Ailsa Land

British mathematician.
Died on Tuesday June 1st 2021

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Ailsa Land:

@KatherineDanaRe: @JessicaNellH Back in the 1980s there was a US submarine base in a loch off the Clyde. Ailsa Craig was our first g… - 4 years ago

@pvanberk: RT @Supernetworks: While working on an #orms paper I continue to respond to requests on identifying the 1st female Full Professor of #orms… - 4 years ago

@MartiFischetti: RT @Supernetworks: While working on an #orms paper I continue to respond to requests on identifying the 1st female Full Professor of #orms… - 4 years ago

@Supernetworks: @BierVicki Ailsa Land got her PhD in OR in 1956; Stella in 1968, and Judith Liebman in 1971. Stella (and Nemhauser… - 4 years ago


@Supernetworks: While working on an #orms paper I continue to respond to requests on identifying the 1st female Full Professor of… - 4 years ago

@PierreLeBodic: RT @Supernetworks: In memory of Ailsa Land - 4 years ago

@schmaidt: RT @Supernetworks: In memory of Ailsa Land - 4 years ago

@leandro_cc: RT @Supernetworks: In memory of Ailsa Land - 4 years ago

@ILjubic: RT @Supernetworks: In memory of Ailsa Land - 4 years ago

@Supernetworks: In memory of Ailsa Land - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Ailsa Land is no longer with us - #AilsaLand #Ailsa #Land #rip - 4 years ago

@iamreddave: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@fdocrespo: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@ailsaella: RT @hesmolIy: a haiku for ailsa you win at land grab but you’re still embarrassing, According to rach - 4 years ago

@hesmolIy: a haiku for ailsa you win at land grab but you’re still embarrassing, According to rach - 4 years ago

@Supernetworks: June will be busy with exciting #orms conferences with the 1st one #CORS2021 - 4 years ago

@Aringoogle: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@TolgaAydinliyim: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@ashipra: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@rahul__savani: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@mluebbecke: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@StudyLSE: RT @LSEMaths: We are saddened by the loss of Emeritus Professor Ailsa Land who passed away on 16 May 2021. Our thoughts are with her family… - 4 years ago

@DoloresRomeroM: RT @lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female professor… - 4 years ago

@lauraalbertphd: #RIP Prof. Ailsa Land (1927-2021), who published pioneering work on branch-and-bound and was the first female profe… - 4 years ago

@JanvadeHe: RT @LSEMaths: We are saddened by the loss of Emeritus Professor Ailsa Land who passed away on 16 May 2021. Our thoughts are with her family… - 4 years ago

@LSEMaths: We are saddened by the loss of Emeritus Professor Ailsa Land who passed away on 16 May 2021. Our thoughts are with… - 4 years ago

@kitbelldraper: @hesmolIy no one is ever beating ailsa at land grab jesus christ - 4 years ago

@hesmolIy: zeglians gc entrance requirements: • 16 bars of your favourite sea shanty • a contribution to the where is kit acc… - 4 years ago

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