Aindrila Sharma

Indian actress (Jiyon Kathi).
Died on Monday November 21st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Aindrila Sharma:

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Activist Lesley Elliott; actresses Aindrila Sharma, Flora Gasser; guitarist, singer, and compos… - 2 years ago

@japanparikh33: RT @ANI: Bengali actor Aindrila Sharma passed away at the age of 24 in a private hospital in Howrah today after suffering multiple cardiac… - 2 years ago

@RajuRay58754754: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@Susmita_Dey_Roy: RT @sayani06: Gone too soon…Aindrila Sharma, you beauty! - 2 years ago


@madhyamgramer: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@MouniMoyee: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@IndianExpress: RT @lifestyle_ie: The most common early symptom of Ewing’s sarcoma is pain or swelling in the tumour. "It may also develop into a visible l… - 2 years ago

@lifestyle_ie: The most common early symptom of Ewing’s sarcoma is pain or swelling in the tumour. "It may also develop into a vis… - 2 years ago

@Monika_Gera_: From debut show ‘Jumur’ to making acting comeback after defeating cancer for the second time: A look at Bengali act… - 2 years ago

@TheAadition: মায়ের কাছে মেয়ে তো থাকবেই, সঙ্গে থাকবে তার ছেলেবেলা! #AindrilaSharma #ChildhoodMemories #MomsLove #aadition - 2 years ago

@LalithaL7: RT @ANI: Bengali actor Aindrila Sharma passed away at the age of 24 in a private hospital in Howrah today after suffering multiple cardiac… - 2 years ago

@AITCUjjwa: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@Florian67690661: RT @DiedSuddenly_: 🇮🇳 Indian actress Aindrila Sharma (24) has developed blood clots in her brain after suffering multiple heart attacks and… - 2 years ago

@bachhusamanta31: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@MinhajulAzad: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@JAMIRUL89836932: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@lyz_passionate: RT @DiedSuddenly_: 🇮🇳 Indian actress Aindrila Sharma (24) has developed blood clots in her brain after suffering multiple heart attacks and… - 2 years ago

@kesaram34036781: RT @AmarUjalaNews: Aindrila Sharma: निधन के बाद एंड्रिला शर्मा का आखिरी पोस्ट हुआ वायरल, BF सब्यसाची चौधरी के लिए लिखी खास बात #AindrilaSh… - 2 years ago

@MuneebNaushad: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@abpanandatv: মেয়ের স্মৃতিতে কী লিখলেন মা? #Sabyasachi #AindrilaSharma - 2 years ago

@BanglaHunt: ‘আমার সব্যর ঐন্দ্রিলা’, মেয়ের পুরনো ছবি শেয়ার করে আবেগঘন বার্তা অভিনেত্রীর মায়ের #News #Bangla #Bengali… - 2 years ago

@Ei_Samay: এবার সব্যসাচীকে নিয়ে কী পোস্ট করলেন ঐন্দ্রিলার মা? #AindrilaSharmaDeath #AindrilaSharmaPassedAway… - 2 years ago

@irealsam21: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@RameenFss: Bengali Actor Aindrila Sharma Dies At 24 After Brain Stroke - 2 years ago

@Diliptmcsoical: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@FajlulSk: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@mallick_salem: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@SajalBhowmick16: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@Sadie40082225: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@Tamoghna_Kabi1: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@AITCNayanHazra: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@amitmod68022395: RT @sayani06: Gone too soon…Aindrila Sharma, you beauty! - 2 years ago

@UttamDasJGM: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@timesofindia: RT @ETimesTV: Daily soap ‘Jhumur’ to web series ‘Bhagar’: A look at actors Aindrila Sharma and Sabyasachi Chowdhury’s projects together Re… - 2 years ago

@hiranmoygarai2: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@ETimesTV: Daily soap ‘Jhumur’ to web series ‘Bhagar’: A look at actors Aindrila Sharma and Sabyasachi Chowdhury’s projects to… - 2 years ago

@VIKASK88090113: RT @SuvenduWB: Deeply saddened by the passing away of 24 year old actress Aindrila Sharma. Art & artists never die. She would always remain… - 2 years ago

@Ei_Samay: ' সত্যিই কি নেই? নাকি সে আছে?' #AindrilaSharma #RIPAindrilaSharma #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #EiSamay - 2 years ago

@Souravm59035505: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@science550999: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Bengali Actress Aindrila Sharma, DEAD AT 24 due to CARDIAC ARREST... - Times Now - 2 years ago

@subhajitdas2co1: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@Ranask35: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@Juandan: RT @NaturopathyforU: Survived from cancer but died Suddenly at age 24 by Brain Stroke, Vaccinated Famous Bengali Actress Aindrila Sharma di… - 2 years ago

@BirbhumTmcp: RT @sayani06: Gone too soon…Aindrila Sharma, you beauty! - 2 years ago

@BirbhumTmcp: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@JOrthopedics: #Hundreds #mourn, #Aindrila #Sharma #walks with #cancer Experts say #India faces a #ticking time bomb of missed can… - 2 years ago

@Angelix70883013: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@Sukumar46747007: RT @sayani06: Gone too soon…Aindrila Sharma, you beauty! - 2 years ago

@Gym2Lift: RT @DiedSuddenly_: 🇮🇳 Indian actress Aindrila Sharma (24) has developed blood clots in her brain after suffering multiple heart attacks and… - 2 years ago

