die Regierung gab daraufhin… - 5 years ago

@MarcoStein_CF: Schräge Geschichte rund um Aisultan Nazarbayev, der vorige Woche starb. Der Kasache spielte in seiner Jugend unte… - 5 years ago

@AzattyqRadiosy: Британ басылымдары Қазақстанның бұрынғы президентінің жиен немересі Айсұлтан Назарбаевтың Лондондағы өлімі туралы ж… - 5 years ago

@SImBw9bh1kmX80n: RT @NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associated… - 5 years ago

@ggla19: RT @NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associated… - 5 years ago

@Yessirgepova: RT @jardemalie: Nazarbayev's grandson, #Aisultan Nazarbayev, reported dead in London from a heart attack. I'm sure that he was killed, just… - 5 years ago

@iTlegend: RT @jardemalie: Alexander Perepilichny died unexpectedly in London. He was poisoned. His wife collected his life insurance & didn't want an… - 5 years ago

@GGG61298468: RT @NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associated… - 5 years ago

@jardemalie: Alexander Perepilichny died unexpectedly in London. He was poisoned. His wife collected his life insurance & didn't… - 5 years ago

@BrucePannier: Айсұлтанның өлімі Назарбаев әулетінің алдынан шыға бермек - 5 years ago

@Lashsa: RT @ser_ou_parecer: "Aisultan Nazarbayev spoke the truth abt Kazakh leaders who were Satanists, used black magic, and didn't fear God. He a… - 5 years ago

@YusufTurkoglu_: RT @avazturk: Eski Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanının torunu Aisultan Nazarbayev Londra'da ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni olarak kalp yetmezliği gösteri… - 5 years ago

@avazturk: Eski Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanının torunu Aisultan Nazarbayev Londra'da ölü bulundu. Ölüm nedeni olarak kalp yetmezli… - 5 years ago

@ser_ou_parecer: "Aisultan Nazarbayev spoke the truth abt Kazakh leaders who were Satanists, used black magic, and didn't fear God.… - 5 years ago

@GGG61298468: RT @Alma68178809: @Billbrowder Aisultan's death is politically motivated. His death benefits the Nazarbayev family! Aisultan threatened to… - 5 years ago

@musaeva_roza: Dictator #Nazarbayev killed his own son #Aisultan, whose death occurred in London. Aisultan in social networks has… - 5 years ago

@BrucePannier: Айсұлтанның өлімі Назарбаев әулетінің алдынан шыға бермек - 5 years ago

@GulmairaMUKUSN1: Aisultan said on Facebook that his mother #Dariga Nazarbayev wants to kill him. Why #UK isn't investigating this de… - 5 years ago

@ksaumuk: RT @Alma68178809: The death of Aysultan #Aliyev is politically motivated. He told us about the corruption schemes of the #Nazarbayev family… - 5 years ago

@aXJmb3UatrkB8rZ: RT @Alma68178809: The death of Aysultan #Aliyev is politically motivated. He told us about the corruption schemes of the #Nazarbayev family… - 5 years ago

@aXJmb3UatrkB8rZ: RT @NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associated… - 5 years ago

@geniaw: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@maureen_oesch: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@2cents4change: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@DeadRep234: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@shaneedwars: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@bren_fieldX: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@Farl37Farley: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@SunnyBlondie: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@rifatis05572557: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@therealgloria: RT @NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his family of… - 5 years ago

@NYDailyNews: The grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president was found dead in his London apartment months after he accused his fa… - 5 years ago

@VeIEZqNMcFDfyhR: RT @NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associated… - 5 years ago

@NazymSerikpek: @Billbrowder On his Facebook page, Aisultan Nazarbayev has always exposed corruption in Kazakhstan, which is associ… - 5 years ago

@Kandy_Zabka: RT @MoscowTimes: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addictio… - 5 years ago

@Ayei_Eloheichem: RT @MoscowTimes: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addictio… - 5 years ago

@KyleWOrton: RT @MoscowTimes: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addictio… - 5 years ago

@hamiolhs: RT @MoscowTimes: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addictio… - 5 years ago

@YorukIsik: RT @MoscowTimes: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addictio… - 5 years ago

@p2cat: RT @Otpor17: @McFaul Aisultan Nazarbayev's untimely death comes just months after he claimed he had evidence of "high-level corruption runn… - 5 years ago

@RubenAvxhiu: RT @Otpor17: @McFaul Aisultan Nazarbayev's untimely death comes just months after he claimed he had evidence of "high-level corruption runn… - 5 years ago

@Otpor17: @McFaul Aisultan Nazarbayev's untimely death comes just months after he claimed he had evidence of "high-level corr… - 5 years ago

@ungubunugu1274: RT @Otpor17: Aisultan Nazarbayev's death comes months after he claimed he had evidence of high-level corruption running into billions of do… - 5 years ago