@RupeshY42344829: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@survivingcovid1: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@NotTeaTrucking: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@EUwatchers: Aindrila Sharma had cancer and died in Kolkata from multiple cardiac arrests. There is no evidence that the COVID-1… - 2 years ago

@KANUMurmu11: RT @Zee24Ghanta: জোর করে বুনু ঐন্দ্রিলাকে চুমু, ঐশ্বর্যর পোস্টে মনখারাপ নেটপাড়ার #AindrilaSharma #SabyasachiChowdhury #AishwaryaSharma h… - 2 years ago

@madelynrogers: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@iepsita_aips: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@dhruvjyoti0311: RT @ANI: Bengali actor Aindrila Sharma passed away at the age of 24 in a private hospital in Howrah today after suffering multiple cardiac… - 2 years ago

@Rony8582: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@HT_Bangla: ‘বুনু’ ঐন্দ্রিলার গালে চুমু খেয়েই চলেছে ঐশ্বর্য! ভিডিয়ো দেখে চোখে জল নেটপাড়ার - 2 years ago

@Bapi1997AITC: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@Freedomgirl108: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@Vin_Noto_: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Bengali Actress Aindrila Sharma, DEAD AT 24 due to CARDIAC ARREST... - Times Now - 2 years ago

@samay_sanatni: RT @OpIndia_com: Bengali actress Aindrila Sharma passes away at the age of 24 after suffering cardiac arrest - 2 years ago

@Zee24Ghanta: জোর করে বুনু ঐন্দ্রিলাকে চুমু, ঐশ্বর্যর পোস্টে মনখারাপ নেটপাড়ার #AindrilaSharma #SabyasachiChowdhury… - 2 years ago

@AsianetNewsBN: বুনু ঐন্দ্রিলার স্মৃতি আঁকড়ে রয়েছেন দিদি ঐশ্বর্য, ভিডিও ভাইরাল নেটদুনিয়ায় #AindrilaSharma #AindrilaSharmaDeath… - 2 years ago

@BanglaHunt: ‘বুনু’র গালে ক্রিম মাখিয়ে চুমুর ‘অত‍্যাচার’, ঐন্দ্রিলার সঙ্গে কাটানো মুহূর্ত ফিরে ফিরে আসছে ঐশ্বর্যর কাছে #News… - 2 years ago

@1997tanmoy: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@atanuxxxx: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@hrishikesh1234: @SumanR0908 @Ayub02089022 @shubhankrmishra Doesn’t matter, both are diff incidents and people should stop treating… - 2 years ago

@Susmita_Dey_Roy: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@NirmalGanguly: RT @NirmalGanguly: Aindrila Sharma say goodbye to Sabyasachi Chaudhary her girlfriend a Bong TV serial Artist - 2 years ago

@RK_Billal_AITC: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@dpsisi: What happened @ttindia @abpanandatv ? Pin drop silence after Aindrila Sharma? - 2 years ago

@BanglaHunt: হাতে স‍্যালাইনের চ‍্যানেল, ক‍্যানসারের চিকিৎসা চলাকালীন হাসপাতালেও নেচেছিলেন ঐন্দ্রিলা, রইল ভিডিও #News #Bangla… - 2 years ago

@NirmalGanguly: Aindrila Sharma say goodbye to Sabyasachi Chaudhary her girlfriend a Bong TV serial Artist - 2 years ago

@telugustop: ప్రేమంటే ఇదేరా.. గుండె పోటుతో చనిపోయిన నటి పాదాలకు ముద్దు పెట్టిన ప్రియుడు? - Aindrila Sharma #aindrilasharma… - 2 years ago

@Bikashsahagmai1: RT @DrManikSaha2: Deeply saddened to hear that the battle for life came to an end for young actress Aindrila Sharma. She was a fighter who… - 2 years ago

@SujanPa02877458: @EleenaBiswas @shubhankrmishra You r wrong Kuch bolne or likhne se pehle khud sure ho Lena behetar hai Yeh Assam k… - 2 years ago

@SMahata171: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@stretch4444: RT @DiedSuddenly_: 🇮🇳 Indian actress Aindrila Sharma (24) has developed blood clots in her brain after suffering multiple heart attacks and… - 2 years ago

@Charlen16331042: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Bengali Actress Aindrila Sharma, DEAD AT 24 due to CARDIAC ARREST... - Times Now - 2 years ago

@AsadulA53271744: RT @MamataOfficial: Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolade… - 2 years ago

@karimaDivine: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@lynncomerford: RT @DiedSuddenly_: 🇮🇳 Indian actress Aindrila Sharma (24) has developed blood clots in her brain after suffering multiple heart attacks and… - 2 years ago

@JerseygirlSusan: RT @ImTracyS: Don't' allow them to normalize this. It's not safe and effective, it's killing people. #CovidVaccine #Heartattacks #Vaccine… - 2 years ago

@CATHYFORRIGHTS: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Bengali Actress Aindrila Sharma, 24, Suffers STROKE, MULTIPLE CARDIAC ARRESTS... "On ventilator"... BLOOD CLOTS IN HER… - 2 years ago

@B1G_BAZ: RT @DiedSuddenly_: 🇮🇳 Indian actress Aindrila Sharma (24) has developed blood clots in her brain after suffering multiple heart attacks and… - 2 years ago

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