@birdonthewire3: RT @Otpor17: Aisultan Nazarbayev's death comes months after he claimed he had evidence of high-level corruption running into billions of do… - 5 years ago

@MeTooIDissent: RT @Otpor17: Aisultan Nazarbayev's death comes months after he claimed he had evidence of high-level corruption running into billions of do… - 5 years ago

@Otpor17: Aisultan Nazarbayev's death comes months after he claimed he had evidence of high-level corruption running into bil… - 5 years ago

@SImBw9bh1kmX80n: RT @jardemalie: Nazarbayev's grandson, #Aisultan Nazarbayev, reported dead in London from a heart attack. I'm sure that he was killed, just… - 5 years ago

@GerritvL43: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@A_Melikishvili: Ex-President Nazarbayev's daughter Dariga asks Kazakh public to respect the privacy of her family, which she says i… - 5 years ago

@futurerisks: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug a… - 5 years ago

@protect_justice: @UOyghan @Billbrowder @MahmutRahima According to the article: Grandson - Aisultan Nazarbayev Father - Rakhat Aliye… - 5 years ago

@Einstein2020: Kazakhstan Eski cumhurbaşkanı Nursultan Nazarbayev'in torunu Aisultan Nazarbayev, Londra'da 29 yaşında ölü bulundu… - 5 years ago

@curiocat13: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@NikNicqozil: RT @SinarOnline: Aisultan Nazarbayev, 29, dikatakan mempunyai masalah penagihan dadah dan semakin lantang mengkritik tokoh politik terkemuk… - 5 years ago

@SinarOnline: Aisultan Nazarbayev, 29, dikatakan mempunyai masalah penagihan dadah dan semakin lantang mengkritik tokoh politik t… - 5 years ago

@BernamaTV: Aisultan Nazarbayev, 29, dikatakan mempunyai masalah penagihan dadah dan semakin lantang mengkritik tokoh politik t… - 5 years ago

@Sacha_Koula: RT @EurasiaNet: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addiction… - 5 years ago

@itssuzann: RT @mattprescott: Aisultan NAZARBAYEV (KAZAKHSTAN) : CHELSEA FOOTBALL CLUB (Roman ABRAMOVICH), Vladimir PUTIN, PRINCE ANDREW? - 5 years ago

@BROWNEBilly: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago


@pwsimerimiaw: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@wbb4RklVbUIn3BQ: RT @jardemalie: News coming from #Kazakhstan the whole morning - #Aisultan #Nazarbayev, son of #Dariga Nazarbayeva, died last night. Not cl… - 5 years ago

@BaronessBlack: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@journalistreyaz: RT @joannalillis: #Kazakhstan: Troubled Nazarbayev grandson dies aged 29 - Aisultan Nazarbayev’s online outbursts showed that a ruling fami… - 5 years ago

@bridgetwolves: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@nicky7755: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@girlracer68: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@redlyn68: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Aisultan Nazarbayev, you will be missed - #AisultanNazarbayev #Aisultan #Nazarbayev #rip - 5 years ago

@cageybaby: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@DianeFirestoker: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@operabinoculars: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@c_kennaugh: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@Indra68: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@Palmer_DM: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@groktrek: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@traceye04256666: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@SHusin13: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@realpaolathomas: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@VesperUK: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@cheianov: RT @fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Kazakhs… - 5 years ago

@fascinatorfun: @Turloughc Aisultan Nazarbayev found dead in London on Sunday of suspected heart failure He is the grandson of Ka… - 5 years ago

@POMPONNE1: RT @EurasiaNet: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug addiction… - 5 years ago

@MoscowTimes: Aisultan Nazarbayev, a grandson of Kazakhstan’s former president, has died in London after years of battling drug a… - 5 years ago

@eithnethomson: RT @joannalillis: #Kazakhstan: Troubled Nazarbayev grandson dies aged 29 - Aisultan Nazarbayev’s online outbursts showed that a ruling fami… - 5 years ago

@Meredith_Kinsle: A wealthy playboy and grandson of Kazakhstan's former president has been found dead in London from suspected heart… - 5 years ago

@NurgulKaluova: RT @jardemalie: News coming from #Kazakhstan the whole morning - #Aisultan #Nazarbayev, son of #Dariga Nazarbayeva, died last night. Not cl… - 5 years ago

@NurgulKaluova: RT @jardemalie: Nazarbayev's grandson, #Aisultan Nazarbayev, reported dead in London from a heart attack. I'm sure that he was killed, just… - 5 years ago

@OthmaraGlas: RT @joannalillis: #Kazakhstan: Troubled Nazarbayev grandson dies aged 29 - Aisultan Nazarbayev’s online outbursts showed that a ruling fami… - 5 years ago

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